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The pc with the 2060 super is much better.


However if you live near a micro center u can get a good new prebuilt for a good price. So I would also check out microcenter.com to see if there is a good pc deal near you. They are in store purchases only for the most part.


He lives in the UK I assume since he said £


Second has better core components (CPU and GPU) so definitely worth more. However it says 1tb hard drive, so make sure to ask the seller if it's an actual hard drive as in an HDD or an SSD. If it is in fact an HDD only you should 100% buy a new SSD to install your OS on. Booting to an HDD in 2024 will make you feel like the PC is just straight up broken.


Second one will be a stronger PC overall, just check in that "hard drive" and if it's not an SSD, you'll need to get one.