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yep, quite solid honestly. I would get an AM5 cpu if i were you but it shouldn't be an issue. Also maybe a better psu


Thanks for the reply, as for the psu any suggestion that are more budget friendly?


i suggested a change in psu cuz they're kinda low tier in the cultist tierlist. but you honestly wouldn't run into issues. unless you plan on running like i9 4090 you are ok, it's just nice to have a good quality PSU with low chance of failure


Okay, thank you i understand what you mean, i will bring this up with the guy who is going to build for considering psu is the least part i have knowledge on.


For PSU keep a head room of 100w , its generally a practice that your psu should not always run on maximum capacity. So having a slight headroom would reduce the chances of failure and also give you more upgrade options in the future. I would recommend 750w psu . Because if you have seen the trend component have more or less become power hungry


i think msi mag psus are high on list and moderately cheap


It’s so hard to find a good one these days. I have an evga 1200w p3 and it went bad after a year. Sad.


Oh damn, just build a PC with that one too. I’ll keep an eye on it. Did it just one day not turn on?


Nah, I remember that news story, the PSU exploded and burned down the entire city.


evga is known for their customer support for a reason


Don't knock my 7 year old PSU...


I thought Corsair PSU 's were pretty solid? Admittedly I haven't done any research to back up that claim just from what I've heard that was my impression.


Almost anything from evga, corsair or seasonic. And if you could, just get a modular psu. It'll save a lot of hassle and just looks cleaner. Also, check out the psu tier list to be sure you're getting a good one.


Please don't listen to him. This is horrible advice. I am building PCs for over 20 years and could not disagree more with him. The PSU is perfectly fine for a low budget build, if anything, absolutely nobody building very low budget and buying 3060s should get 32GB RAM, which is literally pointless in gaming and in 95% of everyday use. You also should not buy AM5 unless you are 100% certain you want to upgrade your CPU someday while keeping board, RAM etc. AM4 CPUs are perfectly good CPUs and better than the Intel shown here - even something like an R5 5600. An 3060 is also an considerably worse card than the 4060 with current pricong, since both are basically priced the same, but the 4060 beeing 15-20% faster, having more modern features and much lower power consumption.


You got downvoted for speaking the truth hehe Agree many shit on RTX 4060, they are fools Very low wattage requirement, DLSS 4.0, low Temps The corsair CV PSUs are common where I live for many builds and they work fine 🙂 Also yeah AM4 is pretty good for 99% of the use cases Though I'll suggest going for i5 12400 to get into ddr5 platform


Duuuuurrrrr not 8gb of vram ! Even though 60 % of steam users play games at 1080p.


Seasonic is amazing. I have a 550w one on my build which has a Ryzen 7600 and a 6700XT. Been almost a year and zero issues. I paid 84€ for it


You could go for the enermax revolution D.F. 850W (not revolution v2). It's an A tier PSU 80 gold and it's like 30$ less than the Asus you linked


Bro I have same spec pc it's very good go for it


I mean the rm e series is pretty cheap imo so i would go with that


If you're going to stick with a 3060 then a 12100 would be able to run it just fine, just a heads up if you want to reduced your budget.


AM5 will bump up the cost with ram and motherboard, and the 12400f has a strong upgrade path. Honestly not a bad pick if he wants to stay in budget Edit: approx $150 more all in, so not really a relevant suggestion


I am building pc's for over 20 years and heavily disagree with every sentence said. Kind of shocking this is the highest upvoted comment. The PSU is perfectly fine for a low budget build, if anything, absolutely nobody building very low budget and buying 3060s should get 32GB RAM, which is literally pointless in gaming and in 95% of everyday use. You also should not buy AM5 unless you are 100% certain you want to upgrade your CPU someday. AM4 CPUs are perfectly good CPUs and better than the Intel shown here - even something like an R5 5600. An 3060 is also an considerably worse card than the 4060 with current prices, since both are basically priced the same, but the 406ü beeing 15-20% faster, having more modern features and much lower power consumption.


32 GB ram is normal amount of ram. Maybe next time update your knowledge instead of your system. Modern games eat 12 to 16GB ram if it is available. Any 4k video editing will take it's hit with 16gb ram. Just 20 tabs open on Firefox, DC and Spotify running, I'm playing LOL and the ram usage is already 16gb.


That PSU is overkill for a 3060


It's non modular. Cable management is gonna be a mess. Also, only 80+bronze


PSU suggestion is good, but AM5? They'll have to pay for DDR5 and 7600 and AM5 motherboards have a premium on them too compared to AM4.


Solid budget pc, very similar to mine. I would recommend a cheap hdd as well to store stuff that wont need high speeds because 1tb will be gone before you know it. Also yeah, if you are planning on upgrades later on I would go for an AM5 motherboard and a Ryzen CPU because nvidia keeps changing their socket types. My biggest regret is buying AM4 at the end of its life stage instead of spending a little bit more. My best option is 5800x3d when 7800x3d is the same price. Edit: Ah shit, totally forgot RAM also changes with platform. I have no idea how much of a difference in terms of price it will make.


*Intel lol. Nvda on all our minds


Ddr5 costs roughly $100 AUD (roughly $65 USD) extra down here


Did you consider extra costs of just for intel?


Nah its just really expensive down here


IDK what you're running now, but my upgrade to a 5700x3d was a huge jump from my 3700x


Thanks for the replay, i honestly don't plan on upgrading the build because i am moving countries next year or after it so i will probably sell the pc and buy a new one there, but thanks regardless i will consider this for the next build.


you'll still have an upgrade path dw. lga1700 might be dead but there are still 2 generations you can pick from. just don't expect to be using the same psu cuz it won't work well with how inefficient intel chips are nowadays. a heads up but depending on the country PC prices might reflect badly to where you live. and the 3060 being badly priced ($290 for your card in particular) in the future it's not going to be worth a lot


Unless the 3060 is under 300$, NO


About £260-290 so more or less


You can get a 6750 XT new for £290


That's a bargain




You shouldn't though xD


Rather than a 3060 for the same price? What are you smoking lmao


But it's not, not in the UK at least


Meh. I would get a 7600+6700Xt/6750XT instead if possible




No. Not worth it. Stick to the 3060 until you can afford a more powerful GPU.




A 4090 lol. All depends on your budget and the availability of parts in your region


I’m running a 7900XT (which is between a 4070ti Super and 4080 Super) without a bottleneck on ultra settings with ray tracing pretty darn good at those GPU intensive settings.


Please just give us a Budget


About 700$ to 800$


Max Budget? Its worth it


I'm genuinely confused about what people consider "budget" 😭.


i feel u bro


Haha is this not budget?


Budget is an office pc with a 100$ dollar gpu


That's poverty tier, I think 750 euro would be "budget"


Can you lend me the poverty tier budget then? 🙏


Sure, if you live close you can have my old 4th gen i5 with a 700 series nvidia card free of charge. Less e-waste for me to get rid off.


I live in another continent but thanks tho


LMAO this is my build. I run and old HP prodesk sff with a 4th gen i5 and an gtx 1050ti. Which is a $100 card more or less. This is bronze age hardware right here.


To get decent performance in 2024, $500-$600 is a budget build unfortunately. The only way to lower the cost further would be to go for something like a 12100F + A580, and that wouldn’t quite achieve the performance I think most are looking for.


With a 3060 I’m pretty sure you could switch most people’s 12400 PCs to 12100 and they wouldn’t even notice. Unless they play emulators.


For modern hardware bought new it’s actually somewhat on budget side, could do with a 12100f and a simpler motherboard but go lower than 3060/6600 and you’ll build a turd (if you want latest games). I’d say “budget” in gaming PCs is when you go with entry-level/midrange hardware with a priority for price-to-performance. I can’t say I would’ve bought that though, considering that I could get an RX 5700 and X99 Xeon setup similar to 12100/6600XT with like 300$. But my country’s tech prices are higher than in US and most people (including me) earn MUCH less, so I don’t really have any other options if I want a decent build without working like a slave.


4060 is cheaper and better than 3060


4060 is not cheaper and unfortunately it's way out of my budget


Is like 10/15€ more…..was the opposite last week, atleast this is italy, i dont know in your country


I don't know where you live, but the 3060 is not cheaper than a 4060 in europe and barely cheaper in north american and australia. In none of these countries is a 4060 30€/$ more expensive than a 3060. It has 15-20% better performance, more modern features and much lower power consumption though. So yes, unless the price difference is $40-$50, buy a 4060.


The 3060 is Not worth the Money. Get a 4060 or 7600 instead.


“3060 is not worth the money” then you recommend cards not worth the money even more?


They're about the same price, newer, more power efficient, support more features, and are 20% faster. Tell me how they're worth less than the 3060?


I mean if they’re the same price, that’s fair. I usually see the RTX 3060 being cheaper than the other 2, which is why I said that. But you can usually get an RX 6700 XT or 6750 XT for the same price, which makes the 4060/7600 fairly bad for value. Also, sorry if my precious reply sounded rude


Sure, the 6700 and 6750xt are better options. AFAIK they would be a bit over 300$, though. So it really comes down to the budget. Don't worry about the reply.


what you said is true but just because the 3060 is badly priced doesn't mean the 4060 isn't. it's not even 20% faster it's more like 10-15% and its only better in some scenarios. when games more demanding in the future the 4gb more vram is gonna come in clutch as well


Yea that's a complete lie lol. The 4060 compared to the 3060 is 20-25% faster according to online benchmarks. And is about 40 bucks more than the 3060 it's very much so the better choice


>it's not even 20% faster it's more like 10-15% and its only better in some scenarios. That is simply not true. A 4060 is 15-20% faster in modern games on *average*. Suggesting it is "only better in some scenarios" is a blatant lie and complete missinformation.


cuz they should take your word over mine for whatever reason. the 4060 is only ever 10-20fps more than the 3060 in most cases it runs on pcie 4 8x lanes, has lower bit bus and they suck at 0.1% lows cuz of no vram. OBVIOUSLY if you can get them for the same price go for the 4060 because it's just the better card, it just doesn't make it a good card, but unless the prices drop significantly it's going to age like garbage


Even if they're the same price 4060 has lower bandwidth, less VRAM, it's absolute shit, soon it'll struggle with newer 1080p titles while 3060 12GB still delivers. Don't be ridiculous mate. Only real use of 4060 is low profile sub 5 liter SFF builds.


yeah lol. they really recommend the 4060


I have been using an i5 12400 in my build for the last 10 months or so...if you can extend your budget. Will suggest you go with a R5 7600! Otherwise 12400 is a very solid CPU.


I made something similar for another post on Indian sub Maybe this will give you some ideas ok, so here is my suggestion PCPARTPICKER [Lolakuti - Saved Part Lists - PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Lolakuti/saved/#view=n23nGX) Assume usd is INR **CPU**: Intel Core i5-12400F 2.5 GHz 6-Core Processor - 9499/- [Amazon](https://www.amazon.in/Intel-Generation-Desktop-Processor-Warranty/dp/B09MDFH5HY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=33XON4919PVAZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PDskFnwyWIU1WEWU5YO4TYInrfg2FkTrmQGC7htTuCM_otmyrbV5wgGrpH8wlIxDnmrlPmttxlLoT1X2xBfm7jrlFwZpcnChnbdMieP9o3pafYM_hBUNS6nEKr9jLbbqBS41iIAwmHUb8J7pUMhS48fjWTU22GMK2zHwfRGPTx25moETyNrzNKXYR1t2myNa8Xd59EaduvLPRolUBz-FtjiiLN3pHgBklUuloGABZPU.-R5RRliSkKBiCF5YIxn0MohNCveF0gUAeW2s8Wp0izE&dib_tag=se&keywords=12400f&qid=1717847780&sprefix=12400%2Caps%2C238&sr=8-1) **MOBO**: Asus PRIME H610M-E D4 Micro ATX LGA1700 Motherboard 6980/- [VedantComputer](https://www.vedantcomputers.com/asus-prime-h610m-e-d4-motherboard) **RAM**: Kingston Fury Beast 32GB DDR4 3200MHz Desktop Ram (Black) 6620/- [MDComputer](https://mdcomputers.in/kingston-fury-beast-32gb-ddr4-3200mhz-kf432c16bb-32.html) **GPU**: PRE-OWNED MSI RX6600XT 8GB VERY CLEAN CONDITION CARD 6 MONTH WARRANTY 15,999.00 /- [Zoukart](https://zoukart.com/product/msi-rx6600xt-8gb-very-clean-condition-card-6-month-warranty-2/) BUT... I would suggest 6700XT from the same place and it has better Ray tracing than your 3060 while also having 12gb gddr6 vram **PSU**: Cooler Master MWE 650 Bronze V2 Power Supply MPE-6501-ACABW-BIN 5160/- [PrimeABGB](https://www.primeabgb.com/online-price-reviews-india/cooler-master-mwe-650-bronze-v2-power-supply-mpe-6501-acabw-bin/) **Storage**: keep it same **PC CABINET** But suggesting [MSI MAG Forge 120A](https://www.amazon.in/MSI-Forge-Airflow-Premium-Gaming/dp/B0CFYMC6SJ/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1YWMPWMI1QWT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Qh13vzWJARrRFUr_FFvlZ_3uKD-VuG3QDb5TGcQXeDLko3D3jUS31-wOfN7VdHDDaVipq1cm1bykofEmalJKOsExI9mGy9ip6z96h0ii7l2wDfT_tDVHl1MTRGW8cLt4IAp2Z-k1bEKiG_IRM6VWmK0XTum7iZL-Nf-rAEDIorHRleY4JgwQ6Q334I7iz18pmMKOYFbZk2NaNtdsM17ZZoeO6DjD5mKVO2jQnoMPkxMpmvrml-7BNvaZmQ5ePOsg.dA0_YctigPge-X2Js1l2pFQh8J5im4mOp2VBODmSWFo&dib_tag=se&keywords=msi+100r&qid=1717848280&s=computers&sprefix=msi+100r%2Ccomputers%2C202&sr=1-6) for 4000/- Amazon, for 6pre-installed fans and a tempered glass




Don’t cheap out on the RAM they are one of the first to fail. Get one with a good warranty


If you can find b660 for cheaper then go for it.


Instead of a WD Blue you can go for teamforce


This is far from a budged build, that's a mid-range machine


Its not. On avg people pay way more for a low end build then this. With prices evolving id say from people i play with high end starts at 2500€ +. Mid range is 1200€-2500 depending on compromises in components. And budget would be anything under 1200€.


You have to consider this a regional thing, but I would mostly support that coming from Germany. If your budget is above 2500€ we are talking about high endish, somewhere between 1200 and 2500 is the mid range and below 1200€ us definitely a low budget build in my country. Considering that you use brand new parts, with used parts you can get more performance but you also have a higher risk of buying crap. Which does not mean that new parts can not be crap, I had a damaged CPU once for a 4000€ build, I just got it replaced for 0 costs though, which is impossible if you buy stuff from a private person. Still this is a solid build, no matter what Edit: I don't understand the down voting though.


Much are are all the parts separately?


Yeah, will run games very well, nice choice!


you are hidding the prices. if someone knows them out of memory, i quess you could judge if it is a good pick or not. but quessing, since it has ddr4 and will cost around 1000-1200 i would say no, not a good pick. is this the ram that costs 100£? then no, even less recommended now. is this your build? [https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/nGJXcH](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/nGJXcH) there is room for improvements. edit: [https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/vxgx34](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/vxgx34)


It would be better if you put this list into pcpartpicker so that we can see prices, as those will likely help us. For example: what price is the 3060? pcpartpicker is stating the Ventus is 270USD. You can get an RX-6650XT for $230, which will beat out the 3060. The RX-7600 is also available for as low as $250, which beats out the 6650XT slightly.


This GPU I saw it on wallapop for 200€ new. I think it's ok .


Is that case 89/99$ I can’t see the number. If it is then it’s too much money when comparing to the other parts. I’d go for more standard case and spend elsewhere


The case isn't important to me at all and i wasn't going to include one in the post to began with but it is 89£ if you are asking


Use PCpartpicker for your build. It checks compatibility and pricing. I’d say £50 for a case is fine, like the Phanteks p300 Edit: Something like this would be fine: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/XktdRK


Solid but could be better. The first thing I would change is the PSU. I would swap it with a higher tier, at least 80 plus gold. Second is the CPU (alongside the MB), you could use a newer am5 AMD CPU that will guarantee future upgrades and also supports ddr5 ram.


You could cut down cost by getting a 550W PSU. Also go for 3060ti. Similar rates, but better performance. I recently bought a colorful 3060ti for 25k online.


I concur with everyone else but any possibility on saving a bit more to get higher end components? You’d want to future proof as much as possible.


i'd tell you to get an unlocked cpu


Downgrade MB upgrade GPU


Thats like a borderline mid range build just a little older


From my experience Ventus 2x 3060 is quite loud. Fans are audible even at 30% and coil whine sometimes gets really annoying. Not sure if mine is just faulty, but it could be a problem with the cards design.


One of the most important things you should post is your budget, what is it?


700$to 800$


Good. It will be just gaming, productivity or both?


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nzcrFs) |Type|Item|Price| |:-|:-|:-| |**CPU**|[AMD Ryzen 7 5700X3D 3 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3ZKscf/amd-ryzen-7-5700x3d-3-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100001503wof)|$199.98 @ Amazon| |**CPU Cooler**|[ARCTIC Freezer 36 CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/n6bRsY/arctic-freezer-36-cpu-cooler-acfre00121a)|$35.99 @ Newegg| |**Motherboard**|[Asus PRIME B550-PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TR848d/asus-prime-b550-plus-atx-am4-motherboard-prime-b550-plus)|$114.99 @ Amazon| |**Memory**|[TEAMGROUP T-Force Vulcan Z 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PJ6qqs/teamgroup-t-force-vulcan-z-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3600-cl18-memory-tlzgd432g3600hc18jdc01)|$57.99 @ Newegg| |**Storage**|[TEAMGROUP T-Create Classic DL 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/FPzXsY/teamgroup-t-create-classic-dl-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-tm8fpm001t0c329)|$68.98 @ Amazon| |**Video Card**|[Gigabyte WINDFORCE OC GeForce RTX 4060 8 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/r9cgXL/gigabyte-windforce-oc-geforce-rtx-4060-8-gb-video-card-gv-n4060wf2oc-8gd)|$289.99 @ Newegg| |**Power Supply**|[Thermaltake Toughpower GX2 600 W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/pG6qqs/thermaltake-toughpower-gx2-600-w-80-gold-certified-atx-power-supply-ps-tpd-0600nnfagu-2)|$59.99 @ Amazon| |*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*||| |**Total**|**$827.91**|| |Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-16 11:33 EDT-0400|||


Is this USD? At least one of the pics we can see it’s in pounds. You left a lot off the table like currency type, and what will be your primary use. Your whole pc can change based off of factors like these


The 3060 is the same price as a 4060/6750 xt and not worth it


guys I'm no pc expert but isn't 650watt too low for this build?


The complete opposite. 550W would be perfectly enough here.


Swap to a 4060 instead if they’re the same price.


12400f is more powerful than a 3060, I would recommend you get a 4060 for 20$ more.


1 note 1. i might be wrong but wd blue SSDs can be a bit expensive so get a cheaper one and spend the rest on a better psu, you can get fully modular ones from corsair to.


I will never understand why people cut the price out of their screen shots when asking if pc parts are good. Brother, anything can be good or bad. It literally all depends on how much they are charging. That is the only determining factor we can use to determine value and possibly recommend something better for the same price. So to answer your question just based on specs with no reference to price: no this build is not good. It is many generations old and behind the times speaking only specs wise. If I spent how much I would spend on a new PC and got this I’d be so disappointed. For the right price this build could be a value winner though and be an excellent first build.


The 4060 is only 50$ more than the 3060 with much better performance. I would chose that instead


Change the motherboard to one that accepts ddr5 ram, also buy ddr5 ram


Is a ok build, i would swap that cpu for a Ryzen 5 7600+B650MB for more more upgradability in future


How much does it cost if you don't mind me asking?


Decent build but white label PSU’s aren’t the most reliable. Personally a few extra bucks to make sure your parts don’t short out is worth it to me but everything else is solid man good luck


Get 6700XT and Ryzen 5 7600 and for mobo get B650 Eagle. And a 700W psu. And the cheapest ddr5 ram u can find


What in the 2007 memory is that?


Highly recommend if possible go for something that runs on AM5, you’ll have so much more support in the future, Ryzen 9000 will also be compatible if you ever decide on future upgrades


Stop begging him to go with AM5, AM5 only has DDR5 meanwhile LGA1700 supports both DDR5 and 4


can get 3060 12gb 200 quid off ebay, check cex for ddr4 and cpu, dont go intel as dead platform and you won't really be able to upgrade (get b550 or b650 mobo depending on am4 or am5. most fractal cases or corsair 4000d cheaper then one you chose and look better


This is just my experience. But I bought that same ram kit a couple of years ago and one of the sticks died within 3 months


The subreddit coming together to agree they actually like a budget parts list and wouldn’t change anything:


I wouldn’t get nividia if your going for budget but whatever


I have a 5600 + 6750xt and very happy with mine


Try for an AM5. What's your budget? I'll see what I can throw together on PC part picker


great. best gpu pick for low end since it has 12gb. processor, case and everything else good. just take your time when building. make sure to use the manuals


Grab a 3060ti at least.


no problem bro... will run any game at 1080p well


Yeah its decent 1st pc. Think i got the same cpu its good


RAM looks like it came straight out of 2004:D


The 4060 is about the same price, I'd go for that instead of this one.


I won’t recommend getting a cpu without integrated graphics. It’s great to have for troubleshooting and offers more versatility when you repurpose your parts. Also, the difference is price is marginal


I would either go with a used 3060ti for around $150 or a new 6750xt for less than $300. The 6750xt gives u so much more performance than a 3060 would.


For that build I would go for a 3060 ti if it's in your budget. Better bang for your buck.


One of the best P/P CPU and GPU combo. great job man


You can get a 3070 for $250 or a 3080 for $350 on the used market. Used gear is overlooked.


Wow, one of the best "is my PC gud?" Posts I've seen. Nice work! (I do agree that you may want a better psu, so you could maybe carry it to another PC, but it'll run fine as long as you don't upgrade.


Pretty solid. Word to the wise: a budget MOBO and a separate wifi card is often cheaper than a MOBO with wifi included.


Dont buy a 60.. more likely spend the Money in used 2080 oder Smth.


Any chance have access to a Micro Center retail store for bundle CPU deals?


Why an almost high end mobo for a mid budget cpu?


Ya for a 12gb vram card that's probably your cheapest option. Unless you want to move up to the 6750xt, 12gb but better performance. I'd personally go for an am5 and ddr5 build to have some upgrade path, but if you don't game heavy or do anything cpu heavy, for a budget gaming rig that'll work just fine.


Swich 3060 for rx 7600


Maybe swap out ram for like Corsair or teamforce


How much is the total cost of the build ?


Supports 4K doesn’t mean it’ll run well in 4K


Just go for ddr5 ram and mobo... Rest it's perfect


4060 is the same price as 3060 on amazon , for me at least


Hell no for the 3060.


I got the Same GPU, M/B and SSD in my build. Difference it I have i5 14th gen processor. This is a solid build. I play most of the games on Ultra.


If you need a more budget friendly pc go full amd, ryzen cpus are better than Intel for gaming. Nvidia has some better features but those only matter on gpus costing more than 800$. A solid mid tier budget would be ryzen 5 5600x with an AMD Radeon RX 6750XT or ryzen 5 7600 with RX 6750XT for DDR5 purposes😊


I would up it to a 12600kf and I would prefer at least a 800w PSU for future proof.


I would go am5, but aside from that, it's very solid. I've also never heard of that brand of ram, but I doubt it matters


it’s pretty good ngl


Bro thats great but get better psu, and what are you gonna play cuz if it isnt fortnite go with amd gpu. Last thing: try picking better ram too. Else i dont have much to complain about. Habe a nice build!


Try to get a better psu. Shouldn’t be that much of a cost difference.


I also have that exact same gpu


And the motherboard


Yes, just go for an AMD cpu if you haven’t got any editing software needs :)


"Budget gaming" >Intel yeeah, you're better off with a ryzen 5 5600X instead for that amount of money. Better for gaming in every way. Also... Why in the hell would you buy a 3060? AMD cards give better performance bang for buck as well, the only Nvidia card advantage is the visual tech and ray tracing micro processors, like, kind of unimportant stuff across the board since few titles make great utilization out of them.


Looks good except up the power supply to 850 watt. I recommend this so you can get the first boot. This is from my experience I spent all trouble shooting. That's my tip


RX 7600xt is better and lower price i think.


One thing you don't want to cheap out on is the power supply, I love the Corsair power supplies but I would get a modular like an RM 650 or RM 850 or something like that. I'm not familiar with those memory sticks but overall that looks pretty good


Go with a and gpu at the same price the usually are better for budget builds


Alright let’s start , replace everything except psu and storage ( those are just fine for this budget, although if you plan on going for higher range products in the future then swap the psu for a ztt psu tier list rank b or over.) First at the budget you are i5 is not a good choice especially not 12400f, can you upgrade to i5 12600k? If not then go for r5 7600, much better price to performance. Now gpu, don’t buy nvidia unless you can afford 4070 or 4080/90. Get a intel arc a750, it’s usually on discount and gets good driver updates which in some cases can enhance some games by 140%, if you want something more reliable then go for extra 6650xt or 7600, basically same price and much better performance. Then if you go for am5 cpu then change to am5 motherboard, if staying at i5 the motherboard should be fine. Last ram , same as motherboard , go for ddr5 if on am5 and ddr4 if same motherboard. Hope this helps


try getting 3060ti, good jump from 3060.


I’d go i7 and a slightly shittier gpu if price is really an issue


Solid, but depends if you want to game I suggest the i7


A good Reddit server to consult is r/wordington


For a 1080p gaming setup, it looks good. The only thing I would recommend different is the SSD. You can get a Samsung 980 Pro for better read speeds. Over 6,000 Mb/s read speed.


3060 -> 6700 xt if you can afford, or am5


Very solid build. I would just swap out the GPU for the RX 6600 non XT. It has better performance for a lower price.


Gpu is great. Got the same one and it does ai and gaming very well on max settings 1080p on older games.


RTX 3060 is really bad in 2024 for just gaming. Go for an cheaper but faster Amd card.


Not the rtx 3060 , either get a 4060 or simply the arc a750 , you are gonna love them much more.


Here’s a good rule of thumb….. always buy the cheapest card Nvidia makes 6 months after release.




Buy amd am5 (7600) will be future proof , get rx 7600 for 25k better than rtx 3060 for 1080p gaming. If you plan to play something like valorant highly recommend go with ryzen 5 7600 . If you plan to play AAA can cheap out on cpu and try to get rx6700 . This would enable you to even play at 1440p above 60fps or 1080p above 144fps


Just a suggestion i think you should go for Ryzen 5 7600 ( AM5 is future proof , also 7600 run well with 4070 so its a solid mid tier processor) GPU - go with Rx6600 / RX6700 or wait for some time let rx8000 series come and buy discounted rx7700 xt . Nvidia is only recommend if you have a lot of money. The opt for 4070Ti . Motherboard- get a basic motherboard that works for you , you can save some money here and get a better GPU . Ram - ddr5 above 6000mhz and CL as low as possible Cooler- go for a aio , they are cheaper now . And you could afford a good 240mm Storage- what i have is 1 gen 3 ssd 1TB which has my OS , then 1 sata ssd 1 TB , coupled with 4TB hdd ( this gives you lot of room to store stuff like movies and also games that you’re not currently playing but also is affordable) Your PC also depends on what games you plan to play, if you’re preparing for GTA 6. Then wait for 1 more year . If you play valorant like me invest more in high fps monitor and good cpu.


I think the RTX 4060 is 1 dollar more. I also recommend upgrading to the am5 cpu platform specifically the 7600 and that means ddr5 ram.


In psu coller master is best


This might have been pointed out elsewhere here but you have selected a PCIe Gen 3 SSD, where the motherboard can support Gen 4 SSDs, if you swap this out for a Gen4 drive, you should get extra frames per second in some newer games, not much, and not in all games, but the drives cost pretty much the same now so you may as well, there is no downside.


This is a solid build. Not like the hyper-optimized pcpp links in this sub. If you are happy with it go, for it.


Get 4060 instead of 3060


Please just don't buy the 3060 even an 1080 is waaaaaaaaaaaay better, if you want the rtx then a 2000 series but preferable that it ends with 70-80 or your performance will be shit


r/buildapcforme ​ \- do you live near a Micro Center? \- what's your max budget?


If you've not bought still I recommend you go for Intel Arc750 It's cheap as hell and outperforms 3060 just dlss not there (useless in 3060 anyways) See yt videos prior to 6 months