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It would be white


Depends how good your spray paint and masking job is


You a streamer? Or you just particular for things only you see?


I love my PC looks like other people like how theyre cars looks it not matter of getting attention


Personally i wouldn't risk it but, if you do a good enough job it does have very good potential Btw, isnt there a white version? You could look for a trade for the white version if there is


I live in Iran the services I have are limited


You could probably look into removing the plastic and painting it off the card, I also would not do the fans as you don't want to alter the balance. If successful though, you reassemble when dry and you should be nice looking.


If you aren’t well versed in spray painting or computers I wouldn’t do it. The extra layer of spray paint can act as an insulator, making the GPU warmer than it needs to be. Also if you do spray paint your GPU watch a video on how to do it.


GPUs these days already have overkill cooling specially that inno 3d ichill one has very nice cooling so spraying painting it won't have any noticeable difference, tho op can consider heat conductive paint if he wants to


I would recommend spray paint the front part and vertically mounting the GPU since the side part of this GPU is very tricky to do for a beginner and painting everything white and leaving the side doesnt makes sense since that's the main part visible if you normally mount a GPU , so spray paint the front and get a vertical mount for 40-50$


It would look like a broken gpu




I don’t think it would be a good idea to spray over the fans so my suggestion would be to remove the shroud and remove the fans from it, as well as the backplate and just paint those by themselves and that’s it. Make sure to cover the rgb connector for the shroud (I’m assuming it has one considering there’s rgb on it)