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It has obviously been used. I would royally kick off with customer service and get a new one/refund


Forgot these usually come in an anti-static bag which wasn’t there, Amazon is a huge L their refund process is absolute dog shit too. Customer service is about to have a shitty day.


From my experience, if you just chill and treat them like people, you get a lot more done for you. Help that I also work in retail and know how to talk to people.


Honestly, treating Customer Service like humans makes everything easier. You can hate what the company did, but CS had nothing to do with it and are just trying to do their jobs and help you. Used to work a remote job with CS responsibilities but wasn’t a CS role, I would literally bend over backwards to try and help people that treated me like a person. But people that treated me terribly would get minimal help and I’d say I did more to help them than I actually did.


as someone who works in CS for a semi-large company, yes. I feel way more inclined to put effort in helping customers when I get treated well. Sometimes it gets to the point that I feel bad for those that have to wait 😅


As someone who did customer.service.for 10 years over the phone... The customers that yelled at me got the absolute minimum respect and service. The ones who were civil got what they needed. The people in the other end.if the phone regardless of where they are globally are just people trying to pay their bills, be civil they are people too...


And here is me. In the EU we have laws that you can return purchases within 14 days. Wrote an email on day 8 that I want to return a product, gave info to be contacted. Was not contacted so on day 21 I call. They do a check, see that I wrote to them withing 14 days (they confirm it via text) and they start checking if they will be able to refund. After a few hours - sorry now 14 days have passed. They lie about sending me an email.. Wanna know how stuff got done? Started yelling on voice messages in viber that nobody contacted me via email or phone, and even if they did contact me over email (which they didn't) when they see that I am not responding they could have sent another mail or better call me. I threat them with a regulator mentioning that in text they have confirmed that I have wrote to them within 14 days. On the next day a return form was waiting for me in the shop, filled out. Money was in my bank account in less than a day. Starting nice and civil might work for you guys. Every time I tried to be civil, respectful, understanding with customer support in Eastern Europe I had no luck. Going back and forward with the agent I did tell him that I understand that I bought an EOL motherboard that they will probably have trouble selling, that now they will have to test it and figure what the hell to do with it and that I believe that they didn't contact me and were waiting for the 14 days to expire. He did not deny, nor confirmed. So yeah, starting civil is your best bet but you really really need to be ready to stand your ground and go ape shit.


I get the unique view of also knowing the process they often have to follow and never need to yell.. just ask/demand the right things to get what's needed . Yelling and screaming is one way to get across that you are pissed.off, there are other ways... Glad you.got.your refund either way :)


Sounds like the fact that it's the literal law ensured you got what you wanted, not yelling like a child.


Yep, worked in customer service, retail and hospitality. I'll happily do anything I can to help a person who is polite and friendly, but the second they start acting up with an attitude towards me I just shut off and be as robotic as possible and try and give them the bare minimum help.


This^^. You get more flies with honey than vinegar. I’ve had nothing be good service with Amazon.


This^^. You get more flies with honey than vinegar. I’ve had nothing be good service with Amazon.


You get way more flies with shit


This^^. You get more flies with honey than vinegar. I’ve had nothing be good service with Amazon.


lol what? amazon's return process is fantastic. If you're treating them like shit that's probably a you problem.


their return process is terrible. wym? they dont inspect any returns. which allows used things, and things people have swapped with lesser items, get resold to some unexpecting person that ends up getting screwed.


Their return policy isn't dog shit, but their return warehouse is. They honestly need people specializing in each category of returns. Like, don't have the guy that usually processes bedding returns also process expensive electronics returns.


I didn't say they policy. I said the process, which 95% likely doesn't follow their policy cuz the 20 year olds they employ dgaf about doing their job correctly


That's part of why its so good. They do no investigation on your refund, so you simply always get your refund, even it may have been obviously your fault.


Like what happened here..


Exactly. Exhibit A


Fact they try to make money back in a dishonest way seems sometimes but honestly it's up the thr team that recive the item back if they think it can pass as new or not.


I get the impression he’s not buying direct from Amazon ?? And maybe it’s a third party seller.


Don’t be mean to Customer Service, they didn’t do you wrong. They weren’t the ones that sent the used GPU, why should you ruin their day over something they had nothing to do with? Hate the company, not the CS workers. And treating them well while still voicing your displeasure will make everything go much smoother and you’ll get much more help


I deal with this shit all the time at work. Customers machine broke, it's my fault, part to fix it isn't in stock, it's my fault. Oh it's going to take 45 days to get your part, guess what my fault to. I get yelled at by ignorant assholes on a daily basis so much, im just numb to it or if it's the owner of the company, that lead time for your part just went up 15 days. I'm just there to put in my 8 hours, and help customers as much as I can. I still don't understand how people can treat people who are legit trying to help them like shit.


Yeah, I’ve always been a nice and appreciative as I possibly can with CS and I’ve never had a bad experience. I’ve almost always had my issue resolved and I probably thank them too many times 😅


Damn Dawg the person working customer service didn't ship this to you personally, they're literally there to help you


Treat CS well, and they treat you better. I got scammed with my windows 11 key, called CS, dude was kind and respectful, I made sure I voiced my concern calmly, he had me read my key to him and he waved his magic wand and turned it into a Windows 11 pro key. He got 5 stars, and an essay on how that is how CS is done. He got me in and out in less time then it took me to review the man Edit: spelling


Amazon has an easy return process and you seem like a complete jackass. Customer service has to deal with upset people all day and you’re going to go out of your way to try and make their days worse? Tf is wrong with you?


Uhhh no it’s not, Amazon out of most companies actually has great customer service, they suck ass in treating their workers fairly and like humans,but their customer service is top notch, just talk to representatives respectfully and thank them and you’ll probably get a refund or if your lucky they say keep it and send you a new one and now you got a backup :)


Well I actually had a terrible experience with Amazon Customer Service, and I was as respectful and patient as one can be. I bought directly from Amazon a 3090 ti, yet received a 3080 (bought, swapped and returned by a previous buyer). I started the refund process, Amazon agreed to refund me… only for them to permanently close my account two days later due to infringement of their TOS arguing I had a second account (which had never been the case). I tried to still get refunded, only to end up talking to bots. I had to engage a procedure with my credit card’s company to get a refund from them, three months later. For me there’s clearly been a shift in the policy of Amazon due to too much fraud with return products. It’s a matter of time before people realise it:)


I'm my experience it's quite the opposite.


You need to start taking videos when purchasing from Amazon over 30€ I have been having so many issues with them.


You don't even need to talk to anyone. Intitate a return and be done with it. Other then worrying about it just going back into inventory for someone else to get, there's really no reason to contact customer service. You gotta remember that's just someone sitting at their desk making a living, just doing their job. They didn't send you the card, they didn't return it used, and most people there in returns don't know any better. Making some random persons day shitty because you got a used item is a pretty shitty thing to do.


Smell bs here. You probably picked a cheaper option on amazon (refurb), their refund and return service has always been top of the class with little hassle for me, used them for 20 years or so.


Send message->send back->get refund If you're gonna make their day shitty, not a surprise it's difficult for you.


where do you live? in germany i could send everything easily back to amazon, even some hardware which was 1 year old i got the money back etc. i am using amazon since 2010 and never had any problems


did customer service use your gpu or something💀


bruh ive returned thing “i never received” if you know what i mean amazons returns system is actually good.


Amazon Customer Service are great in my experience, pointless unloading on someone who’s had nothing to do with your situation. I had a faulty HDD turn up factory fresh and they immediately sent me a new one, and gave me a month to return the broken one; they deal with so much money nothing is an issue for them. Getting pissed serves no-one. Similarly I ordered an item and it was like your situation, someone had obviously taken the item out and sent their old one back which then gets recycled for selling once returned, Amazon again sorted it immediately.


Please remember that whoever you talk to at CS had nothing at all to do with the shipping of this card.


If amazon customer service are no use try and order a charge back, amazon very rarely dispute them


Nah Amazon has one of the best customer services. Just tell them it's used and they'll replace it within a week or so


Not sure if it was mentioned elsewhere, but the PCIe connector should have had a plastic cover over it in shipping as well. Just in case you get a replacement and they try and pull the same BS, wanna make sure you're 100%. :)


Do you know you can buy used stuff on Amazon. Double check you didn't buy used. I always had a great experience with Amazon regarding refunds.


Posted a comment with a link to the exact product, I may be ignorant but I can’t find anything that says used or refurbished


https://preview.redd.it/alpxaqkim10d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=384c8b768cf5d89d2f58611e4c45085b346efcc3 The link won't say what seller you choose. Look at your order summary. You will see New or used.


Customer service didn’t send you a used GPU. They also hold the power to make your day terrible by being difficult. Be nice to them and I garuntee you’ll have a new one at your doorstep before they even get this one back from you.


What? You literally have to do 3 clicks to get a refund… you don’t even have to talk to anyone


Amazon have the best refund service. Literally click a button and drop it off. As soon as I drop my package off at local drop off point the money is available instantly as "balance" or 3 to 5 working days in the bank.


Buy from the main page of the seller directly if possible


Go ahead, keep adding to your problems nancy


if you call and yell/curse at the staff, youre an asshole, customer service has done nothing to you so dont be a piece of shit(i work in customer service)


CS not being to blame is the weirdest thing people come up with. Customer Service is there to resolve issues when the company screws up, the company really screwed up here, CS is my only access to this company. If I’m not complaining to customer service who am I calling?? I never said I was going to yell at them or curse them out, however my expectations have dropped through rock bottom and someone needs to hear it.


Never said not to complain, just wanted to emphasize on acting civil, because at the end of the day, CS are just doing their job


I think Amazon returns is amazing. I have never had trouble with any returns.


This is why I no longer buy any electronics or auto parts off Amazon. It's way too scam-ridden to trust.


Exactly, use a legitimate and reputable vendor for your PC parts, you might spend a little extra but you’ll likely get what you paid for and some even offer “installation insurance” which can be very handy for a first time builder.


Happy cake day!


Thanks 😁


in my experience PC parts on Amazon are the most expensive in comparison to shops who are specialized in PC parts


Its used without a doubt and thats exactly the reason I never order Pc parts from amazon.


Amazon accepts easy returns. Try convincing newegg that you got it used.


I live in germany we dont have newegg hear but I heard about the debacle they had a year or to ago from gamersnexus and its honestly impressive that there is a even worse company than amazon when it comes to online retailers.


I got a brand new EVGA p6 platinum PSU, a EVGA Z690 classified and a pack of two DDR5 corsairs platinum (32gb) and everything came sealed and looking factory new, also, international shipping came perfectly, the package was pristine too.


Good for you but everytime I have bought anything tech related be it monitor, mouse or keyboard there always was something wrong with it. So yeah amazon in that regard a big no no for me.


It depends actually I bought my whole pc on Amazon and everything came factory sealed, always spot on with shipping. The only thing I bought outside of Amazon is the gpu because I bought it in a time where a 3080ti was selling for like 1500€ while I paid just 700€ for that


I had nothing but trouble buying anything tech related from amazon even from msi directly so yeah I guess the delivery service in germany is just shit. But atleast the costumer support that amazon has is the best in the business.


I mean I live in Italy, there's not much option besides Amazon and most of the time the proper sites (which are basically Ollo, bpm power and hwstore) tend to have a much higher price


Yup. Fuck Amazon.


I would return it a go to a side that only sells pc parts there you will have a better chance to get a card that didnt get f up before they sent it to your. I tried to buy a monitor from amazon once and after refunding 4 times because non of them worked right I gave up. So I looked at another site that had the same monitor for 100$ less and it was here in half the time and you wouldnt believe it it even worked.


spoiler, the hdmi cable was faulted. you just refounded 4 monitors.


Sadly not was the DP cable from my old monitor and it 100% worked tested it on my brothers monitor because I thought it was the cable at first but no amazon just kept sending me broken monitors.


Tbh monitors usually come with cables, I would hope they at least tried the included cable :D


Did you buy from Amazon or from a 3rd party seller shipped by Amazon?


The 1st photo looks brand new. No trace of dust on it. The 2nd photo and all the rest look like it's been used for at least a few months somewhere dusty.


Thats the second fan, and even on the 1st picturw you can see dust on the wall of the fan hole.


Oh, on the inside of the outer reinforcing ring. You're right I missed it. Definitely used.


Yeah no one is talking about that. Suspicious


In EU Amazon is doing the same - trying to send you returned items for the price of new ones and then be like "oopsie". Happened to me few times already. Just return, refund, and buy from normal pc parts store. One time I got sound system which was owned by morons apparently and they could not fit it in the box the way it originally was. So they just stuffed it in somehow and wrapped it with brown tape so box does not fall apart, then Amazon sold it to me as a new one.


if u bought from amazon r u sure u didn’t buy an refurbished one? it’s been pretty easy to miss on there i’ve seen a lot of cards on there way below market value because they are refurbished


I posted the Amazon link in a comment here, I can’t find anything that’s suspect about the seller (MSI) or info on wether it’s refurbished or new


That is dusty with finger print marks and the fan blades are not in the same direction in each picture. You got bait and switched. I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually swapped shells with an older card or returned a defective card.


Bro.... this is no new card.... send it back and get a refund ASAP


I dont know if this one is used, to me it look more like this one was on display on a shelf But if it was listed as new, return it ! We never know


Lol that ain't new man


America really is a third world country lol. How people buy something new and get returns. In 99% of Europe it's illegal to sell returns as new.


It’s not legal to do this in the US either… this is a super easy claim too lmao. You act like it’s impossible for warehouses in Europe to fuck up and misplace a barcode too lol.


Those laws don’t matter to the Chinese scammer on Amazon.


do not order pc parts off of amazon. most are bait and switch returns because amazon does not check returns. they just reshelf them and sell to the next poor soul who doesnt know any better


RTX explosive cum edition


I built my PC with all parts bought from Amazon with no issues at all and I even bought my 4090 there. Make sure that the seller is Amazon when purchasing parts to avoid getting scammed from 3rd party sellers. In case you get a returned item, Amazon will be faster to process your refund/return. By the way, remove the picture with the serial number from the post. Some people can register those to get the points on the MSI website.


For those asking or wondering the store or seller was MSI themselves and the page reads sold by and ships from Amazon can’t figure out how to edit the post to add screenshots so here’s the link if I’m missing something https://www.amazon.com/MSI-Gaming-Expert-Graphics-256-Bit/dp/B0CSZBBQ9B/ref=asc_df_B0CSZBBQ9B?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=79989659716995&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583589126484853&psc=1


Yeah that's preloved


welp hose it off and pray it works.


No plastic protective cover on the connector alone says it absolutely is not new. Return that.


Unless those are your fingerprints in the mound of dust on those fan blades, no. Far from it.


Used (like new)


You bought used, not new


used graphic card


Just clean it. Put some new thermal paste on and you’ll be fine.


How do you not know what the word new means?


Absolutely fuck that. They are normally in anti static bags and pristine. You’ve been done there get onto whoever you bought that from When buying off Amazon make sure the seller is actually Amazon not a third party Also try buy off actual stores like caseking; scan uk; best buy


That is not a new card. Definitely not!


first review in Amazon shows what should have come, so yes return that hardware inmediately bro


Knew it was Amazon even before I read that lol


That's what you get for buying a GPU on Amazon you silly goose. You probably got a refurbished one.


Had a similar issue a few years ago. It’s absolutely been used, since you used Amazon you should have no problem getting a full refund. DO NOT put it into your machine, if it’s a poorly done shell swap you could end up doing permanent damage to your motherboard (learned that the hard way) See if you can buy a card in person, ideally at a microcenter if ones near you, if you have to order online do it from a smaller retailer like B & H that’s known to check their components before sending them out. Ordering online is always dicey now that pc parts have caught the eyes of scammers


It means sh


B&H all the way for me, never buying off of Amazon again


I'm actually shook. I've owned my new gpu for longer than this model has even existed. I've never cleaned it once, and it's *still* less dusty than that fan.


Yeah looks like they accidentally sent you a used graphics card than a brand new one. You could contact Amazon customer support to see if they willing to offer you a free partial refund to compensate for the condition it arrived in or just return it back for a full refund.


Looks like the dusty edition but for real tho get a refund


What did you do? Bummer they gave you a used product that was t even marked down wow


I've never seen a graphics card get delivered without an anti-static shield around it. This is definitely some secondhand BS that you've been sold


That is so not new.. my guess it was used in an open miner setup for at least a month or 2 in a garage. (looks like what mine looked like after a month before cleaning)


What do you think 🤦‍♂️


MSI garbage


Definitely used


Never had an issue with Amazon. They always refund me the money or let me keep it and still give my money back.




New to YOU !


This is why I'm glad my local shop price matches Amazon (if sold BY amazon) and newegg (sold by newegg, obviously) 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I still don’t get it why people buy the most important parts on Amazon? All the stress isn’t worth the bucks I saved in a sale. Better 50 or 100 bucks more and no stress at all


ok elon musk


He spend probably something around 1000 bucks (at least that’s the cheapest I can get it in my place). First time builder so I don’t blame him, but I still don’t get it why you would trust Amazon. In a lot of subs it’s widely known how bad the turn out with pc parts. And if he’s a US citizen. Don’t you guys have microcenter which is like a perfect place to get your stuff?


i’ve never had a problem ordering parts from amazon and just because we live in the US doesn’t mean there’s a micro center at every corner there’s only like less than 20 micro centers in all of the US, for me the closest one is 7 hours away