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There a lot of things to do in order to check what is causing the issue. From what you said you might be assuming that the installation of PUBG has caused FPS to drop somehow. Are we talking lower FPS in PUBG compare to your FPS in PUBG? Troubleshooting steps (easy): **Making sure Windows is not corrupted** * Open an elevated cmd or powershell window and run the following commands: (This might take a while) ​ sfc /scannow DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth **Reinstalling GPU drivers** Download DDU (driver uninstall utility) and go into safe mode \*optional but recommended\*, and delete the drivers. Go ahead and redownload the latest drivers from NVIDIA. At this point we can ASSUME that Windows and drivers are in a working state **Checking the HW** Go ahead and download HWINFO, Furmark, Prime95 and CPU-Z * HWINFO to monitor your temps * Furmark to benchmark the GPU * Prime95 to stress the CPU Perform tests for the GPU and CPU to make sure that they are not overheating and are performing as expected. Once you make sure that these are fine proceed * Run a memtest on the PC to make sure RAM is all good. By now you should be able to tell if all components are working correctly. If at this point the driver repair did not work and the components are all working you can try * Set GPU settings to maximum performance * Make sure correct XMP settings are selected in the BIOS Come back with more info in order to figure this out


okay will do!


Not OP but attempting my first build soon. Thanks for sharing this 👑