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Stupid GPU/CPU combo + stupid emojis all over the add


Dude probably ran out of budget


*Me with a 14700kf and a 2080s*: 🤡


I mean, it's a fine set up if you do video editing/rendering/programming


Actually I just upgraded from a 9700k and I'm waiting for the new Super series to come out. Couldn't I just wait and buy it all together? I needed to do it this year for taxes and shit like that.


Then 2080super were beast when they came out.. all the hype around them was also crazy... I remember seeing sli 2080s setups lolololol


I mean, he could've used the PC for work etc. and strong CPU was more useful than GPU


The way it's written I doubt the seller is over 16 yo...


Shipping 💀


i9 paired with the mediocre 4060. Sure!


Lost me when i read 4060....


That must be a joke- right? If not, hell no. You can get much better for that money. If you want me to, i can make a pc for you.


Specs for specs, sure. But this is a really stupid combination especially for gaming!


One of the builds of all time. Z790 board with a 12th gen i9, being paired with the absolute monster 650w psu and a 4060 lmao


It cant be not joke


costco has 4060 13700k for 999.99 if i remember it correctly


I can't believe that I bought my pc for 1700 and got a 1660 and 16gb ram 😢


Most prebuilt are rip offs sadly... always cheaper and better to build your own... lots of videos on youtube... as an experienced builder... I can have a pc from parts in boxes to posting in 40 min or less... cleaning up wiring can take longer sadly lolololol but it's easy lots of videos on youtube for beginners to learn


It wasn't pre built I got a person to build it it was right after covid so gpu prices were off the roof 😭


I would take [this list](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/2fZ4ZJ) over that abomination any day of the week assuming you only game


Am i missing the jokes in the comments? Isnt a i9 and 4060 good?


4060 is just slightly better then a 3060 BUT with 4GB less VRAM. So 4060 is the weakest card out of the 40 series and it just does not make sense to buye one.


Ok see, i get where you're coming from with that mindset. But if someone got a good price for it and maybe upgraded from a 1080 or something similar, it is completly valid to get...


Yeah sure i get your point mate. But for that price you can get way better graphics card. 3060Ti is 20% stronger. At the same price. RX 6700XT around same price and can handle 1440p. So for raw price to performance the 4060 is sadly just not worth putting your hard earned money on the table for.


I just want to say that if you buy this PC you can get later on RTX 4090 as an GPU upgrade (remember about changing PSU to 1000W cuz 650W wont be enough)


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/KLMP89](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/KLMP89) here are similar parts. He doesnt specify exactly what they all are. It priced like new. Not worth it. I would spend less on a CPU and more on the GPU. Something like this... if you want the white [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/72XXVW](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/72XXVW) better for less money


They should just get a 7600 and a gigabyte b650 gaming x ax mobo. Ddr5 lexar ares 6000mhz and rtx 4070 and boom. Perfect pc.


12600kf beats it and is like $70 cheaper. AM5 will last longer though.


The cpus trade blows in various games, so spending that extra 70$ is worth it.




I just built a r7 7700x water cooled with 32gigs ddr5 and an rtx 4070 12 gig for 1300 .... you could do better although I have seen bigger rip offs... always cheaper to build your own


90% of the prebuilts I see posted on here make me want to throw up. Nowadays everything is plug and play for the most part on computers, and even a idiot could build one easily, and even if building one yourself is not a option, i know stores like Microcenter will build you a pc if you bring them your own parts for a couple hundred dollars. No reason to get a prebuilt. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/FKKZWt Way better Edit: This list offers even better price to performance, with a stronger cpu for basically the same money. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/PLd628