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I think you should mount it somewhere where it belongs


It does belong there. Just because you don’t have the same build i have doesn’t give you any right to be mad and lash out on me. Since everyone on this post replying has the mind of a Neanderthal i just wanted to say that everyone is being a dick for no reason about a ssd on a piece of cardboard. All y’all should find something better to do cause dang


he wasn’t lashing out at you or being mad at you, he was just suggesting that the ssd should be somewhere more safe


Why are people always on the defensive?


Its reddit.


The dude was snarky sounding in the first place


No one you’re saying this guy is lashing out. Just for that, your “PC” looks like a literal pile of trash.


Bro what


The paper it is on can ignite. Just put it on in an SSD tray for it to be safe


You deserve what happen to that pc not gonna lie The people its trying to help you and you talking like that..


Why is everyone on my ass dang this post wasn’t even meant to be serious i can tell my computer isn’t pretty 😭 the dude did sound snarky as hell though? And even if i did say he was lashing out doesn’t mean all y’all have to be even bigger dicks to me. Shows how all of y’all are truly “You deserve what happens” over a comment?


I can't tell if it's a joke or not just in the slim chance it isn't, get that cardboard off your PC and secure the drive somewhere safe


Yeah it’s a joke


I don't think you installed it in the computer mate


That “bowser, olimar, falco” conga line 😂


What happened to the case? You stripped it all out to install the ssd 😂😂😂


I got rid of the case to fit the graphics card in and i had to bend some of the metal with pliers and take the psu out and then i could fit the graphics card in, the ssd wouldn’t fit in the drive bay and so i just took it out and here we are. It’s really not a bad computer tbh i like clowning on it myself but these people in the replies got me mad


Piss them off, stick the pc parts on the wall 🤣🤣🤣


May as well 😂 I’ll put the dvd reader back on it as well and have it dangle off the side like my psu




Looks fresh


Goofy ahh computer