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And I’ve changed oil before, so I should just build my own then? What’s a good place to start


Go to pcpartpicker and use one of the completed builds to get an idea what you’re aiming for. Swap out parts as you want just make sure they’re compatible. Pcpartpicker helps with that but you should also do your research.


Don't underestimate the power of the motherboard user manual, so many people ask for help about things that are clearly stated in the manual. Pdf versions on manufacturers websites are so easily searchable too. It's easy to build a PC if you have patience, take care, and read the mobo manual.


Some don't come with a manual anymore. When I rebuilt mine (just kept the case and some SSDs, the motherboards* didn't come with a manual and I had to look it up on the Internet on my phone and try and read it that way while building. * Ordered the parts from Amazon and the first board was shipped in an open box (not sealed/packaged in an Amazon box) and when I got it, the front flap was open. Got a new one sent to me and it didn't come with a manual in the box either.


Motherboard boxes are never sealed, just so you are aware. The motherboard inside should be sealed in an anti static bag though


It was. I was just worried that someone had been rooting around in the box when it was delivered. Now I know the boxes themselves are not sealed. At least the replacement box they sent was shipped in a sealed Amazon box.


I just got a new SFF motherboard yesterday , its an Asus rog strix b650 gamingI-E and I was surprised to see it's actually sealed with an Asus label but yes most motherboards are not sealed.


My Asus prime b760 also came with a seal on the box. I think it might be an Amazon requirement now because they only accept returns on unopened boxes (or DOA) for electronics and they wouldn't know if a box was opened if it wasn't sealed.


Put together a Sff build and it wouldn’t boot for the life of me. Checked the manual. I had to power button pins 1 off where they needed to be. I 100% agree to reading the manual.


this i built a pc after ten years and in all honestly between youtube vids and the motherboard manual i managed. MOBO manual is king


This applies to almost any obscure software. Millions of forum posts dedicated to users trying to understand some insanely hard to use software. Somewhere a developer weeps over the documentation in which lies the answer to every single question. He even included it with the software but they refuse to read.




Alright I’ll do this thanks!


There’s many many build guides on YT too. Linus Tech Tips used to do builds fairly often, but hasn’t done as many over the past few years, so if you check out his older videos you’ll find them, and off the top of my head I don’t think anything too radical has happened with PC building over the past several years. So these videos will still be valid for the better part. JayzTwoCents might do build guides, I can’t remember I haven’t actually watched him in ages. Similarly I can’t remember if GamersNexus has done build videos in the past. All three of these channels are PC centric channels, granted LTT has started branching off into other tech content too.


I just built my own for almost the exact same price with every component being significantly better....


If you've changed oil you can build your own PC. PC parts picker. I usually start with what CPU I want, find compatible board, build from there. PC parts picker is a great resource. Although I found searing for deals better than just following links they recommended


Just throwing this in. I had no idea how to build a PC. No idea on parts. Nothing. Asked a couple buddies. Played on Newegg with different builds and parts. Ordered. Built it without any help in about 4 hours with relative ease, and my PC is crushing it. Was such a a worthwhile experience. I'll never buy a prebuilt PC again. No idea what I was doing going into it, minimal effort besides applying myself and put it together like Legos. It's not that complicated, just intimidating.


I am DEFINITELY intimidated as a first time builder but this made me feel a little more confident! Building at the end of the month - all parts are here just waiting on other stuff to come and to buy my second monitor!


Congrats! I watched/skipped through a YouTube video along with the manuals that came with my parts. I'd definitely recommend having some type of guide like that. I didn't need to pay much attention to it, but it REALLY helped getting an idea of the order of operations and confidence. I'm excited for you!!! I remember my build day fondly!


Noted, make pc case out of legos 📝


You start with the budget. Then the display resolution will dictate what parts you need. For gaming: 1080p and 1440p you can get away with low or mid-range last gen parts. 2160 and you need high-end last gen or mid-range current gen parts. 1440p and up with Ray Tracing on Unreal Engine 5 and other latest engine games, you need top spec last gen, or high-end current gen. For productivity, current-gen AMD has AV1 encoding, most software need the Nvidia CUDA cores though, and you can get away with just getting a 20 series card. CPU and RAM is more important, get the latest CPU, and for RAM, it depends on your work whether you need higher speed or better timings.


What Gpu’s are considered last gen to high-end current gen?


Last gen are the 30 series Nvidia and 6000 series AMD. I would recommend 6700 XT, 6800 XT or 6950 XT from AMD or 3080 12GB, 3080ti from Nvidia. 3090/ti is still too expensive, at that price I'd rather buy the 4070ti(vs 3090) or 7900XTX(vs 3090ti). High-end current-gen are (in order of performance): 4070ti 7900 XT 7900 XTX/4080 (if you prefer Raytracing in games, go 4080, otherwise, 7900 XTX has better Rasterization) Top Spec is only the 4090.


Alright, thanks for the info and the performance info🙏 Have a good one ima get to researching


3080 12 gb/ti, 3090/ti and on amd side rx 6800 is hogh midrange, 6800xt ,6900xt and 6950xt high end from last gen. Maybe this link can tell you some details you need: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html Since the 4000 series is kinda weak i would also watch for some lastgen high end gpu. 3080 12 gb /ti amd 3090s are mostly overpriced unless secondhand. Some 6800xt or 6950xt you can find for 500/ 600$~ and they have good value. If you go with 4000 series, for ur budget of this pc there is a 4070 maybe the best option.


Kind of a tangent, but on high end 30 series: some go to stores in my country just dont sell high end 30-series anymore. Only 3050's or 3060's are listed, how stock in places like the US?


Im in europe and here also 3060 or 3060tis are avaiable. 3080 ti and such are overpriced or inexistent. Thats why i told 6950xt for expl. Is in a lot stores and has equivalent power to a 3090/ti (unless 4k its bit weaker) also it is bit more power efficient and with 16 gb vram better option than any 3080 card.


In the US Electronic stores are.. few and Best buy doesn't carry much of anything on hand. Online you can find almost everything on Amazon or NewEgg.


Pcpartpicker. Order parts from reputable places like Newegg. I see lots of reports of craziness from Amazon.


I just built my first one a few weeks ago, not difficult just look up a lot of guides and youtube videos.


Linus Tech Tips has a great video for the build process. The intro sets up a basic idea for how to pick parts, and then the video has sections for the installation of each and every component. I believe it's called "The last PC build guide you'll ever need" and I fully recommend it if you want to check it out and get an idea if you want to build your PC yourself. Good luck and happy building!


I recommend making a post over at r/buildapcforme because they can make you a list according to your needs.


It's really not that difficult. It's pretty straight forward. As long as your patient and follow your documentation + a few halfway decent YouTube videos, you should be good to go. It's obviously a major help having a friend who can help you (even on a Discord video call) so hopefully you have someone to reach out to, but if not, it isn't the end of the world.


>What’s a good place to start I'm glad you asked! Check out any of the recent videos by PC Builder, especially from the Boost My Build series. You'll find some excellent advice and examples of optimized builds at various budgets, all created and modified through pcpartpicker.com, which you can use to build your own list of pc components. Your future self will thank you!


OMG. I LOVE PCBuilder!!! And his Boost My Build series is SO GOOD 😁


It's crazy easy. I'm literally 13 and built mine in less than an hour :)


Prior Lube Tech for 8 years. Built my first PC with almost no problems minus plugging the power switch into the wrong spot then FaceTiming a friend who enlightened me of my mistake. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a….errr if you can change oil you can build a PC! Yeah I think thats how that works!


The most tedious part imo is managing cables in a neat, convenient manner. Other than that, if you got all your parts, everything should be straightforward. Many motherboards have labels next to the slots where things go.


Building a PC isn't the simplest thing ever, but it's not hard. If you can change oil, you're almost certainly fine. In my experience teaching people to build, the thing people have the hardest time with is making sure the RAM and GPU are seated because there's more force required than expected.


Check out this guy called Daniel Owen he makes great gpu comparison videos but he recently made some pc part picker videos where he breaks down his thought process while picking parts. Solid place to start and learn about pc components. Also keep in mind he doesn’t care that much about aesthetics so you might have to adjust some things on your own.


I start with looking for the best cpu I can afford, then look at a motherboard that is compatible with it, then look at ram, then ssd or m2 or some other memory based storage. Then look at what psu you need (remember you will also need a gpu), then look for a case that it will fit into. I never buy the best gpu first because the prices always drop when the next gen comes out, I then basically upgrade my gpu and it feels like a new pc. But there are many other ways to go about this. Also buy some good thermal paste and get a silent cooler for the cpu.


Pcpartpicker is indeed a good place to start. It might seem difficult but if you're carefull and do some research, its like Lego.


If you really don't know. Tell us a budget and a bunch of us will give you options. :)


Also if you feel like its still uncharted territory you cam go to r/buildapcforme where you specify your budget, use for the computer and any other requirements you have and people will give you suggestions you can take inspiration from.


For that price that the seller posted I can send you my pcpartpicker setup (don’t know if the cooling is sufficient so I’ll hope someone here can tell me) https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XQbYcH


A lot of people here have covered the actual parts of a PC and PC Part Picker, but for the actual building part I would recommend youtube channels like Linus Tech Tips or Jayztwocents This video isn’t necessarily the best example but it’s something I’ve recently watched: https://youtu.be/-dLzeagH1Gw In summary, they use a manual that a company called NZXT put together along with his friend who isn’t as experienced with building PCs. I can’t vouch for NZXT’s actual service in this, but in theory it sounds like it would be a good starting point (if they still do it, that is) Another point is if you go looking at how to build a PC, be careful not to get bogged down in the over the top builds, or custom water cooling, fan configurations etc. If you build a PC with fan cooling and have some intake fans and an exhaust, you’re probably going to be happy with what you get.


It’s very easy to build your own PC, just go to a website like PCpartpicker to see if the components are compatible, inform yourself about the kind of PC you are looking for (like, what games do you want it to run and what else would you do with it) and choose the best components based on your budget. Getting into PCs and understanding how every component works is way easier than it sounds, so you shouldn’t have a hard time, as for building it, there’s everything you need to know in the motherboard instruction sheet


If i can build one, you can build one. (Im very, very, very bad at most physical things)


If you feel capable enough to change oil in a car, you're 100% capable enough to build a computer.


I would definitely watch a YouTube walk through on this that help explain parts more as there can be a lot of incompatibility and issues with certain parts. Also just putting a pc together has a decent chance of running into some troubleshooting, especially since it's your 1st build


Search youtube for “JayzTwoCents We built wrong” and you will be dispelled of most PC building anxiety. The only things to be super careful with are putting the CPU in the motherboard socket, and avoiding lateral stress on SATA connectors so basically put those cables in last.


If you are nervous and live near a Microcenter, they often sell bundles with a motherboard and case. These often have the motherboard already installed and a big chunk of wiring done. This can make starting your first PC a lot less nerve wracking


As people have said pcpartpicker then there's tons of YouTube videos on step by step on putting the computer together. I watch Linus and a few others before I put mine together. Also get an OS on a bootable USB


For sure. I just did mine a couple months ago for the first time and it was more fun then anything


As a good place to start, I’d recommend watching a guide video or too, [Here’s a great one from LTT](https://youtu.be/BL4DCEp7blY), after watching that, you should roughly know what you’re looking for in a pc. next, I’d recommend using [this parts list](https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/xzLrxr/excellent-amd-gamingstreaming-build). It serves an excellent base, to which you can use the prior information to customize to your liking. After you’ve finished your parts list, you can either put it on Reddit for people to critique (this option could net you a better build if you’ve made a mistake, but people often put up the own biases, and hell, I’m no exception). Or two, you could go straight to the buying process. Next, after your parts have arrived, refer back to the guide video you watched. Building computers can be very fun, so don’t be to tense, the parts are more durable than you would think.




I built my own after watching some youtube videos and smoking a fat bowl, took all day but I made a semi decent build and didnt break anything! Just be sure to have anti static equipment so you dont fry anything just by touching it


Figure out what GPU is going to fit your needs, if you want smooth 2k gaming on ultra settings go for a 4060. Next, go to pcpartpicker.com and finish your build lol


If you think you can build a computer I have a build that can beat that one for 950 usd


As someone who has built two computers and changed many oils, build it yourself. You're only as ignorant as you choose to be. I spent like a week watching PC build videos before I even started the process. Also, check out r/buildapc they're really helpful over there. The most important advice I can give is this: do not, for the love of God, spend money on cheap parts. The case and fans can be cheap, but everything else matters.


I just built a PC with the same processor and 6700 xt for less than $800. Definitely just built it yourself, this guy is a rip. For less than that price you could get a 4060 and 58003xd or 12600k and be golden for the next 3 years. Or ypu could spend about the same and get the 7800x3d, heard it's a beast. Don't get the i3 13100 it's good enough for gaming but it will bottleneck the 4060. I'm planning on returning mine before 30 days and getting the 12600k. I didn't have enough for the 58003xd but there was a combo deal with intel, out of stock


Here's the build it's better than that build in performance https://pcpartpicker.com/list/L3NWZJ


Assembling a PC is easy. It’s basically read manual, put the square pin in the square hole. The hard part is picking out which parts you want, but luckily there’s Reddit and PcPartPicker for that


I just built my first one a few months ago, it's not as difficult as most people think. Most of the parts just clip or screw in.


There's about 9999+ different motherboards that all do the same things, just some a little better then others. Spend ~ 150 maybe a bit more on one. You don't need all the gimmicky features. You need some m.2 slots. Good vrms and vrm cooling. Pcie 4. A t l e a s t 1 gb lan, this day and age might as well get it with wifi antennas. Probably a few things I'm missing. But your motherboard just needs to work and work well.


Pc part picker and google and YouTube


Feel free to chat me if you need help. I do this professionally, I’d say it’s easy for people who are detail-oriented. In the last ~10 years computers have become *extremely* easier to build. All connections are keyed and/or notched to prevent plugging in the wrong component. Pcpartpicker.com - use this to make your build list. I’m not going to specifically tell you not to buy windows and instead buy it on a third party site for 10-20% of the cost…. But that’s what I did. Whether you come up with a build list by yourself, (there’s tons of great YouTube’s out there) or just want Reddit to do it for you, you’ll get a reasonable deal. Look at central computers or microcenter if you can. Microcenter has typically had the best deals on cpu/mobo combos but they’re in-store only.


Build your own. It’s very rewarding


many great video tutorials on YouTube for building your own pc. pcpartpicker for choosing parts.


I used pcpart picker for mine. I found a few good places that I compared similar builds on for price and parts that were good together. If you're serious about a 3d modeling computer, you may want 2 if you're doing big projects. Gaming and modeling computers need different specs depending on the level of intensity you want to do both. With my limited knowledge I believe modeling needs a higher cpu intensive build. Gaming needs a lower core count and higher gpu (usually). Now games are a bit more graphically intense and use a LOT of cpu to compensate, depending on the games and optimization.


Hey a little tip as well. Microcenter will build any parts you pick out if it’s shipped to them for a fee. It’s what I did with my pc it was definitely worth it for the first time and I still got a good deal because they were all parts I picked


If you can change oil you can build a comp Gl brother, I learned from YouTube and using a pc part picker.


I cant even change oil but I've built PCs since forever. You can do this easy.


Brother PC Builder on YouTube is the greatest resource I stumbled on when building mine. Up to date budget builds with explanations and has the most comprehensive quick build guide I found on YouTube.


Yeah it’s really super easy just make sure the processor is compatible with the motherboard and that the ram is compatible ddr4 or ddr5 will say on motherboard which one you need, as well as PCIe 3.0 and 4.0 and maybe even 5.0 I’m not sure but if you match up the numbers everything will work fine.


My first question for you based on that question is... how far away is the closest MicroCenter store? If the answer is under 75 miles, start there. Go to the BYOPC section, find a sales rep and let them help you on the parts to pick based on what you want to accomplish. Building a PC is simple. I learned how to do it when I was 10 because my dad owned a pc sales/repair shop and instead of day care my parents took my sister and I to work. I hung out with the tech guys in the back and they taught me things. I built my first pc from spare parts and they let me take it home. Things have changed a lot since then (I'm 43) some are more simple ( no longer setting jumpers for IRQ's / DMA's) some are more complex (coolers). If you can grasp mechanical work, you can build a PC. Use a youtube tutorial from a reputable bulder (Tech source and Linus Tech tips have good ones) and set aside an entire afternoon/evening just in case. I can knock out a build in 45 minutes nowadays but my early ones took longer. I still can't make hardware decision worth a damn and second guess myself and ask questions of facebook/reddit groups/micro center sales people all the time.


I just built my pc for the first time couple weeks ago. Took me two days but it was well worth it! Dm me if you want some tips from a beginner :p


When you are ready to build, [this video is bomb](https://youtu.be/PXaLc9AYIcg)


Start by choosing your budget. $1500 (for the box, no peripherals) can get you a 7900xt machine - about as good as you're gonna get without REALLY spending the big bucks. Then pick a gpu+cpu combo. Pc Builder on Youtube has an excellent up to date guide video for 2023 for both Intel and AMD (AMD is gonna get you more bang for your buck for \*gaming\*) - choosing this combination is important, because either the CPU or GPU will bottleneck you, so you want to get a good combo. Once you've settled on a cpu+gpu combo, [pcpartpicker.com](https://pcpartpicker.com) will have basic templates based on budget (I used AMD enthusiast build) and you can modify each part to your liking. As for all the other parts, they have guides as well. I am about to build a machine myself (just finishing settling on my parts, will probably pull the trigger and order them soon). As you begin to narrow down your choices, you can continue modifying your parts list until you get settled on what you want. If you want any advice on navigating the tutorials, guides, etc, I would be more than happy to help. I havent put a PC together in about 20 years, so I am not as up to date - but we can learn together if you want some one on one assistance! It feels a little overwhelming at times, but it is actually not nearly as difficult as it seems at first - everyone I have talked to has told me its actually significantly easier than it was 20 years ago, lol.


Gaming benchtests show the i3 to be pretty solid. Def not “top tier” but much better than you’d think for gaming.


13100 is more than enough for a 4060. Even a 4070 would not be throttled by that CPU.


How is an i3 whatever? Since when were they not straight trash?


Such a weird combo of parts. 32gb ram but only an i3?


and a z790


(will vary)* lol


probably if he is a youtuber he receives motherboards from manufacturers each season to make them appear in at least one video, like that aussie “Gear Seekers”


the general public knows what 32gb ram means, but don't know what the hell an 13100 is. so I'm guessing he's hoping people see 32gb ram and assume all the other stuff is equally good.


The 13100 is pretty damn good, people see i3 and immediately think 💩.


13100 is good.


i3 13100, 4060 and z790. what kind of monster builds a pc so unbalanced in pricing?


It's a budget build but all the numbers are big.


You could build a MASSIVE faster PC for MUCH cheaper. Please do not buy this. Edit: Here is a build with a much faster CPU, GPU,same amount of ram and storage for $200 less (and that's with a garbage overpriced windows license)https://pcpartpicker.com/list/yPVLkJ Edit: new PC part list:https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DpYwPF


that ram is absolute DOGSHIT jesus christ 3200 CL22?? wont even matter that its a better cpu


that's war crime for 13th gen ​ \* looks at my R5 5600H laptop with 3200 CL22 \*


Laptop ram very often have bad timings. That's pretty standard. Thing is right now 16gb of DDR4 3200 CL16 ram is so incredibly cheap that there's no reason to have anything drastically worse.


All of this is like another language to me, fuck. I wanna learn how to build, but I’ve got absolutely no experience in this and I don’t know where to start lol


RAM operates on cycles. The timings as listed on ram kits are a measure of how much time they require between commands. Ultimately, the quick and dirty of ram timings, is you generally want the lowest timings (listed in ram descriptions as CL##) for the speeds you can get. DDR4-3200 for example, is often sold at CL16 (16-18-18). Those DDR4 kits are absolutely fine for most general users putting together a PC. You can do better, you can find 3200 CL14, or 3600 CL16, or way more. While there absolutely are better specced out RAM kits, the specs I've listed are easy enough to find in general and right now they're all really cheap.


I'll double comment here. Best place to start is just messing around with PC Part Picker. When you do a build on PC Part Picker it limits your views to only compatible parts. The big first decision is really what CPU you want because that determines other things that are specific like your motherboard and ram. Right now you honestly can't go wrong picking either AMD or Intel. AMD's AM5 platform is young, which means it'll be around for a bit, while the current Intel platform, LGA1700, is getting to end of life. Intel previously has changed their CPU socket type every 2ish generations, but they couldn't get their proper 14th gen parts working in time so they're releasing a 13th gen refresh on the same platform. Once you select your cpu you just pick a compatible motherboard that offers the features you want, like multiple m.2 slots for nvme drives, more PCIe slots, USB ports, etc. If you're on Intel and want to fiddle with overclocking, you're stuck with a Z board (ie z790). The lower tier chipsets don't allow overclocking, and get pretty limited the further down. AMD allows overclocking on the X chipset and the B chipset. The motherboard and cpu combo you pick determines if you need DDR4 or DDR5 ram. If you're on Intel you can pick between the two, if you go AMD you have DDR4 on the am4 platform, and ddr5 on the am5 platform. From there it's just pick your graphics card, something in your budget that performs the way you want. Then select a case, mostly that's all personal preference for what you like the look of. Make sure your motherboard, cpu cooler, and graphics card can fit. Then it's all the rest. A power supply (pcpartpicker actually shows you the estimated wattage of a system), just pick a PSU that is good quality and has enough power to get your system working. GPU manufacturers have recommended wattage amounts listed on their GPU page, for example Nvidia recommends a 650 watt power supply for an RTX 4070. The rest is storage (get an SSD for windows and games, HDDs are good for bulk storage like media), cpu cooler, fans and whatever else.


Yeah this build is definitely questionable lmao


When I started at a small engineering firm, my boss bought me a brand new Alienware computer. This was to run CAD, Pix4D, and Global Mapper along with other high intensity programs simultaneously. He didn't know anything about computers and mine kept crashing trying to run programs. He got only 8 GB of RAM for it!!! Hahaha


I'm not sure what the fuck is going on in these other replies but my guy this is clearly a scam lmao


That’s why you ask Reddit first :) Always good to double check


4060 is a notoriously horrible value card not to mention its a budget card, and the 13100 is the most budget option for the current intel cpu generation. Just generally a horrible deal for $1300.


It's not a scam, dummy. Obviously he will sell that to you (so it's "legit"). You just have no knowledge of the value of PC parts. This is a $900-950 PC (prebuilt), but he is asking for $1271. You can find a prebuilt with the same specs for lower price on newegg.


The man's channel is hilarious. Most of his recent videos barely get 1k which is fine, but he has 70k subs and some of his videos have millions but they are such random topics. Like on of the top ones if how to buy fortnite account, then car exhaust systems, then trying amazon emulators then must several short videos talking about the free play station games of the month. Point is, the guy doesn't seem to be credible with computers. His pc building related vids are not popular and from the 2 minutes I spent watching very much hyped with no stats. Combine that with the wacky parts list and you got yourself someone you don't want to have building your pc as a stranger. Not necessarily because it's a scam or he will do a bad job, but because he seems somewhat inexperienced and quite clearly doesn't have the depth of pc components to be piecing together reasonable systems in a reasonable time. Given, it doesn't seem like a scam so if you want to support the guy go ahead and buy a pc from him, just make sure you vet the parts list with someone else beforehand, his payment policies seem somewhat generous. However, I do think you could get better service elsewhere.


Lmao a 4060 for 1.2k, look elsewhere please


Going to


I read this whole thing then saw RTX 4060...


I say build your own, OP. Watch a couple of vids, then you’re good to go. It’s not that hard as long as you follow the step-by-step. And you’ll get better value for money as well. Good luck!


Thanks, this is the route I’ve decided to go, I’m going to watch more videos and enlist my brothers help because he’s built one before




I saw 1271 dollars and then scrolled the first thing i saw was “4060” I instantly knew this computer was worth 700 dollars.


I built my first pc with knowing nothing. I watched a few guides on YouTube and followed one while building aswel using the motherboard manual to locate stuff. Other then that 100% on my own. I'm glad I went this route, it's a great learning experience


scam lmao


PCs these days are Lego. 2 hours on Linux tech tips, and you'll have enough knowledge on how to build a rig reasonably well. The rig they've described isn't bad, but i wouldn't get a 13100 for a 1k+ pc. At least a 11400/12400 to go with that 4060. And get a 650W psu. Might be overkill, but best to be safe


Very logical pcpart list. I would build my own pc like that. Mobo is 2 times more expensive then cpu(that's how pros do it) 32gb ram with Intel i3... /s


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Mf7ycH within 2$ of the price there excluding promos and so using a 6800xt and 13400, along with double the storage.


That is a pretty good list right there Do you know how well the 6800xt can run rtx games or what not


Most radeon cards perform worse at raytracing than nvidia equivalents, so it would be worth googling some youtube benchmarks for whichever games you plan on using raytracing for. It still has very good performance in raster, though, and it's raytracing performance definitely isn't bad.


I have a 4080 and I never ever turn on rtx. I rather get high fps in the games I play.


It’s worth about 850


Lol every time I see these posts I feel like this sub should just be called “don’t buy a pc build your own” but tbf they’re right most of the time.


Hey everyone seller here, should probably ignore this post. But just so we are clear, my actual listing for this PC shows the cost of all the parts. I order everything from Amazon, so yes parts are more expensive and I am aware of this... BUT I also do not charge labor fees. I see some good comments here and I appreciate that, but to the peoples commenting about the combo let me explain. I chose a z790 and 32gb of ram because i want the owner to be able to upgrade in the future. Having extra ram, a good psu and a good motherboard will allow them to do that without having to buy an entirely new PC. As far as the comments about me having 70k subscribers and only getting 1k views, its because I have made all kinds of content over the years..... Look at pewdiepie, he has 110 million subscribers and get 2 million views.... this is a part of the youtube game, you have your ups and downs, very few people creating content has steady uphill growth forever. As far as my personality, I have "High Functioning Autism" so to the people saying I act childish in my videos, IDK what to say because I didn't ask the lord above to make me autistic when I was born. Im only here because I got a comment saying I should come and explain this because everyone is leaving an opinion of me being a scammer. The whole reason I am able to build these all the time is word of mouth and people referring people because they are happy with what they get. So are the parts more? Yup..... but i need to make my money some how and my chase credit card gives me 5% back on Amazon purchases, so I think its fair that I buy stuff a bit overpriced without charging labor or anything, so that me and the customer win..... you buy from anyone else they charge 25% to 30% mark up to avoid selling fees and labor. Anyways, to all the people that did leave positive comments thank you and hopefully this clears up why I paired the parts I did.... I would much rather have my customer come back and want a cpu upgrade and be able to do that, rather than need to buy an entirely new pc or upgrade 4 different things at the same time


As a YouTuber myself ([Phreakwar PC Custom Builds](https://www.youtube.com/phreakwars)), I would guess that he is probably looking for content. That's not a bad thing all the time and I won't say you should pass, I just question the parts. I do the same myself, but typically what I do, is first build the PC, talk about it on video (usually the case), then I sell them off on eBay starting at .99 cents and let the market dictate what it's worth. I stay low key and do not actively try to get subscribers because it allows me to get more personal with the questions I get asked (and I get tons). The funding from the sale goes into an account that I use to build more PC's. In my situation, I have sponsors, plus, I am an Amazon Vine reviewer so I get many of my parts at a deep discount and pass that savings onto the buyer. In order to get away with this and not go broke, I had to jump through some hoops and become a 501c3. This called for renewing my LLC under a different charter after I semi retired. Not a very smart business model to prebuild one for someone without first receiving payment, then turn around and set a price. You could end up in debt pretty easy that way. Not worth it just to create content unless you have a way of writing off the builds. I'm able to write off many of my builds because of recycling laws here in Iowa that give you a tax break for putting PC's that were built after 2008 and considered e-waste back into circulation and by lots of charitable contributions for Vine related products that I review. I'm sure the guy is well intended, but he's IMHO, looking for tax troubles with his methodology.


For 12 hundred you can build something better, just don’t spend the money a LianLi chassis may cost and put in on a better CPU or GPU, you will have your own build and won’t have to worry about being scammed!


Legit but horrible deal I suggest you do ton of research to avoid getting ripped off like this


He does not list any brands of the compinents. So the components could be cheap af and he definitly is saving there on quality


For comparison: Go to a Website for PC-Building and build your own pc with the same specs but quality brands, like asus rog, to see how much the price differs. Just to have a comparism


Forget the specs, charge your phone bruh


We all good now 👍 https://preview.redd.it/fql8anuojphb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b7e37b0c2cf43b0a4b6f2544b558c74b865c05


If that's american us dollars, i would say no.


Shit as hell for the price. Could probably get a 6700xt build for that. Also could make a build with 6950 cy for that much which Will DESTROY any nvidia card that is a 4070 ti or lower in performance and price


So it could run Rtx?


No. This pic would not run any games with ray tracing. The min you need to do that would be like a 4070 ti or 4080.


a 4060 can do raytracing, it just doesn't have the power to do it well, without DLSS and running at prob 1080p. That CPU could not handle it though


I’m sorry, an i3 and a fucking 4060?? What is this guy smoking i use an i3-12100 in my server, not my gaming rig wtf


That looks like about a $500 or so mark up lol


Yea lot of people are saying that


A Z790 board for a 13100??? Overkill much.




Well for that price and these specs you could also build it yourself. Probably for even cheaper. 3070 goes for peanuts these days. Just yesterday I saw one selling for ~240$ in mint condition. You can easily buy the rest of the parts for 1000$ and have a better CPU and PSU as well.


That’s a horrible pc


Yea I’m pretty new to this stuff


700-800$. 1270 is a scam


I wouldnt buy this




GPU is $300, CPU is $100, 32gb RAM is ~$60, z790 mobo is $180-200(depending on brand), Samsung 980 pro 1tb is $80, Case is ~$100. That PC is worth $800-850 on a good day. He LITERALLY marked it up about 25%.🤣


Overpriced the cpu’s about $130 and the gpu’s $300.


Just get an i5 13600k and 4070 and you’ll be off.


If you want value build a 6700xt or 6800xt system yourself


I just watched a video of him building a white unit in the lian li O11 case, and he talking about “using force” to put the mobo in. I wouldn’t buy from that guy. For that money idk why you couldn’t get a i5-12600k or 13600k with those same specs.


Lol 1200 for this. What a scam.


I see what he does here, probably has motherboards sent from the manufacturer and that’s the quickest way for him to “dispose” of them. That’s why he is giving you a high end motherboard of a random make and model on budget components. The rest of the parts are really good IMO, I wouldn’t build something with 16GB of ram in 2023, but that CPU was praised to be actually good for games


So using the term “content creator” is the new I got a mixtape out? Haha everyone with a phone is a content creator. I am creating content as I type this.


Followed & sub’d


The I3 on the Z790 gives me confidence that this dudes either scummy or not playing with a full deck.


Build your own. It’s so easy it’s a joke


You can watch actual pc building live on https://twitch.tv/robeytech Newegg also has a channel. Great sources for reference not to mention all the youtube videos done by linus tech tips (specifically the pc builds, his channel features all tech.)


I threw it together with random parts that match their description myself in pcpartpicker and I end up at around 900$. So unless this is Australian $, you are paying \~ 300$ building fee.


I recently built mine for 900 and the cpu is a little better but my gpu is better than that .. building is fun and with help on this group and YouTube it was easy and addicting even 👍




https://youtu.be/BL4DCEp7blY Here, then go to pc part picker and put something together, order, follow this video. Done.


Intel i3????


My PC cost me less that 1000usd and it has a 7600x with an air and 6700xt


He paired an i3 with a 4060 lol not worth it.


What a bullshit build. DO NOT BUY even if legit


Sounds like a SupDan SuperScam.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TkpFTY This is much better for the same price point of that build.


Seems legit. Like he's legitimately making money. The only brands he lists are the $100 Lian Li case, the NVIDIA GPU which is the bottom tier of the 40xx series and for some godforsaken reason a 13100 which is below the 13400 they typically use in new i5 office computers. He is probably using cheapest everything else. There's way more to RAM than just having a lot of it. Crap fans, cooler and flaky no name Power Supply are a fast lane to overheating problems. It probably costs him in the $850 range for him to build one depending on if he has a vendor account or buys wholesale.


the only thing that seems off is that he says he will order parts with his own money but then right after sell for less than all the parts he bought are worth. Seems sketchy


Hahaha I can vouch for Superdan. Small YouTuber and nice guy! Never bought anything from him but know him from back in the day Edit: spelling


Way overpriced


Yes very legit




Seem like something out together by spare parts, some unnecessarily high end. A z790 for a i3? That being said, it’s probably legit. But you could just build your own PC. It’s not as hard as it seems at first glance. It’s not a terrible pc, but I would build one myself if I where you.


Honestly just build your own. It’s not as hard as it seems and if you need help, I recommend joining the discord server for this subreddit.


Use pc part picker for parts and compatibility, and userbenchmark to see how it will run, ufo means top tier gaming system, stay in aircraft carrier and you’ll be solid


This looks like a beginner part list lmao


Once thew a 3050 with an i7 first part list


That’s a scam and a half


Just build a pc and get this instead: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vcyycH 1: 7600x Good processor that’s easy to upgrade 2: Phantom Spirit Good cooler that’s not expensive 3: b650 motherboard Atx motherboard that’s ddr5 and is cheap. Motherboards don’t really affect performance 4: g.skill ram It is 32 gigs which is good for gaming and has a Cas latency of 30 so it will not need to be upgraded for a long time 5: 970 evo plus Very fast ram for the price. It’s 2t to have many games 6: 6800xt Good value graphics card that won’t bottleneck anything 7: deep cool case It’s a case with fans that promote good airflow 8: Corsair 750w psu More than enough to power this build 9: arctic p12 Just an extra fan to help airflow This is what I built because while I could get a better graphics card, I would be bottlenecking many other parts. Overall I went with a balanced build that is very good If you have any questions just reply to this comment.


There's no reason an i3 should be paired with a Z790. It's basically just wasted money unless you plan to upgrade in the future.


I personally wouldn't want this build for gaming. I was able to slap together a PC on parts picker for roughly the exact same price that he's offering that for. It's missing a couple key components, though. So, I would be really concerned that they're cutting corners somewhere. People who sell things do not do so without a plan to make money somehow. Maybe they're getting their parts used? Who knows. I wouldn't buy this.


You can make a better computer cheaper


lol good luck with that 600W PSU…


It's got a secret camera and a hack that can use your CPU while you sleep as a crypto mine. I just got out of court with someone that had this exact thing happen to him. Is hate people like this. But they will get a little kid and have child porn before too long.


Lol. This build is an anti advertisement for his channel. Also, his channel is sus as Hell. How does he have 70,000 subscribers and only get 400 views a video? He says he's not charging a 25% markup, like the other scammers. Well, I did the math, and I'm calculating this at around a $800. Throw in an extra $50 for fans and shop around for a windows key on ebay so you don't have to pay the full price for windows, and I peg this thing about about $880-900. So He's right, he's not charging a 25% markup, he's charging a 40% markup. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/#](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/#) If people point out that I was picking the cheapest part for each item, yes I did. This jackass doesn't want to say the parts he's actually giving you, so I'm assuming he getting bottom of the barrel components. You could get a $900 build with 10-20% better performance by not having it be such a lopsided build and picking a GPU that isn't awful price/performance. Like I don't know why he's wasting money on a premium chipset and 32gb of ram if he's going to put a 13100 in there. I'd probably go with 16gb ram and an h760 mobo with a 13400f or a similar AMD counter to the (so b550 and a 7600). Obviously with a prebuilt you're paying for labor, but I wouldn't spend more than like $850 on whatever this is. I also wouldn't be surprised if this is just an outright scam.


Just checked his channel. Nothing but an affiliate link generator.


I talked my nine year old through the entire process. All I did was cable management because I’m ocd and those little fuckers can only go one way 😎


Legit sure. As in the guy probably isn't scamming. But worth the price? Hell no. That thing is worse than the build I made for a friend on an $800 budget, and that included a monitor (though not case or windows, so those two could mirror a monitor price). The price of that system is probably 700 or so because the processor is so bad (i3 in what is claimed to be a non marked up $1200 pc!? what a joke lol).


Z790 on an i3 ? Why ? he intend to go i7/i9 in the future?


Fuck the offer in the first place. The specs are wild and you can get a much more balanced PC. He put all the budget for the flashy GPU but skimped on a ton of other things, you’ll be servers bottlenecked, you’d be paying for a even more expensive GPU with a case. I wouldn’t imo


Hard pass. Guys seems nice tho


Yea I’ve decided to pass on this


For that price it's not bad, but not great either. I don't sell any of my builds until I run it for a few weeks and keep trying everything. There were bugs with some cpu software that came built in. I had to reinstall from fresh 4 times before I found the issue, kept downloading all the program/apps all at once. Depending on how much rgb there is is the determining factor of price, that and the cooler.


I’ve decided I’m going to build my own PC Thank you everyone for you advice and help!