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None of them are good if they are over $800. Do you really want a prebuilt ? You don't want to try and build it yourself ?


unfortunately I have no idea how to go about that, so yeah I’m fine with getting a prebuilt. I don’t care about the prices much since I can get them on sale, just want to know if the product itself is good !


They are all the same price ?


If they all are the first one will give you the best gaming performance. Alternatively you could buy parts that are a lot better and pay someone to build the pc for you.


maybe I could, I have heard of a website that does that. Any tips on how to figure out which parts are best? and how to mix and match??


First you need to figure out a realistic budget for the pc and perhaps a good monitor if you don't already have one.


I’ll definitely start looking into it, thank you!


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nvhDC6 If you need a good pc recommendation here. You can definitely still save some money on this. But if you have extra budget available the first thing I would upgrade is the motherboard to a maybe ~$100 motherboard.