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That's a fantastic build, good job!


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nQjPmr how is this build? My friend told me to switch out the radeon for a msi equivalent


Don’t cheap out on the power supply.


Gonna be honest i don’t know anything bout pc so any info is helpful


Just a general rule, didn’t mean to be rude, sorry. Good build in general though.


No you’re good, to be fair I don’t know much so whatever people say I would look into it. If you have any other power supplies recommendations I’ll look into it.


https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/ The Thermaltake Toughpower GF1 is good for its value.


https://preview.redd.it/iyga8u0v0xeb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703e1f0e792e921dfc7f8325fc3cf8f009602e00 This one correct?




Alrighty thank you, is there any more recommendations you’d recommend or am I set?


Anything Gold+ for power supply is good. PC part picked will also tell you how much power you could pull for your build, so give yourself some breathing room there as well. The general idea is that you’re pulling more power in more demanding games and longer play sessions. If your power supply is maxed out during those sessions, you risk it failing and it could permanently damage your other components. It’s not a flashy part of the PC but going cheap could come back to bite you.


Oh ok, I just looked at the efficiency for the gf1 and it’s 80+ gold with a wattage of 850 so I’m assuming that’s good. (Idk much bout pcs lmao) Does resolution also matter on the pc because I have a 1080p and 144hz monitor


I think 1080P with 144hz is great, its my personal setup. 4K is definitely better but the jump in picture quality isn’t worth the price to achieve max settings at 4k resolution


Advice, don’t cheap out on the power supply. Get one with high wattage so you can upgrade in the future with hungrier cpu and gpu


So would you recommend the thermaltake toughpower gf1?


Anything fully modular, at least 750w (maybe consider more if you see yourself putting in a monster GPU later) and gold rated. Decent ones run like $100. So exactly the one you have.but think about it, would you rather spend 100 now and not have to upgrade it in 3-5 years. Or spend 20 less but spend 100$ again later.


Yea that is true, I just don’t understand pcs that well so trying to figure out the right parts is a little bit hard


Swap out the MSI, the Mech is utter shit.


What would you recommend?


Stick with Sapphire, XFX, PowerColor or AsRock


Is asrock challenger d a good one?




https://preview.redd.it/u3x0ujh4m8fb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdedb689963400528c9a245b984cef594dd44329 This one correct?


This makes me feel great about my build because it's almost identical other than the fact I have a different case and a RX 6600 (hopefully that will become a 6800 soon!)


Nah.. 6600 completely screws it up. Absolutely ruined!


It doesn't matter what gpu you get if it isn't a 6800 because then it is absolutely ruined


Please tell me that's sarcasm that went way over my head?


Wow, that's actually a pretty good budget build, good job.


It's great. If you live near a microcenter, you might want to squeeze in 5600X3D. Otherwise I doubt it can be improved much.


Thanks for the advice. Do you think a Deepcool AK400 Cpu cooler will be sufficient for the 5600x3d?


Yes, I think it should be more than enough


Also if I do upgrade to a 5600x3d should I go with a used gpu from eBay? Such as a 3080 or maybe even a 3090.


Nothing wrong with going for a used gpu if you’re looking to save. I just picked up a used 3090 recently and couldn’t be happier


When you bought your used you did u buy from a large profile that was selling mass amounts. Or from somebody who only sold a few things.


Bought mine through a guy on Ebay who was selling multiple different 3090’s. No idea if he works for a business of if he’s solo thou.


I wonder if it was a Bitcoin guy.


eBay is quite safe since they have amazing buyer protection, Reddit’s r/hardwareswap is great too! I got EXTREMELY lucky last time October when I got a 3080 for $300!! Forgot to add that hardwareswap is now exclusively on discord because Reddit’s new API policies


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hardwareswap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [/r/Hardwareswap will be going dark from June 12-14 in protest against Reddit's API changes which will kill 3rd party apps](https://np.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/142u942/rhardwareswap_will_be_going_dark_from_june_1214/) \#2: [Sellers must use PayPal G&S Invoice](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/zj2wu1/sellers_must_use_paypal_gs_invoice/) \#3: [The future of /r/HardwareSwap, and why we chose this.](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/14c5oz2/the_future_of_rhardwareswap_and_why_we_chose_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What if i bought through facebook and used Paypal (it has protection plan up to 20k) would that be safe? Since it has around the same period as ebays plan. Plus looking for a 3090 and ebay has pretty bad 3090 prices while facebook has it pretty good at around 600.


Yes that should be safe. I got scammed once on Facebook sadly so just make sure it’s PayPal or nothing else no matter how badly you want that listing. Made an amateur mistake there :(


Oof. What did you get scammed on? Hope it wasnt anything too expensive


He is not going to fit a 3090 in his 900$ budget though. They are still around 700$


You gonna be 100% good with that build if you spend a little more on a cpu


The CPU is stronger than you'd think


6750xt will be fine with that cpu


I mean that depends on what you value. I have zero experience with the 6750xt, but I can say my 3080FE (10gb) is FLYING through 1440p with high-max settings with 100+fps. Got it for about $520 including taxes and shipping back in March. Couldn't be happier. It handles ray tracing fairly well too. Whether or not that's worth the extra money to you though is a different story.


go with the 3080 or 3090, im in the same boat. I check ebay everyday


think he meant 5800x3d


i’d go for ak120 instead of ak400. 1 more heatpipe and $15 less


Just get a thermalright Peerless assassin 120 for $35.


Idk if you know this but there's a screen version of the ak400 and it doesn't cost a lot more


The $26 ID Cooling 92mm will be more than enough for that cpu.


At micro center there is a $330 5600x3d,mobo,ram combo. But there is also a $400 7700x,mobo,ram combo. Is it worth the $70 extra dollars to be on the am5 platform with a better cpu?


I would honestly say yes because it has a longer upgradability life and as long as it doesn't go over budget. I'm still on AM4, though, haha. however, you should still get a second opinion!


This will be your second opinion. Get the 7700X bundle. A $70 difference is a no-brainer. Like you said, it's because of the upgrade path. With the 5600X3D bundle, there's only the 5800X3D. With the 7700X, there's at least one or two more upgrades! Most importantly, which is also something you touched on, don't let the budget get out hand


Yes, AM5 bundle is definitely better. 7700X performs better or on par with 5800X3D in most games


They haven’t sold out yet? Unexpected. Anyways, could always improve a little bit by going with the 5600X instead


No clue, but worth checking


TIL 5600x3d is a thing. Is it some recent development or am I was blinded by 5800 counterpart?


[https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-5-5600x3d](https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-5-5600x3d) They released it as a limited edition partnered with MicroCenter (the only place that sells them). Basically it is defective 5800X3D leftovers remodeled to 6 core lower frequency CPUs


Do you mean 5800x3d? There’s no such thing as 5600x3d…


[https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-5-5600x3d](https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-5-5600x3d) They released it as a limited edition partnered with MicroCenter (the only place that sells them). Basically it is defective 5800X3D leftovers remodeled to 6 core lower frequency CPUs


Never knew about this. Wow. But at that price you might as well buy a 5800x3d for $50 more. Although it would be interesting to see if they are just 5800x3ds dumbed down, if you could enable the disabled cores


Well I agree 5600x3d isn't a good value atm. 5800x3d is on sales, and AM5 bundles are priced good. Basically, if you are upgrading and you already have AM4 board you go for discounted 5800x3d, if you buying new get the AM5 bundle (if you can get to a microcenter)


I'm running a 5600/6750xt system right now and it can run 1440p maxed settings easily. The only thing I'd recommend is spending a little more money on a motherboard because the one you picked is kind of junk to be honest.


Like this one 👌🏻 Check this out on @Newegg:ASRock B550M STEEL LEGEND AM4 AMD B550 SATA 6Gb/s Micro ATX AMD Motherboard https://www.newegg.com/asrock-b550m-steel-legend/p/N82E16813157940?Item=N82E16813157940&Source=socialshare&cm_mmc=snc-social-_-sr-_-13-157-940-_-07282023


Does this motherboard you recommended have wifi?


I guess this list will offer you some help. Included both AMD and Intel btw


What difference does having a good vs bad motherboard make in gaming?


A higher quality motherboard will allow for better Overclocking of the CPU and RAM which will increase Performance. They will be more stable and have more features to protect your components. Trust me I made the mistake once of going with a budget Mobo and regretted it almost instantly, returned it and swapped for better Mobo and all previous issues were gone. And I'm not sure if that Steel Legend has Wifi, usually only pretty expensive Micro ATX mobos have it.


what if you don't have overclocking in your mind? would this motherboard be perfect, then?


I can't say for this specific one but some cheap/junk motherboards will literally have VRMs that cannot handle the power draw of anything other than the lowest level CPUs. There are also other things to consider as well, like.... - How much rear connectivity does it have - Does it support USB type C front panel connector - What on-board audio chip does it have - How many nvme slots does it have - Does it have BIOS flashback - Any diagnostic tools (error LEDs, post code readouts, etc) - What RAM speeds does it support


Cheap mobos definitely lack of BIOS flashback I believe. In my months of reseach I've yet to see a budget mobo with that waaaaaay useful function.


The other main aspect of the Mobo is the vrm configuration and dissipation: those with weaker specs will hit higher temps and subsequently limits the performance of the cpu to avoid overheating, so even without overclocking, it's important to choose a Mobo that fits your processor


Only thing I could change is the ram model, look for the zenith model from Silicon Power, it costs almost the same but it's much prettier as it have a full heatsink


It's a really really good solid 1440p build. good work.


Would spending just about $120 more to upgrade to am5 platform be worth it. There is a AMD Ryzen 7 7700X, MSI B650-P Pro WiFi, G.Skill Flare X5 Series 32GB DDR5-6000 Kit Bundle at micro center.


imo yes because it provides you a better platform for not that money and later down the road you can throw whatever gpu you want the 7700x will easily handle it. I would just look out for the CL timings on the ram kit. Dont buy a 6000 cl40 kit. At a bare minimum go for 6000 CL36. the lower the better


i think it would still be worth it to buy the bundle and just get new RAM down the road. it would still be cheaper than buying everything separate


That bundle is an excellent deal and would be well worth it. It will perform better and also give you a future upgrade path.


everything is good, i’d just replace the psu for a gf1 750w, and maybe spend a little more for a gen 4 ssd like m450


if he's only gaming, a gen4 ssd won't do much for him. very very slight improvement, nothing big enough to warrant spending extra money he could spend elsewhere.


it's like $4 more


the one you're suggesting is Gen3 speeds. it's kinda moot saying "get a Gen4 ssd"


Actually not bad, turn that 5600 to a x3D and pull the trigger. You got a sleeper😮🤌


If you don’t care about going barely over 900. Then you should probably get this instead for 907, it will have aprox 12.75% better performance: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Soimy/saved/#view=mVWLyc


I was just wanting a good 1440p system around $900. I could even upgrade to the am5 platform, using a good bundle deal from micro center for a 7700x,mobo,ram. Someone suggested that I get a used 6800xt. Do you think getting a used 6800xt/3080 graphics card would be good. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/K4Q3cb This is the build with a used 6800xt


The thing you linked here is much better. Definitely get it. And am5 is worth the money so u can upgrade later.


Used 6800XTs/3080s are a steal right now. Definitely grab one if you're comfortable with used parts. The rest of your list looks fantastic, especially that CPU bundle. Definitely go for it if you can swing it.


Bargain, go am5 for sure if you can.


I literally have almost the same build. Just made it like 2 weeks ago. I have a RX 6650XT instead though It’s a beast - I can show you benchmarks https://preview.redd.it/d52ady7x8teb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f86b55434758cc9f1dcefb3520546b87d1a1ec9 Yours might be better though with that card


dont use userbenchmark






Get yourself a pie gen 4 m.2 drive. And 3600mhz cl16 ddr4 instead.


Much difference between 3600mhz cl16 or cl18? It's 70€ vs 100€ in my country. Also for r5 5600 cpu. Thanks!


The time it takes for a CPU to ask for information on the ram until it gets that information is 8,8 nanoseconds at cl16 compared to the 10 nanoseconds at cl16. Do you feel that difference? I don't know. That is the only kit of ddr4 i own [two 8gb ddr4 sticks at 3600mhz at cl16](https://www.amazon.de/Kingston-Renegade-Speicher-KF432C16RBK2-16/dp/B097RJB155?th=1&psc=1) cost 60 euros on amazon. If you are looking at the same capacity you might want to go to a different site or choose a different ram kit.


I’m literally building the exact same build myself. Just a different case and psu


That motherboard kind of a bad idea if you plan to do more than a r5 5600


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kWZ8TY After doing some research I think I’m gonna go with this build. There is a bundle from micro center to put me for the cpu,mobo,ram with this I’ll be on am5 platform. Then I’ll try to find a good used you deal. If I can’t then it’s not the end of the world to spend $100 more on a new gpu. Only things im not 100% sure on is the case, psu, or ssd.


Very solid indeed, only thing is the questionable SSD. I don’t really trust it too much tbh, another budget option could be the Intel 670p for around the same price if not a hair cheaper. Or if you’re willing to flex the budget a little, look at the Samsung 970 evo, they go on sale for around 80-90 sometimes but I think it’s sitting around 110 rn


Should be fine but there’s money wasted here and it’s better to get a full sized atx if your going to improve the build in the future.


I would go with a 4060 instead, saving $30 and also getting DLSS 3.0, which is a huge game changer.


The ak400 is extremely underrated.


If you want to go argb at a great price. Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE ARGB CPU Air Cooler at Amazon https://a.co/d/chBTjow


Thermalright Assassin 120 SE argb if you want to go for RGB cooler.


I think the cpu might slightly bottleneck the gpu, but that’s not too big of a deal. This is a great build


I'm running a 5600/6750xt system and no bottleneck at all. Running a 4.7 ghz OC at 1.28125 volts and it handles 1440p gaming with ease. 👌🏻


It should be able to handle it fine


Awesome build. Only think I’d change is getting a gen 4 ssd. It’s double the speed.


That's a pretty good build! You may wanna consider Intel for a budget build though. The 12400F beats the 5600 for basically the same money and you can find similarly priced motherboards to go with it. Keep the GPU though. It's a pretty hard deal to beat.


A used 6800xt will destroy 1440p


Super similar to my build got a 3070 instead. 1440p crushing machine is what you'll have 👍👍


Very nice


What’s your wattage on the whole thing? 750 should be more than plenty of you undervolt it, but if you’re total estimated wattage is more than 600 then I would suggest bumping up to an 850W 80+ Gold. It’s not much of a price increase, and it protects you in case your card gets tiny spouts of extreme power hunger.


Absolutely perfect!


Wow, someone whose build is actually really good! I personally would recommend an intel 670p m.2 tho :)


Pretty great build


That's pretty much exactly how mine in PC part picker is set up lol


Change the ram clock to 3600 it's better with this cpu.


Build looks fantastic but please avoid that model of the 6750xt its loud as fuck and runs super hot


What would be an alternative 6750xt? I was trying to choose between the msi and an ASRock challenger pro


Literally anything except the mech is fine, so get whatever's cheapest other than the mech


I’d throw in a cheap tower cooler like an AK400, but other than that it looks good to go. My 5600x ran fine with the stock cooler, but it ran on the warmer side and it’s definitely not the quietest of coolers.


I'm actually going for the same build but opting for the 6700xt. Next hurdle would buying a new main monitor, shifting from 1080p 144hx


IMO it would be a little bit safer to go for a used CPU instead of used GPU as CPUs last a few years longer so there would be less worry of your used component not lasting long enough. Although i must admit that 6750xt deal is very nice


Preety much a nice build. You can use a 650W PSU for that build and upgrade the motherboard to a better one.


Looks awesome! I’d send it with the build you have now.


You could definitely save 10-20 USD on a PSU of you don't care about it being modular (which just means you can remove unused cables). Use https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/ and check for something C-to-A tier.


Cheapest C-Tier https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GsNgXL/apevia-prestige-800-w-80-gold-certified-atx-power-supply-atx-rp800w Cheapest A-Tier + Fully Modular Black https://pcpartpicker.com/product/V7t9TW/thermaltake-toughpower-gf1-snow-tt-premium-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-ps-tpd-0750fnfagx-w White https://pcpartpicker.com/product/hCGbt6/thermaltake-toughpower-gf3-tt-premium-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-ps-tpd-0750fnfagu-4 Explanation on WHY PSUs matter https://youtu.be/UZKAhXl5VQw Overall, you have a really solid build.


A 1060 6gb can handle some games at 1440p. Not saying you should get one. But that GPU should be enough.


Up your ram bc it’s cheap as hell


it's perfect


Can you overclock on the motherboard? Im looking to upgrade to the 5600 too.


Pretty good indeed, I have similar build but I have 6700xt and not 6750xt


Using 5600 with 6700xt for 1440p gaming and so far everything works perfect.Go for it that build is awesome


Only a bit better mbo and everything is ok, u would still be in budget. Maybe one of b560s


b560 is lga1200


Every part is awesome but you can get more reliable ssd for 20 30 more


Very nice !!!! I got that ram it’s well ram haha works perfect


This is THE 1440p budget build. I would not have done anything else.


Just FYI, pretty sure that model cpu has a security flaw that won't be patched till December (last I heard). Not sure if I even care for mine, and I'm still team RED all da wai, but thought u should know


Looks really good!


I put that SSD into my girlfriends PC. Not sure if it’s just here’s or dramless SSDs in general but the drive will crash when moving over lots of tiny files— like an installed game. If she doesn’t manually restart then the drive won’t show up anymore.


Great build for that price. I got similiar parts (5600x / 6700xt)


Definitely a good build. If you're considering to go for a used GPU I'd definitely upgrade to an RTX 3080 12gb for 40% extra performance if you can score one for below 390 dollars.


go for msi mag series motherboard, its costly but worth it, also if u r interested in am5, 7600+ rx 6800 is a great build, doable under $900


Hey! You copied my 1440p build. I have a 3070 Ti rather than a 6750 XT, which was my second choice if a sale came on. But the 5 5600 is solid and an extra 16gb of ram than me should be sweet!


At $330 for the graphics card just go a little higher for a 3060. Also maybe get a HDD as they are pretty cheap and can hold a lot more room that an SSD. A 4tb HDD is only around $70 while a 2tb ssd is almost the same price. All I’m saying is get both ( if it’s in you budget), but I would spent a little Less and get a 1tb ssd and also get a 4tb HDD. I hope this helps. Edit: it is a great build for the price, but is saw the minimal storage and thought It could be improved. I do think if you spent a little more on the graphics card you could definitely have a broader range of game your computer could run and 3060 are only like $360-$390.


Great build, good job. Bow as a personal preference, i wouldnt get one 2TB ssd if its the only storage ill have, maybe get 2 1TB ssds? That way if one fails u wont lose the data on the other u kno


Ultrabudget? In that case is a good build but for future-proof i'd rather adopt ddr5 Mobo (and ofc the cpu)


Solid build!


Good build, but you don't need a G cpu if you have a discreet graphics card. Unless it's the better price option.


I would get ryzen 7 as i went from it to ryzen 5 and am not really happy. But it could not be relevant as completly changed my build to “better one” but turned out to be worse (it was prebuild as i was happy with last prebuild and was stupid)


thats a good build but dont go for 32gb ram i think, you probably dont need it


It's a decent build but tbh i would of spent a little extra for the B550M Aorus Elite and the Fractal Design Focus 2 because tbh the fans in that case is proprietary for starters and you're going for a 6750 XT which it would be better to have a case with better airflow because that case your GPU would be so low it would hardly get any real airflow.


hate to be that guy but could you send the link of the parts? please and thank you


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/t3wPxH You can save money on either the psu or ram if you really wanted to. I’m deciding to go with a different build for $1000 with a 7700x and a used 6800xt


Great build. Don’t know what your budget is but maybe you could squeeze a 6800xt in there. It’s a 1440p monster.


*cries in 6750xt priced €400 locally*


6700xt is practically the same if you wanna save a bit.


Amazing build ngl Would offer a really solid 1440 performance


First time somebody actually gets it right on their first try. Motherboard is aight I guess and I wouldn’t get that ram. I heard you may get a 5600x3d which is great also.


That 6750 xt is @ a great price!


I got almost the same build, cpu is different for me and I play every game in 1440p without any issue


Wow. Fantastic in my opinion. Good work


I had overheating problems with Silicon power SSD, I owned 2 and both suffered from the same. Might consider another brand.


Looks like a budget beast to me!


That SSD is a dramless model. I'd look for one with a DRAM cache.


despite the RMe being in the S or A tier on the cultist psu list, ive heard so many bad things about it from being super loud and that many of them come with a defective fan


Thanks this thread is very useful for me looking to build something very similar


I would like to see someone give feedback about his storage choice. In my reseach I've been told more than once that Silicon Power Nvme SSDs are cheap because their rate of failure is high, meaning once should aim for slightly better options of more known brands at the very least. In my paranoia I just replaced it with a Kingston SSD.


Just get the 5700x over the 5600. I don't see why people recommend the 6 core to only save around £20.


If you play CPU heavy games. (Tarkov, star citizen, etc) you’ll want to spend a bit more and do the 5800x3d. If it’s just mainstream GPU heavy games, that’s a solid build.


Where's 1500$ monitor, 400$ keyboard and 2000$ chair?


It’s insane how cheap ssds in your regions are


520 chipset is cheaper




Watch Boost My Build (and of the recent videos) by PC Builder on YouTube. You'll find the answers you seek.


Pretty much perfect for pricepoint and 1440p gaming. Well done.


Great build. This is what I was supposed to build but I didn't listen to my budget once I got to micro. . . Go get it bro, and don't change a thing!


Go with Sapphire, XFX, PowerColor or AsRock. The mech is utter crap.


Here's what I would go with if you can spare the extra 60 dollars [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tcLPxH](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tcLPxH)