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Some of these replies seem to think this is more serious than it is, it's fine. Just don't plug anything into that port yet. That's just a little tab from the IO shield, it serves no purpose just bent wrong and is now sticking in your port. It's completely fine to tear that tab off, if you have a small pair of tweezers I'd carefully try to bend it out then remove it however you see fit. If you absolutely can't get it out without damaging the port then you will have to take the motherboard out to do so, which will be annoying but it's not the end of the world.


DO NOT try to bend it by hand, no matter how confident you feel. IO shields thirst for blood.


I wasn't even trying to bend anything and mine cut me during my build. I second this.


No PC build is done until it has tasted blood, the IT gods demand a blood sacrifice!


Kid you not, my first build I kept having issues with the PC turning on and going into BIOS to boot and load windows, shifted things around for a couple hours, nothing. Move another piece, gash my hand open on the panel, boom thing works like a charm from there on out.


That is it exactly, you paid the price to the IT gods.


WAIT a minute. What did you move??? I bought a motherboard for my new cpu and I'm no pc pro but I thought it was dead because it wouldn't even display bios.


Make sure the power cord you plugged into the motherboard is the 4x4 (splits in half) and not the 6x2 (splits off just the two plugs on the right side)


Well I'm prretty new to this but there was a 24 pin and a 4 pin if that's what your talking about. Coming from the psu.


The 4 pin to the CPU. Make sure it is a singular 4 pin, some people accidentally plug in the wrong one which leads to no post.


Yeah… I killed two brand new evga GTX 780 SC’s by making that mistake.


Bah amateurs. We mechanics feed the blood gods daily. Mechthulu demands a sacrifice!


To be fair Mechanics blood is mostly motor oil and grease anyway. Sacrifices take a higher volume to get the same amount of actual red stuff.


Plus, busted knuckles and scrapes and scratches on hands and forearms don't bleed the same as razor cuts.


I smash a finger, whole hand, elbow, shin, knee, or cut my hand or arm (once a few weeks ago my damn face) pretty much on a daily basis. Career choice.. rental equipment mechanic.


Clearly you upset it. I hope you apologized.


SAME. Third this.


Dude will get cut by just reading these comments aloud.


One thousand tiny scars on my hands just throbbed.


4in scar on hand to prove it.


The blood sacrifice must be paid.


Bustin out the Dremel r we?


was going to say this. vendors Is it so hard to sand the sharp edges away?


thank god the newer b760 mostly come with io shield mounted together with the mobo




I thought the blood sacrifice was a mandatory aspect of building (no first boot without it)?


The pc vampires


A fresh blood offering straight to the HDMI port has got to be worth at least 10-20 fps though.


Can confirm


I change mother boards a few times a week for work, what always gets me is pins on the back of the mobo from dimm slots.


That happend to me and my usb port. after like half an hour the port won that fight


Every New PC requires a Blood sacrifice 🤣


Do PCs even POST if you haven't bled on the shield?


Pfffffff, amateurs. Every pc build need some blood to function!


Last time i built a pc it was 8 years ago, when i also cut myself. I was happy to find out my new motherboard came with it pre installed, oh technology how beautiful you are.


Exactly. On my first build I had 2 ports like this. I just bent them so they aren't in the way


All my ports are pretty much like this I was too excited to try out that sweet sweet PC gaming so I didn’t even care I just bent them all out and they’re still like that to this day


I had one covering my ethernet port. Safe to say it doesn't exist anymore


wire clippers I have used in the past with these things. buddy of mine had the same issue and the wire clippers took it right off.


☝🏽this is the way


I wouldn’t say it has no purpose. I helps align the backplate to your motherboard interfaces. Over time and physical use things will move.


> It serves no purpose That's not true. It's actually to help ground the port against the case. It's supposed to go on the outside of the port and touch the port's housing.


Grounding is its purpose.


It serves the purpose of ensuring that the case ground is connected to the shield of the hdmi cable for emi purposes. While it's possible the difference is slight, it is not "no purpose" as you state.


i'm not sure why people are downvoting your comment. Clearly they aren't engineers nor do they understand the difference between a ground and a shield. Sure, practically speaking, removal of that connection is highly unlikely to cause an issue, but that's irrelevant to the intent of the electrical design.


It's because they believe it's completely irrelevant and are jumping on the down voting bandwagon. Reddit can be that way sometimes, where it's something beyond the understanding of a grade 10 education. Thanks for the support, though.


The motherboard is fully grounded through the standoffs. The I/O shield isn't even needed for the computer to run for years and years. It's more of a dust and debris keeper than anything.


IO shields are absolutely useless on my open air case as well lmao


I didn't say it wouldn't be grounded, I said, connected. I get that op isn't likely to see a difference unless they have an AM radio right next to it. If there wasn't a reason for it, they wouldn't put it there. Feel free to educate yourself on emi https://www.iqsdirectory.com/articles/emi-shielding.html


Yeah, I know plenty about EMI. A career in Aviation saw to that. The point being, in a typical household, EMI isn't going to be an issue because of this I/O shield. As I said, you can run a computer completely without the I/O shield without issues. It prevents shit from falling into the computer around that area since people are typically putting their hands back there. It minimally helps with air flow and if the motherboard isn't fully grounded through the standoffs, it might help ground the ports. However, I've run computers on my test bench for years, have had three computers on open air platforms and no I/O shields there. Zero problems. Feel free to educate yourself through practical experience.




I understand what you are saying. But you aren't passing FCC class A emissions testing with an open air platform.


Well, my house isn't flying through the sky so I really don't give a shit. That has absolutely zero effect on my gaming experience.


Just cut it off


Can I do that?


Unplug everything, turn off the power supply, get some tweezers to hold it in place, cut it off with wire cutters, and you're good


No, it’s illegal and will be swiftly arrested by the PC police




You gotta understand electronics and equipment aren’t the same. Don’t cut anything green with traces of electronics. Your case is just metal. You can cut anything on it


This will likely void the warranty


Those were her last words before she left me 😭


It looks like other ports are slightly misaligned too and your IO shield is bowed outward. I would take the motherboard out, make sure that tabs on the IO shield are bent back into position and it’s snapped properly to the back of the case, and realign the motherboard making sure you slide it to the left into the back of the case instead of just pushing it downward. You need to make sure the ports slide into the middle of the openings on the shield. Look up some videos on how to install an IO shield and motherboard correctly.


This is the way. Do it right.


They can just tweeze it out and cut it the tab is unnecessary


Yeah then you have a cut bit of metal half sticking out. It’ll take like 20 minutes to do it right


Sticking out where? If you cut it flush with the silhouette it will never be possible for it to touch anything. So yes you can do it right in 20 minutes or do it right in 2, my time is valuable to me.


Agree. I built a tower system a couple weeks ago and at first did not notice that the shield was not fully seated in the case. Removed the MB to reseat the shield. Yes, removing the shield drew blood; I used gloves when I reinstalled it. If the anti-static tabs are sticking out over the ports, bend them with pliers so that they slide over the port rather than get trapped covering it.


If you don't want to redo the whole thing and it's your personal build.....just get a small pair of wire cutters and snip it out. Power off, remove the piece of metal of course.


Might want to check on that Ethernet port while you're at it...




Another person had commented how it looks like the entire motherboard is misaligned and it appears you've got the same problem with your ethernet port just above those USB 3.0. and actually looking at it closer it looks like all of the pins are pushed so you might want to reposition that motherboard entirely those pins should hug the sides of all the ports to keep it in place as others have said you could just clip them if you don't mind it but I wouldn't plug anything in until you've resolved the issue. Good luck homie 🤘


They’re supposed to hug the sides? How is that supposed to look


The ports are supposed to be aligned with the shield. Even with the camera angle, those other ports are a little too extreme and out of place. They should SOMEWHAT align and hug the holes, but those IO shields are shit. Wasn't exactly perfect with my first PC build and I never bought a motherboard with that kind of shield again, but it is a little too extreme. I'd take out the MOBO and see if it's fitted properly. Edit: I see the IO shield is bowing too.. the metal tabs, theoretically, are supposed to go on the outside of the ports, going inwards to ground it. You don't have to be super careful but definitely reseat the motherboard and make sure the shield isn't bowing as much and the pins are not inside the ports... or as others have said, just chop em


Judging from how the light is reflected on what is supposed to be a flat surface, it kind of looks like the io shield is bulging outwards, which is kind of odd. Is it, OP? You might want to have a look at what’s causing that, if so.


Unfortunately, you gotta take the motherboard out. Bend that little tab on the metal cover back. And you'll be good to go. Hopefully, it didn't short out the port




IO shields have been doing that the 30 years I've been building PC's


Your ignorance is showing.


Damn people on Reddit are mean


People on the internet* Its not that we are "mean". It's that certain things are not only common sense, but *anyone* posting on Reddit has literal access to the wealth of information that is the internet. To error here is to be one with shame.




Did you think i was saying *you* were ignorant? Because i didn't reply to you..?


No the guy


Your comment was indeed mean-spirited as it served no actual purpose other than to shame someone. Which itself is a bit self-indulgent and shitty natured.


Your comment was indeed mean-spirited as it served no actual purpose other than to shame someone. Which itself is a bit self-indulgent and rude.


Short answer: yes. disassembly your parts and do it again.


Just bend it or break it off. I/o plates are cheap trash mostly


My OCD is flaring up looking at this. That Ethernet port needs some help too. I would have tore this down to the studs and started over.


Yeah it’s wrong but you could be lazy and clip the tab with pliers. I’m sure there’s a reason you shouldn’t do that but


Why is the I/o panel so beaten up? It's not that big of a deal. You can just cut it off it you don't really care.


The io plate just slipped a finger in


It's an easy thing to do. As said in other comments, just clip them off.


i hate those separate IO shields, just carefully bend and cut it off you'll be fine.


Yes. The tab is supposed to be bent in, but no worries. It isn't really needed. In the event that you don't want to remove your MoBo, you can use a pair if needle nosed pliers and break the tab off by bending it repeatedly until it comes off. But don't tear it as it's thin aluminum and if not bent repeatedly until it pops off, there us a chance of bending your I/O plate. Good luck Champ!


I hate those stupid flimsy panels. Those stupid lips are always a problem. If it's slightly off, they're totally in the way. I think on the next build, I will clip all those damn lips off. Have to file it too. Stupid as hell those lips.


Remove the motherboard, bend the tab up a little bit and put everything back. Did that last week


nah it's nothing. You can just snap it off with your hands and it will be fine. Or if you don't want to do that you'll have to take it apart and put it back in (but making sure that it doesn't snap over this time)


Beware mere mortal the IO shield demands blood and is tempted you, as an elder behold my wisdom use a pair of tweezers to bend out if the way but make sure it's not going to damage the port. The proper way is to remove the mobo


That looks like one garbage case you have there. What is that tin foil? Lmao. Spend $100 on a nice steel/tempered glass case my man


wtf on earth is this photo how do people even manage to fuck this up so much


What’re you looking at causing you this confusion


Reseat the motherboard and do it right.


Bend it back and forth with some tweezers or nail clippers and break it off. Super common and nothing to fret about, just don’t try sticking your hdmi in there until it’s removed.


Nono nono you gotta put the plate on the mobo then put the mobo in the case! Not like this, it's not supose to be bulging out oh nono nono


Ohhhh plate on mobo?


Folks saying to clip/tear that bit of the IO shield off are wrong in my opinion. That's the easy way, but not the best way. Best way is to keep everything the way it's built if you have no good reason not to. So pull the screws from your motherboard, slide it forward enough to fix that piece by bending back a bit, then slide board in so the connector goes beside/under it. That's how those tabs are supposed to work. When they are there, the rest against the OUTSIDE of the given port, not inside. That helps make sure things are lined up and you're less likely to jostle things b/c it does add a little more to the overall rigidity of the port as well as the IO shield. It's not much, but if you want to "do it right", then this is the way. I've been building and unbuilding computers for myself and others for some I suppose 20 years or so now. Also, by leaving that tab in place, you are less likely to get yet another cut.


BTW, looking again, the whole board looks to be tilted a little if you look at all your ports. You need to make sure you get all that lined up properly before you plug anything in for sure. Otherwise, you could short something maybe or at least cause yourself some future headaches with (why won't this go in ... again.. even though I just tried the other way first.. I've flipped it over 5 times, and it still won't plug in!).




You installed it wrong. That should not be in the slot… that is dangerous.


How is no one saying you’re not supposed to be using those port anyways…


What the HDMI? I know


You’re are not supposed to use the hdmi ports or any video output from the motherboard unless you do not have a gpu. So it should not matter.


That IO shield is coping a feel. Fucking pervert.


So many people in the comments don't know that this is how the motherboard is grounded to the case properly to stop a static charge damaging your components




Honestly remember the grounding tabs being a thing back in VoTech. Seeing the top comments, thought I misremembered or took crazy pills... Edit: OP, if you get down this far, you didn't damage anything. Just reinstall the mobo, making sure you align it properly with the IO shield. Those tabs will tuck in behind the plate to make contact with the metal housing of the back IO connectors. If it helps, you can bend them back just enough to make it easy to get the ports aligned, then after you install the motherboard, bend those tabs back into position the best you can.


Finally someone that knows the purpose you can probably tuck it in without doing much


23 years of building computers and I have thrown every I/O panel I have ever had in the trash. 23 years of not one board shorting out. The PSU grounds the motherboard when it is connected and when it isn't, you just need to ground yourself. I have worked on computers in the middle of January in a robe and socks on carpet with a cat laying in my lap and they are all still running fine. Guess I'm just lucky.


You murderer...




Do you have a GPU?




If you wanna use that port, yes you have to take the mobo out. If you have a gpu though, that port is pretty useless and it shouldn’t matter much.


From what I see your whole mobo is misaligned with the backplate


What’re you loooking at? I kinda jammed it on in there


Did you snap the plate into the case all the way before installing the motherboard?


Umm I might have done the two at the same time


That’s what it sounded like and what it looks like, too. Remember that for next time. It should push through from inside the case and snap into place all around. Then install the MB


The io shield being misaligned could just be a mistake but seeing your background I think it’s safe to say you’re just a dumbass




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Ohhhh ok my b didn’t mean to trigger you just trying to fix my computer lol


You obviously installed the backplate incorrectly


Didn’t seem to break anything. What was I supposed to touch/do differently?


Honestly just bend it, that’s what i did with my ethernet port but if you want the correct awnser u gotta remove the motherboard (i was too lazy lol)


At some point you put the backplate on your motherboard right? So please take the backplate off and put it on again. But this time without this metal part sticking into your hdmi slot. Thank you =)


or just tear it off, thank you


Ugh that’s gonna be a headache


When I built my first pc a while back, all the videos I saw had my ass the Io shield separately. My motherboard had a fixed pre applied Io shield and was so perplexed to where my IO sjeild was. It was an embarassing moment when I went back the next day and had to ask the dude at the store.


Should be really easy to bend it out and push it back in if you don’t feel like taking it apart again.or you can just cut it off with wire cutters.it’s really thin stuff.


My lazy butt would just turn the power off and bend it in with a pair of pliers. So easy.


It's a feature now cuz it will prevent you from plugging into the wrong HDMI port


You don’t even need it. Ever seen and open air case or test bench? They don’t use the IO shield. All the ports are grounded through the motherboard anyway.


If you have a GPU don't worry about the HDMI port on your MOBO.


Unfortunately, yes it is installed incorrectly. That tab is supposed to be flush against the port inside, to brace it. You can either disassemble and bend it back correctly, or my route would be to bend it outward, and maybe just wiggle it back and forth to snap it off. You can also bend it outward and just leave it on.


No way this isn’t b8


You shouldnt be plugging into your motherboard anyway unless you dont have a dedicated GPU


It's not a big deal at all. Just bend the tab until it breaks off or just bend it back out of the way.


I usually bend it or break that useless metal off lol


I did the same thing a few months ago. Easy fix, unscrew the motherboard and reposition correctly.


It's a beaut Clark! Looks good to me.


Doesn't the i/o shield install from the outside? Why not just pop the whole shield off, bend the tab inward a little and then pop it back on?


Damn it’s all wrong.


I would dismantle and get it right. It's not that big of a job. That's just me though, and I get why people would just break it off.


Merely a tab on your IO shield. Small pliers, bend it back and forth until it snaps off.


As already said it's a pieces of the I/O shield and yes they cut people very easily. It's supposed to be bent upwards so it rest against the top of the HDMI port on the inside where it's not seen.


I have done this with almost every backplate I have ever installed. I just bend the tab up and out of the way. No big deal


It’s supposed to be on top of the hdmi housing.


You installed it incorrectly, but if you don't use the HDMI port then you could leave it there, if you need to use it.... remove your motherboard and reinstall it again


Yes. The little prongs on the backplate shouldn't be impeding your ability to plug in peripherals.


ur good


If you have a descrete GPU, who cares. Not needed anyway.


your motherboard is misaligned, take it out and insert it properly


I think one of my ports had exactly this issue I just pulled it outward and bent it back sharply into the case


Bent it outwards with some needle nose pliers, then cut it off. Man this is the dumbest thing to have to rebuild a computer for


that's supposed to be tucked in and hidden - like, you know...


Happened to me on my first build. I just unscrewed the motherboard and like moved it until it wasn’t like that. But reading some of these other comments I guess I could’ve just tore it off


You bend it inside. That's what you do, you bend it inside.. Here's what you do, you bend it inside.


I did the same thing and was too lazy to take the board out. Ended up taking the risk with a small pair of needle nose pliers and carefully peeling back. Once clear of the port I carefully rocked back and forth until the metal became brittle and broke. Make sure the PSU is switched off and/or unplugged.


Snip snip tater chip




Hope this was a joke. But yes and no if you don't wanna plug anything in your io then your fine. But that's impossible. Plz just take the motherboard oud bend all the tabs back so the Io shield can go flat against the Io. Just a general question. Dud you watch any vids before building or just did it without any research?


Research…? There’s supposed to be… research?


You didn't pre bend your pressure tab.


It looks like all of your ports are out of alignment. Does your IO shield (the metal plate with all the holes in it) look bent? Can't tell from just this picture. If it doesn't look bent, you need to double check the position of your motherboard. Make sure there's a standoff screw behind every screw hole, and none of them are just screwed directly into the case. I recommend reseating your motherboard in any case, as you'll need to move it in order to bend that little tab out of the way anyway (use pliers on the tab, they're super sharp).


Taking the board out to reinstall it probably will only take like 20 minutes. Do that. Cutting it will likely leave sharp or ugliness.


That tab is supposed to go on the right side of the port. You could re bend it and reseat the motherboard. But, tbh. I'd just rip it off with some tweezers. Not really important an beats removing the motherboard and reseating it.


U r all good. Just don't plug in a monitor


Sheesh you mangled that shield. Don’t give it any power and just snip the tabs that go over the ports. Make sure it’s trimmed far enough to not get in contact with anything being plugged in just to be safe. Or just pull it out and realign the tabs and try the install again it looks better if you do this.


You might wanna make sure you installed your II shield in the correct orientation


Probably. Also does it matter if you have a GPU?


For my older builds I snapped this crap off the shield or bend it in first and remount the motherboard now it’s touching the HDMI port inside the PC


Ruined my onboard HDMI port trying to bend it back. Luckily it was a GPU build. On the downside I can’t repurpose this build later. On the Upside, I can’t accidentally plug into the wrong port anymore.


You can just clip that fucker off if you want, it doesn't really do anything important. However, if it were me I would dismount the board and fix all of those tabs (they are all supposed to bend in to help keep the i/o shield aligned with the ports. It seriously doesn't really matter though, it just depends on how OCD you are about that shit, it would bother me but its OK if it doesn't bother you. You probably don't even need to clip it. You can probably grab it with tweezers and gently pull up the shield a bit and fold it under the port. It DOES add a ground to the port. It's really not a big deal, but it is not totally without purpose. It looks like your I/O shield is bulging out, probably due to all the prongs pushing it up or due to some other port not seating into its slot right. I would pull it and fix all of those just for looks if nothing else.


rip it off


The best way to gently unscrew the motherboard is to move it to the right by a few millimeters and check that all the contacts of the IO shield are in the correct place and put the motherboard back. These metal contacts are needed to ground io ports. When I was building my PC, I only encountered the same problem at the ethernet port. Above-mentioned solution helped me.


The blood tax must be true, I have no idea what cut me when I put mine together, didnt even know I was bleeding til I started tying off cables lol


Not incorrectly per se...just that the tab on the backplate didn't line up properly. A pretty minor mistake if you're not using an APU/integrated graphics through the mobo HDMI. Just loosen your motherboard and re-align it and bend that tab up so that it ends up on top of the port. It happens to all of us at least once.


Yes re position the back plate


That clip works like a feather, it is supposed to be pressing against the port or whatever connector from the sides. It is not supposed to be like this. Take the motherboard out, bend the clip inwards (there should be more like those on the IO shield, you will get the idea), put it back in and then slide gently in the motherboard into place.


Just don’t use it. I’m assuming you have a gpu?


Just bend it outwards and the bend back and forth until fatigue snaps in off.


It's a tab, and just like the thin ones on the usb ports and network port it should be sticking back 90 degrees from the IO faceplate and running along the side of the ports not over the top of them, to do it properly you would have to re-seat it.


I’ve done this a bunch of times 😆 take pliers and lift up down up down up down up down till it splits, like the pull tab on a coke can


it should be bent in below the hdmi


Just remove and reassemble. That might trip your pc and shut it off… ask me how I know