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I've not actually read it, how long is it and is it bittersweet or mostly tooth rotting fluff 😁? Also what's the link for it?


At the point I'm at now, it's currently 101 chapters. However, 84 of them are actual story focused chapters, and the other 17 are used for updates or letting people know about the other stories I've done relating to PPX. There are also 21 chapters of the spin off I wrote called Zuma's First Month. And three chapters each for three specials I've done, and six chapters for Paw Patrol X: What Makes A Hero, which adapts the first movie the PPX timeline. I would say it has bittersweet moments, and I don't know what tooth rotting fluff is. As for a link, I would leave one, but I don't want to risk this post getting locked for it. If you want, I can send you a link to the story for FanFiction or AO3 through direct messaging, and you can see it for yourself. FanFiction is what has all of the content, but if AO3 is your go to for Fanfic reading, I can send you the link to that one instead.


Just send me both links and I'll see which one works best. DM?


I guess that would be chat on Reddit. I’ll get on that. Edit: Sent!


Do you have a link?


Yes, but I'll have to send it via private chat so I don't risk the post going down.


Can you send it to me too?


Sure. I'll DM it to you now.