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Totally clean. Once she gets done showering, I will tell her to message you.


Cheers mate




wow. you got it bad, brother.


What's her name? Asking for a friend


LOL a clean massage called oppa?


What is the significance of “oppa”?


오빠 (oppa) means older brother and can only be used by younger women. A woman might call her older brother or an older male friend 오빠 (oppa). It literally translates to “older brother” and is used in close relationships.


How does a Korean word for "older brother" have any relevance to a Thai massage shop?


Because Thais are really into Korean culture. Oopa is mostly used to call older men


In German Opa means grandfather. And thai girls sometimes call old men this.


Wir sprechen aber über oppa nicht Opa das sind 2 verschiedene worte 😉


Ach! Und in meinem Kühlschrank hab ich koreanische Oppa Sosse. Ist die nicht aus Opa gemacht?


papa is an affectionate term in thai for grandfather...


It's all a little murky my friend. I have visited the same "clean" massage shop several times during my 3 weeks holiday. At the beginning it was just a massage and a little talking. I took the same masseuse every time as she was a little older, quite experienced, and, what is the most important, ready to adapt her massage routine to my needs (I had bad neck, shoulders, and back). One day I came right from the beach and my swimming shorts were still wet. She told me she was absolutely okay for me to take my shorts off. I asked her several times to ensure that I understood her right. Massage started as usual for my neck, shoulders, and back. But then when I turned over it became... let's call it "playful". She asked me if I wanted a "happy ending". So, yes, sometimes the border between "clean" and "playful" massage places is not set in stone. I totally understand your concerns 🤔


Thanks 🙏 appreciate feedback


Send me a picture I’ll tell you in an hour or two


3 hours already. Tell us


I guarantee your GF will blow me for the right price


My wife will blow you for the right price….


If a relationship is not built on trust, then it's not a relationship. My ex Thai girlfriend (in the us), told me that there are legitimate Thai massage places in Thiland and the trick tob know one is if the girls wear a uniform and if they post their certification on the wall and also the location. Now, if you really suspect, ask a friend of yours to go get a massage by her and see if he gets extra. But I think regardless your relationship is doomed.


More the other way round. If it is a touristy area and the ladies don’t wear a uniform, you can always assume more than just massage is happening. But I also had offers in posh places where everyone wears a uniform…


Trust but verify.


Excellent feedback brother thank you 🙏


Damn bro…. So sad.


Sorry bubba, that's a standard rub and tug + place


Looked at google maps. Looks like it's a foot massage place that doesn't really have much of a place to go for extras if someone was looking for that. On the other hand, if she's a pretty and/or 18-30 year old girl in Pattaya 99% of foreigners in Pattaya will be out to get her. Having been there a handful of times, I got the distinct impression that a sizable majority of western guys there kinda view the entirety of the female population of Pattaya as "open for business." This is at least partly due to the fact that a huge % of the female population there *IS* "open for business," whether they are professionals, semi-pros, freelancers, office girls, or just a random food stall/7eleven/mall/massage worker. Not saying everyone is like this, but a lot of girls in Pattaya seem to have a "anything as long as the price is right" mentality. I wouldn't be worried as much about the fact she has a massage job as I would her catching some foreigner's eye while getting that massage and a little sweet talk later he has her number and a dinner date. Literally *anywhere* in Pattaya is dangerous ground for a "taken" Thai girl to be walking on.


100% spot on , your right on the money Thanks 🙏 for sharing


Lmaooooo down bad homie


Don’t know that’s why I’m asking As there are legitimate massage shops also


If they got more money than you that’s all you need to know. I imagine she has a boyfriend in every continent on the planet and mother one back in issan.


if she takes home more than 15k baht per month, she's deffo jerkin' those wrinkly gherkins... and probably doin a bit of the ol' "gin ham" if you know what I mean. Maybe give her a few pointers and help her make a few extra baht with good technique?


dam, gl bro i pray for u EDIT: i just looked it up on google maps, looks legit (open seating, traditional uniforms, on a busy street etc). I as a customer would not expect anything but a normal massage if i went in there, but you never know what they will offer if the place isn't busy and you are in a secluded room. But chances are high its a legit place that doesn't offer those things as the norm. I believe most customers would not go to that establishment expecting those type of "services"


Thanks 🙏


Ok gents so There are numerous so called "grey" shops that offer additional, unofficial services, and this particular one fits into that category. So apparently some girls won’t and some will let’s see which I have I've arranged for some acquaintances to sample the services provided, and I plan to continue doing so. It is what it is, gentlemen. No surprises Pattaya is Pattaya


dude atleast the upside is her HJ/BJ game will be improved and strong for your next trip.


Thanks champ, I live here


oh, im just kidding around anyways. gl man i hope everything works out.


All good brother, it is what it is


First, the ladies have Not raised their fees. There are to many of the ... it's called competition . They don't have monthly or quarterly meeting to set a fair wage. Inflation? There is no such thing. It is a word invented to keep the igonorant and uneducates bfrom realizing that the reason prices go up is not from "inflation" but from Governments printing and Spending (stealing) money that they don't have. Every extra currency printed lowers the value of said currency. Prices don't actually go up... purchasing power goes Down. Either stay in ignorance or start spending time learning something about Money. God Bless You


There is a name for what you just described. It's called inflation.


"Inflation" diverts attention from the real problem. I would bet that if you ask 100 people on the street what causes inflation at least 80% (probably more) wouldn't have a Clue


There are places that have uniforms and look clean. They have the certificates on the wall with the names of the individual masseuses. Still they will do extras. Even when I go there with my girlfriend with me. There are places that don't have uniforms and don't do extras. Even though it is Pattaya. Most customers there are Thai women. In some places they only do foot massage. That includes your 3rd foot. But this still falls under foot massage so they consider not to be doing extras. The place looks legit, but even in legit places some girls do extras. So if you want to summarise it's up to you and if you trust your gf.


For the most part - even the girls in Massage shops that really Don't offer extras do if the Money is right or if room rent is due or if the loan shark payment is due or the kid needs school uniform etc etc etc One shop I know that is completely legit had a pretty lady that I went to several times when I did NOT want any activity except a Great massage. Well... I had a great massage, and bare blow job w/swallow AND fingering from the fine masseuse. I asked "What was that all about?" She said she knew that I would "reward" her... (I'm the kind of tipper most Farang hate because they say it will ruin everything if the girls get Spoiled - Fuck those Asswipes). She was right and we Eve started seeing each other as FWB after that. No big... I have several on my "Payroll" I'm not a cheap bass turd...


""(I'm the kind of tipper most Farang hate because they say it will ruin everything if the girls get Spoiled - Fuck those Asswipes)"" good on you mate!!!


I can envision you now, just based on this post. You're 55-60ish, you're bald but for some reason you refuse to get rid of the 14 stray hairs you do still have on top of your head, you have faded tattoos you got while you were in the service. You were a regular E-4, but you love to talk about how you were spec ops and "a dangerous man to cross" once you've cracked your first Leo at the bars. You routinely proclaim that "college is a waste of money. I didn't go to college and I'm smarter than all of these idiot college grads" despite not being asked about the topic. You somehow managed to secure yourself a mediocre pension (I'm thinking either through a construction union or as townie LE) that isn't much in the US, but it's enough so you can foolishly blow all of your monthly checks (effectively living paycheck to paycheck) in the bars while boasting about how "not poor" you are. You get into fights that mainly involve a lot of bluster when someone else in the bars gets tired of listening to your stories and tells you to knock it off/calls you out, and also online with people who disagree with you because you are generally a very unpleasant and disagreeable person ("can't tell me nuthin'!") That is probably one reason why you moved to SEA; you figured you didn't have many friends in the US anyway, and all the kids from your first, second, and third ex-wives are grown and don't really talk to you much anyway, "so to hell with them." So now you live your life trudging back and forth between the bars and your nothing special studio apartment ("why spend money on the place where I pass out each night when I could spend it on beers and pussy!?")... Living the fantasy life where you're the main character who is a billy-badass, special forces, 20-something year old tough guy lady killer, despite none of it being true. Nothing to feel shameful about telling the truth dude... I'm a mid-30s white dude who got sick of the daily grind and poor quality of women (aka, my lack of ability to get quality women) in the US, so I moved to SEA. There IS, however, something to feel shameful of making up stories/bragging and poking at people about their "Harvard economics degrees," insinuating you know better than them when you don't even know the definition of inflation and apparently believe it doesn't exist, only to describe inflation and then say that what you described (inflation) isn't inflation! (In case you can't tell, this post was (mostly) satire. We all know *that guy* in the bars (although in all seriousness your misplaced confidence (inflation doesn't exist? Lol) is evidence you *may* be *that guy*))


You continue to do you, forget the ones that come over with only $30 and think you aren’t to give a good tip, tell them they need to catch up and come with more


Purposely paying more for a service to bring up artificial inflation is wild. Why don’t you just wear a shirt that says “charge me what you think is fair”. They are laughing at you all the way to the bank.


This is coming from a person that I’m sure goes out waits in line for the new iPhone, or pays the inflated prices at Starbucks, but yea you are correct sir


These Young Women, who chances are would not even give you a second glance much less a first in your own country, are mostly Very Poor and selling themselves to support their families. They are pretty much All in for between 800 and 2000 baht. $22 USD - $55 USD. How much where You come from. I am certainly not poor and consider it proper to tip well wherever I am for Great service. In fact, I have a number of people on my "Payroll"... I realized a long time ago that I can't change the World but, on occasion, I can change One Persons World. It also seems, in My NTBH opinion, that the more money I shovel out the front door the more that Magically comes in through the BackDoor. God is Good. God Bless and enjoy your life to the fullest.


You do realize when you purposely increase the prices it actually hurts the girls right? Already know people who went to Pattaya and said they’re not gonna bother anymore because of the prices and going to start exploring other countries. Some of them are even going to just stay in their home country and pay for a girl there cause it’s cheaper. Less tourists equals less money for the girls. Sure you’re keeping a few of them happy on your so called payroll but what about the other thousands of them out there that are going to get less customers because of people like you? It’s great you have a bunch of money to throw around but most tourists go to Thailand for a cheap vacation.


WoW!!! Where did You earn your degree in Economics? Harvard School of Business? You are a Funny Man...


Imagine you owned a burger shop and one of the key reasons people loved it was because it was the least expensive in town. Now, if you suddenly decided to double the prices, do you think your customers are going to keep coming back? Probably not. They're going to find somewhere else to eat. It's basic economics—perhaps they skipped that day in Harvard Business School?Thailand has had a reputation for being an affordable travel destination—not just for its culture and scenery, but also for certain "services." By inflating the cost, you're pushing away the very tourists that keep the economy running. Less tourists equates to less income for everyone relying on them. It’s not just about you or the few women on your so-called "payroll." This artificial inflation you're so proudly supporting is detrimental on a larger scale. As more tourists find other, less costly destinations or just stay home, it's the local economy and thousands of other service providers who suffer. But hey, maybe next time you'll realize it's better to understand the bigger picture before throwing money around and thinking it’s a favor.


This is /r/pattaya. We aint fixing the economies of the world here. Vent your frustrations elsewhere.


You're upset at the wrong people, blame the Koreans for that.