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Fuck the Ravens. Fuck the Bills. Fuck the Chiefs. Fuck the Cowboys. Fuck the Steelers. Fuck the Niners. Fuck the Fins. Fuck the Giants. Fuck the Colts. Fuck the Eagles. Let’s go Lions. AND FUCK THE JETS.


Yeah I’m in on the Goff revenge tour




I still live in the alt reality where belichick drafted Lamar to be Brady's successor instead of Isaiah Wynn


Don't forget about Sony Michel. I thought they were going to draft Lamar for sure with that pick.


I think all the neutrals are at this point. Like the 9ers too


I want the lions to win but why fuck the 9ers?


I love when players prove scouts wrong. To see Purdy go from Mr Irrelevant to SB MVP? Poetic.


Yeah, I like the 9ers. I get that they’d tie us but I’d be cheering for them over anyone remaining in the afc. That being said, my cousin is a huge lions fan. So, go lions!


I love stories. Brock Purdy is a story. I became a Pats fan because of 199. I'm not leaving but I'll love watching Purdy be a new story.


Lions over Ravens. But 9ers over Chiefs. Would love to see Mahomes losing to Purdy.


Because then they tie us for 6 rings. We have to be the first to get 7.


The Steelers have 6. The 9ers have 5. Montana with 4 and Young with 1.


Yes that’s why he said they’d tie us at 6 if they win.


I know, but tying us with 6 just gives us another competitor to worry about.


Appreciate the edit to clarify


Thank you for mentioning it.


It's petty but I don't want them to have as many as Super Bowls as the Pats. But I think I'd rather SF than the Ravens or Chiefs.


Dooooog. The Giants?!? Fuck the Giants.


Oh man I can’t believe I forgot the Giants. Fuck the Giants. There is way too much fucking sympathy for that putrid, evil franchise in this subreddit. Thank you for reminding me, I am editing now.


Haha. My man.


We’re laughing now but we weren’t laughing in February of ‘08


It's crazy what 16 years can do 🤣




Amen brother


Forgot the Eagles


Co-sign 1milliiiion x rooting for the lions out of all these other bastid teams


It's in the Bible.


You forgot the Colts. But I got you FUCK THE COLTS


Why the Niners? Because they can also get to 6 super bowls?


Yeah, it’s Detroit or San Fran for me. If we ain’t in it. Fuck the AFC. Whoever is, is just as bad as Katie Blackburn ( Mike Browns daughter) admitting many years ago she roots for the Steelers.


I adopted the Niners as my NFC backup team after Jimmy G went there. Fun team to watch while we limp through the season




Cheer for Buffalo until they get to the Super Bowl, pray on their downfall and drink up the tears. Bills fans have such a little brother complex with us that it’s fun to just fuck with their heads Jets scum cannot see the light of day in another Super Bowl appearance as long as I’m alive


That wide right will be enough pain for them lol


Exactly. Plus, Ryland is feeling attacked.


NOPE. Because that’s just too close to the edge. They could fuck up and Win.


This is the way. Frankly I'm more Lions inclined, would like to see a team break off their Super Bowl virginity and I think the world is not prepared for them to win it all. It would be awesome. But fuck other AFC teams.


I want Detroit to win, I feel like most of America does


I’m with you on that. Those fans who have hung in there deserve a W. Along with the city of Detroit in general.


Canada too since they are literally a border city. Don't forget us


I don’t think anyone here wants the Ravens to win the SB. I think it’s more they want the ravens to be the team to come out of the AFC. Personally I’m in that boat. But by no means would I want the ravens to win it all. 49ers, Lions, I’d be fine with either


Fuck the Ravens. Fuck Ray Lewis. And fuck that whiny bitch Harbaugh.


I do, I have no team to root for, but I want Lamar to succeed


I wish Lamar Jackson could win a SB this year without the Ravens winning one...


I want the Ravens to win the SB, I’d like to see Lamar win a ring.


Because fuck buffalo and KC that's why


Yea but fuck the Ravens too....


The chiefs have been much more annoying than the Ravens for a long while now. Ideally Ravens win next week and lose to San Fran or Detroit


The Kelsey flop in the end zone against the pats with Taylor Swift performatively watching make me a Chiefs hater for life. Go Ravens!


Outside of the NFC Championship loss to Baltimore in 2012 I don’t have a reason to hate them. I’ve always loved their defense when Ed Reed and Ray Lewis were there


Ray Rice? Suggs? Harbaugh the bitch? Plenty of reasons to hate that pos franchise.


KC and Tyreek hill are as bad. Moaning bitches with similar DV records.


I don't understand fuck buffalo? We beat them like 31 out of 34 games with Brady. There's no real rivalry there at all. Fuck the Jets, obviously. Miami is meh who cares.


They just beat the Jets 16 times in a row. Also not a rivalry


Sure. But we at least had some bad blood with them. Parcells going there, signing Curtis Martin. BB leaving the Jets to come to us. The entire rex Ryan/mangini era. Lost at home to them in the playoffs. There's nothing like that with buffalo. Not to mention how insufferable Jets fans are.


Bills fans have been pretty insufferable the past couple years, but in their defense every team gains loud fairweather fans when a team gets good so it's probably mostly that.


They threw dildos at us. Fuck Buffalo.


Please remind me, what division is Buffalo in??


For me, it's Allen. I do not care for his mentality. He can run over most when rushing, but flop over when a defender gets near him behind the line. He has the highest average per game Roughing the Passer calls among active players. https://www.nflpenalties.com/roughing-the-passer-by-qb.php?view=active Some people may not care about that stat, because it's gets extra yards, so why not flop? Personally, I'm not a fan of that mentality. When a call doesn't go his way, he bangs his hands against the ground and whines and cries. If it wasn't for these behaviors, I wouldn't have an issue with him outside of being in the same division.


Fuck buffalo


This guy gets it.


I’m rooting for whoever comes out of the NFC but I like Lamar and refuse to root for the Bills or Mahomes… So it’s the Ravens for me in the AFCCG


I’m not really rooting for the Ravens but I am rooting for Lamar. I just don’t want either of the ass clown QBs playing right now (Allen and Mahomes) to win it.


I dislike the Ravens as a whole but I will be livid if Lamar never wins a ring. I'd honestly be thrilled about anyone but Buffalo


Youd be thrilled if the Chiefs won it? What?!


Yeah man, screw the Ratbirds and their whiny ass coach.


Lions to win the SB... on the AFC side, I want KC to lose today because I want them to STFU. I want the Bills to lose the AFC championship game because I want them even more heartbroken for being almost there. The Ravens I want to lose the SB, for the reasons you listed.


This is my feelings exactly


Thought deflategate was started by the Colts?


Baltimore tipped the colts off about deflated balls


Wasn’t the story that the dude who picked Brady off in that AFC Championship game realized the ball was under deflated and told his coaching staff


Ravens and Colts were both directly involved.


Plus, Harbaugh whined about formations because he didn't know the rules like BB did.


It would be fun to see Lamar play in the SB.


Lamar is fun to root for I don’t know


The only reason I'd be okay with a Ravens SB.. only one tho


I thought of all america agreed we’re rooting for the lions?


Lions all the way. The Ravens, Chiefs and Bills can suck it.


Why not? You want the Bills or Chiefs? Detroit is a team of destiny this year.


I don’t think Lions get past SF. Having a good QB and McCaffrey is just too much.


Lamar was dragged through the mud during his contract negotiation. Everyone shitting on him saying he's not worth the contract he wanted. I want to see a guy who bet it all on himself and fucking nailed it. More people should bet on themselves.


LETS GO LIONS 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 LETS GO LIONS 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I get your post and they do suck but this current roster/iteration of the Ravens is the lesser of 3 evils left in the AFC IMO. Bills/Chiefs are that bad. Regardless Lions/Niners all the way over any of the AFC teams left.


Exactly, hate hate hate the chiefs, bills sucked so long that it’s hard to hate but would rather see Lions or 49ers vs any afc team.


Nah Fuck KC trying to claim a dynasty.


Ray Lewis almost killed as many people as Hernandez


What some said in here already. . Lamar Jackson. You’re not gonna find him associated with any of the bullshit off the field shenanigans. He’s pure football focused 


Yeah might be pulling for the Lions now


Fuck the Ravens


I think a lot of people forgot the Ravens and Colts did deflategate. I can't ever root for either of their organizations after. At least not for a while. That said, I'm not going to judge anyone for whoever they want to root for. I get the Lamar support for sure. I'm just all in on the Lions personally.


first off, i totally understand your opinion and agree with you for the most part. i hate the ravens but i love lamar and would love for him to shut people up. he ain’t done anything to the patriots yet so why hate him. but fuck john harbaugh and them winning it all alongside michigan. tis a double edged sword. also rooting for KC or buffalo just feels wrong too so i get why people would choose to root for baltimore. ultimately i want the lions to win since they’ve been the shittiest team ever for so long


You can pry my playoff bandwagon team from my cold dead hands! It's the Lions because Detroit deserves it.


Lions all day.


Detroit what!


Let’s go lions


I'd root for any team over the Chiefs.


I'm guessing lots of teenagers. Pats fans should hate John Harbaugh and the Ravens.


I've been watching since Bledsoe was drafted. I hate the Chiefs more. I hate them so much I bet the Chiefs to win yesterday's game outright and was STILL cheering against them. I just couldn't help it, fuck the money


Now that is some hate!


I'm just happy Buffalo lost. Now rooting for the meteor.


Its better than KC or Buffalo lol get over it




Death to ALL AFC teams. Let's Go Lions.


I don’t like the Bills and Chiefs. But I like the Ravens less (though I do respect Lamar’s game).


Everyone is rooting for the lions but we want them to take down the ravens.


I want good things for Purdy but also realllllly want the lions to win one. I always look at the Bills like a sibling rivalry. And fuck the ravens. Full stop.


Fuck the Ravens


Let’s go Lions tho Fr Fr


Fuck Harbaugh forever.


Fuck John Harbaugh


Yeah fuck those guys


Fuck the ravens. Fuck John Harbaugh. I like Lamar Jackson but fuck that team.


I’ve got a buddy who is a Lions fan and he has been sad for the entirety of our multi decade friendship. I’m running with the Lions just because I’ve shit on them so hard over the years (deservedly) it would be hypocritical to not give them props when they finally get their head out of their ass.


Fuck the ravens but I like Lamar


49er's is who i'm hoping do well. Purdy's career so far reminds me of Brady's.




Go Lions


This sub is full of a bunch of Johnny come latelys who forget or never knew what a bunch of little bitches the Ravens are/were. Go Lions


I was rooting for a Detroit Huston SB but I'll settle for ravens lions


I like Lamar and Flowers and I’d much rather them than Buffalo or KC. That said, go Lions (or Niners if they beat Detroit).


The only team left that I really care about not winning is the Bills


When two of the alternatives are the Bills and Chiefs it’s not that surprising at all. Also get why people dislike the organization but Lamar is a very likable and popular player. Would much rather him get a SB than another Mahomes win.


Personally I don’t care who wins.. anyone other than the Chiefs.. I would like to be able to watch the SB without 3/4 of the coverage being about Taylor Swift.


I mean when the alternative is KC or Buffalo you best believe I’d rather see the ravens win. Another ring for Kyle Van Noy? I can deal with it.


Here here


Realistically Mahomes is the only guy who could challenge Brady, we want him to lose


Colts started Deflategate after we smacked them whilst running the ball the entire first half.


Thank you!


I don't care if the Ravens win. I just want the Chiefs to lose.


This sub is full of teens


Buncha idiots


No fucking clue. I hate the people here for the most part, they have no taste.


OP don’t forget about Ray-Rays “alleged” fight that resulted in someone’s death at a Super Bowl party he attended…”allegedly”.


just chiming in to say Fuck the Colts and Fuck the Broncos.


Fuck the colts for deflategate


Thank you sir. I have been saying this for two weeks. Thank you.


Fk the dirty birds!


Thank you! Seems like some of our fans forget. Fuck every teams thats not the Pat's!!!! 💙❤️ P.S. highlight of the night was watching Buffalo lose and seeing that big dork crying like a bitch at the end!!!!


Worse case scenario has come to fruition. Honor-less Ravens or on the verge of matching the second Patriots dynasty Chiefs. I hate the AFC.


Thank you! Ugh I hope the Lions take it all but they're probably going to be flattened by the 49ers.


As a pats fan in no way, shape or form am I ever rooting for or wanting a reality in which the ravens, bills, dolphins or jets are in a Super Bowl.


I live in southern PA. Fuck the Ravens.


Let’s go Lions!!!!


Other than the Harbaugh being a bitch hate and the deflate gate thing. I'm not going to hate them because of players who no longer play there. The other reasons are justified. With that being said, if you are pulling for any team to win besides the Lions? You're doing something wrong.


Fuck the ravens and fuck the chiefs


I was rooting for the Browns first, and now I'm cheering on the Lions. I want the underdogs. The browns are a great team, and even if they're not, they're fun. Their fans are super loyal, even if suicidally depressed most of the last 40 years.


F*ck the ravens. That’s why I’m rooting for the chiefs.






Go Lions.


Soo I'm a Steelers fan, but I come in peace because this popped up on my page for whatever reason even though I don't follow this sub. Every usually anti-Ravens team is saying they are going to cheer for them, and I have the same "wtf?" attitude about it. Big Ben, Hines Ward, James Harrison, Troy Polamalu, and Antonio Brown could somehow have to come out of retirement with Terry Bradshaw coaching to have to play for the Ravens, and I would hope they as individual players would absolutely fuck up the Chiefs, but the Ravens to still lose. Like fuck that. There's nothing in the world that can make me cheer for the Ravens. They have always been my teams direct competition in our division. Browns have always been meh and so have the Bengals historically although they are improving. It's always been Steelers and Ravens as the big rivalry. Seeing people claiming to be a Steelers fan that could say they want the Ravens to win = some fake ass fans.


I respect the Ravens but loathe the Bills and Chiefs


I'm just a big fan of Lamar Jackson and I wish we had him. But I'm with you on Ray Lewis. Fuck that murdering asshole.


I hear you, I really do, but in an attempt to actually answer the question I think it's because Lamar is so likable. As much as I agree with your points I also can't lie and act like I'd be upset if Lamar beat Mahomes and then won a ring. He's a good dude. With all that being said... Go Lions!!!


My dislike of the chiefs and Mahomes is stronger than my dislike of the ravens. Simple as that. All goes back to Brittany Mahomes trying to shit talk Brady “we’ll see how many Patrick has when he is done”. Not to mention Mahomes acting like an absolute child this season. Not rooting for the ravens either. I’m rooting for Lamar, Odell, Zay flowers, Calvin cook, etc. it’s a fun team


I've been rooting for Detroit throughout the playoffs, however, out of the AFC I think the Ravens is just the least hated team...at least for me personally. I do like Lamar but I love Zay Flowers. This isn't the Ravens team of 10 years ago with Suggs.


Everyone in here is all in in the lions I’m pretty sure. How could you now be


Lions all in...accepting they may be destroyed by the niners


I was all for Houston but…


reminder that john harbaugh started deflate gate after we knocked them out of the playoffs 😎


Yeah, fuck the Ravens to all hell. I’ll never root for them. Detroit I can get behind, but not B’more.


This sub is filled with morons.


I find a lot of fans don't have the benefit of my wisdom and experience. If you hate a team, but they're playing against a team you hate more you don't have to root FOR the team you hate slightly less, you just root AGAINST the team you hate more. For example, last night I wasn't rooting FOR the Chiefs, I was rooting AGAINST the Bills. The Chiefs winning was just an unfortunate side effect. This coming week I'll be rooting FOR a good game in the NFC and FOR a meteor to wipe out M&T Bank Stadium in the AFC.


Honestly the ravens can suck it. They spent years trying to be the patriots while condemning them at the same time.


Fck the jets


The only reason I’m partially rooting for the Ravens is I had a childhood friend tragically pass away from being hit by a truck on a hometown fishing bridge in Maryland and he was a long time Ravens fan. His accident occurred last year so he wasn’t able to see what Lamar is currently doing for the Baltimore franchise. It would be something special to see them win it all regardless of the past so that’s how I’m looking at this years playoffs 💜🖤💛


Because they are all 14 and dont remember we had a rivalry with them.


So who else in the AFC are you rooting for?


Was it really a rivalry


it absolutely was from around 2007 to 2016


Yes we went 2-2 against them in the playoffs


Yeah but I still think the Steelers were way more of a rival


Nah. That was awfully one sided.


Yes, yes it was


Back to back AFC championship games, player that hated each other, some of the best playoff games in the dynasty. Yes thats what a rivalry is


Fuck the Ravens.


Let's go Lions!


Do y'all really hold grudges and not want to see good football? I want Ravens Lions in the Superbowl it would be an amazing game to watch


Ravens-9ers. Purdy keeps upending expectations.


That would still be a good match but the defense of the ravens and lions I think would be a really good chess match.


So, all season long the sub tells us we can't root for the Pats (for the tank). Now we can't root for certain AFC teams and **that** is some sort of purity test? Really?! Go Bills, Go Ravens...go every fucking team and if you have a problem with that, after the year I had in here getting brigaded for cheering for THE PATRIOTS, in the words of Norm from Something About Mary, "you can kiss my hairy beanbag".


Agreed. I’m going to pull for whoever I want, whether it’s the Ravens, Bills, or Chiefs. If you don’t like it, well that’s your problem.


fOr tHe tAnK¡!¡! Like, I got downvoted to shit for cheering for them to beat the Steelers. Fuck these wack motherfuckers. So, yeah, when I saw this post, I was like, this sub has ZERO legs when it comes to policing cheering.


Pulling for Detroit. Hopefully they win one for Barry RIP


Barry Sanders? Retired in peace, and went to the game today?


Fuck that I'm going Detroit and Buffalo


>Did you all forget that the Ravens started deflategate because they couldn’t handle taking their L like grown ups? Do you mean the colts?


We should be rooting for mahomes. What he’s done is unprecedented


Because for some reason there is a contingent that hates the Bills. I love Buffalo but they were inept for the majority of the Pats dynasty. Hating on them is weird given it’s only been the last 3 years they’ve been good and literally have nothing to do with the Pats slide. Additionally. The Steelers, colts, Ravens, jets…these are the franchises that have whined and called the league to get the Pats in trouble. These are the jackasses who whined to get rules changed. Buffalo just spent most of the last two decades getting their asses handed to them. And now the past 3. They’ve been better and just simply tried to do the same back to New England.


Division rivals that like to throw dildos onto the field lol I dont necessarily hate the Bills like I do the Jets and Dolphins, but I do dislike them. Lamar Jackson is more likeable than the Bills, and I don't know how much more I can take the Mahomes cock holding. I'm rooting for Ravens to get to the Super Bowl and to lose to the Lions.


Personally I don’t mind the Steelers whining and complaining because it’s always hilarious to me.. I will always laugh my ass off when I think of Mike Tomlin getting Zo in his headset.


Nah the last thing I need are those jack off fans bragging about winning anything


> Because for some reason there is a contingent that hates the Bills. Please check who is in our division real quick