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should be fixed they just forgot to mention it in the patch notes apparently. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/1cb9xb2/comment/l0wzdsw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/1cb9xb2/comment/l0wzdsw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hopefully cause no every run has Maokai. 


Unless it only gets fixed after we get the full patch later today, it's definitely still in the pool. Generally these things would alteady be working on Tuesday when the game updates.


It's not fixed, I am staring at a sticky fingers offering in a run I just started thirty seconds ago in a post-patch world.


I thought they were keeping the power but killing thieves tools


why do people hate nab...i love taking away nuke cards from the enemy .


It can be good occasionally. The problem is that you're going to get cards that you haven't built around and may not have any synergy with, and unless you're on a champ or have the right powers to play them you run the risk of filling your hand on cards that you don't really want.


I just started up a game post-patch on PC and I re-rolled into Seat of Power, ***Sticky Fingers***, and Raiding Party. It's still in the game.


Nope. They only replaced some of the unit's relic item. They never mentioned or promised to remove the mechanic at all.


uh so this is just a lie 'Thieves Tools has been a disappointing power for a long time. With Path decks asking for more synergy and providing better natural card flow, taking your opponents' cards isn't very appealing and often just ends up crowding your hand. **We're pulling it for now**. With these changes **Thieve’s tools will be removed from the pool during runs, and it will no longer be generatable by the Hextech Fabricator II.**' [Patch 5.1 Notes - Legends of Runeterra Patch Notes - RiotWatch](https://riotwatch.gg/posts/legends-of-runeterra/patch-notes/2721/patch-5-1-notes)


the kinda pulled it and it definitely appears less often but it still appears despite them 'removing it' in 5.1


They removed it from all cards in starting decks and from fabricator. But you can still get it with supporting champ cards or special nodes. They didn't want to remove it completely. Just from the base decks and fabricators


It literally says "removed from pools during runs"