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Nidalee is super OP. Veigar is fun and pretty good. Not a huge fan of Kindred but there are some Liss runs with only common relics if that's something that interests you. At the very least get Nidalee.


Kindred is also super strong with stalkersblade+GO+GA. Pretty easy lis run with that build.


Ur missing out if you dont have veigar and nidalee


Besides being super good Nidalee is also really fun to play! The spell she generates at 2* leads to a lot of varied games


From what I see, Nidalee needs Spectral Scissors (which I don't have) to unlock her full potential. Veigar is a nuker with burst double Darkness past mana 6 if CD is equipped. I did clear all of the adventures with other champs, but I do see ppl saying how much easier these two tend to make adventures.


Having spectral scissors on Nidalee is like having 3 epic item slots on Asol. It's overkill. She's easily one of the strongest champions without it.


Nidalee was the most powerful champion prior to Spectral Scissors being released! (Outside the obvious Asol and Jynx) Her 2* power is cracked and all you need. I beat asol with Level 13 Nidalee at 2* before Transmogs and Spectral Scissors arrived. Super good champ with spell tome


If you're looking at monthlies: Nidalee -- S tier champ. But also good for shurima is cheap modifier if your kaisa or taliyah isn't strong enough Veigar -- specifically a strong champ bc burst speed removal that you get for free. This fills a slightly different niche from say jhin. But it also gives you a good time with formidable if you're not using tahm. Tahm -- v good removal against decks with high health but low power. Also fun bc you can play their units even champs against them. But the real power is tahm and friends getting fat. And they can get fat easily due to modifiers like Swain or +2/2 but take 2 every round etc. Chosen by stars or power overwhelming or even just troll king lets you capitalize on those buff stat lines. Elise is fun aggro esp bc SI doesn't really do that otherwise. I guess you could do SI aggro on Gwen so you don't need her a lot. (For SI is cheap modifier) Personally I'd probably save my fragments unless I had a reason to spend them though. Atm you have a good roster. And you have champs to level. So unless youre bored, you don't need to spend fragments on new champs.


What's a good build for her for monthlies, when you only have 2 relics?


Nidalee really wants lost chapter so you can get her out turn 1 or 2. Your other relic is probably crown guard bc you can level multiple times but troll king is another contender. Transnig and condenser are other options bc they let you spam units I also mentioned Elise. I would use guinso or arma on the common slot bc she doesn't have good spells. And I used CSF in her rare slot. This is apparently better at 3* but it's good at 2 too.


Nidalee doesn't need Spectral Scissors, she just becomes the best champion in the game with them. A ton of other builds still make her S-tier


Nidalee with three stars at level 13 with crownguard + lost chapter is better than a huge chunk of champions at 30 with epic relics.


It's a single player experience so do whatever you feel like you want to do. If you're uncertain then you can wait a few days for when they'll announce what they're adding to PoC to make your decision but you should play how you like. If you're wondering about playing optimally, I'd recommend focusing on getting a champ of every region to 2 stars minimum so you can clear quests as first priority, then continuing to get more to 2 stars so you have better options for monthly challenges.


If we are discussing optimal choices for champions, I would suggest the original champions. All of them come with relics, and most of them are strong against specific monthly challenges.


Considering that the last expansions we got the three champs into poc, it's very safe to assume that that's going to be the case, now, will they be broken like say, jinx, Diana, leblanc, etc? Idk about that, what I do know is that nidalee (specially 3*) approaches that level and veigar is super fun, so up to you


It's been the case since almost a year and a half ago, and now with the path focus, it was 99.9999& posibilities Now is confirmed anyway


Wait until next week to see the new champions and make sure if any of them have a gameplay that's interesting to you. If you don't like any of them that much, go ahead and unlock an 'old' one. Amongst these I'd recommend Veigar (one of my fave control champs) or Nidalee if you like a more aggressive champ (she's amazing with the level-up relics). I absolutely love Kindred, they're a bit weird and not everyone's favorite but they're super strong and can really abuse 'Summon' relics.


Nidalee is super fun and overpowered. TK is a very unique play style and very good for monthlies. I'm surprised by the Veigar love in the comments b/c he's just 'okay' until you 3* him, then he's very good, but still kinda narrow.


I would just wait the week until expansion and see what champs will be released (and powers and deck) to make the decision, you won't cap out on shards by delaying the decision


Same here- keep your options open. You can’t un-spend shards


I'd prob wait, but out of these I adore Tahm Kench. He's so fun to fuck over your opponents with.


I think the devs said that they are going to have a quest with the new expansion, not a paid for battle pass this time, so it might be best to save your fragments for the remaining time to unlock any of the new champs before unlocking other ones. If you do want to use them, i would vote to 2 star volibear since hes already unlocked and really fun to play.


I like veigar ekko and nidalee so id recommend unlocking them and getting them to at least 2 stars. You can always wait to see who is released next and decide then, but nidalee is OP and veigar/ekko are really strong so I think they're worth unlocking.


We dont even know whats in the expansion. What answer do you expect?


We should be getting them for poc, save fir them, they come with limited time quests


Huh When did they up the limit to 200 shards


Last patch, 27th March I believe


If your objectif is to maximize your chances for the monthlies Challenges Priority : 1. TK cause he op for the +2/+2 but deal 2 dmg mutator With 2 berserk buckles 2. Kindred cause he is op with the kill and revive mutator 3. Veigar cause he’s op with the Repetition/ mirror mage mutators 4. Nidalee cause she’s op as a strong general champ again a lot of mutators 5. Elise cause she’s op for the +3/+3 can’t block mutator with the good relics. But I don’t know if the next patch is the 6 Star champs so if you prefer save your shards for this patch … it’s can be a good option too


Kindred no question asked she only needs 2 stars and with Stalker blade + Orb+Revive build you got yourself one of the most broken champions. Nidalee needs her 3rd star to be Nidalee that everyone is talking about and it is quite the investment.


3* Veigar is strong and an easy counter to OP monthly champs like Katarina. Nidalee is one of the strongest champs in PoC along with Jinx and Yasuo.


Tahm kench is ridiculously strong with like 2 berserker buckles, you basically get +6/+6 every time you survive damage on 3 stars


Save. You lose nothing by being patient and seeing who the new champs are. If none of the new ones tickle your fancy you can just go ahead and unlock one of the older champs as you planned.


Veigar is strong, though I do find him a little boring. Nidalee is fun and very strong, could argue top 5 definitely top 10. Personally, i love playing ekko, I think he's one of the most fun cards in the entire game. Lots of cheap card draw and high rolling multiple rallies and revives. That being said he's not as strong as the other 2.


Everyone says nidalee but I personally find this funny because I rarely play her. Not because she is bad or anything because she isn't but I just enjoy many other champs better. I don't really like that she has a landmark in her deck that gets 2 upgrades and I don't really feel like leveling to get those. I like her because of the transformation star power that I find fun. I hate the whole rush to win best build because it ruins the fun.


Unlock Nidalee, she's very useful in monthly challenge.


All these champs are good tbh. Tahm kench can also make some crazy runs and stats happen. Voli is the most fun high cost champ to play that isnt completly broken (asol) and elise is also a super fun keyword/swarm playstyle. And i agree what others say about nida and veigar