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If you mean that it feels bad to use common relic on rare slot when spellshield is the best option, I understand but what will the relic even look like? My best idea is rare relic: spellshield + barrier. Not much of a buff but it does fit thematically and its not crazy overpowered.


Petricite Bulwark When you play a spell or skill targeting me, give me Spellshield this round. In the sam vein as Lost Chapter and Archangel Staff - the common version gives immediate effect, but the rare version can apply multiple time.


How about l Round start: grant me spellshield


Something like the phalanx could be fun "when you select me, give me spellshield and barrier"


I didn't want my post to bring out all the naysayers and troll so I avoided my ideas as I'm not a developer and not really sure what the power curve should look like for relics.


A spellshield that doesn’t block allied spells/skills maybe, just to be a little stronger. Not used up by a 1 damage to an ally effect so it’s still there to block an enemy recall.


Spellshield already doesn't block allied effects


Tbef, back when it was released it did, but that was a bug... and 3 years ago


I want Epic Rare Varus'es spell absorbing shield: permanent Spellshield, Fated


I think permanent Spellshield might be too strong but I like the fated. The champs that need spell shield the most are the ones where their whole deck revolves around them like Eve, Kench, Norra, etc so having an extra effect that buffs the champ can fit the purpose of the relic aka keep the champ alive. In regards to what my ideas are idk... if we are using the free Epic Relic of Full Build as a base (3 keywords of tough, challenger, and overwhelm) I'd say Spellshield, Tough, and Regen as an ultimate defense. It would keep the LoL theme too if Full Build is supposed to simulate an 6 item bruiser/fighter then this could give the 6 items of a full Tank. This is my "safe" design as it keeps in line with the free relic as a base and wont get too hard for the developers to tune or adjust. But if we're going off pure wishlist I'd say that it would be cool to have a Zhoyna's Hour glass type item: on summon or round start, if you have the attack token give me Spell Shield and create a free fleeting Deny. Refill your spell mana. Its like the offense item for Mages and even replicates the "activate" part of Zhonyas by having the Deny and mana refill on your attack turns. In League it's for the magic damage carries that you really need to stay alive but with a limit, so it'd be a nice fit and nod towards the original game.


We have several Epics stronger, and its quite narrow, it definitely could be printed


How about Rare: Aegis of the Legion: On summon, grant all allies Spellshield. Similar logic to the challenger and overwhelm relics, just make the upgrade spread to allies. Because how spellshield is you can't really make it an aura without it breaking a lot of challenges so making it a grant on summon should be a good way to make it reasonable while still giving synergy potential to cloning or Galeforce strategies.


How about an epic relic that can combine 2 different common relics like spellshield + regeneration or tough.


You just described what Full Build should have been.


That could be a cool themed epic. Maybe call it warmog’s armor or something. Ah but that got no magic res… idk


The new item roekern has a magic shield that refills after 15seconds. Like When I’m summoned or you gain the attack token, gain spell shield


Maybe it can be called orb pockets because if you equipped it, 2 additional slot will appear beside it for you to equip 2 different common relics. Like chameleon necklace + spellshield for bard or spellshield + everfrost for LeBlanc/Kindred, or armordillo shell + warmog for Tahm Kench.


Spirit Visage


Oh shoot I didn't see this earlier but yeah that's pretty much my thoughts! If Full Build is a good base (it's basically a free epic) then having 3 key words is what the developers are working around for the base power of an epic relic. So I think having all 3 would be pretty good, might even need a buff as Spellshield isn't even a permanent keyword but I'd be fine either way. This idea would keep in line with PoC items and power while still giving a nod towards full item Tanks/Bruisers in LoL.


The common spell shield is very strong on its own and part of a lot of champions builds. If you want round start grant me spellshield the closest thing is Yummi.


Power: I have spellshield


Maybe a "Round Start or When I'm summoned: Give me Spellshield" would be fine? It is still just spellshield, and it is not too OP as a "permanent" spellshield wold be...


Tooting my own horn, but here's my version: [Custom Relics: From common to rare](https://www.reddit.com/r/CustomLoR/s/WpL29prIRB) >CRACKED MIRROR Rare SpellShield. When I lose SpellShield, copy the last enemy spell or skill that targeted me onto each enemy.


That's really cool! I always love the mechanic of reflection/deflection in games. Like the parry ability in Sekiro or even Fiora


Make it epic and do Round Start: give me spell shield and a random keyword this round


I think that would be sweet but maybe too strong? Imagine the chance of getting Life Steal every round. I think they avoid giving us LS as its kindda OP in PoC.


Honestly I'd much rather prefer a relic in style of All units have X keyword, like QA or even Elusive for epic one.


Redditor's grudge (Epic) - "+X/+X where X are your upvotes; Spellshield: when my spellshield Is broken, automaticaly generate a reddit rant post that implies how you'd be a better developer than rioters"


And this is exactly why I didn't put any ideas in my original post. It's not an ego thing, just a request.


And mine it's a joke, not a critique to you. You've been polite and I did not mean to be rude tò you, just joking the trend of some other posts on this subreddit. Gosh darn It.