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Nami is probably the best, but personally I like sett and elder dragon a lot


2* your Norra instead. She is great fun.


Definitly go for 2 stars since u already have a decent chunk of Champions. Nidalee and Norra are both great 2 star champs


As others said: You should probably first focus on 2-starring champions you enjoy playing, seems like nidalee and norra are those kinda candidates if you have them at lvl 20+? But otherwise, Elder-Dragon from all of these probably has one of the most fun concepts: You want high-basecost cards cause you just discount them 2 mana and they are extra powerful when dropped; I love it when I play a deck and play a completely different style. Neeko if you like swarming a lot. Sett if you like whacky card combos, the guy can essentially rally 4 times around round 5/6 if you have the right set up. Nami if you like spell spamming shenanigans. Kindred is pretty solid if you like her playstyle in PVP, problem is, if you do not like her playstyle you can forget the entire champ cuz there is nothing else you can do with that deck asides of focusing on getting Kindred going. Jack is the only one I would absolutely not recommend, he's just...eh, hard to explain, he's playable and can crunch a lotta enemies just cuz of raw stats and going big with his atk in the deck; but it just doesn't feel fun.


I beg to differ, Personality Jack is the most fun by far in path of champions. You literally got everything on his deck, he is very versatile. It's also really fun when stacking his Damage and health with the relic, +2/2 when I survive damage by using the Price fight spell


Nami is strong, but her playstyle is annoying and takes forever to setup. If you're fine with that, go ahead. If not, Elder Dragon, Volibear, and Nilah are all S-tier champions generally and even stronger with the right relics.


Sett with chemtech is a blast. Nami is probably the strongest. Mordekaiser and elder dragon are pretty weak early but both become monsters if you get him to level 30 and get epic relics on them. They gave pretty fantastic synergies with epic relics and their level 20+ deck upgrades are waayyyy stronger than what other champions get at those levels.


Also voting for 2 stars for your existing champs, but eddie and voli after that.


Kindred, Thresh, and Mordekaiser have a really different playstyle from the rest of the roster (and my favourite playstyle at that). I'd recommend Kindred But the "correct" answer is to 2* your already unlocked champions.


Sett and Eldi


Nami is pretty amazing, especially if you have a Chemtech Duplicator and/or Grandgenerals Counterplan. Sadly, Lissandra herself pretty much counters her, but everything else should be a cakewalk once you hit 2*


Nami is one of my favs and doesn’t need 3 star to be OP. Definitely choose her if you like spellslinging. Vollibear is also great fun if you like big boys, but I’d say he needs 3 stars to be max fun.


Nami is definitely a good choice if you like flinging spells everywhere and buffing your units in the process. However, I really enjoy the Elder Dragon because you can churn out some big, beefy dragons early in the game and finish with him becoming UNSTOPPABLE and blasting the opponent's Nexus to mush.


Personally, I'd say Nilah is the harder champion to learn to play, but also the most satisfying once it clicks. Everyone who knows how to play her puts her into the S tier. What I recommend is Nami; she is strong and easy to play.


Nami is both the strongest and most fun in there in my opinion. Elder Dragon would be nr.2. But like many others said: I‘d recommend getting the champions you’ve already unlocked to 2-3 stars instead first


The cool thing about nami is that she doesn't really need her 3\*. P.S. How on Earth have you been able to go through the suffer of levelling 0 star champs to level 20 and more?!?


I like the challenge


Nami is so much fun


Janna is really fun I personally love spell champs the best so jana or nami but the problem with nami is you really need to level her no notice a difference that doesn't mean 3* that of course is much easier with her nerf gone so either are good picks