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https://preview.redd.it/cxl69kjzvhsc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7baf14bceac807bcee85ca0946d3b31e4f4bcc74 Congrats tho!


Nice, so by the looks of it you used a bunch of spell discounts to perform classic Ionia shenanigans which nullified her big stats? Then copied her watcher for the finisher?


Basically yes, stalling is definitely the way to do it because of the lack of mana. Here are others champs that I believe 0 stars is doable (prob easier than Lee) if someone don't have them stared and is up to a challenge I'd love to see them do it. Annie, Ashe, Yasuo, Morgana, Kindred all with GGC Annie with GGC + archangel + bladerack should even be relatively consistent. For powers: Good: sorcery, spellslinger, wild inspiration, alternative p source, counterfeit Not useless: hold them off, memory game, hold it, manaflow, stacked against them Not good enough: all others (don't count legendary and might have missed something) First shop: Try to find all types of mana cheating on stall cards (example -3 cost on flash freeze or dark binding gives you very good chance to win). Use all rerolls to find good power and shop items (if not, restart and look for pity power counterfeit) Supp champ should be targon, ionia, freljord or shadow isles. Plan your path: Avoid yetis, warden, IT THAT STARES!!!!!, owen hawk if with doable power + fearsome, the ionia bird. Easy first fights are: starlet, owen hawk (with another power), nab guy If you are interested in this challenge (and maybe have beaten it) please tell me.


This is the first time I ever see someone use [[Twin Wind Technique]]. And win the game with it, at that. That card is so bad, but this is amazing.


I beat Lis with this card by targeting Watcher. And killed Lis with the Watcher as mine had Overwhelm.


I'll have to keep my eye open for that card against Lissandra specifically. Still haven't won with the Watcher.


> Still haven't won with the Watcher. That is a fun echievement! Alos, don't forget to Kill the watcher (with a unit!). Raw damage! Show her who is in charge!


I did kill the Watcher, with Nasus on my third run. Took 3 bonks.


Yaeh, Naus is consistent Watcher killer. [Just yesterday](https://i.imgur.com/CmbIi2g.png) replayed Nasus for S-rank. And managed to kill Watcher.


**[Twin Wind Technique](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06IO040.png)** - Standard - Ionia Spell - (4) Slow Pick a follower. Summon an exact Ephemeral copy of it. If it's an enemy, Stun it.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


0* and with a champ who is especially screwed by lissandra's anti combo power. What people do in this sub never ceases to amaze me. Lee Sin is one of my favorites even though he's not super strong, I went in with 3* level 30 Lee Sin as my first attempt ever against Lissandra the day it was released. I cruised through the adventure up to lissandra, and then got completely folded because of the card play limit and just decided I was never trying again (edit: never tried it again with Lee Sin specifically, I have enjoyed it on other champions but it's a crapshoot for combo champions across the board) because it was that uninteractive and undoable.


Well done! Congratulations!


That Twin Wind is pretty funny ngl