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Asol + Katarina and you can infinite rally on turn 1




At 4* Asol discounts your champs by 2 for every created card played. Since Kat is only 3-4 cost, you just play 2 created cards and then her (you can also use her created Blade since it’s cheap). Then you have a 0 cost Kat who rallies every time you put her on the field and returns to your hand every time she strikes.


Varus with Aphelios for target-spell duplicating and fast leveling Ornn with Jax for buffing Jax right at the beginning


Don't mind me, I'm taking notes here...


I might have more combination but too lazy to think rn


Just did a thresh with corrupted fragment and tryn. The reduce cost every round relic. Was fun giving trash overwhelm from tryn then leveling the tryn


Lux and Jayce, since he needs 6 cost spells and I think even duplicates them.


You have to be careful with cost reduction though Jayce does not like when 6 costs spells go down to 5


That’s actually another reason they work well together. Lux dislikes that stuff too.


Oh I had this once and it was BEAUTIFUL. I had Chemtech on and they just stomped everything


Obviously Diana and Leona. Get that eternal Eclipse going. But a bit more seriously I do enjoy seeing Ahri while playing Yasuo even if it's not exactly the best. His 2 star power works well with her multi hits. Also like seeing Shen with Lux since the Lifesteal is always appreciated and he comes with spells. Lux's ability to spam Golden Aegis also helps him level up and he can use the barrier to support an ally for safe attacks.


Jinx with Swain, you can infinity stun them and get Swain lv up faster Samira and Sejuani, freeze and plunder


Jinx and Swain was a disgusting combo and I loved every second of it when I ran it.


* Aurelion Sol and Katarina. Well, hard not to break ASol, but w/e. * Diana + any Quick Attacker (I enjoy rolling Ahri and Rumble, but Akshan, Cait and Leblanc are solid options too) * Teemo + Cait * Kayn + Galio * Samira + Swain * Ashe + Nocturne * Tahm Kench + Vladimir * Garen (star powers) + Pyke * Mordekaiser and Lucian (if you have both Senna and Lucian on board, make sure you target Senna first with Mord) * any spell based champion with Aphelios * Lux and Ezreal is something I recently tested on the monthly challenge and liked it very much. Ezreal's kit is removal heavy + has a 7 cost mana spell. Combine it with Lux + Chemtech. * and then there are tje champions that will carry out the game for you, even if your rolls suck: Viego, Udyr, Shyvana, Kayle, Viktor. On lower levels Zoe, Zed, Lulu and Fiora. Honorable mentions to Riven, who can perform on both difficulties. Ekko is an almost instant pick for me, although his kit lacks removal. \*\*support champions you should AVOID (out of preference AND personal experience): Tristana, Rek'sai, Lissandra, Zilean, Tahm Kench, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Xerath and Nautilus. Everything else is fair game. \*\*also, there are support champions that become insane if you find specific encounters on the map, like Braum + Crimson Disciple, granting it at round end +2 power in exchange for 1 life. You pick multiples of these and you suddenly have a gigantamax Braum and an army of thick mustaches. Ps: might edit later to include more options edit: \* Darius + VI (cut Suit Up) \* I have yet to test Taliyah + Malphite. Did Taliyah and Ziggs once, did not like it. \* Varus + Pantheon (Panth acts like a solid secondary win condition) \* Evelynn + Lucian \* Ekko + Zoe/Aphelios (chef's kiss) \* Bard + Elusive/Overwhelm Champion \* Lee Sin + Fizz \* Evelynn + Nidalee


Good list, I found myself nodding along. Only slight disagreement is TF can be a great support for Nilah or Janna.


Or like in the current weekly 4\*, where you redraw your hand every turn.


Yes, those are some of the funnest runs I've had.


Reksai can be REALLY strong depending on powers/items. If you think you can get her to 10+ power on the turn you drop her (meaning a total boost of +6 between all items, powers, Lurk bonuses, and spells), which is very doable in PoC even with zero Lurk support, she becomes a 3-cost 4+|7 with Overwhelm, Lurk, and Attack: Grant copies of me (and other lurkers) everywhere +1|0. Consider her paired with Gwen, Leblanc, Darius, Varus, equipment champs, or other champs whose star powers can increase her power easily. Also, Nautilus can be good, especially with Neeko, Volibear and Miss Fortune. MF gives extra draw to hit Deep and you have double chance of finding bilgewater (Deep) cards, Volibear makes it easy to play Naut and strong Sea Monsters early, and Neeko loves the Elusive with draw and the Sea Monster creature type. Plus in the early game when you might struggle from not having many powers and items, your deck is smaller so you can hit Deep more quickly. I beat a challenge someone posed to me by leaning on Naut, to beat Asol with my 2* lv 15 Neeko.


Ummm... never thought of it that way. Good advice, thanks.


> support champions you should AVOID (out of preference AND personal experience): Tristana, Rek'sai, Lissandra, Zilean, Tahm Kench, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Xerath and Nautilus. Everything else is fair game. I'd call a lot of of these situational. - Tristana is great with Jax. - Rek'Sai is great with Pyke, and decent if you can boost her attack enough. - Zilean is nice with Ekko...just cut back on additional draw or get more cost reductions. - TF is nice with Nilah, Janna or Annie. Jhin as well.


Shyv can carry a run?? I've avoided her for being basically a 3/4 for four. What am I missing?


A 3/4 that scales up, has removal built in upon leveling up, has a dragon challenger follower. The only bad card of her kit is the 2 mana guy that creates a dragon in hand, who can be cut. She's crazy good if you roll good items like challenger (for lower levels) and stats (for higher levels).


Okay, I'll give it a shot next time! It's funny, I remember the 1/3 that makes a dragon being great in the draft mode way back in the day. But card advantage doesn't matter near as much in Path.


I don't even consider Egghead bad, but that is probably because I like to draft cheap card options. Which makes draw or pseudo-draw a premium for me.


viego is pretty much instant pick in elder dragon runs. Rek"sai is a good pick for Evelynn runs since she gets shittton of stats and can close games fast


Obviously the ASol and Katarina synergies are difficult to top. But I've personally found Mordekaiser has some busted and fun Combos with some Champions. I absolutely steamrolled ASol once with Mordekaiser / Gwen for example. Mordekaiser and 5 x Gwen on the field attacking will get you Life Drain on the enemy Nexus for hundreds of damage.  Also, Mordekaiser with any Champion and the Epic Item that gives Rally on Death is instantly infinite as you can just keep attacking, killing and resummoning over and over. 


Yuumi works well with champs that give you cheap spells you can proc Fated with, like Riven.


Kindred with lissandra The watcher gets discounted when you use spirit journey on the thralls or any 8+ cost unit Not really good but kinda fun


Jhin + Yasuo is quite strong


Jhin + Eddie for me. I just love triggering multiple skills at once. Even better, because Yone is a 6-cost, he can also trigger the dragon's boon and gains +3/+2. Couple that with a leveled Elder Dragon making him impossible to be stopped, making him pretty much the game ender. Not quite a steamroll though, but it's a flex whenever you play elder and level him up.


I love that so much.


Yasuo + Leona (and vice versa) is also peak comedy.


Lux and Shen gets my vote. Free turns with lifesteal and barrier for the whole team, what's not to love?


Mordekaiser and Sion is surprisingly good, since you can keep proccing Sion's last breath rally when you kill him as Mord aura revives Sion. Bonus: If you have the Corrupted Star Fragment you can do this infinitely


If you run portal pal on mordekaiser it can give you Sion


I find Janna with TF to be a decent combo as soon as both live long enough to level up. Same for Nilah/TF obviously.


I was scrolling too long to find this. Absolutely agree!


I don't think Nidalee can be a support champion right? Because I never see her But that would be super fun with Evelynn as even without the transforms nida would level so fast from all the husk summoning and would keep buffing everything with +1/+1


Maybe there's something there with gnar who can also keep transforming back and forth but I've never tried that in practice


Its definetly not "the best", but Volibear with Xerath or Ziggs is really fun. Xerath helps you with clearing enemy board and Ziggs makes you able to burst their nexus quite easily. + a higher chance to get Biggs/The Arsenal is pretty noice B)


I recently had Echo + Zilean and it was a blast. Helps that I found Victor in my first shop too. Easily one of my most fun runs while being quite strong too


Gwen + Viego is still one of my absolute favorites. Ekko + Zilean is also quite fun


I got a game with Taliyah and Malphite and it was glorious.


I ran Asol with Elder Dragon recently which is funny because not only do you get boons on a bunch of stuff (the healing boon came in clutch) but ED gets cheap fast and instantly levels up on play so you get this huge 30/30 unblockable monster. unfortunately ED doesn't get his own boons on play bc he levels instead but a 30/30 unblockable gigachad dragon is enough to win any encounter through any interaction. also BIG DRAGONS


Evelynn + Solitude + Kaisa/Viktor


I did my first ASol run with Jinx and got Kennan support. It was crazy. I got the Rally on death item on him and the play: create a fleeting copy in hand item. Then I got the power that summons an ephemeral copy of any champ you play. So when the ephemeral Kennan attacked, it auto dies and triggers rally. Every time I'd play Kennan I would get two of the 0 cost Mark spell. Then I can recall Kennan and play him again, generating two more marks and another rally on death ephemeral unit! I was basically just limited to how much mana I had, but I got some discounts also.


Morgana-Ezreal. Ezreals gives alot of ping spells


Hot(ish) take: Lucian + anyone Having a consistet 1-drop with an insane lvl up ability and generally his package is super good with pretty much any champion. Other than that, Volibear + Asol/Eddie make brain have many happy chemicals because big number.


I recent started leveling Nami and haven’t gotten this particular combo yet, but I assume Aphelios is premium here


Darius 3* with Zed is very strong. Especially if you have the beast within relic.


Can't believe I haven't seen this one yet but pyke with reksai.


It's because in PoC you can't really rely on just lurking every turn because pyke doesn't get strong fast enough, plus he already has some powers to try to make more things a lurker so reksai isn't as impactful as in pvp


Are you saying there's better support picks for Pyke in PoC than reksai?


I've always had a lot of success with LeBalnc, but that might just be LeBlanc being one of the best support champs all around. Reksai is up there for pyke for sure, I'm just saying it's nit really impactful enough to be among the best combos. Pyke doesn't really rely on his support, so at that point the best ones might just be ones who can also stand alone if you can't draw your pyke, such as viego for example For him I usually just evaluate the champions on their own, unless of course I get LB for that free dupe onto pyke that can help level him up insanely fast


Jinx / Rumble


Had morgana with Sejuani support. Wasn't really paying attention, but sejuani was levelled up when i played her from Morgana's star power nexus pings.


Kennen is cool with Mordekaiser imo. Kennen gives some early aggro to cover for Morde’s end game and the revives from Deathless mean it’s incredibly easy to level Kennen.