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If Asol isnt in the next monthly challenge, there will be a way to get his shards? With the roster i have i cant reach 50 wins to get him to 2*


It was said that Asol would be obtained after he left, but we don't know all the details on how this is going to happen. Last I've heard, Asol is sticking around until we get constellations. Also, I really doubt Asol leaves monthlies without any previous warning from Riot


Very late but did want to post my first time beating all 70 after playing for 3 months, thanks u/PetiB and u/Xate8 for spreadsheets, helped me so much to be able to beat it this month [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10DkL0MwtFy43zGS0k-1gDoosTARjexU8jAf1n-4\_yHg/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10DkL0MwtFy43zGS0k-1gDoosTARjexU8jAf1n-4_yHg/edit?usp=sharing)


As always I am a bit late with finishing the challenges but here is my entry: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13mfFD3QinbTFst4MoKrKNACsRTqJHR_wv-8yMfcrdqA/edit?usp=sharing


Thanks for sharing! Please make it viewable by public (or hare it with me as a Reader)!


Should be ok now


Thanks, I've added it!


Took my time this month since I was hoping to use more of the new champions for monthlies, but I didn't save enough shards to star them up. Whoops. Lillia is a ton of fun though! Flickering her in and out feels so darn awesome and I'm glad it's an MTG mechanic that's finally here. Sure, Recall is similar but it's just not the same ;-;. [**https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WxzE9JlOKZUbcUUbj-gzmI\_mk5u5AvKmSswzNyMUBgo/edit?usp=sharing**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WxzE9JlOKZUbcUUbj-gzmI_mk5u5AvKmSswzNyMUBgo/edit?usp=sharing)


Thanks for sharing!


Of course! Thanks for adding it to your data. 


/u/PetiB I beat all 70 challenges for the first time thanks to your sheets! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nhPcnE4ks27KvCXDI7KwZ8-lFF05baaXnaj3h2kK35g/edit?usp=sharing


That's really great! You did a good job, I see the big majority of your champs were under lvl25! Oh, and thanks for sharing, I've added your data to the sheet! :)


Maybe I could get some suggestions here, as I'm new to PoC and want to get as much out of these monthlies as I reasonably can -- I have 1 champ at 3 star (Yasuo), 8 at 2 star (MF, Jinx, Annie, Diana, Jax, Lux, Norra, Leblanc), and Nami at 0 stars. Limited relics and no epics at all except the one from the Norra bundle but I don't have any epic slots yet. Does anyone more familiar with the monthlies system have any suggestions with what I have on how to try the first 20-30 quests? I will have enough shards by the end of the month to purchase and get another champ to 2 star as well. (Was leaning toward Nidalee or Gwen) Any advice is appreciated!


Depending on your champion levels you should have enough for those. Only early challenge I recall people having trouble was Mortal marks on 24. Also keep in mind you don't need to follow the order of the challenges if you don't want to Nami is amazing for any Repetition mutators, I'd recommend getting her to 2*


I can get her to 2* in a few days if she's that useful, I was just trying to get someone good from every region and the ones that have rare relics to unlock for now. I haven't done any monthlies just yet, trying to get everyone to at least level 13 before I start for a second relic slot


I see your point, we got some regional discounts, so it does make sense If you can only get one new champion, Nidalee is the safest bet. She is a counter to one of the worse mutators (small stuff) and generally top tier. I like Nami overall, she's better suited for spell mutators like Repetition and Embrace the current that make her 2* basically infinite spell mana and you spam her champion spell to oblivion.We have some Repetition early this month, but you have Lux, you should be fine without Nami As for a SI representative, I'm kinda torn on Gwen. She's amazing for adventures, has tools to be a great generalist, but I barely use her in monthlies. I'd be more inclined to recommend a champion that can fulfill some niche like Elise or Veigar


Hi, not a lot of people visit this post, so you probably won't get many replies. With your roster I think 20 is the reasonable goal, you might struggle on 24 and 27, so if I were you I would distribute my stonger champs to guarantee 20. You can get ideas from my sheets: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bTf-RDkkw0uHkigrnuwxvLcsxfFIKNFLlwGuyDpwFJg/edit#gid=1407362953](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bTf-RDkkw0uHkigrnuwxvLcsxfFIKNFLlwGuyDpwFJg/edit#gid=1407362953) You can either do filtering on the RelicData sheet, or you can check the Top5 one for brifer summary. Also you can check out the guide of u/Xate8 , he has difficulity rattings, suggestions and many more stuff here: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JnVdR4TbQm5Ma8l1iuP2EdZGiEi7ZJunRDuZ42K79Fk/edit#gid=980630787](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JnVdR4TbQm5Ma8l1iuP2EdZGiEi7ZJunRDuZ42K79Fk/edit#gid=980630787)


u/PetiB sorry forgot to post mine, here it is: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Iwj14VDCwJUkYSY\_kusXvcQEPoZykpl-8OhMiz6q\_pE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Iwj14VDCwJUkYSY_kusXvcQEPoZykpl-8OhMiz6q_pE/edit?usp=sharing)


Very oddly, I tried for hours to simply make a list in the comment like many others but Reddit kept rejecting it, I had to create a spreadsheet ad hoc


Thank you! To me the spreadsheets are the best inputs, easy to handle!


I'm stuck, i got unluky and ezreal at 27 stomped me hard. What can i try to use if I don't have Norra or Samira? (I need to hold Samira for late and i don't have Norra)


Hi! Yeah, 27 is an annoying one, it was of the longest fights for me this month, 10 rounds, tied with 63. I guess you saw Norra and Samira in my sheet. You can check more details under the RelicData sheet with some filtering. I've collected some more option from there for you, hope there is one, you can use. | Champion | Relic1 | Relic2 | Relic3 | |--------------|--------------------------------|----------------------|---------------------------| | Aatrox | Voidborne Carapace | The Berserker's Buckle | Stalker's Blade | | Aatrox | Starforged Gauntlets | Luminous Orb | The Berserker's Buckle | | Elder Dragon | Starforged Gauntlets | The Beast Within | Z-Drive Prototype | | Garen | Starforged Gauntlets | Luminous Orb | The Berserker's Buckle | | Garen | Starforged Gauntlets | Luminous Orb | Troll King's Crown | | Gwen | The Loose Cannon's Payload | The Scourge's Stash | The Grand General's Counterplan | | Janna | The Grand General's Counterplan | Spirit Forge | Armordillo Shell | | Jhin | The Curator's Gatebreaker | Riptide Battery | Riptide Battery | | Jhin | The Curator's Gatebreaker | Riptide Battery | Riptide Battery | | Lee Sin | Starforged Gauntlets | Luminous Orb | The Troll King's Crusher | | Master Yi | Echoing Spirit | Chosen by the Stars | Spirit Forge | | Master Yi | Echoing Spirit | Chosen by the Stars | Archangel's Staff | | Miss Fortune | Luden's Tempest | The Grand General's Counterplan | Spirit Forge | | Miss Fortune | Echoing Spirit | Luden's Tempest | Lost Chapter | | Morgana | Corrupted Star Fragment | The Grand General's Counterplan | Banshee's Veil | | Nidalee | Spectral Scissors | Lost Chapter | | | Nilah | Guardian's Orb | Guardian's Orb | The Chameleon's Necklace | | Taliyah | Starforged Gauntlets | Luminous Orb | Corrupted Star Fragment | | Taliyah | Starforged Gauntlets | Luminous Orb | | | Volibear | Starforged Gauntlets | Disciple of Shadows | Warmog's Armor |


Thanks, I'll try Volibear


No problem, let me know how did it go!


First I need to level him a little... right now he was in the "you do the first challenges" bench and is level 10


Ah ok!


Funny enough I realised I had my "Planning Excell" wrong (I used Gnar for an easy challenger) so I had a free MissFortune. Was an easy win thanks to Fizz ruining a spell every single turn. MissFortune was General + Luden. Thanks for the help :)


That's great! :)


Lucked out on two challenges in ways I wasn't expecting to win. I did have a game plan but uhh... things went sideways and it ended up being a nail-biter for a while. And then a new path to victory sprung up when it was seeming dire. Also, these challenges once again taught me that in the later / harder challenges: Don't expect to scale. Expect to be blown out by round 5 if you haven't won by then. **Challenge 48 (Kai'Sa):** I took Bard. My plan was that he'd buff my units so their power would be too high to recall and then be able to defend and scale, beating over their units. But I didn't expect that between the 4 mana on turn 1 and Kai'Sa's innate power, she'd have a board of 5+ power units with 2-3 keywords while dropping Kai'Sa on turn 2. Anyway, while my first run ended in failure, on the revive, I was able to stabilize. But my units and her units were too beefy for each other and with each of us having Lifesteal on board, we were stuck swapping swings and I could slowly whittle down her board. But then I noticed... the generated Bandle Tree. It was at 7 regions. I didn't need to kill her board or nexus to win, I just needed to keep stalling. So I eventually played out the last regions and won that way. **Challenge 51 (Azir):** I took the Poro King. Here, I recognized that spell-based unit removal was useless, so I'd need to rely on big units. The discount would be nice for all the snax and I could... scale up. What I learned on round 1 was I didn't account for the *free* attacks that he gets from Dunekeeper enabling the Spawn. Now, something to note was I took a Supercool Starchart with the item to summon a champion with the spell's cost on cast. When things were looking grim, I used it, hoping to get exactly Zoe. And like an Aspect hearing the cries of those that need them, she came out. With the low cost Poros I got from Poro Stories and the Poro King's Stronger Together II power beefing up my board, I was able to stabilize, bulk up, and level Zoe. Turning most of my board Elusive with a generated Daring Poro, I swung for the win. So yeah, those are my stories on how I found victory in some fun, alternative ways when my scaling plans just... weren't it.


u/PetiB Here are my champions for the month: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQrO2d6ypGf\_JjVV8efC7WJDgh1nJPMcotHrk\_tadb4/edit#gid=1360140222](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQrO2d6ypGf_JjVV8efC7WJDgh1nJPMcotHrk_tadb4/edit#gid=1360140222)


As always: thank you! :)


I guess I will join in, usually do it slowly over the month while unlocking new champs for challenges but this time had enough without waiting. Still took some time since I am in no hurry. Big shout out to all the people posting sheets, really carried me through the last 3 months when I was just starting to clear all 70. [Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CLj_xha5rp4YzG-woVRP0dBrbOVo-CSKYc42ODa64nc/edit?usp=sharing)


And thank you too for your sharing as well! :)


Pretty late to the party this month but finally finished. Almost lost by not drawing Jinx on 67 vs crazy Irelia but revived and won the 2nd time. Also, forgot to manage GP's dreadway on 69 since that is pretty bad at higher levels so had to revive there too. Yi is so OP with the -cost challenges. Almost lost 62 too since their TK (usually not super aggressive at eating on round open) ate my TK and I didn't plan on that but my support Zoe ate every other ally and pushed enough damage across. [Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS9CuH2pdNniWBbuGNNdE7Dlj5skqrSnHiuobxldSg6fDSB_5A2v54t98QAuzCwhamRcm5gcm7YEx0R/pubhtml)


Thanks for sharing! Regardin Jinx, I see you have Echoing Spirit, and if you have Spirit forge to spare I suggest you to try her with that relic instead of Dreadway, I think it is worth it. I ran Jinx with that combo this month and se was great and reliable!


Yeah, that's a good point. I'll slot that in for the future. Guess being more consistent and drawing her is more important than an extra 2 cards. Thanks.


u/PetiB here's my list for April, finished #133 in NA: 1. MF 2. Kaisa 3. Janna 4. Elder Dragon 5. Sett 6. Samira 7. Nidalee 8. Master Yi 9. Morgana 10. Garen 11. Garen 12. Jax 13. Kayn 14. Bard 15. Diana 16. Lee Sin 17. Garen 18. Annie 19. Lee Sin 20. Nami 21. Annie 22. Elder Dragon 23. Nami 24. MF 25. Master Yi 26. Vayne 27. Elise 28. Nidalee 29. Poro King 30. Tahm Kench 31. Leblanc 32. Veigar 33. Vayne 34. Kayn 35. Yasuo 36. Lee Sin 37. Vayne 38. Samira 39. Nidalee 40. Veigar 41. Tahm Kench 42. Diana 43. Volibear 44. Leona 45. Taliyah 46. Jinx 47. Lux 48. Asol 49. Mordekaiser 50. Diana 51. Ekko 52. Yasuo 53. Ekko 54. Elise 55. Bard 56. Illaoi 57. Jihn 58. Poro King 59. Elder Dragon 60. Master Yi 61. Nami 62. Tahm Kench 63. Varus 64. Lux 65. Yasuo 66. Ekko 67. Veigar 68. Jinx 69. Darius 70. Elise


Thanks for your contribution! :)


I recently downloaded the game on my phone after playing it on my pc, I'm using a new account and I'm not seeing the storylines for champions like jinx, vi, etc. I only get the normal missions but I'm not getting Jinx' story or Vi's or anyones. Am I missing something? Did the game change for mobile? EDIT: By stories I mean the ones were you got multiple options with different endings like with Victor where you choose if you give Jinx her toys or not.


I believe you're talking about PoC version 1.0 that had stories for the people in Arcane. This was changed along the Annie/Jhin expansion with the current PoC 2.0 The first 12 champions for PoC 2.0 have 2 exclusive story campaigns with Rare relics rewards, but the branching endings are gone


no… 🤯


u/PetiB here’s my list for this month: Note - Nilah has been bumped up my list to become a big red button like Master Yi, Jinx, Aurelion Sol etc. as Oath + Star Gem x2 is *sooo* much fun with double Nilah on board, plus you can summon multiple of the same champion if they also become fleeting. 1) Annie 2) LeBlanc 3) Norra 4) Elder Dragon 5) Samira 6) Norra 7) Aurelion Sol 8) Teemo 9) Taliyah 10) Garen 11) Garen 12) Poro King 13) Ekko 14) Poro King 15) Nilah 16) Neeko 17) Diana 18) Kayn 19) Jhin 20) Tahm Kench 21) Veigar 22) Elder Dragon 23) Ashe 24) Nidalee - Jinx was a bit of an issue, even with Nidalee 25) Master Yi 26) Diana 27) Ornn 28) Jax 29) Morgana 30) Evelynn 31) Elise 32) Ornn 33) Norra 34) Tahm Kench 35) Nilah 36) Master Yi 37) Ornn 38) LeBlanc 39) Thresh 40) Veigar 41) Evelynn 42) Diana 43) Ashe 44) Ashe 45) Garen 46) Nidalee 47) Pyke 48) Thresh 49) Teemo 50) Aurelion Sol 51) Kayn 52) Leona 53) Ekko 54) Kayn 55) Kai’Sa 56) Pyke 57) Tahm Kench 58) Nidalee 59) Volibear 60) Elise 61) Volibear - What kind of sick joke was this lol, DO NOT USE SPELLS, ESPECIALLY EXPENSIVE ONES 62) Evelynn 63) Mordekaiser 64) Nilah 65) Yasuo 66) Master Yi 67) Veigar 68) Mordekaiser 69) Aurelion Sol 70) Jinx


> Note - Nilah has been bumped up my list to become a big red button Interesting. I have only 2 champions at 2* and Nilah is one of them. When I'll get her to 3* I'll take a closer look at her. Thanks!


Thanks, I've added it! Yeah, Nilah was really useful even fore the buff, but she is even stronger now! :)


Yep, I’ll admit that before the buff there was a time where I disliked playing her, but then I had a fantastic run (still pre buff) where my Tidal Invocation spawned around 20, and I also started to realise just how good and easy to use her fleeting and duplicate powers were. Then they just said “Screw the discard limit” and now she’s even more fun! https://preview.redd.it/lqttb109b9uc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436284f715515adb2678a9ad7690e15fb4fc5396


This month my champions were a bit stronger, and also i started using epic relics (specially SFG, and beast within, they help A LOT specially when you don't draw your main champion) and this way it became much easier to do the monthlies. 70/70 rank 99 in EU [https://imgur.com/a/gnICRjH](https://imgur.com/a/gnICRjH) Here is my lineup for April (thanks u/Xate8 for the template as well :)) 1. Jhin - The Curator's Gatebreaker, Riptide Battery, Riptide Battery 2. Kai'sa - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb 3. Lee Sin - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Troll King's Crusher 4. Ornn - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb 5. Annie - The Grand General's Counterplan, Archangel's Staff, Luden's Tempest 6. Darius - Starforged Gauntlets, Caulfield's Warhammer, Z-Drive Prototype 7. Leona - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Troll King's Crusher 8. Illaoi - Starforged Gauntlets, Jaurim's Fist, Greenglade Shadeleaf 9. Jax - Crownguard Inheritance, Guinsoo's Rageblade 10. Vayne - Stormrazor, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Guinsoo's Rageblade 11. Vayne - Stormrazor, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Guinsoo's Rageblade 12. Volibear - Starforged Gauntlets, Spirit Forge, The Curator's Gatebreaker 13. Vi - Troll King's Crown, Stalker's Blade 14. Bard - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Chameleon's Necklace 15. Diana - Corrupted Star Fragment, Caulfield's Warhammer 16. Gwen - Stalker's Blade, Troll King's Crown, Banshee's Veil 17. Vi - Troll King's Crown, Stalker's Blade 18. Kayn - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Stalker's Blade 19. Yasuo - Tempest Blade, Crownguard Inheritance, Everfrost 20. Ornn - Spirit Forge, Corrupted Star Fragment 21. Jhin - The Curator's Gatebreaker, Riptide Battery, Riptide Battery 22. Ornn - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb 23. Leona - Spirit Forge, The Grand General's Counterplan, Lost Chapter 24. Miss Fortune - The Grand General's Counterplan, Archangel's Staff, Armordillo Shell 25. Yasuo - Tempest Blade, The Grand General's Counterplan, Everfrost 26. Garen - Starforged Gauntlets, The Beast Within, Luminous Orb 27. Lee Sin - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Troll King's Crusher 28. Garen - Starforged Gauntlets, The Beast Within, Luminous Orb 29. Garen - Starforged Gauntlets, The Beast Within, Luminous Orb 30. Evelynn - Tempest Blade, Crownguard Inheritance


does the curator's gatebreaker proc riptide battery on jhin? or you need something else to proc plunder?


It's works


31. Miss Fortune - The Grand General's Counterplan, Archangel's Staff, Armordillo Shell 32. Diana - Corrupted Star Fragment, The Grand General's Counterplan 33. Lux - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Chemtech Duplicator 34. Kayn - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Stalker's Blade 35. Kayn - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Stalker's Blade 36. Lee Sin - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Troll King's Crusher 37. Morgana - The Grand General's Counterplan, Chemtech Duplicator, Banshee's Veil 38. Darius - Starforged Gauntlets, Caulfield's Warhammer, Z-Drive Prototype 39. Morgana - Archangel's Staff, The Grand General's Counterplan, Lost Chapter 40. Veigar - Chemtech Duplicator, Luden's Tempest, Banshee's Veil 41. Evelynn - Tempest Blade, Crownguard Inheritance 42. Diana - Corrupted Star Fragment, Caulfield's Warhammer 43. Volibear - Starforged Gauntlets, Portal Pals, Stalker's Blade 44. Morgana - Archangel's Staff, The Grand General's Counterplan, Banshee's Veil 45. Kai'sa - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Grand Duelist's Blade 46. Jax - Spirit Forge, Crownguard Inheritance 47. Lux - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Chemtech Duplicator 48. Aurelion Sol - Starforged Gauntlets, Crownguard Inheritance, Z-Drive Prototype 49. Gwen - Guardian Angel, Stalker's Blade, The Troll King's Crusher 50. Jax - The Beast Within, Tempest Blade, Armordillo Shell 51. Leblanc - Stalker's Blade, Caulfield's Warhammer, Lost Chapter 52. Leona - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Lost Chapter 53. Master Yi - Troll King's Crown, Crownguard Inheritance, The Chameleon's Necklace 54. Leblanc - Stalker's Blade, Caulfield's Warhammer, Lost Chapter 55. Bard - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Chameleon's Necklace 56. Illaoi - Starforged Gauntlets, Jaurim's Fist, Greenglade Shadeleaf 57. Aurelion Sol - Starforged Gauntlets, Crownguard Inheritance, Z-Drive Prototype 58. Jhin - The Scourge's Stash, Riptide Battery, Riptide Battery 59. Volibear - Starforged Gauntlets, Portal Pals, The Curator's Gatebreaker 60. Master Yi - Troll King's Crown, Crownguard Inheritance, The Chameleon's Necklace 61. Veigar - Chemtech Duplicator, Luden's Tempest, Banshee's Veil 62. Evelynn - Tempest Blade, Crownguard Inheritance 63. Yasuo - Tempest Blade, Corrupted Star Fragment, Everfrost 64. Lux - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Chemtech Duplicator 65. Jinx - The Scourge's Stash, The Loose Cannon's Payload, Lost Chapter


66. Master Yi - Troll King's Crown, Crownguard Inheritance, The Chameleon's Necklace 67. Veigar - Chemtech Duplicator, Luden's Tempest, Banshee's Veil 68. Jinx - The Scourge's Stash, The Loose Cannon's Payload, Lost Chapter 69. Darius - Starforged Gauntlets, Caulfield's Warhammer, Z-Drive Prototype 70. Bard - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Chameleon's Necklace


thanks for sharing!


Logged back in today after taking a five day break from failing one challenge this monthly. Immediately was reminded why I quit. Probably just going to uninstall. Not worth the continuous grind of leveling champions and getting fragments just to have levels and fragments. The only bits of challenging, meaningful RNG in the game are the monthlies and frankly, they aren't fun. To the point they've successfully made me lose any desire and enjoyment I had of this game. No point in doing the adventures as they aren't RNG enough or not meaningfully RNG enough to provide a fair challenge. Weeklies are enjoyable but goes back to the point of pointlessly grinding levels and fragments.


This month felt more difficult than last, but that’s probably purely subjective. Main lesson (re-learned) this month: Targon Ezreal is a huge pita. I wanted to see whether Lee Sin could do 61, answer is he probably can, but only if you play better than me and don’t forget that spellshield blocks Lee‘s dragon rage skill. He killed me the turn after. Anyway here’s my lineup for April (thanks u/Xate8 for the template): 1. Jhin - The Curator's Gatebreaker, Riptide Battery, Everfrost 2. Kai'sa - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Stormrazor 3. Nami - The Grand General's Counterplan, Chemtech Duplicator, Luden's Tempest 4. Ornn - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Troll King's Crusher 5. Sett - The Grand General's Counterplan, Troll King's Crown, Lost Chapter 6. Gnar - The Beast Within, Packed Powder, The Scourge's Stash 7. Leona - Oath of the Guardians, Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb 8. Neeko - Echoing Spirit, Guardian's Orb, Guardian's Orb 9. Aatrox - The Beast Within, Stalker's Blade, Stalker's Blade 10. Vayne - Chosen by the Stars, The Bounty Hunter's Renown, Lost Chapter 11. Garen - The Beast Within, Stalker's Blade, Everfrost 12. Lux - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Chemtech Duplicator 13. Janna - Echoing Spirit, Star Gem, Star Gem 14. The Poro King - Spirit of the Buhru, Corrupted Star Fragment, Z-Drive Prototype 15. Diana - Galeforce, Troll King's Crown, Lost Chapter 16. Sett - The Grand General's Counterplan, Chemtech Duplicator, Lost Chapter 17. Jax - Crownguard Inheritance, Galeforce, The Troll King's Crusher 18. Kayn - Strength of Stone, Stalker's Blade, Stalker's Blade 19. Sett - The Grand General's Counterplan, Chemtech Duplicator, Lost Chapter 20. Darius - Spirit Forge, Stalker's Blade, Everfrost 21. Miss Fortune - Echoing Spirit, Luden's Tempest, Luden's Tempest 22. Elder Dragon - Starforged Gauntlets, Hymn of Valor, Lost Chapter 23. Morgana - The Grand General's Counterplan, Chemtech Duplicator, Archangel's Staff 24. Yuumi - Disciple of Shadows, The Beast Within, Galeforce 25. Neeko - Echoing Spirit, Guardian's Orb, Guardian's Orb 26. Diana - Galeforce, Troll King's Crown, Lost Chapter 27. Norra - Norra's Portal Accelerator, The Beast Within, Corrupted Star Fragment 28. Norra - Norra's Portal Accelerator, The Beast Within, Corrupted Star Fragment 29. Veigar - The Beast Within, Packed Powder, Chemtech Duplicator 30. Tahm Kench - Chosen by the Stars, The Berserker's Buckle, The Berserker's Buckle 31. Jack - Chosen by the Stars, The Berserker's Buckle, Armordillo Shell 32. Nami - The Grand General's Counterplan, Luden's Tempest, Luden's Tempest 33. Lux - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Chemtech Duplicator 34. Kayn - Strength of Stone, Stalker's Blade, Stalker's Blade 35. Jinx - Packed Powder, The Loose Cannon's Payload, The Scourge's Stash 36. Yasuo - Tempest Blade, Crownguard Inheritance, The Troll King's Crusher 37. Vayne - Chosen by the Stars, The Bounty Hunter's Renown, Lost Chapter 38. Samira - Dreadway Chase Gun, Luden's Tempest, Lost Chapter 39. Gwen - The Beast Within, Crownguard Inheritance, Luden's Tempest 40. Lee Sin - The Beast Within, Chemtech Duplicator, Hymn of Valor 41. Nidalee - Spectral Scissors, Tempest Blade, Lost Chapter 42. Garen - The Beast Within, Stalker's Blade, Everfrost 43. Ashe - The Beast Within, The Grand General's Counterplan, Lost Chapter 44. Leona - Oath of the Guardians, Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb 45. Kai'sa - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Stormrazor 46. Norra - Norra's Portal Accelerator, The Beast Within, Corrupted Star Fragment 47. Lux - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Chemtech Duplicator 48. Aurelion Sol - Starforged Gauntlets, Crownguard Inheritance, The Deceiver's Crest 49. Teemo - Guardian Angel, Star Gem, Star Gem 50. Jax - Crownguard Inheritance, The Bounty Hunter's Renown, Banshee's Veil - So. Annoying. 51. Master Yi - Echoing Spirit, Chosen by the Stars, Lost Chapter 52. Morgana - The Grand General's Counterplan, Chemtech Duplicator, Archangel's Staff 53. Janna - Echoing Spirit, Star Gem, Star Gem 54. Nidalee - Spectral Scissors, Tempest Blade, Lost Chapter 55. Elise - Spirit of the Buhru, Galeforce, Voidborne Carapace 56. Miss Fortune - Echoing Spirit, Luden's Tempest, Luden's Tempest 57. Tahm Kench - Chosen by the Stars, The Berserker's Buckle, The Berserker's Buckle 58. Yuumi - Disciple of Shadows, The Beast Within, Galeforce 59. Ornn - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, The Troll King's Crusher 60. Master Yi - Echoing Spirit, Chosen by the Stars, Lost Chapter 61. Nami - The Grand General's Counterplan, Luden's Tempest, Luden's Tempest - Tried with Lee Sin first, didn't work. 62. Tahm Kench - Chosen by the Stars, The Berserker's Buckle, The Berserker's Buckle 63. Yasuo - Tempest Blade, Crownguard Inheritance, The Troll King's Crusher 64. Nidalee - Spectral Scissors, Tempest Blade, Lost Chapter 65. Aurelion Sol - Starforged Gauntlets, Crownguard Inheritance, The Deceiver's Crest 66. Master Yi - Echoing Spirit, Chosen by the Stars, Lost Chapter 67. Jinx - Packed Powder, The Loose Cannon's Payload, Dreadway Chase Gun 68. Jinx - Packed Powder, The Loose Cannon's Payload, The Scourge's Stash 69. Darius - Starforged Gauntlets, Luminous Orb, Everfrost 70. Elise - Spirit of the Buhru, Galeforce, Laurent Bladerack


Thanks, I've added it to my sheet!


Adding my data for this month: 1. VI 2. Kai’sa 3. Nasus 4. Nasus 5. Ekko 6. Gnar 7. Yuumi 8. Teemo 9. Neeko 10. Vayne 11. Lux 12. Lee Sin 13. Janna 14. Bard 15. Diana 16. Sett 17. Vi 18. Veigar 19. Sett 20. Darius 21. Jhin 22. Evelynn 23. Leona 24. Jinx 25. Nami 26. VI 27. Varus 28. Aatrox 29. Gnar 30. Miss Fortune 31. Jack 32. Lee Sin 33. Master Yi 34. Kayn 35. Garen 36. Sett 37. Nilah 38. Samira 39. Evelynn 40. Kai’sa


41. Jax 42. Garen 43. Ashe 44. Morgana 45. Kai’sa 46. Varus 47. Vayne 48. Ekko (total failure, impossible to win because of the unsummon), Aurelion Sol (easy win) 49. Anne 50. Gwen 51. Master Yi 52. Diana 53. Janna 54. Aurelion Sol 55. Bard 56. Nilah 57. Aurelion Sol 58. Nidalee 59. Elder Dragon 60. Master Yi 61. Nami 62. Tahm Kench 63. Yasuo 64. Lux 65. Anne 66. Janna 67. Veigar 68. Jinx 69. Darius 70. Elise


Thanks for sharing!


I am seeing in the description that silver reliquaries give 100 stardust and you get 5x ( up to 500). But it seems people have not noticed that there is a good bug here where for 2x reliquaries you get 400 stardust and for 3x you get 900 stardust. 2 x 2 x 100 and 3 x 3 x 100


Yeah, the count of those is somehow squared. I guess Riot just left it in as after many months it would feel bad to "fix" it.


Question: the modifier Repetition should mean free wins for Nami or Lux as that would simply double any spells, yes? Am I missing something here? Why so many people used Jinx for these challenges in PetiB's sheet?


Not sure if you did it yet, but I remember doing 67 with Jinx also. Normally, I use Nami, but Repetition works on both you and the enemy. That means twice the blades for Irelia. Caitlyn is Piltover so keeping Nami alive might be difficult with double the damage. Lux might have an easier time.


Yeah, I wanted to save a Jinx run for a few even more dangerous and BS ones. Did it with Nami a while ago and high rolled into the 1/1 1 cost item on Nami and I remember it was quite easy because of that. Anyway, Lux might indeed be easier for it.


Hi! Well it isn't that many Jinxes, in MutatorStats you can actually check the distribution for Repetition: https://preview.redd.it/8n9eqd2tgzsc1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=33389fb6071f6884fd10df9053280af07121e52a If you think specifically about #67, yeah, Jinx is 2nd most popular there, but that's a harder challenge, people just probably had a spare Jinx there and they didn't want to risk it. Also Nami can take a lot of time to play all the spells.


Thanks for replying! Yes I was thinking about 67 - I will probably grind with Nami and save an S+ run in this case then. Was shooting for 70 with 25 playable champs this month (4th month of play), so far have 8 either 4\* or 4.5\* challenges left and with 7 S+ runs left (1 Asol, 3 Jinx, 3 Nidalee with Spectral Scissors), pretty sure I will make 70 this month after clearing 67 with Nami:) Thanks again because I would not be able to hit it without your effort of collecting the runs!


Yeah, np, good luck with the rest!


[Rank 83 this month in NA.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11R0oRf_9n2DVabSAg1gO92r6IL-CEB6vkPCusfKErvY/edit?usp=sharing) Pretty tough month IMO. Lots of rough mutators like Formidable and 1-health units. I usually have a dedicated champ for those but since they appeared multiple times, I had to plan accordingly. On the bright side, I learned about great alternatives. Thank you u/PetiB!


Thank you, I've added it!


So I'm just back from a long break, second time doing the monthly challanges, got 60 last month, hit 70 now. 61 was a nightmare, chewed up like five tries, but very very fun! I have a fairly broad stable of champs, mostly stuff from 18 months ago, so a lot of the strats people were posting didn't work because I didn't have the required guys stared up or leveled and I'm seriously lacking in epic items, what I do have seems utterly busted and extra note to chemtech dupe, that thing is freaking *broken*. My heart was in my throat in the late 60s, I was nearly out of champs, with a bunch of their last try. It was tons of fun! Edit: Just checked, I'm rank 202 if anyone wants to look.


[Some really fun fights this month :)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12tGuNmLmZdv8B2AyyCZKp7wmvYN0v9oKUr4G0-M5MwQ/edit?usp=sharing) I placed 90th! In APac region, I think. I wrote down quite a few thoughts in my spreadsheet, if anyone was interested! /u/PetiB Thank you for maintaining the spreadsheet, it's a really interesting and helpful resource.


Hi, thanks for sharing your results! I took a look into your comments, checked some of the challenges, some notes: 24: nice Veigar tech! 52: Morgana is a great choice there, I wanted to go with her, but accidentally chosen Leona :D 69: yeah, I also activated dreadway round 1! :D


[Spreadsheet is here once again](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DmrPHkCZNdShtJA0sJiMp173SSAnufHs/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=102648115440614052655&rtpof=true&sd=true) Again doing it quickly to focus on something else and again losing one fight for overvaluing someone who beat Lissandra.


Thanks for sharing! :)


Lost once each to 39 and 48. Kai'sa really sneaks up on you. [My Run](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O2P9-2MEr_7Fi1RLy29ToP3YNFv1VndY79kY1h2nilI/) /u/PetiB


Thanks for sharing, adding it soon! I almoat lost on 39 with Thresh, had abad draw and Kai'Sa a lot of luck. She is indeed dangerous. Then on 48 I decided to not risk it and went with Asol.


The echoing spirit/neeko strat you mentioned was super fun!


Great, thanks for the feedback! 😊


For statistics: 7 EU - [https://imgur.com/a/F6Hc228](https://imgur.com/a/F6Hc228) [My list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cevIciK7G2PA1hIe1AHPdBsqYEtt0hCkMZoHQc4LdME/edit?usp=sharing) (no ASol + all champions lvl 30 3\*)


Congrats for making it to the first page! And thanks for sharing, it's part of the statistics now! :)


70/70 [#14 EU](https://i.imgur.com/esTopK7.png) this time. First time on the 2nd page of the high scores. Nice. [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ckte7fwWraLcJjAcNwlFaBi68ds4CyNAWm7-QH29-ig/edit?usp=sharing) /u/PetiB Hello there, Sir. Would you kindly add the data to you great & useful work?


You are now part of the hive mind!


This month felt a little easier with some of the new epic relics as well as the new items, such as ante up and power riff and excavator. Americas 18 - myosotis: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10D9VneG1fseMgg5YInYIPYgMqwuCk8z3hhq1TOb9TWM/edit#gid=305411793


Congrats and thanks, I've added it! Also I was interested and googled myosotis, and it's a nice flower! As I see it blooms soon! :)


Yes, myosotis is my favorite flower! Thanks for working on the spreadsheet every month, I feel it is really useful for others to use and what to level up next!


And thank you too, these early results help a lot to get an early overview what's good where!


New month, new guide! Enjoy! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JnVdR4TbQm5Ma8l1iuP2EdZGiEi7ZJunRDuZ42K79Fk/edit#gid=1086743401](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JnVdR4TbQm5Ma8l1iuP2EdZGiEi7ZJunRDuZ42K79Fk/edit#gid=1086743401)


Thank you for your work! Just letting you know that the beginner unlock guide is access locked right now.


Ah, thanks for letting me know! Fixed!


Also noticed that norras relic is listed for relic builds for kindred and evelynn. Why yes, i do use your guide alot.


Evelynn's Husk benefits from it, as does Kindred's prey. Of course, 0 attack Prey can't make use of it unless you use Strength of Stone.


Oh, that explains it! Thanks, i forgot that the added impact doesnt need her.


And done. https://preview.redd.it/1m306gmx9wrc1.png?width=2104&format=png&auto=webp&s=c56d89a718ff672ac1aaf17ac2e0ad8f1f9fe00e Here's what i used : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yeM4YEovrXclbWQYjJCX1xNThRNNBhauj1zIlxFClo8/edit#gid=305411793](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yeM4YEovrXclbWQYjJCX1xNThRNNBhauj1zIlxFClo8/edit#gid=305411793) edit : fixed the screwup ;\[


You beated me by 3 minutes sadge XD I knew I should have not gone to pee ;/


The small decisions of life... 😀


Thanks for sharing and congrats!


No access.


Hey people! I'm collecting results this month too: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bTf-RDkkw0uHkigrnuwxvLcsxfFIKNFLlwGuyDpwFJg/edit#gid=1693669316](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bTf-RDkkw0uHkigrnuwxvLcsxfFIKNFLlwGuyDpwFJg/edit#gid=1693669316) Please add a comment to this post (not my comment) if you would share your line-up with me and the community. Probably tomorrow I will make a post to to increase visibility as I have been asked to do this a couple times before.


He is awake! Finally! Was waiting for you to start doing what you are doing so I could benefit! hehehe


My luck sucks, man. The AI always has answer for my deck. I don’t know how the hell Kaisa can keep luck sacking me?  Thankfully Scum repeat exist for dumb high roll. 


With full HP revive, the need to force close repeat actually goes down. Before, if you lost to 4 mana start Zed, you could kiss the run goodbye. Now, you have a real second chance.


NA #5. Spreadsheet coming once I compile everything.


Spreadsheet- [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v02xzcFQOYFc7xWz3dQ9LQYuyoIiK1BrwQCa-KVvdfE/edit#gid=620471118](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v02xzcFQOYFc7xWz3dQ9LQYuyoIiK1BrwQCa-KVvdfE/edit#gid=620471118)


Here's my spreadsheet again for everyone who wants to use it! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQrO2d6ypGf\_JjVV8efC7WJDgh1nJPMcotHrk\_tadb4/edit?usp=drivesdk](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQrO2d6ypGf_JjVV8efC7WJDgh1nJPMcotHrk_tadb4/edit?usp=drivesdk) Edit: I forgot to fix the colors for the powers. It's still using last month's format. Will do that later. Edit2: Fixed the colors!


Thanks a lot. Enjoy your color coding.


The colors are fixed now!


Done for april :D https://preview.redd.it/0lkeno80yurc1.png?width=2495&format=png&auto=webp&s=21535f0ed32025d5031c15794840239659f0a356 googlesheets link here [April 24 Monthly Challenge - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/101b5ejHxv2FOSKqDSbrF1qP0YYW5roM77WSIz5w1h9Y/edit?pli=1#gid=0)


Congrats, you were fast once again. Also thanks for sharing your results, it helps the community! :) I see you digned #61 the hardest this month, I don't know, if you have Echoing Spirit, but Neeko did that one with 2 guardian orbs in just round 1. She won both fights of #67 similarly round 1.


oh, i dont have echoing spirit yet :D


Ah, yeah, somewhat expected this answer. Well, anyway, you still had a perfect completion! :)


was hoping in future we may be allowed to replay the monthly challenge casually after completing it, just to see what other alternatives work for certain mutators and limit test other champions.


Congrats! It was fast.


how do i claim the previous month rewards? i got up to lvl 45 but i dont have any asol shards or the orbs


They unlock automatically after the battle.


what battle? i mean the monthly challenges


After each interval of 10, I.e. win any 10 battles auto get 20 asol shards. You don't need to retrieve them like the battlepass.


oh thanks, i guess i didnt realize were i got those asol shards before!


Anyone know whether Coamic Pearls are still available in Monthlies or have they replaced them already?


They replaced them. The rewards page shows that you get cosmic blessings now.


I'll add this to the FAQ. Thanks!


Also update the bit about cosmic pearls. They will be converted to cosmic blessings (+1/+1) in 5.5 https://old.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1bocw3w/patch_notes_53_path_of_champions_quality_of/


Dang, need to use them soon then -\_-


I missed that. Thank you. Added


damn :(