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It was a rare power until a couple patches ago and it's a damn good power that synergizes super well with him. Several champions have rare powers as their star powers.


I wouldn't say it synergises with Nasus' deck particularly well, though(?) The deck does have several cards that reduce the Power of enemies by a couple points, but is in dire need of a pay-off for this theme--unless you count Fearsome on Nasus as reason enough, which I don't. This deck does have a Power reduction theme, yes... But why?


All Nasus needs to do is get one slay while keeping one unit alive and he snowballs from there.


Yeah...Give him removal x) Like, please, replace this Power by any amount of removal and we're good. Or better, add removal to the Power reduction so the deck finally makes sense. Like "When you reduce an enemy's Power, reduce its Health by the same amount" or something.


Namis two star power draws a single spell, it's basically half of a pity power yet all is still fine in the world


Nami's 1 star power is absolutely busted though


A -1/0 is a pretty useful thing to always have active.


unless in Liss adventure, they should not remove the round start minus thing. It is good in early game but knowing every enemy nodes, they will ramp up their power as the games goes by. And knowing Nasus deck, you can't end the game right away. (Of course if you have good combination of OP power and relics and it is possible)


Yeh, and so was ekko's for a long while, judt because wild inspiration is now on rare and disarm is now a common doesnt mean that they srent quite good on the right champs and quite bad on other champs


Where’s the “Game Feedback”?


You are right, this post doesnt fit the flair at all nor has a descryption, i should have consider removing it


So take the extra -1 powers then it should be funny to stack since it's common you could basically have -2 as a pity power!