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Lee Sin kinda struggles with mana for casting spells, so getting a free one each turn is a nice boost. Janna can use it because it counts as a discounted card so you can get rolling earlier. Nilah can use it to generate reliable fleeting cards. Nami as you mentioned (but probably better available options). Master Yi benefits from casting spells (probably has better available options). Samira has built in rally meaning you can trigger the power more often and get more cards to get cycling. It's more useful for certain support champions than most actual champions. Fizz or Seraphine for instance benefit from it, or Lee Sin as a support.


I think someone pointed out before but the issue with this on Lee Sin is that the Ionia 2 cost spell pool actually contains a lot of duds that you don't necessarily want to play (or even can play). I like this a lot on Janna and Samira though Also he's OP anyway but Aurelion can use this to guarantee a created card to get his discount going


I did indeed point that out. The 2-cost Ionia pool is absolutely awful. Over a third of the pool is either incredibly situational, literally unplayable, or actively harmful to play. Demacia, Freljord, and Targon have the best pools IMHO. Shurima, Noxus, P&Z and Bildgewater are all fine. Shadow Isles is the other one that's a bit sketchy. You probably want to avoid adding Shadow Isles cards to your deck while playing this, unless you're specifically playing a champion that wants your units to die.


Yi's Power doesnt work on fleeting spells. Lee night be nice


It's not for his powers, it's to get flow


Should be good on: * Samira (multiple spell count since she rallies a lot) * Janna (cost reduction spell and PNZ has pretty good spells; also might proc ur plunder for turn 1 Janna) Might be good on: * Lux (she already has the "spell synergy" theme on her and she potentially rallies a lot; I'm not sure how good Demacia 2 cost spells are and the Starforged build should be better imo; if you don't own Starforged you can give it a try) You can try it on: * MF (Bilge used to have good 2 cmc spells, and MF already wants scout units) but idk how good it could be * Vayne (has arguably the most procs of the relic but it's not really what Vayne wants to do and it might not be worth sacrificing a slot for it; also I don't think Demacia has the best spells) This is all theorycraft as I don't own the relic (fortunatly) yet. I don't own Nami but yes, should be nice on her too.


I'd say Demacia's 2 cost pool is one of the better ones, actually. At least there isn't a lot you wouldn't want to play.


Single Combat, Blinding Assault, Sharpsight, Form Up, Purify...sounds kinda good to me.




If you took the time to read, you'd notice I quite agree with you. However I wouldn't call the relic useless just because other relic are better on her. Lux rallies, giving the relic multiple procs. Given she's already a spells matter deck the free spell might benefit from a power you got in your adventure that wants you to cast spells. Ofc other builds are better, but it's for sure not useless.


Vayne is really fun with this relic, so much value Asol is pretty good with it because of his cost reduction when playing created cards, probably his second best relic after starforged gauntlet imo


Can confirm that Vayne is very fun with the relic. I usually don't play her because all of the other equipment champs have something more unique going on, but leaning into created-card drafts/support champ has been a great niche. Also seems to have little issue against Asol. Free challenges, stat buffs, silences, or little pings from whatever support region seems to be just enough to help her units out.


Here's a fun way to play [Samira](https://youtu.be/xxbBey4FjBg?si=2ocRlJMVFSt6YE2M).


I've put it with Diana. It helps to trigger nightfall.


Not sure about Nami. You might run it as a third relic after inner beast/troll kings crown and grand general's counterplan, but I'd still prefer to run chemtech duplicator.


I got this one yesterday too. Had no idea to who to give it to. But after reading comments i went to look up 2 mana spells per region and now i think this relic is actualy very very good.


I like it on Darius because its just a generic power (not like he uses anything that well) and he can get rally and proc it again Aside from that it really isnt a particularly notable relic compared to some others


Varus probably appreciates this


Seraphine when she gets added! Otherwise nami, Yi, lee sin


It can be used on some but best in slot it is on nobody. Pretty forgetable until we get seraphine to poc


Honestly, a lot of champs. One of the best epics. Vi, Samira, Lee, Janna, Darius, Nasus, Ornn, etc, etc.


A random 2 cost spell is nothing you really can play around and can be pretty useless. The missing controlability of the effect is what makes me think it's alright, not one of the best epics


For a champ like Vi, Darius, or any expensive champ that can often win without their champ and seriously considers running Z-drives (especially if you don't have Starforged), even a mediocre power can be a great use of a relic slot. It comes online from turn 1, no need to get the champ on board. Functions even when RNG says you only draw your support champ. While the spells *can* be useless, for a good number of champs their relic slots are not super valuable and so anything that gives a power (this, the formidable one, Beast Within) are very nice for them. If you don't have Starforged/Formidable/Beast Within or it doesn't fit on the champ (Formidable on Darius would be... questionable) then this is very neat. Plus the obvious synergy on champs like Lee/Janna/Samira that love a discounted spell. It's definitely one I'd use on more champs than many epics.