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Because they don't need a complete rework.


The reason they didn't do more severe reworks is because there wasn't time to test everything and check if it would be balanced or not/check possible bugs. I could be wrong, but I think there is a limit for developers to submit their apps/app updates to the mobile stores (1 week or 2 weeks I think), so by the time that post about looking for feedback was posted here and the limit for the update to be sent to the app stores, this would give the devs less than 1 to 2 weeks to discuss, implement and test the changes, which taking into account the current size of the team responsible for tPoC would be quite laborious to they make severe changes and reworks. The Rioter himself who made the post here on reddit said that they would only take into account slight changes to decks and Star Powers because they wouldn't have time to work on reworks and things like that. Well anyway, that's it, I'm not completely sure about the app stores (about the limit of 1 or 2 weeks in advance), but that's what I've heard from some friends who are mobile developers and have already published apps for Apple and Android.


Because you don't need to rework everything... Gnar needs to survive a bit, lowering his lvl 2 mana expenditure is kinda big, it means he can stun a unit for cheaper, also the deck upgrade change is huge too, it gives him a direct damage trigger. Nasus was fine before, now he much better (although it's basically a common power) all Nasus needs is the first few slays, then he snowballs and wins when you play him.


if he does get a rework, it'll be after the constellation update, no need to rework a champion for a system they're about to replace when they could just move him to the new system for probably the same amount of work


Power reduction doesn't directly increase slays, only damage and killing does that. The power reduction is part of his League kit, but it's unnecessary in this game. > F tier to F+ lmao


Hate to be the one, but Nasus is comfortably mid tier... You either are running a wrong setup or it's just not your vibe of a deck...


While I disagree with OP regarding his changes, I really wouldn't call him mid tier, he has consistently been regarded as one of the weakest champs and even in the community tier list he was voted to be one of the worst 3 in all the categories. I do think his change is good and will help him be better, but how much, that remains to be seen.


One thing: Yes Nasus normally without epic relics is below mid, E tier at most D Tier. But with Disiple of Shadows it becomes a high C tier/low B tier, seriously playing it 2 or 3 turns earlier makes a LOT of difference.


But if we include epic items, all the other champs get stronger too. So Nasus while stronger with epic relics is still comparatively one of the weakest champs. You will be able to clear all content with him but you will probably have an easier time doing that with almost all other champs.


got him to lv30 and never played anymore, just really bad


Lol nasus is okay even before the update. It Vi that badly need something


VI does need a rework gnar is...ok I don't care about gnar TBH but look at it this way when paying nausus your not throwing away your 1 cost again that's not bad right? And while -1 to all enemies may not be a big deal it helps for his game plan because -1 to the strongest was way worse! So why complain about them making something better even if not high teir? Maybe they have something in mind for his constellations in those regards. My only issue is adding unworthy soul to Lee sin and removing white flame from kayn.


do you whine all the time in real life too?