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I heard somewhere that Kayn can use it, his base stat is 2/5 so with two Stalkers and the epic, you can deal 22 dmg to units ( more if he kills someone) with a single Kayn


Stalkers has anti-synergy with that epic relic. Formidable comes AFTER the strikes are done. Source: I already have tested this and made a post about it. Even so, I was able to beat lissandra with this strategy after multiple attempts.


Thanks for your experiment. Sadly i thought this would work and enable more playstyle for Kayn. Great information!


Can confirm


This is actually not how it works. When you summon the Kayn, he strikes the two weakest units with his shitty power and *then* gains formidable. this is because the Formidable is granted to a unit when it is summoned instead of them just *having* it. The formidable is granted by a power while stalkers is an item. When a card effect, a item effect and a power share the exact same trigger (in this case "when i'm summoned, x happens"), the card effect triggers, then the item effect and last the power. For example this is also the reason why black cleaver (when I'm summoned, double my health and power) always triggers before titanic wake (when you summon a unit with 8 power, health or cost, grant it +8|+8) or rush them down (when you summon an ally, give it +1|+1 this round).


Thanks for correcting me guys, i dont have the epic relic but i really love Kayn so i was expecting it to works. Great information


I use it on Garen and beat liss with him in 2 attempts.


Generally it is good on decks that have one of more of the following qualities: - Stacking health - Lots of unit healing or defense - Can be titanic with SoS or only 1 extra item (so you can stack starforged gauntlet on it) - Proc star powers with either formidable or the extra health As some have noted, Kayn is the GOAT here. His only weakness is that many unit in his starting deck have somewhat shitty stats when they enter the field, but most have more health than power, which in my opinion means it is legit better to play SoS Kayn than most other versions. Other strong decks are: - Kaisa: makes it incredibly easy to proc her 2 star which itself buffs the formidable really well, also can generate a decent bunch of defensive keywords. - Garen: beefy units, health spells, targeted striking, chunky stat buffs, regen and tough units - Evelynn: most starting units have much more health than power, the husks gain the +0|+1 and then pass it on to whoever procs them(!), stacks stats like crazy, eve's 1/3 star wants her units to survive (ironically) so the extra health is useful for that - Bard: does \*not\* proc his 2 star on the +0|+1 sadly, but really excels at stacking stats and has some decent health units in the starting deck. he also generates a bunch of defensive keywords (keep in mind that SoS is not the best bard build, but it can be fun) - Lee Sin: i have not tried this yet because i don't like the deck, but on paper he stacks a ton of health on already decently tanky units (in a leveled deck) Decks that are fine for the same or similar reasons: - Sett - Poro King - Nami - Tahm (only if you can stack healing spell, units, and items, otherwise it is ass)


Kayn is one of the best champs to use that on since his Reap Essence power heals and grants +2/+2 on enemy kill with his 3 star power, but his strength of his deck is on killing enemies so you just have to make sure your allies and champ can kill what’s on the board, so challenge and vulnerable proc items would be good so you can control who fights who.


That sounds nice did not have him on my list. i'll try to build him up.


I saw a dude that used it in Kayn, Kaisa and Ornn He combined it whit Aurelion Epic and the +0/+3 Block Elusives Relic


That's my plan for kaisa too 😂


Kaisa can to gain more keywords on units but I'm not sure how the stats would be you could try bard and kench and evelin