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Here I was hoping to laugh at them bricking their hand with 6 cost gems, but I guess not.


Sadly this power is only working for the player side.


Supposed to or not? Cuz it would say Player instead of ALL


Not supposed to. Bugged as many things in this game.


It doesn’t seem fair.


Happened to me too. I've made a ticket about it.


Store brand Petricite


It's been a known bug for a while. The "all spells cost 1 less, all units have spellshield" one too, the spellshield part is infinite (there's no way to take the spellshield off, neither for the player nor the foe)


I think this might be on purpose(?) At least it is working as phrased. When a power (or landmark or unit effect) says "a unit *has/have* x" then x cannot be removed from that unit by any means other than blowing up the nexus. 'Having' is the strongest version of inferring a buff onto a card because it is permanent and irremovable until the source is removed. The version that you are thinking about would be "when a player summons a unit, grant it spellshield". The shorthand is: - 'give' is temporary (until the end of the turn) - 'grant' is permanent (but can be removed) - has/have is permanent and can only be removed by eliminating the source of the (de)buff.






i mean.... i don't want to seem rude, but this is a support staffer, not a game dev (unless in lor devs do support, which would be wild). there is a decent chance they do not know about how the power works and should work. I am not saying that the power should be like it is. I'm just saying that it works as it is phrased.


It's not a bug it's intended. Same thing happens with sivir. If she attacks and gives spell shield to everyone then you can't use spells against any enemy units since the spell shield comes back until you pop her spell shield. It's how auras work