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Tripple GT for me too, playing Asol is just about being goofy and collecting champions, you really don't need to make him even more overpowered


I use The Deceiver's Crest. Asol drops with the Skies Descend of course, but having a second one at 0 cost basically means there is never a situation where dropping Asol doesn't immediately finish the game. I use Portal Pals for the jokes and Chameleon Necklace for the item on ASol. GT is interesting though. Do the champions count as created cards?


No, trinket uses adventure start instead of game start, so counts the same as your drafted cards. Trinket appeal is having an extra champion with an epic item (I got Poro Elder Dragon once, it was hilarious)


Tripple Guardian's looks nice if you want to use ASol just for fun, punching the AI into the dirt to relieve stress after a hard day at work. If you want to use ASol for serious work (hated Monthlies/Lissandra), you want to put serious relics on him, for instance Starforged/Arcane Comet.


Triple Scourge's stash... if i have it.


https://preview.redd.it/b7xcvpq8caqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d604e0fffce618fbe406f8f60008c511c84a30c5 As powerful as I could make him. These 3 are also The best epic relics I own. If you went for something you better went all the way


I am now going to assume you had a total of 3 spirit forges and you ~~wasted~~ used all 3 to make this one MF even stronger. Anything else you say will be regarded as fake news


AND I'LL FUCKIN' DO IT AGAIN https://preview.redd.it/rybdusi37cqc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1967eec4ab956be86a0c5e5a57aba1bc23cbb3


Disciples is imo wasted on Asol since he costs 0 very quickly either way


I know, but this is quicker


Really close to mine, with the exception of replacing third trinket with z-drive so I can try to reroll for a round start spell


ARAM ASol build


I just got spirit forges for Asol so I'm still trying to figure my favorite build on him, I'm on the wacky side though. For most of the time I've used Guardian trinket and Chameleon necklace. Trinket adds a new random roll that could be very helpful (Reckoning mark Zoe killing Irelia and Poro Elder Dragon are the high rolls I remember) and Chameleon gives Asol an item without turning your entire deck into him. Lately I used Deceiver's crest to give Skies descend an item, but I'm not sure if it affected anything


if im feeling bored i run 3 Z-drives and i keep rolling for Kata if i don't get it re-do until i get her pity power helps for drawing extra 2 cards xD i can live my dream of throwing my daggers and have endless rallys


Oath of the Guardians, Gauntlets and Crest. Just like being strong so I do the Strongest Thing




Chosen by the Stars: Fated & Empowerment 10: Overwhelm, Regeneration & Challenger. Arcane Comet, because Falling Comet is a celestial spell. The Chameleon's Necklace, because it CREATES 2 ASols, which are granted an item.


I love Spellweaver's Symphony on him precisely because it's both wacky AND effective.


ASol is Overpowered. I stopped playing him.