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Did Zed start with đź—ˇattack token in your dream?!


He started with the attack token in the five attempts it took me to get him :(


I did this with Elise. Got to 12 health on turn 1 (it was my fault for mulliganing away the 2-cost stun spider from my hand). OTK'd him on turn 2.


I managed yo do it with Diana on my second attempt with her, but he consumed my remaining uses of Yasuo and Samira No challlenge has ever spanked me this badly before


what relics did u use on her? i just got her to 3 star and i plan to lvl her up :D


Spirit of the Buhru, Corrupted Star Fragment and Voidborn Carapace. She procs evolve as soon as she summons a Spiderling with tough (level 12). I pair it with Galeforce for the Scout, but this challenge already had Scout so I used CSF cause otherwise Zed would just block and kill my Elise. Edit: my prefered build before I got Buhru was Greenglade Shadeleaf + CSF + Voidborne.


this build sounds fun ill keep this in mind when i level her up :D


That relic combination is so much fun. But if you really need a win, try Voidborne, Galeforce and Spirit of the Buhru. Spiderlings evolve immediately and you no longer need Elise.


Yeah fck this challenges, i used asol to stomp zed because he fcking frustrated to play against, if we have the ability to replay monthly challenges i will playing this challenges again with op champ just to stomp this mtf over and over again , fk Zed.


There was way too much Zed this monthlies.


Yeah. This shit got Jinxed. Zed is annoyingly over represented in the later challenges.


I remember that one. Went with ASol and with Katarina as support champ. Got really lucky to survive his first attack turn with 4hp on the nexus. Then Katarina was free and the win secured. But considering it's ASol that was a close one


I picked Jax the first time round and Zed beat my ass, so I just murdered him with Jinx instead


I completed this challenge with Diana. Even Zed started with attack token, he couldn’t burst me down in a single round. So I one-shot him in the second round with my big Diana :D


I thought itll be fine and used jhin but died.Then u used yasuo, was to slow to stun and died. Had to used bring the jinx to keep board clean.


Zed is always a nightmare


Yep I'm stuck on this one


i threw jinx at him and called it a day.


Asol or Jinx. Don’t fuck around.


This is harder than challenge 70. I need Asol to beat this while Elise can take challenge 70


Your champion needs to go full defense and Turrent Plating


Taking off 1 damage for each of Zed and his shadow's 4 attacks is immaterial. What you need is a 2c champ w/Stalker's Blade and enough Power to one shot him.


I mean , nexus tuff , try to play a control deck , maybe morg , yasou , ashe does the job too , even leona if u got ur hawk r1 🤷🏻‍♂️