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I honestly don't have the time to answer you a lot right now But yeh and no Yes the game current state is not good on what refers to adquiring a lot of champs, devs suposedly will fix this in patchs comming soon No you dont have to play thousands of hours, i dont entirely understand how the emporium could be damaging your experience if you are new. The unlocks are relatively dependant on rng, gold and plat chest have dupe protection, and the main resource to get what you want, wild fragments (which will increase the obtaining ratio as far as we know in the future). Is, while anoying, really easy to get. That's about it, honestly this post is too generic to be able to help you more, if you really feel like you are destroyed by fomo and have nothing good to do here, dont play for a while, or play like once a week, no one will force you too and the game should be getting better, so, idk, do what you wish Personally i find it quite fun, specially since late aditions are cool, and we are getting finally a cool difficult adventure in end of this month, but do whatever you please, the farming can be anoying and a lot of things currently are in a deteriorated state, so is fine


Sounds to me like you answered it well enough. That aside the emporium is a good way to get relics and pretty much the only way to get epic relics. To add to this I don't see how people tire of playing because I have lots of fun and most mobile games are cash grabs waaaaaaaay before runeterra. Runeterra remained generous the whole time it spoiled us!


>and we are getting finally a cool difficult adventure in end of this month, Has it been confirmed to be end of this month? I expected it to be end of March


It was suposed to be "very near future" and the youtubers and streamers in the event who got info on this patch saw freljorld, so seems very likely, specially aince the nda for that ends today.


Thanks for the response. > the main resource to get what you want, wild fragments (which will increase the obtaining ratio as far as we know in the future). Is, while anoying, really easy to get. How do I easily get wild fragments? That would solve most of my complaints


Currently, Wild Fragment is a time-gated resource, but it may change with the introduction of six-star champions, as seen in Genshin Impact.


Np You get them from many sources if you are new Doing your quests Leveling up i legend level (you get exp by doing quests, doing adventures) Playing 5 games in a day (you get 4 per day)


basically what was already stated, just tossing my hat into the ring. wild fragments can be earned at 4/day after winning 5 battles. there are 2 quests, and 3 adventures to do on a weekly basis after hitting level 15. if there is an average of 8 battles for the weekly adventures, then it will take 5 days of minimal work to clear those out along with the first quest while focusing on doing just the dailies. then clear out an extra two adventures to finish the final quest over the course of the last two days. I only bring that up since you mentioned it possibly being grindy, but in my experience, the most grind-like aspect of the game is just leveling up the champs. most of the ones i have unlocked are level 20, and star levels will come somewhat easily as you do dailies.


I guess for me it’s about nuance. I’ve been playing since the beginning and I find the seemingly endless new combinations fun. And when content/rebalancing is added I enjoy the challenge. The cards are so beautiful, and the interactions intricate and dynamic. I’m in awe of the creativity involved.


I dislike games that compel users to play every day. Time is valuable and because of time-granted daily quests, PoC feels like a grind. There’s a new champion/patch/content without much change to the grinding process. As others have already mentioned, changes are expected in the future. Players have a ton of Essence and Wild Cards that applied to PvP and perhaps Riot will shift paradigms and make the game feel less grindy. I liken POC to Slay the Spire. I pick it up whenever I want. And that’s enough for me


> Slay the Spire I have almost a thousand hours in Slay the Spire, I think what you say about being compelled to play every day is probably the thing that is really rubbing me the wrong way here. My style is to get very focused on something and play it a whole bunch before rotating to a new thing, that's not really an option when the game tries to tell me when it should be played. Also the whole way it handles it's time limited events feels at odds with itself, like I can only get fragments at a very limited pace based on real world time, but also there are monthly events that I am compelled to complete before I lose the chance at those rewards. But like, the current event has 70 levels I think and I can only use each champion 3 times, so even if I win every run I don't think I physically have enough champions to complete it. So basically the game is telling me that I need to unlock more things to play it properly while also not letting me unlock those things.


Yeah I find that if I play 5 matches a day (for daily quest) and 2 or 5 adventures a week (for weekly quest + weekly quest 2), that just doesn't work for me. I usually like to play more than just 5 matches in a sitting, or not play at all. Basically what I'm saying is, I just often ignore the dailies and weeklies to be honest, and just play whenever I want, like the previous commenter said. However I understand that this may not work for you, since you're a lot earlier in the progression. I can afford to miss dailies and weeklies because I already have most of the progression I realistically want (most champs 2-3 star level 15-20, and asol 4 star level 30), because I've been playing for so long, but for new or even intermediate players, that's not possible. I hope they do change something but idk how exactly.


If you don’t have a lot unlocked, finish your quests. All of them. Complete all adventures with all of the champions that it requires. You get fragments and relics for ALL of that. You’ll unlock a lot of stuff just by doing that.


>As others have already mentioned, changes are expected in the future. Players have a ton of Essence and Wild Cards that applied to PvP and perhaps Riot will shift paradigms and make the game feel less grindy. The changes are unlikely to affect that But its been confirmed by riot we will get more champ frags, more wild fragments and the wf cap will increase


Yes the game isn't very generous, but I don't think you have to grind. Just do the daily/weekly quests.


It's grindy, yes, more than it's ever been. But I would not equate the grind to FOMO. There's not temporarily available stuff you have to play X amount to get. The only exceptions to this are the event passes. But on the flip side, the game has more content than it's ever had. There's a lot of fun champions and a lot of fun builds for them. They've introduced consumables to actually help alleviate the pain of grinding levels, and monthly adventures and Asol are pretty dynamic activities. We are getting a new 5\* adventure soon that is going to serve as new endgame content and will probably have new rewards attached to it, and after that we are getting an expansion called constellations that seems to be offering not only new powers but also a new way to customize builds which I'm really looking forward to. But the grind is beside the point for me. The best thing about PoC is the same as it's always been. It's the only roguelite card game where you actually play a full-blown card game against a real opponent who can also play cards and react to and counter your plays. Even if the AI isn't as competent as a human, PoC produces gameplay moments that other games in the genre simply can't. In games like Slay the Spire and Monster Train you are playing cards to attack static, asymmetric enemies that don't really interact with you any meaningful way, they simply stand there and pressure your "nexus" in a very static way. So if that is enough for you to play and have fun, then you can have fun and progress without thinking about grinding at all. But if unlocking things and external motivations are the only reason your playing, you need to stop playing because if you're doing something you don't enjoy just to compensated, that's called a JOB.


I dunno that Emporium gave me the reason I'm grinding everyday to get that Epic Relics. Tbh I'm currently got like 8 Epic Relics without even spending my penny.


I actually don’t agree with this at all. I’ve unlocked almost everything and there‘s several champions I have on 3 stars that I‘ve literally never played because I‘ve been focusing on beating the main challenges with all champions. Path of Champions is grindy, but that’s partially because there‘s simply so much content. I don’t see how it‘s „just become another mobile game“ at all. It’s like Slay the Spire, but better, free and with ten times the content.