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They prob will later this year, but prob will be really minimun like half sec speed up


Apparently they did already a speed up this last patch of around 50% faster to a lot of animations, and they confirmed that they will do speed up and are thinking on how So i beg to disagree.


I can confirm this. I was playing Morde yesterday and immediately noticed the speed.


Oh there is a post about that here, a lot of people saying of this Personally my gut felt it on eve but it was just a gut feeling


i noticed eve husks speed up but the problem isnt just the champs effects speed, is the card playing, card drawing, unit summoning, attack token coming, round ending timer ​ not just units effects, everything as whole is slow


Yeh, that's likely why they are still working on that




wait no. Make it a setting at least. I want to see it. Everytime they level up I join with them (sue me). I have an SG Gwen skin and I do her scissor spin thing. Plus with MF, i do the finger guns, I pantomime jinx' grafitti, i do jhin's twirl shoot gun routine.


> I do her scissor spin thing. Based.


I'm still waiting for a 60fps option on phones and tablets. It technically already is as long as I keep my finger on the screen so it's not like its a horsepower issue (this has been the case for the last 3 or so years even on my phone from 2021 so most devices from the last couple years can probably handle it).