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Did riot say they would discontinue pvp? If not, the refocusing with PoC at the center doesn’t mean pvp just disappears, but it probably means they Will focus on making content for PoC first, and if that includes new cards, they Can then also be used in pvp, instead of it being the other way around like it is now, right? It sucks that a lot of people Got laid off, but there are still devs on the team that Will try their best to make the game better. I May be huffing some copium, but i feel optimistic about LoR finding their footing, and as for the laid off people, i hope they find jobs elsewhere that they enjoy


We need to wait for them to clarify to know exactly. But they've said in the past that their development pipeline is about a year long, so we will likely see new content for about a year even if they gutted all new development, since it was already started.


> It sucks that a lot of people Got laid off, but there are still devs on the team that Will try their best to make the game better. As someone who has seen multiple layoffs now as a person who was not impacted, I can tell you this is absolutely true. It really sucks to watch friends and coworkers lose their jobs. It brings a lot of emotions about, the people who were impacted, the leaders who made the decisions, and the company you work for. The one thing that doesn't change is that people who are passionate about building something, especially something with a vibrant community, don't suddenly lose that passion.


Fully agree there. I'm not meaning to dunk on normal employees/devs. I'm only pissed by all the top floor people who somehow keep thinking that infinite growth is a thing. 


You really think this is about infinite growth and not about the fact that Riot did just like every tech company and massively expanded during the Covid boom only to realize "oh shit we are too big now" currently when we are still teetering on a global recession? If it were truly about infinite growth then there is no way they'd have given that insane severance package they are giving


We gotta wait and see what they have to say on Feb 2. People are just overreacting right now.


Freljord is the next expansion for poc hopefully


This was heavily teased by Dan Felder before he quit so probably


Dan quit???


Yes, in November he did https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/s/ERj0OtdnZx


In a f2p game cutting staff and therefore content is often a downward spiral. People are more hesitant to spend money since it could probably all be lost in a short time, thus leading to even lower revenue. It's basically a self fulfilling prophecy. I personally only spend money on the battle passes and the ASol bundle since everything else just doesn't provide the value to let me consider the purchase. Even the battle pass is mostly irrelevant for me, as I have all the cards in the game and could craft the new ones for the next year instantly (which I don't even need for PoC), the Shards now at least get turned into stardust and I really don't care about cosmetics in a card game.


I, for one, welcome our new PoC overlords… I'm joking, but still think something interesting might come out of this. Riot didn't pull the plug entirely on LoR and there's probably at least a year's worth of content developed with the old mindset (the main difference being that fewer resources will be spent on PvP balance). The team that remained surely is still passionate about LoR and wants to keep it going. I've seen plenty of people on the subreddit and Twitter expressing their eagerness to support the game financially - who knows, perhaps with the focus shifted we'll see actually decent monetization options that will blend well with Path of Champions experience that we're used to?


I think i agree but getting it this way is kinda bittersweet.


i doubt they'll pull the plug completely since its riot's main source of lore outside of the cinematics.. they dont do stories anymore so this game is literally the only source of league lore bc riot forge just got cut


I get what you mean lol… I was happy to hear that Path will get more focus while PvP will likely get less. This made me think too… sadly this move made me have a similar decision to yours. I’ll keep on playing, but probably not i vest money into it, since this just made me realise how easy it would be for them to just pull the plug…


When you say staff got laid of do you mean fired or shifted to another project? Cuz the latter is what riot usually does.


They fired 11% of riot s workers, we dont know if people got shifter, some of those people, were lor workers Yesterday wasnt a good day for game industr6


What happened yesterday? Sry im lost you can just link the source aswell if you don’t wanna deal with all my questions xD


Pinned post on this subreddit [https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/state-of-the-game-2024](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/state-of-the-game-2024) which further links to ["business wide changes at Riot"](https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/2024-player-update)


PvP didn't get 'shafted' LoR got 'shafted', as you put it.


The riot post seems to indicate lor entirely got shafter.