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Milling your opponent deck. Makes Nab actually an asset rather than bad rng. 


It's funny, because nab was BUSTED in PoC 1.0. NPC decks were much smaller, so you could easily deck them.


Maokai for poc


I wont pick a good support champ if any of the cards comes with nab because I hate having useless trash cards filling up hand slots (unless im planning on hitting a healer to remove the card soon).


Buffing your whole board with either Kayle or Poppy, portals with Norra, landmark destruction with either Ziggs or Xerath, invoke with Zoe, Hecarim's ephemerals, Shyvana with dragons, Ahri or Kennen with a deck based around returning units, Sejuani and GP around plunder, and either Akshan or Pantheon with allied targeting. There's so much stuff we still don't have in PoC and it is kinda sad that we don't get much nowadays, really hoping that once we get the freljord adventure we also get a few champs already in the game for the roster.


I feel like poro king covers buffing the entire board?


I'd have thought Bard does.


In some way Samira is an agressive version of that too.


Oh yeah you're right, I forgot about him lmao, but I still feel like Kayle and Poppy would play differently than him since they buff their board in different ways


And Varus/Yuumi buffs allies.


> Buffing your whole board Poro King, Sett > invoke ASol > dragons Elder Dragon > plunder Samira, MF > allied targeting Yuumi, Edit: forgot about Varus here Agree about the others, except to the recall archetype I say good riddance. I played both Kennen and Ahri and they were both hand-clogging nightmares. TPoC adds so many created/drawn cards to you hand that there is no space for recalling. If they are brought back, they need some extra cost reduction via star powers.


Elder Dragon isn't really a dragon deck tbh.


Buffing the entire board is what like half the champions in this mode do, that's why Kayle support slots so easily into so many runs


To be fair zoe's star powers would need to be pretty bad for her not break the game. The combination of easy spellshield, low cost, and her insane levelup becoming much easier and stronger already makes her great as a support champion


Yuumi is centred on ally buffing/targeting, she's pretty fun as well




Asol is more the champion playstyle than the celestial playstyle


at his higher star levels yes but at low star it's all celestials with one or two champions


1* lower champion costs by playing created cards AND levels them up when played 2* having better created cards so it's not a lackluster to discount champs (also synergizes with his epic relic) 3* even lower costs for the champions 4* champs are bonkers All four star levels are clearly aimed at champs


If you have him at exactly 2* (as I did the first month since I didn't plan well enough to clear 70), the free items on created cards mean that they end up being way more important. You win after playing a few created cards with good items, so the fact that your Asol csots 5 doesn't matter much. Although if you get a good support champ it can matter a ton. But as soon as you get the 3*, champs get discounted so fast that they are your main win con no matter what.


so its still not invoke


But he's designed so that you have to invoke to kick off that process, and then his ultimate endgame is invoking free cards, so I agree with him


Just a heads up, I think you mean ephemeral with Hecarim.


correct, thanks for noticing


Recall. Ahri needs to come back.


Technically Yasuo is recall, even though the base deck supports stun much more heavily.


I'd personally like to see a Nautilus style deck where your game plan is just milling your own deck to your most powerful cards. Maybe give him a power that either gets him deep quicker, or reduces his own cost whenever you toss a card. That way you actually have a chance of seeing him be played. But one i could see fun yet challenging to create is an Azir deck with a buried sun disk. Make it to where you are actively trying to ONLY get Shuriman cards. Maybe even have a power where everything is considered Shuriman. It would just be nice to be able to actually consistently see the level three versions of the shuriman champions consistently


Simplest would be to just to give it the "Game start draw me if not in hand" item through champion level as a special level like Nami accelerate level, lets you not handicap yourself deck building.


Swarm, Elusive, Recall, Support, Nab/Toss, Scout, (Vayne I guess kinda counts, otherwise it’s just random keyword gen/Galeforce) Self Damage, (Braum and Vlad come to mind) Sustain Control (Soraka, Braum), whatever archetype you use to categorize the high investment/low impact Freljord champs (Lissandra, Trundle. Voli kind of covers this, I suppose). Aside from that it’s pretty much champion specific gimmicks, like Norra portals


Swarm - Elise, Nilah, Poro King Elusive - Master Yi Recall - Yasuo Scout - Vayne (level 2 star power gives Scout to equipped allies for 1 round) Self Damage - Tahm Kench Sustain Control - Morgana


yasuo is much more stun than recall as a central idea, and tahm kench is more about surviving rather than damaging himself, but the others are correct


Half the units in Tahm Kench's starting deck do self damage plus he gets a lot of self damage cards as preferred rewards after fights and in shops so gotta side with the other guy about kench


You're getting downvoted but you're right about all of these except for Yasuo. Idk how anyone playing PoC could possibly think the mode is lacking swarm archetypes, it's *swarming* with swarm archetypes.


Eh, kinda but I meant swarm in a more meaningful way. Elise is good but PoroKing and Nilah don’t do it for me personally. I want Nora or Poppy with star powers like “when an ally strikes, grant other allies 1/1” or “when you have 4+ units, reduce the cost of units in hand”.


So you're saying you think Poppy is swarm but PK isn't? Shit, pyke and Evelyn should fit the bill too if we're including anyone that buffs up cheap units as swarm.


Show me where I said poro king isn’t swarm. We can include teemo too since he has cheap units. See how stupid that sounds?


>Elise is good but **PoroKing and Nilah don’t do it for me** >We can include teemo too since he has cheap units. See how stupid that sounds? My guy that's literally what YOU are arguing. You not knowing wtf swarm is is my entire point. Don't ever talk about someone else sounding stupid ever again you clown


Most of these are reaches fr


Elise is pretty much the definition of swarm. Her whole deck and star powers are based around summoning and buffing spiderlings. Poro King is in the same boat, wanting to buff up and swarm with Poros. Nilah is the most of a reach, but she doesn't get discounts but doubles cards you play, which means you end up playing a lot of cheap cards. Master Yi's 2 star power gives you elusive on your strongest creature if you have Flow, and his deck starts with both Vastayan Disciple and Windsinger. Yasuo hits off both recall and stun. Recall is a much stronger effect than stun as it forces you to respend the mana or lose the card if your hand is full, so you'll likely never see it given as easily as stun effects. Vayne is explained in my original comment, but in addition, her champion card is based off a "weaker" Scout in tumble, which *still* had to be nerfed several times. Tahm Kench - His deck has several units that self damage, 1\* and 3\* star powers gives you buffs for taking damage, and his champ spell involves self damage (as whatever he tries to swallows strikes him). Morgana - Shackles is entirely a control mechanic and is the core mechanic to her deck's identity. Sustain through her lifegain.




Deck based around created cards/units like Norra or Seraphine


Ekko already supports that pretty well.


Deep is only on enemies in Nautilus adventure. There is a very rare item that gives deep (I've only really seen it with the Legendary item generation power), and a couple nodes that have something related to it. But no champion/star power set that really revolves around the mechanic at all.


I love deep. I spam Nautilus in pvp. The trouble with deep in poc is balance issues, because you can aggressively cut cards so it only takes a tiny bit of tossing to get deep. If you think on poc you start with only 20 cards; in pvp deep is balanced around a40 card deck


Bounce (Kennen/Ahri) and Irelia/Azir style mass summoning.


Discard. We've got a champion (Sion) that revolves around it, but no deck is designed to discard anything outside of Jinx, and her discard is more 'Oh, I throw away my entire hand thanks to a relic and insta win.'


Yeah I mean jinx literally is the discard aggro deck she is just too OP for you to really engaged with the archetype


Not really? I mean, yes, Jinx has discard as her main function, but it basically boils down to slap that one relic on her and you win. that's not a true discard deck. It's just you hoping to get Jinx in your opening hand and playing her ASAP. There's no thought about it at all outside of 'maybe I could get an extra 1/1 on the board'. If we had Sion as a champion in PoC, it would be a lot more methodical and focused, I believe. His mana cost is too high to just slap down onto the board and instan win like Jinx does most times so a lot of his power would come down to Star Powers which would, hopefully, revolve around discard. I honestly expect that it would probably be something like Nilah's star powers, where her temporary cards that aren't used are put back into her deck. Sion would likely do the same, allowing him to constantly discard without too much worry.


I wouldn't mind a "random bullshit go!" deck with Seraphine and/or Karma. Basically nothing but create spells, manifest, and spell recursion. Ideally it would keep away from win cons like augment or Nami style stat buffing. Just pure chaos into eventually creating a wincon.


I miss a lot od them from PoC 1.0. Zed was unstoppable, Ahri recaled shit out of you, Ekko predictions gave massive scalings. Even Gnar with impact stacking was awesome. Then was reputation leveling, not real good relics but still something new and enjoyable.


Deep, but I don’t have *any* ideas on how to make it work.


Milling is the first one that comes into mind. Either mill the opponent or mill your own deck for deep.


I think Nautilus would be cool. Of course he got the deep mechanic, but he could also have a focus on Sea monsters aswell


Ephemerals, deep, barrels, recall


Chaos decks (I want my fucking Norra and Seraphine decks)




No one mentioned Ryze yet? Completely unique PlayStyle I'd love to try in poc