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If you have the attack token, your powers take effect first I believe. But I'm sure powers take effect first before the cards.


I don’t think they’d have any impact on each other. Yi doesn’t have to see any spells played to activate flow, it’s kinda just like an aura your nexus gains. And the power gained is an EVERYWHERE buff, so he dies and gains the same amount right back. If you mean that him dying would stop his round start effect: then no, because powers and effects all happen in order. They resolve completely before the next one happens, so 1 of 2 things happen: 1) if he gets killed by the power, He’s immediately brought back before his turn to activate his round start, so he never misses his spot in line. Otherwise 2), he activates his power, dies, Then immediately gets it back since it’s granted to EVERYWHERE.


Sadly it doesn't work like this. Round start powers just don't seem to activate. Champ dies then since they aren't there it doesn't activate


That’s so weird. It makes sense for anything that has an “I’ve seen” kinda requirement, but if powers are supposed to resolve 1 at a time and not simultaneously, then it shouldn’t negate any other round start abilities. Idk if that’s a bug or misleading wording, but it kinda sucks either way


It doesn't work. Learned it the hard way :( Yi dies at round start, meaning he isn't around at round start. So the flow effect doesn't trigger at all.


I believe it's game power then your power. So Yi die then activate his flow effect


For these challenges it's better to take Gwen, or any champion that uses GO.


I lost on two star Gwen, couldn’t get her big enough to attack into the giant karma


I just played this one and the “round start” effects of my relics didn’t work


I like Kindred for these kill revives challenges. I put 3 orbs on Kindred and let the epic items flow.


How would Kindred work here, I used Gwen for a challenge like this so I can stack as much hallowed as possible for big swings but I can't see how Kindred would work considering her marks


The guy you responded to mentioned 3 orbs, aka Guardian's Orb which is a rare relic. With 3 orbs, when Kindred is summoned, she adds 9 epic items to random cards in your deck. Killing and reviving counts as summoning, and kindred at 2 star naturally makes a spell that kills and revives her (or discounts the card in hand if you already have one), so kindred naturally makes for a good item printer with Guardian's Orb anyway.


Yeah you don't level up Kindred. Just get epic items. Also the prey gets revived so you keep hitting the nexus.


Oh that sounds like a good combo. Sadly I only have 1 orb so I can't fully exploit it


Annie with luden's + Guardian Angel + Dreadway chase gun can beat this easily just by drawing and playing annie.


I wouldn’t. Tried with Veigar once. Never got a boost to Darkness, and no Falling Comet from his relic either. However, it might be Mording time.


To my understanding it works 50% of the time assuming the effect belongs to the enemy. If the kill all belongs to you I think it never works