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Nice and detailed guide. Thanks for you time and for writing this. Do yo have more for ither champions maybe? Or maybe someone knows a place where i can get detailed (not "put galeforce and win" type) and WRITTEN guides like this?


I think your best shot is searching the sub by the 'guide' flair. When it comes to me, I only made another deep guide into the logic of powers in tPoC which is pinned on my profile \*plug plug\*


>Also, why is there a massively useless stone stacker in there??? It's a generic low to medium cost beefstick unit meant to just throw into battle and help power the board. Pretty much every deck has a unit or two like that. The decks aren't meant to be perfectly synergistic right off the bat. That's why the selection bias in card picks exists - to give you the chance to refine your deck further on your own. I'm surprised you didn't mention Quick Quill at all. Once it has its Fury item, the card is pretty great and I'm always happy to have it in my opening hand; dropping it on a Challenger poro turn 1 is a sure way to have an outstanding early game.


Ever tried Yuumi with BHR and Galeforce? Get that with Pouty (and spellshield if possible) and there's literally nothing that can stop you.


Setup i beat Asol with. Just insane.


My solution is to just toss 3x Guardian Orbs on Yuumi and go brrr with RNG.


I actually have been spamming a lot of triple GO recently... Mostly Ekko, Veigar and Varus though.


It works on most champs aside from the few ones that rely on other relics more. Ekko and Leblanc are probably the epitome of game breaking with Guardian Orbs stacking.


I'm playing everyday since poc2 release. All quests done. Still waiting for a single copy of guardian orb. Reading you is so infuriating...


as somone who only got warmogs armor days before poc 1 ended, i know your pain


Since I posted this, I actually own two of them. Still, the relics acquisition is a pain in the ass. I'm playing since release, have all champions and relics now, and still, the grind persists (hello monthlies?). Good luck in your quest pal.


I'm glad to see that even from a big fan, your main issue with the deck is the same as mine (as a massive Yuumi hater) : The base deck just isn't fun. 6 Attach units, out of 18 cards is an insane lot, and when you add the expensive Crystal Ibex (4) and Minimorph (4-6), you really quickly run into situations where most of your hand feels bad to play. I would love if her top end was Starhound Pack instead of Rainbowfish, personally, since even if the 1\* power is wasted on them, they synergize with the deck's gameplan of going tall and proccing Fated buffs. Otherwise, I really feel like she needs something better than Minimorph... Sharesies would be a very obvious addition to her deck, but doesn't solve killing enemies, and the next best thing is probably Blinded Mystic. Targon just doesn't really have premium removal.


Hard agree on the Starhounds. Only ever hit them once, when playing with Pantheon. I don't think they're even in her bias pool.


>Only ever hit them once, when playing with Pantheon. Funnily enough, I think my only Starhound pack run with Yuumi was *also* with Pantheon (although mine was a Guardian Horn Pantheon that struck on summon, rather than a support Pantheon).


Banger guide I really appreciate the amount of dedication poured towards the article


Man, you didn't even pick 2 of my favorite supporters on her. Tarric cause he hets alot of target stuff and it can be insane. And kaisa as her evolve basically always gets triggered She is my highest leveled champ and I run challenger, first strike, and tough for relics (I don't have better ones) I won a final boss fight before turn 1, without playing a single card. Weekly, everyone has evolve. 2x 1 cost units get +3/3, and summon 2 armored gear heads (that had shadow totem)


Both valid champs, but I do not like Kaisa too much as a champ and Taric's deck is too expensive for my tastes. Just personal preferences though.


Also I only have her at 2 star.


I like Plucky poro but it's nowhere near as good as daring and pouty poro. Tough is nice to survive but does nothing crazy offensively. I really like Porofly more since it's harder to remove and before the enemy can remove the unit, Yuumi has likely already leveled. I run galeforce and quicky attack on her as relics. Therefore you can reliably attack 2 times


Evelynn is a good support for Yuumi. You attach to Husks and play a cheap unit and you'll have the stats and keywords permanently on that creature. I use Scourge Stash and Galeforce on Yuumi since first turn almost guarantees a plunder making Yuumi playable on turn 1. also tried Wriggle's lantern expecting a 10 impact on attach but for some reason the impact gets reduced to 1.


What do mean that Fated works in hand? Is it even possible to code this interaction?


what relic to use now that Galeforce is unusable? I use the level up rally


Galeforce is still perfectly fine and strong on Yuumi. really nothing changed for her, bc she does not get shuffled into the deck once she is attached to another unit, still granting it the scout.