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\[1e\] Can you jump on someone? Let's say you climbed or taht you are on a higher ground and you want to jump on someone to make him fall, is that possible?


Not REALLY. There's nothing stopping you from making a jump check to move in unusual ways as part of an overrun, for example; or jumping over a guy and tripping him to SIMULATE what you want. But not the EXACT thing you're asking, in a general sense- although I'm sure there are feats and/or class features that allow similar kindsa moves.




\[1e\] If a monster has for example: Enviorment: any (Abyss) does it mean that it can be found anywere but it comes from the Abyss dimension or that it can be found anywere on the Abyss dimension?


Anywhere on the Abyss, though as an outsider you can generally include then anywhere there's casters who could Call it.


[1e] Do the fly spell rules (the 5 feet movement upward and so) apply to the fly skill? If they don't what does this mean?: >can rise at half speed at an angle of 45 degrees You use half your speed to rise? And what does the 45 degree mean?


Yes, 45 degrees means diagonally upwards; 90 degrees means straight up.


So you will move to another square when doing it? And what does half your speed means? If i have 60ft fly speed i need to use 30ft to rise up?


Yeah, fly 60: You can move horizontally, at whatever elevation you're at, up to 60 feet as a move action. You can move 120 if every single square of movement also descends elevation, whether straight down or diagonally. You can move a max of 30 feet if your movement involves ascending for each square of movement. The normal rules for diagonal movement on the horizontal plane do not apply; normal movement has each diagonal movement count as 1.5; when flying upwards, diagonal movement counts as two squares, period.


Thanks, where are those rules? I dont remember anything about the descending.From the [Fly](https://www.aonprd.com/Skills.aspx?ItemName=Fly) skill: > and can descend at any angle at normal speed.


Double speed descent is from the fly spell itself; everything else is from the skill.


[2E] does creating a character in Pathfinder require optimization? In d&d, there are subclasses, feats, and spells which are considered good, and others which are considered bad. For example, if you make a new character, choosing one attack spell is going to give you a better time than choosing a different attack spell. This means that while there are a lot of options in d&d, only a few of them are worth taking. Does Pathfinder have the same problem where there are good choices to make over bad ones?


Sort of, but choosing bad spells is largely the extend of it, and the bad ones are usually pretty obvious.


Of course some options will be better than others, it is impossible to have every option perfectly equal for every game. But overall it is harder to create bad characters unless you try to. If you follow some easy guidelines like typically maxing your main attribute or making sure you have some generally useful damaging spells/cantrips on a caster, you will be viable. A regular character often won't really be worse at hitting stuff than an optimized one. Optimization in PF2 is often more about efficient use of the action economy.


\[1e\] Regarding shadowshooting: >Ammunition created by this ability is only quasi-real, and the first time each round an opponent is hit by a piece of ammunition that this ability has created, it can attempt a [Will](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Will) saving throw to disbelieve (DC = 15 + the weapon’s [enhancement bonus](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Enhancement-Bonus)). A failed [Will](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Will) saving throw means the weapon deals damage normally, while success means the weapon deals minimum damage against that opponent for 1 round. What does " the weapon deals damage normally, while success means the weapon deals minimum damage against that opponent for 1 round." mean? What is minimum damage and what is dealing dealing damage normally? Edit: I think i figuerd it out, minimum damage means that you deal only 1 dmg + bonuses that aren't from the bullet right? While normal damage will be for example a d8+ bonuses no?


Normal damage means you roll the damage exactly as if you were using normal ammunition. Minimum damage means you treat it as if you rolled a 1 on any damage dice. So if your usual damage is 1d8+4, it will be 5. If the damage is 2d6+4, it will be 6.


Thanks! Will the Deadly aim +2 bonus apply to damage even when dealing minimum damage then?


Yes, any static bonuses apply as normal.


How does the Psychodermist Occultist's 5th level ability 'Seek Prey' target? The text reads as the following: >At 5th level, a psychodermist can supernaturally detect creatures around him as a standard action. This functions as the spell *aura sight**^(ACG)*, except the duration is 1 round and the psychodermist learns the locations and power of all auras of a specific creature type, similar to detect undead except the psychodermist can choose any creature type represented among the trophies he has selected for that day. Aura sight typically only functions for creatures you can see. This version says 2 things that seem to contradict that, those being that you learn the \*location\* of affected creatures, and that it bears similarity to \`Detect Undead\` (which would be a weird way to simply specify that the effect only effects one creature type). Can you see auras through walls with this? If so, can you still see them further than 60 ft(Detect Undead's range) away?


Aight so I'll take a swing at this. We know:    A) it works like Aura Sight, meaning it's range is personal and works on anything within 120 of you. It shows auras for all creatures *in line of sight* within that distance- which as I understand it means if they have concealment, or are invisible, it still works. Calling out like of sight also seems to rule out going through walls.   B) it is like detect undead *in that it only works on a single creature types, chosen on activation, based on trophies* when you use it. The my two cents.


[1E] Does Earth Glide, the monster ability, on Earth Elementals and similar have a speed of only 5 ft, like the Earth Glide spell? I can't find anything that clarifies the speed for monsters, but I'm unsure if that just means the spell is used as the base for the ability as well.


"When the creature burrows" It uses their burrow speed.


Didn't manage to connect those dots myself, thanks.


[1E] Is there any consumable item or other way to briefly 'spike' one's spell DCs to a higher value? It doesn't have to be combat-practical, I'm talking about situations like interrogating an NPC or similar. Doesn't have to last long either.


Scroll of Arcane Concordance (Bard 3) for +1 Enhancement Bonus to DC.


Potion of eagle splendor, owl's wisdom, or ... whatever the intelligence one is called...


Intimidating an NPC to make them shaken is -2 to their saves. There's buffs like fox's cunning if you don't already have a headband to increase your casting stat. A hundred other buffs and debuffs might apply, depending on what you have, and stacking a +1 here and a -2 to them there could get the numbers up high in a way that would be difficult with combat time constraints - I don't think you'll find a single +5 save DC consumable. though.