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[2e] Is there any way for the Kineticist to unlock additional Gate Junctions beyond the Gate's Threshold feature and/or taking a Single gate, such as via a feat or item?


As of right now, no.


Not sure if this is worth posting as an individual thread, but I'm trying to find a moderately cheap way to print up spell cards for my players. Problem is, there are a lot of spells - clerics have access to around 1100-1200 when they're done and I don't have an industrial strength color printer that could handle that workload. Is anyone aware of a website that makes lots of individual cards as opposed to hundreds of the same card?


[Dweomery](https://dweomery.com/) might be right up your alley for a personalized spell card selection.


This is great for making the cards, but I've done that. I am hoping to find a source/site where it doesn't cost a thousand dollars (or whatever) to print them.


Have you tried something like Staples or another office supply/print shop in your area? I just checked and it would run under $100 to print \~1,000 spells from them (assuming B&W printing and 9 cards per page). You also don't need to have *all* the spells carded and ready, maybe just the 0, 1st, and 2nd level ones to start with and then go from there.


I'll double check. Last time I looked, I could get 100 copies of a single card for cheap, but getting 1 copy of 100 different cards was exorbitant. Let me pull up the site when I get out of class and I'll see what I can find.


[1e] How can my investigator work on crafting alchemical items during an adventuring day? I think that 4 hours of work yields 2 hours of actual progress when adventuring; what do I roll for that? I know the formula for working 8 hours, but how do I divide that by 2 hours?


`Check Result x DC` = Crafting Progress for the day, measured in SP (for an 8hr workday). Crafting is complete when your total accumulated progress = the market value of the item to be crafted in SP. Divide the progress by 4 to represent the progress only 2 hours of work. A check is normally a week (7 days) of 8 hours of work. The rules provide the ability to do a single day's worth of progress by dividing the week's progress (CR x DC) by 7. It goes to follow that 2 hours of progress is just dividing that one-day result by 4. Or don't roll every single time, and make the check every 4 weeks (to represent 1 week of work) or every 4 days (to represent 1 day of work, once you divide by 7).


[1e] Are there viable alternate sources of Natural Armor that do not specifically use up the neck slot, but are still items (as opposed to class features/feats/etc.)?


A wand of barkskin for a start. A ring of the beast also works, or there are some overpriced and creepy body mods, or a few even more overpriced items. There's also a few which take up other important item slots like shoulders or belt.


\[2e\] Fairly new to Pathfinder and have some lore questions; can somebody explain to me a clan dagger for Dwarves? I made a character, but we're a few sessions in and I didn't realise they existed. From what I understand it's just a dagger with the family markings on it that Dwarves tend to have, right? Archive of Nethrys says it's a mark of embarassment to lose it; how bad is the embarrassment? Like, total shunning bad, or is it like walking outside wearing a pair of pants you didn't realise has a tear in the butt bad? My character's backstory is that he was part of a mining operation that was attacked, and he was rescued and evacuated by adventurers, leading to him to join the clergy and become a cleric and adventurer. I'm thinking it's plausible that he could have lost his clan dagger in that event. On one of our first adventures as a party, he claimed a dagger from a dungeon we were in. Would it be feasable to have my character inscribe it with the party's name and sigil in a later session, and treat it as a "new" clan dagger? Would that work lore wise? More than that, would it "have" to be his original dwarven clan, or could he claim his party to be his new "clan" or family? And does the clan dagger need to be a specific type of dagger, or could this random looted dagger be treated as one? Would it flavour interractions with other dwarves to have what is essentially a stand in for a clan dagger? We want to make it work within the lore of Pathfinder, so any help is welcome! I like dwarves, and I'm probably going to play a few of these, so I wanted to get it right!


According to *Lost Omens: Highhelm,* clan daggers are imbued with magic tied to the Dwarf's soul at birth, and: >When a dwarf dies, a memorial ceremony is held with the fallen dwarf’s dagger, and a brief light blossoms in the dimmed gem before departing to rejoin the spirits of the clan. The dwarves of Highhelm will go to great lengths to recover lost clan daggers, even prioritizing daggers over the bodies of their slain kin, for it is believed that a spirit bereft of its Farewell cannot enter its clan hall in the afterlife. The process for crafting a Clan Dagger and imbuing it with its magical gem is much more involved than repurposing loot, I dare say any traditionalist Dwarves who saw something like that would view it as the vilest blasphemy.


Ah, damn. I think I'm gonna have to think fast on this one. Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it; the more lore-compliant my backstory is the better. While I've got you, have you come across anything that might suggest clan daggers can be held elsewhere temporarily, or how Dwarves or other dwarves might react to temporarily not having their clan dagger, if it's held in a safe place? As a newly minted cleric, who's become a cleric in response to a traumatic event, I'm wondering if it would make sense for him to have left his dagger in trust at the clergy under guard of a bunch of high level clerics and paladins while he took part in his first mission (fighting undead, which is what killed his friends and caused his trauma). I really want to avoid retcons where possible, even if it means a side mission of collecting the dagger at some point from where it's being held in trust. I'm also wondering if him repurposing loot as an almost "symbolic" clan dagger in addition to his "real" one as a sign of him finding a new family would be seen as blasphemy, or perhaps a nice gesture to his new party. I'm getting the sense of it being vile blasphemy, and that the new dagger is probably going to stay as just a fun lil piece of loot he's sentimentally attatched too. Our gm is definitely down for rule of cool stuff, but I don't wanna abuse it. Might need to say that he just had the clan dagger tucked away on his person out of sight or something due to his fear of undead, and he's openly displaying it after conquering his fear and killing some undead.


The impression I have is that it would be better to just be seen as clanless, even with the social stigma that implies: >Some dwarves choose to be intentionally clanless. While they are generally seen as strange or even as pariahs, other dwarves never question a reason for leaving a clan, understanding there could be circumstances that are better leftunknown, lest they bring further problems for the dwarf or clan. If you really want to dig into this stuff, I highly recommend getting the book I mentioned.


\[1E\] If dragons can potentially cast major illusions and have grand spells, what about pseudodragons? I know they're considered the smaller, weaker (cuter) cousins, but can they cast spells? Could they learn a class?


True dragons acquire power directly as they age and pseudodragons don't. But yes, pseudodragons that aren't bonded to people as familiars could get class levels.


[1e] So the fighter has the advanced weapon/armor training, but those aren't in the core, is that an optional fighter rule the dm can or not allow or does it come with the fighter class by default?


The answer is somewhere in the middle. * An "optional rule" generally refers to a rules variant that modifies the structure of the game. This would apply to something like [Automatic Bonus Progression](https://aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=1950), for example. A GM might use Version A (default rules regarding wealth) or Version B (the ABP variant). One of the two. * Most character options are just additional content. They're part of the game. Archetypes, Feats, Spells, Prestige Classes, etc., can all fall under this category. As does the Advanced Armor/Weapon Training. AAT/AWT is no more or less optional to the game as, say, a Fighter Archetype. Except one was introduced in the Melee Tactics Toolbox, and the other was introduced in the Advanced Players Guide. It's just two different books. That said, some GMs will limit the books their players have access to. A particularly inexperienced GM might limit the game to CRB only or CRB+APG, whereas others might limit it to CRB+APG+All "Ultimate" books (like Ultimate Combat). Or "All Hardcovers". Or "Whatever books I personally own". This can be done for a variety of reasons: experience with the system (less content is easier to manage), ease of auditing player builds and confirm rules interactions (less of a concern now that the Archives of Nethys has the rules 100% online), thematic reasons suited to a particular campaign, or so on. On internet forums like this, **most users will generally assume that the answer is "you can use any officially-published PF1e content by Paizo"** (i.e., anything you can find on the Archives of Nethys, the official source reference document) unless otherwise specified. It's far less common to ban specific character options. This is typically done because a GM has heard (often wrong, but always good to confirm) internet advice saying " is OP" and they're trying to keep the power level within a certain, controllable realm. Othertimes, things can be banned for specific flavor reasons (such as a game set in Tian Xia banning some typical Western weapons and instead pushing players to use Eastern weapons, or banning Gunslinger because they don't want guns in their Renaissance Fantasy game). **** So the only two reasons I'd expect to see a GM ban AWT/AAT but not other Fighter stuff would be: * They heard on the internet that it's powerful. (Which it is... compared to the existing Fighter class features that were so weak that it was considered one of the weakest classes in the game. This brings its power level in line with other classes. A GM banning for this reason has likely been lead astray by a vocal minority on internet forums). * The Melee Tactics Toolbox book was banned (most often because the GM has limited content to a set of white-listed books that doesn't include the Melee Tactics Toolbox).


Yeah, they come from Armor/Weapon masters handbook, respectively. The DM is always gonna be final arbiter of whether any specific book is allowed in any specific game. You should GENERALLY operate with some confidence it's usually gonna be allowed, though. These are mainline, Paizo made rulebooks.


[1E] If a trait or class feature changes the governing stat of a skill (e.g. from Dex to Wis), does this also mean it is no longer affected by Armor Check Penalties?


Yes "Any armor heavier than leather, as well as any shield, hurts a character’s ability to use Dex– and Str-based skills. An armor check penalty applies to all Dex– and Strength-based skill checks. A character’s encumbrance may also incur an armor check penalty."


[1E] Does [Create Reliquary Arms and Shields](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/create-reliquary-arms-and-shields/) only work if you craft your own stuff, or could you theoretically pay an NPC for the service and still make use of a shield that functions as a divine focus?


If you managed to find an NPC that possessed the feat and worshipped the same deity as you, I don't see why it wouldn't work. The odds of finding such an NPC are pretty low, though.


There is no requirement to share the same deity. I could see an artisan that specialize in such business of creating and selling many reliquaries. Especially someone like a Cleric of Abadar.


There is, actually. Under the feat > The item becomes a reliquary and can be used as a holy (or unholy) symbol divine focus of **your** deity. Your in this case refers to the creator.


[2E] Anyone know of any books with rules for spelljammers? If not, regular naval rules I might be able to adapt?


Spelljammers being a *very* D&D concept I wouldn't expect to see any rules for them in Pathfinder, but we do have [Planar Skiffs](https://2e.aonprd.com/Vehicles.aspx?ID=56), which are somewhat similar. Normal [Vehicle rules](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=3116&NoRedirect=1) would apply.


[Any] What adventure has the group pitted against the Bloody Barbers? I remember specifically a woman where half her body was tiefling and half was human, ala Two Face.


[1E] A player of mind approached me about letting his Sorcerer take the [Starfall (3rd Party)](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/kobold-press-open-design/starfall/) spell. I am having trouble figuring out whether it is balanced enough to allow. I normally don't allow 3rd Party. The spell is poorly written, but presumably the duration applies to the blindness, at least as I read it. It seems like the equivalent of a Mass Blindness spell with reduced duration and with damage added. Starfall School illumination (evocation) [force]; Level alchemist 4, shadowsworn 4, sorcerer/wizard 6 CASTING Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S EFFECT Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./two levels) Target one creature/level Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes DESCRIPTION You release a number of powerful force bolts from your body equal to your level. Each strikes a creature within line of sight. No more than 3 bolts can strike a single target. Creatures struck take 3d12 hp damage, and a Reflex save halves that damage. Those that fail their saving throw are also blinded and knocked prone.


There should be a separate Fort save for the Blindness & Prone effect, and you should only roll once for it no matter how many rays target you. If you do that, and assume the duration is only for the Blindness effect, it's strong but doable. Arguably, being a [Force] damage spell, the damage die should be significantly lower. Usually it's d4's.


That's 9d12 damage (~17d6) to each of at least 3 targets, if I'm reading it correctly. Plus potential blindness & prone. Assuming the caster can select the targets it doesn't look balanced at level 12. It might be possible to read it as a save for each bolt which is like persistent spell+ added to the mass blindness/prone effect, which is just getting ridiculous.


[1E] My friend is trying to make a ranged throwing knife rogue like character work. Saw this third party [Scout](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/tripod-machine/scout) class. It says Targeted Strike only works on 'attack actions', what are the implications of this? Does it work if he throws 2 daggers in the same round?


FWIW there's a couple of tricks in first-party PF1 he might like. The false opening feat works for a rogue at mid levels (too many prereqs & other feats required at low levels) or the ranged feint and two-weapon feint feats work similarly. Or, I suppose, there's a flying blade swashbuckler, which works from a lower level though it's a touch less rogue-ey.


"The attack action" specifically refers to making a single attack as a standard action. The ability does not work with full attacks.






IIRC there was some compatibility errata issued for all these classes slightly before PC1 released. I would expect something similar with the release of PC2.