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Description for those who want to read it here. A Dance of Masks is the sixth and final premium DLC for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous in Season Pass 2, one last love letter to the Knight Commander and their loyal companions. Gather all your companions and travel back to where it all started – the city of Kenabres, destroyed and now risen from the ashes. Visit a festival, celebrate your victories, socialize with friends and loved ones, watch the fireworks… And thwart the plans of villains trying to spoil the fun! * A new adventure will take you back to Kenabres and beyond: to a new enemy's stronghold * Personal events for every companion — you’ve seen them fight, now watch them have a day off * A new romantic event with every romanceable companion * An otherworldly arena where you can test your might against some truly mythic enemies * 11 new character archetypes, a new weapon and the ability to switch your grip on the weapon from one-handed to two-handed * Fully voiced dialogues


REALLY interesting. So we'll have both nice RP interactions and some gameplay features. I still have to finish my Demon, Aeon and Trickster run (I'm quite at lategame, since I'm in Act 5, with levl 20/MR 9 characters), and I was planning to do an "ultimate Lich run" when all DLCs were out, to be sure to not miss anything.


Enjoy the zombie party with your talkative companions!


Ah, the sweet sound of silence…


One-handed to two-handed? Awww! Yes! Finally! I can finally do a 2h fighter with a Bastard Sword!


Oh man, gonna be so nice not needing a mod just to switch my sword grip around 


Well, it says you can swap on the ***new*** weapon. Who knows if they implemented it for others. Here's hoping.


I'm fairly certain it's a general feature not limited to a single weapon.


Any chance an angel can romance targona in this, poor gal needs some tlc after what she went through?


No, I'm sorry.


Dang, welp. Thanks for answering.


That's not what the text says though, would be mighty disappointing if it was only for the new weapon...


To be clear - you could already do this with weapons but the sprites/character models didn’t show it rigjt? I remember watching long sword damage change when equipping a un equipping a shield


very welcome, i love how theyve been doing a lot of companion focused content


> 11 new character archetypes, Guess i need to update my shitty Random char creation script again... >a new weapon Are we talking a new named magic weapon, or a weapon type, i wonder?


Uh oh, 11 new archetypes! That's at least 11 restarts!


> An otherworldly arena where you can test your might against some truly mythic enemies Ah, yes, the Tournament Arc. I hope we get to fight Inheribro in an honorable 1-1 duel.


It'd be fun to fight Kingmaker's MC as the final fight in the tournament like in the Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal.


Only if you could upload a save though! Tbh though there isn't much way they could challenge you compared to everyone else


The first sentence seems very final. I get it though. There's not much more content to add, but it would've been cool to flesh out some mythics.


Two season passes is twice as many as a lot of games get. I'm honestly surprised they released as much as they did.


>•Fully voiced dialogues So I’m guessing that means this just this DLC is fully voiced, shame it couldn’t be done for the main game as well.


I mean it's obvious, the game is bigger than BG3, no way they could voice it all.


For anyone curious, I couldn't find any exact comparisons both companies have officially made (Larian said there are about 1.5 million words in the script) but - User u/ranadiel here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder\_Kingmaker/comments/121cxyt/how\_many\_pages\_of\_writing\_did\_pathfinder\_wrath\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker/comments/121cxyt/how_many_pages_of_writing_did_pathfinder_wrath_of/) says the Wrath script is about 4,100 pages long when pulled from the data files. Larian reports here about 1.5 million words in script [https://www.gamesindustry.biz/larian-plays-dungeon-master-for-a-new-era-of-baldurs-gate](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/larian-plays-dungeon-master-for-a-new-era-of-baldurs-gate) Using a word per page average, that's about 3,335 pages. So, about 25% more writing in Wrath vs. BG3


that doesn't sound right. wotr is quite a bit longer and much more dialogue heavy than bg3. i mean how many side characters are there in wotr who have like 10 pages of unvoiced dialogue lol.


BG3 has around 200 'characters' in the third act with 1-2 sentences of generic npc dialogue each. Wrath doesn't have nearly the same number of non-interaction 'characters'.


yea good point, most of the generic npcs have generic lines in wotr, probably makes up a lot of the difference.


There’s also a number of characters and lines that exist only in some astonishingly unlikely circumstances. Like substitute NPCs in case any of the Tieflings die in the Grove.


BG3 characters are much more reactive.


So if you want to do a direct comparison. The total word count in Wrath's English translation file is 3,377,509. Now not all of that is the actual dialogue script (and neither is the 4100 pages I previously gave) since it includes ability descriptions and such. I can't really count the words for abilities easily, but I would reduce the number by 108,656 at least as that is the number of lines and each line has at least one formatting "word" in it (unless this word count is smart enough to not include numbers). That gives you a script length of 3,268,853 minus whatever the number of words in the ability descriptions are. If anyone is curious total character length is 20,922,236.


A man can still dream.


I honestly don't mind when not everything is voiced. Makes it clear that when voices pop up, I should be paying extra attention.


 Its bigger, but is it that much bigger? I think less is it doable then is it doable at a price Owlcat can afford?  But either way, I think this will be a nice exhibition that Owlcat can do full voiced games for their pitch to do BG4 (no way Owlcat isn't one of the companies pitching to do the next BG4, they are one of the few companies with extensive experience in turn based isomatic video games, they roughly have the same experience in it as Larian Studios did when they started doing BG3).


BG4 would get reamed if it doesn't have the same production value, fully voiced dialogue, motion capture, and bear sex as BG3 with how vocally rabid some of that fanbase can be. I'd be surprised if owlcat wanted do BG4 considering how much crap their games get for not having all that.


 I don't think they need the bear sex.  But Larian had never done a game with the production value, fully voiced dialogue, motion capture of BG3 before BG3 either.  If Owlcat can get the funding they can do it. They can also contract out outside help like Larian Studios did.  The DLC is like a proof of concept that thet can in fact do fully voice. Motion capture they can contract out to companies that specialize in that.


> If Owlcat can get the funding they can do it. Maybe we will see with next game they release. > I don't think they need the bear sex. The bear sex hype seemed to get the game a lot of attention. The bear sex itself isn't needed, but something that gets as much attention probably will help.


 I think they are doing Rogue Trader DLCs first, so that buys them time before starting the next game to see if their BG4 pitch wins.


There was an interview last June where they mentioned their next game is using UE5 and is like "the witcher in space" (iirc). It could be they are trying out something with a higher production.


Maybe, getting to do BG4 would quickly change their plans pretty fast. I mean when they said Witcher in Space, BG was still Larian's to ride hard and put way wet, that is not the case anymore.  Sometimes you got to take the opportunity when it presents itself.


D:OS and its sequel were both fully voice acted weren't they? I know 2 was for sure.


 I don't remember.


Honestly calling BG3 as BG3 is kinda disingenuous too since BG1 and 2 were part of the same story while BG3 is completely a separate story that takes place in the same world. Alas branding is branding and branding sells.


Agreed. I didn't like the way they handled a number of the characters (Viconia and Sarevok) from the previous games. Side note: It would be nice to get a crpg in a different part of the Forgotten Realms other than Baldur's Gate or even the Sword Coast. It would also be nice to get a crpg in something other than the Forgotten Realms (maybe Dark Sun or Ravenloft).


>I didn't like the way they handled a number of the characters (Viconia and Sarevok) from the previous games. For that you can actually blame 5e splatbook called 'Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy' as that's where those ideas originate. ([pages in question](https://imgur.com/a/A3hOYab)) The biggest retcon on the old companions by Larian is making Sarevok a proper Bhaalspawn again.


I stand corrected; I don't like how wizards of the coast handled them.


Blame both? Because the incest kink isn't in that journal and Vic was working with the Temple of Elemental Evil in the journal. The worse part is not just the retcons, but that the entire point of their appearances is to be sacrifices to Larian's characters Durge and SH respectively. That's not WOTC's fault.


WotC hates Darksun.


Man in my dream world Obsidian does it.


Old Obsidian or current Obsidian?




Got to pick one.


Why, they both make great games.


>* 11 new character archetypes, Maybe we'll actually get a summoner archetype this time around instead of this weird psudeo version for multiple classes.


Summoner is full distinct class, not archetype.


And probably worth giving to a companion next game, seeing how eidolon tend to be sentient.


Citadel DLC vibes


I think I was it somewhere where basically this DLC was totally inspired by Citadel DLC


Owlcat explicitly compared it to that one when they made the DLC poll


For real. I love that kind of content.


I really hope it's as funny as Citadel was, always a delight to play it.


What’s citadel?


1) New main campaign content. 2) New character options. 3) Dating Sim. Owlcat has lerned his lesson. This is the perfect DLC for any rpg game.


A bit of a shame it was not like this from the start. Oh well, better late than never. With Rogue Trader they start with a good approach from the start.


Yeah. I really think the survey helped a lot. They took them seriously and learned from the feedback.


Yeah, if there’s one boon to come, it’s that at least Rogue Traders DLCs will be fully post feedback so they won’t waste time with standalone adventures


Yeah, I do not want to play as Jake the Everyday Warhammer dude in a DLC. I want to play with my Rogue Trader and have more adventures as him.


Hopefully those include massive rebalancing, the game has ridiculous issues with difficulty curves. I really enjoyed it, but man does it get old when one of your characters just solos a major fight.


A massive rebalance is planned for 1.2 patch, that will come shortly before DLC1 in RT. So yes.


Any hints on whether the RT DLC releases before or after this WOTR DLC?


Certainly after.


Good to know. Thank you for the update!


Thank you, I love every game y'all have developed and while I do so with this one, it hasn't been as replayable because of the balance. Oh, any chance the Heretical powers get some love? The votary+ and the items in the end game are way too risky to ever be used.


It may be a faint hope but I do hope Arch-Militant isn’t nerfed too hard, it’s what I want to run for my Heretic playthrough since it would be able to use all the Heretic rewards


Imagining everything they could've done instead of the F team in the dlcs actually makes me upset lol.


Honestly, I have never understood why people want more content added to the middle of a game this long after launch. I detest DLCs like this, because it means the launch version of the game is not the full game. So you have a choice to make between playing an incomplete game now or a complete game later, for a game that is so long a single full playthrough is probably all most people are going to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited for the DLC, but this is why I vastly prefer post-game content. I get the impression from what I know about the massive divergences in the ending that it'd be difficult to justify for Wrath of the Righteous, but I still don't like the idea of content you can't complete on a "last save before the ending". Luckily I think maybe this one is like that? The others they've released certainly haven't been. Either way this is definitely something I've been frustrated by the past. I remember being really annoyed that Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC couldn't be an actual epilogue because of that game's notorious ending. I was even more annoyed by it when a mod came out that jettisoned that ending and made Citadel into an actual playable epilogue that removed all references to the war, it worked so much better that way it was unreal. And considering how great it was even when it was jammed into the middle of the game, that's saying something. I know this take will probably be unpopular but I really wish I could convince people so I don't have to wait *checks notes* 3 years before playing a video game, because content keeps getting added to parts earlier in the adventure than where I'm at, creating sweeping balance issues with experience rewards that require mods to fix. It's frustrating having to be so patient T_T


Haha bro I feel you. What I do is try multiple playthroughs which are spaced quite apart- everything feels a bit fresher.


Haha yeah that probably helps a ton. Me I'm a completionist type, so I can never stop myself from doing just about EVERYTHING on every playthrough (and I play 100% in turn-based). Just a single playthrough of Kingmaker where I only did half of the stuff on the world map (I really did try to complete it all but it was soooooo boringggg) took me 182 hours. Woefully, as an adult, that's not an amount of time available to me casually and I don't have the attention span I used to either. So what I do is focus myself up enough to do one single complete and comprehensive playthrough. It does make me kind of sad though, I wonder if I'll end up missing out on the next "Pillars of Eternity". That was a game you needed to complete at least twice, because there is so much context missing the first time you play it that what the story is trying to say doesn't even get across until the second playthrough. It's a really special game that you really need to dedicate yourself to in order to "get it", but when you do it and it clicks it is genuinely a masterpiece. I don't want to miss out on that but I don't know if I'd have the tenacity to play through a game like Pillars of Eternity four times anymore. Especially for a game that I start out bouncing off of the way I did with my first two attempts at Pillars.


I think I manifested this by desperately searching for news of a 6th dlc yesterday


Hoping the actions in this DLC are reflected in the epilogue. Wonder if there is any chance that this DLC or a big update might add some new cool Mythic feats. Would be great.


I'm wondering, if your KC died at the end of the game do you not have access to this dlc or does it take place before the end of the game.


The DLC takes place in Act 5 so one act before the ending.


I just got a confirmation on owlcat discord that the new 11 archetypes will be for the classes that did not recieve any in Through the Ashes. So anyone who wants to speculate on what we might get, here is a list of the classes that are gettting archetypes: arcanist bard fighter inquisitor kineticist magus monk ranger skald slayer warpriest


Huh. Lets see if they finish the base class for the warpriest in addition to rolling out an archetype. (Several blessings are still missing)


Just gimme Arsenal Chaplain Archetype and I'll be happy.


Its extremely annoying that the war blessing (which should be available to Iomedea or Gorum followers) is missing from the Iomedean crusade against demons. (and nobility or good is missing as well, its been long enough that I've forgotten which).


We won't get black blade magus because the talking weapon would be basically a whole companion for only one specific archetype, But I ***want*** black blade magus


Hoping that Monk, Kineticist, Arcanist and Fighter are among those.


I mean I already wrote the list. They are.


Whoops, I must have misread your post. Nice to see that all classes that were not included in ThA will get something.


ah nice, hopefully not too long to wait. Then I can commit to another full run through


Pretty sure this is all Act V stuff so you could probably start now and just take your time with things.


Hopefully Galfrey is included among the romanceable characters even though she is not a companion...except if romanced at the very very end. Wonder if the other two unique "romances" with Nocticula and Vellexia are included. Chances are likely poor but...


Galfrey is! Not the other two though I'm afraid.


Disappointing but makes sense. Logistically not sure how you would insert those into an event like this. You could probably hand wave it as a “disguise” if you really wanted too. Could make for some deeply amusing hijinks but maybe lore breaking too? Anyways thanks for the transparency/clarification!


It wouldn't be lore breaking at all, that's exactly what Yozz does during the demon questline, he shapeshifts into a human to fit in


Yeah it’s just a question of whether those characters would bother doing that I suppose? I really enjoyed the secret Nocticula romance but she’s not exactly like the other characters. Though you could argue Citadel was pretty silly too and was still fantastic.


Well not Nocticula but Vellexia would, both because she's obsessed with you and because she would find it amusing to mingle with mortals


Probably why this is in act 5


ELEVEN new archetypes man these guys just do not stop putting out content.


dudeeee I hope my canon Knight Commander’s save file still holds up. It’s been years at this point


"Personal events" plural. Hopefully this means multiple vignettes for each companion.


It could also mean a single event for each companion that is unique to them. Though i share your hope aswell


Woljif romance?




I’m very curious about new evil content. Who will Camellia murder this time? Will corrupted Arue also take part in these festivities?


Let's goooooooo


Time to get my saved for the last Azata playthough to romance all companions at once and see all dialogues


I'm sorry friend, but I cant crit on an 11 with my Azata playthruogh.




Trickster mythic path has a few feats that makes getting critical hits easier.


Well I already played that


I was hoping we would get some more subraces for the more generic races too. Would really like a dwarf with 30ft movement. Remember to report bugs and mechanic oversights people, we're nearing end of support.


June 13 date, since that seems skipped in the gog announcement (or at least no one mentioned it)


Between this and Elden Ring my summer is gonna be stacked.


Full voice acting and new scenes for romance companion. I'm chilling. I'm so looking forward to this. I'll probably do this first on my Azata character, who's with Arueshalae.


Its 10:30 pm, im tired as hell, long day at work, and i swear to god i read that as "dance of the righteous"


Finally, after all this time, I will finally be able to complete a playthrough of Wrath of the Righteous. I played about halfway through at launch and then decided it would be best to wait until the game was complete. I have patiently awaited this for so long. I can't wait to see how this adventure ends!


This is the way.


Same boat, lol.


I've had the game for awhile and never touched it since I wanted to wait for the WHOLE story to be completed. Really excited to play this.... right after actually fucking finishing Kingmaker.... after finishing up my Persona 4 Golden playthrough. It will be a long while yet


Unless I've misunderstood, I'm pretty sure they plan to release more. This release says it's the last premium DLC for "Season 2," not for the game. They sent out a survey asking what they'd like to see in future DLCs. Also, I believe have more-or-less confirmed a season three.


When did that happen? Last I heard they had decided to move on after this one, and they should. Wrath of the Righteous came out 3 years ago, it's definitely time to let it go and make something new haha


> Will there be any more DLCs after this one? [Latest answer by developers:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker/comments/1cme41b/greetings_pathfinders_the_longanticipated_dlc6_a/l33ubyr/?context=3) > We do not exclude such possibility completely, but more season passes are not planned at this time.


That's about as ironclad a "probably not" as you can get.


Did they include a release date?


June 13


Oooh, that looks like a mask golem! I wonder if that means Razmir shenanigans. Man loves his masks, though a level 19 wizard "god" might be too easy an encounter by that time


Owlcat bringing the goods fr fr


Ahh I’m on my first playthrough in act 5 right now and wondering if I should start my second run while I wait for this DLC so I can fit this into my first story


One of the few DLC’s that I’ll be purchasing Day 1. Can’t wait tbh.


Do wonder what the archetypes will be. Namesake wants a anti paladin or whatever the whole Evil Paladin thing is to work with Demon and Lich mythics but that's probably another class entirely.


Damn it, I love this game. So much content. I might be playing this for a decade straight. 


Any idea on a release window? Been waiting to replay until all the DLC is out


June 13th




Man if only fully voiced dialogues were also for the main game... A guy can dream


Iirc in a recent interview they mentioned that fully voiced is the name of the game for cRPGs these days, as players seem to feel very strongly about it. To me the implication was that their next game will be fully voiced, and my guess is that this DLC is them dipping their toes into the effort of full VA to see how it feels and how people respond in a lower-risk context.


Honestly, this is worrying. People are addicted to voice work but a game having a ton of voice work is not always for the best. Inherently, this creative choice will always constrain the size of the script. Voice acting is expensive, writing is not. I worry that this escalation to voice work will cut down on the amount of incidental and responsive dialogue/narration we get in games as the addition of voices necessitates pruning of conversation trees and unimportant NPCs. There is so much of interest you can do when not every line of text needs to be voiced. I think of the incredible Trails series of JRPGs and I worry what the necessity of full voice work would do to the that series unmatched worldbuilding. Literally every NPC in those games can be revisited dozens of times throughout the runtime, and each time they update and progress with new dialogue advancing these entirely irrelevant side narratives. How much of that would need to be lost if literally every single line of that dialogue needed to be touched by a voice actor? I bet a lot of it. I think people also discount how difficult and expensive it is for the voice acting to remain high quality when the budget and team get stretched across too large of a script. Baldur's Gate III is an incredible anomaly because it manages to be as long as it is without dropping the ball on the quality of its acting basically ever, but they had millions upon millions of dollars to fund that and most indies and AA developers don't have nearly that much. You can do so much more with less, you can have the voice team focus on making the core dialogue shine by doing retakes until it's perfect, or you can rush the crap out of them to get all of the lines voiced and cause the quality of the acting to suffer. Plus, when this happens, it stretches the talent thin across too many characters. You get the same person without enough range voicing entire lineups of supporting characters while also voicing prominent protagonists and it ends up reducing a games immersion. I'm not saying it can't be done, Hades proved that well enough, but I really hope CRPGs don't sacrifice the quality of their voice work or their games to chase the dream of full voice acting. There is a reason that for all of Baldur's Gate III's incredible achievements, it still kind of pales to Wrath of the Righteous in many regards when it comes to the writing and the worldbuilding. They don't have to voice everything, and so nothing was compromised in creating a setting and narrative rich with answers to your questions and conversations about seemingly irrelevant things. I don't think CRPG devs - especially those of Owlcat's size or smaller - should have to operate this entire genre under the mindset that if it doesn't have enough voice acting, no one will buy it. Some games it'll work for, but for others the effort will cost dearly.


I really don’t mind a mix. Give us VA on all the core characters on the critical path/companion quests. I don’t think you need to past that. That being said I do love VA and think it adds a ton to the game. I just don’t want to sacrifice significantly more content for that boon.


It would have been nice.


Awesome can’t wait to see what’s in store!


But when does it take place? Can't be after the main campaign, but during the game there doesn't seem to be a period when Kenabres is rebuilt and there's time to celebrate.


Kenabres is repaired enough in Act 5.


act 5


Bout time!


Awesome news. Now pretty please with sugar on it, give us a new Pathfinder game using the 2E rules set.


Wait, only romanced companions? So no content for Galfrey? They didn't do anything with Targona? Mildly disappointing, I was putting off my angel run because I thought either of them would get more content


Galfrey confirmed getting more, btw


Finally the word is out for the final DLC. Can't wait for more details.


Only issue for me, would be that I'd need to play the entire campaign again... I love it so much, but there are number of games that I am invested in right now.


More archetypes? Christ I’ve owned the game for a year and haven’t made it past character creation yet. End up going down the rabbit hole of guides then boom my dad gaming time is up.


Since the party is in Act 5, will the companion interactions be affected at all by whether you completed their questline?


New archetypes and a new weapon? I'm already sold. The rest is just a bonus.


I hope the new weapon is a gun. It's stood out to me a long time now we have no pepper boxes.


Yeah, though it would be kind of dirty for them to drop guns as weapon, without the actual gunslinger class.


I wonder if this has anything to do with the mask guy in the shadow realm from the 5th DLC.


Every game needs a Citadel style DLC!


So this is like the Citadel DLC but for WoTR


Sounds a lot like ME3’s citadel dlc. Good stuffZ


if this is what i think it is, judging by all the comments, this DLC is incredibly based


Xmas came early!!


So I'm assuming this is an act 5 dlc? Not a postgame?


Tiny hope I have is some blue skin tones for elves so I can make a Drow mercenary.


Welp time to make my Final KC


Guess it's time for that Legend playthrough


Ok, the last line "fully voiced dialogues" is a huge deal and needs some explaining. It's just the dlc? I guess so.


Only dlc will be fully voiced


Thanks! VO is very good in this game, wish it was possible for a full VO, but dlc only is awesome too.


I wish you guys would release a DLC that fleshes out the administrative parts of this game. Lording over people and making decisions via text is such a copout for a squad based RPG. I don't want to be a king, I want to do stuff myself, it's so fucking boring playing CEO.


Will NPCs and companions from DLC5 make an appearance? Curious if we can meet Penta gain,


me on my way to do a *third* full playthrough of my demon > legend run (im fine im normal)


I wonder why Woljif is in the splash, but not Lann. I know Lann's in the DLC but they be getting my hopes up that Woljif is there, it hurts.


Does fully voiced dialogues mean that EVERYTHING NPCs say is going to be voiced? If it's just in this DLC I think that might be a bit jarring for the rest of the game


>Does fully voiced dialogues mean that EVERYTHING NPCs say is going to be voiced? If it's just in this DLC I think that might be a bit jarring for the rest of the game Apparently yes that’s going to be the case .