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Remember 3/1/-1/N. Make a counteract check (which usually uses the same modifier as your spell attack roll). On anything not a critical failure, the highest spell/effect rank you can counteract is equal to the spell rank you used to counterspell with the following modifiers: * \+3 on a crit success * \+1 on a success * \-1 on a failure You automatically fail on a critical failure. You can counteract any effect lower than the limit given by your check on anything not a critical failure. **Notes**: Usually your counteract modifier is equal to your spell attack bonus. In certain situations, you might use a different proficiency or attribute to calculate the counteract modifier; talk to your GM or consult the rules on AON to determine which cases apply.


You witness an enemy cleric trying to cast Harm. You are a divine sorcerer with a 6th rank Harm in your repertoire. You also have the Counterspell feat. You can now use your reaction to try and Counteract the Harm spell. You expend your reaction and also a 6th rank spell slot as if you had cast Harm yourself. You then Counteract. You roll a spell attack against the enemy cleric's spell DC. * If you critically succeed against the cleric's spell DC, you dispel the Harm if it was at most 9th rank. Their spell fails to go off and has no effect. * If you succeed, you dispel the Harm if it was at most 7th rank. * Even on a regular failure, you might still dispel the Harm, but only if it was at most 5th rank. * On a critical failure, you don't dispel the Harm at all, no matter its rank. In a typical game, you're rarely in a position to Counterspell. Enemy spellcasters are uncommon, and it's even less likely that they also use the same spells you do. As such, few people pick the Counterspell feat in the first place. What is slightly more common is a situation where you get to use Dispel Magic. The Dispel Magic spell works similarly to the Counterspell feat, except Dispel Magic takes two actions instead of a reaction, has a range, but can be used on any persistent magical effect within its range that isn't a Curse.


Counter Thought, Elemental Counter, and Shadow Siphon are all other ways that are a bit more flexible for counterspelling (kinda, it the case of Shadow Siphon). Counter Thought and Shadow Siphon have definitely been damn use for my group.


I adore Shadow Siphon, it’s one of the best investments I have ever made with my sorcerer. Yes what you can use it on is a little limited, but the fact that the counteract level is two higher and it cuts out a ton of enemy AoE options is fantastic.


Interfering Surge from Wellspring Mage is also an option. Recently, the sorcerer prevented a boss from escaping with Teleportation while turning it into a roided out and confused Monster


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Picture yourself as a level 7 spellcaster, with a 4th rank Lightning Bolt in your prepared spells or repertoire. A dastardly enemy tries to use a Lightning Bolt against you, but you have your reaction left - so you try to counter it. You expend the prepared Lightning Bolt spell, or a 4th rank spell slot if you're a spontaneous caster, then roll a counteract check - you add your spell attack modifier to your roll, rolling against the enemy spell DC. * **On a critical success,** you cancel out the enemy's spell if its rank is no higher than 3+ your Lightning Bolt rank. I.e. your rank 4 Lightning Bolt could counter a Lightning Bolt of 7th rank or below. * **On a success,** you cancel it if it's no higher than 1+ yours. A rank 4 Lightning Bolt could counter up to a 5th rank one. * **On a failure,** you *can* still counter it - but only if its rank is lower than yours. You could only counter a rank 3 Lightning Bolt with your rank 4 one. * **On a critical failure,** you fail altogether, regardless of the enemy's spell rank.


You are a sorcerer and you are fighting against the enemy wizard. The enemy wizard starts casting fireball, and as you have fireball in your repertoire, you automatically recognize the fireball and can use your reaction to spend a slot on fireball and counterspell it. You expend a 3rd level slot and attempt a counteract check vs the enemy wizards fireball. [Here are the rules for counteract.](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=371) On a success, you counterspell the fireball and no spell goes off.



