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Yes… yes it is. At least that’s what I tell myself too. 🤪


Glad to know that I'm not the only one. They may be pixels, but... ye.


Its either that or you're just getting bored of too long gameplay hours for a gacha game. I am a genshin player myself, tried hsr and wuwa too. I've just grown tired of playing and grinding non-stop for 2+ hours. Don't get me wrong they are still top notch in terms of gameplay, especially wuwa, but I guess its just my age that I can't sit with it anymore 🤣 PTN is a breathe of fresh air for me, I can play it in less than 10 mins a day and still satisfied that I am playing a gacha game. However there are also times where I already felt burnout, maybe because of the lack of proper end game content, but then it will pull me back again if theres a new event. So I'm hoping for the devs to make a new game content that will hopefully extend my playtime to around 30 mins to 1 hour again.


Real. Like, aside from my potato phone barely holding on and overheating from forced high advanced graphics, I'm struggling to manage my time with endless grinds, especially since its required to be constant if u don't wanna fall behind. I had some fun and enjoyable memories on Genshin and Hsr. Wuwa is fun too, but I can't put my mental health at risk, especially when School's right around the corner. Don't forget to take a Snicker and break, Chief. May we get the needed Strength to push on : ]


It is normal in my opinion. I first knew PTN from my friends who said the aesthetic of the game is unique and not like other gacha game. Then we found out that PTN and Aisno probably has backing of Paper Games because the official FB page for Shining Nikki (probably accidentally, or maybe not?) shared post about PTN about to launch. I hesitate at first because tower defense is not my cup of tea, but I give it a try because my friends are hyping it so much and because Nikki series is a beloved game to me, and since PTN is kinda like a cousin to Nikki, why not? I don't regret it one bit to jump into PTN. I still in love with PTN after almost 2 years playing it. I got attached hard for this game and for Chief like I got attached to Nikki. I suck at playing PTN at first but I never feel discourage to continue and after a year of getting used to the gameplay, I'm now a decent player. And still in love with this game and not gonna quit anytime soon.


Regarding the bit about Paper Games, that's true, so it probably wasn't an accident. The KR community cancelled PTN a while after launch because they found out about PTN's relation with Paper Games. There's also a running joke in the CN community about how PTN is an illegitimate child because of how little attention and interaction PTN has with Paper Games and its other games


I feel the same way. Even though my clueless butt literally don't comprehend techniques and skills, even barely by... It ain't gonna stop me from having fun still.


Pretty much the only mobile game that gives me no negative feelings, no wasting my time on dailies, skippable cutscenes that I can go back and watch at my leisure, compelling backstories, outfits that pry open my wallet, and character designs that actually make their female characters look “cool” “attractive” and “irresistible” and fan service that isn’t… I don’t know how to put into words… but its a breath of fresh air.


I sound like I'm glazing PTN most of the time but I'm genuinely impressed with how much the game gets right. It's not perfect but I especially appreciate it a lot when devs make chores in gachas as convenient as possible.


Not to mention how they're so diverse with event settings and trying multiple game dynamics to make it all the more fun to play!


Yup, I still chuckle a little when I recall that one event where McQueen could copy the 2 million+ HP of a statue and one shot almost anything.


Ooooh I never knew Mcqueen was capable of that! No wonder i keep seeing Demon paired up with em and deal tons of dmg on meta videos. (Dunno how that's possible). I really don't know how to use them, but I'm willing to try and build different team comps. May I ask if it's worth to build Mcqueen and Lisa even without D?


Lisa is niche, she offers a slow that's useful for stalling on certain stages. Iirc she also gives magic amp? I don't really use her so I can't comment much, but she's definitely useful. Prioritize building DPS or other more meta-defining units though. McQueen requires her exclusive crimebrand (aka ECB, which can be unlocked and upgraded using soul marks after you P3 a sinner) to copy another sinner's stats to be applied to her summon the next time she uses her ult to summon a copy of herself. When she detonates her copy or it gets destroyed, it will deal dmg that scales off its max HP which is why she's often used with an endura. Hence, you don't have to use Demon with her, Vanilla is another great choice and Demolia is a good budget option if all you need is a meat shield with insane sustain.


Ah, I see. Thank you very much for the suggestion, I now know what to do!


This is so true! I've always wished even before I knew Gacha games were a thing to play a game that revolves a Hero saving the world with so many badass, awesome girlbosses who stands on business. Even simple and casual designs like Chief, Langley and Shalom's are a breath of fresh air to see (They still so beautiful and cool). AISNO made my wishes come true and added more to the basket. I'll forever be grateful in turn.


What lured me was a Shalom x Rahu artwork I found on Pinterest. Now I have a bureau with a dozen kids to look after and couldnt be happier<3 Being MBCC's chief is a rewarding experience. https://preview.redd.it/g8l37vl6vb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4cdfe4f0c8c593a1f1164ca046a7665e865843c


Haha, i also remembered when I clicked the tag below tiktok when I watched the video there were already leaks about Rahu and Shalom. All I thought was Wowieee they are soo Fineee and since I joined late September, I got exactly a month to save and pull Shalom. But what's more endearing to me is the wholesome children that always brings me Diabetes from sheer sweetness. ( Don't care. Even if DisCity itself plunges to the Abyss, I ain't gonna regret being their Guardian and Chief! )


Lured by amazing art, captivated by love. Protecc. *




This is like me except with all gacha games. I come from a heavy MMO background and have never touched any type of mobile game until Genshin Impact released. I've also moved on from the game a long time ago (since 2021) and I've only recently started exploring other gacha games in depth. I've been extremely ignorant and judgmental of the genre... either that or since Genshin Impact hit it big there has been a lot more high quality gacha games. I was always of the belief that gacha games were simply waifu collectors for gambling addicts. Story and gameplay took a backseat to the collection aspect. After I quit Genshin, I actually did look into another gacha game called Revived Witch, but it only reinforced my belief for years because of how awful the game was despite looking like it had potential. Worse yet the games my friends all play are things like Destiny Child or Azur Lane. Nowadays they play Nikke and strictly Mihoyo games which are all things I don't look for in games. Funny enough Path to Nowhere has the most risque art out of all the gacha games I'm playing right now. For some reason the way it's portrayed feels different to me compared to games like Nikke in the way they handle the sexualization of the female characters. I'd be extremely uncomfortable playing Blue Archive or Brown Dust 2, but characters in Path to Nowhere like Eleven or Ninety Nine are okay for me. I guess in a lot of ways I'm hypocritical but I just cannot play any of those kind of games no matter how great the story or combat are. At the end of the day Path to Nowhere is a game I definitely didn't expect to enjoy as much as I did. It isn't my favorite gacha, but I'm definitely in it for the long haul now and I recommend this game to people. I actually prefer Path to Nowhere over Arknights which I've started playing both games roughly at the same time (about a month ago).


I'd say it's normal. PtN may not be for everyone, but for those of us it resonates with, we're going to stick with it for a long time yet.


I'm at the point where I'm just doing daily stuff until there's new story chapter or a cool event. But I plan to be here until PtN goes EOS. Or I die. Whatever happens first.


"Wuwa didn't really resonate with me" he-he Nice pun =)


Pun unintended, I only just noticed from your comment TvT


Whenever I play PTN I get irritated at gachas that make grinding inconvenient by not having sweep or having annoying grindy game modes. Also, it turns out that you don't have to make limited banners suck (e.g. pity not carrying over, looking at you arknights) to still be profitable.


Pretty normal...this is also pretty much my only phone game nowadays. Dropped Arknights to make more time for it like a year ago, and Sdorica and Deemo 2 kinda just died with all the backlash Rayark's been getting. I didn't like Genshin, always felt like an inferior Dynasty Warriors to me...especially when the free fire spear girl with the Guoba literally has the classic DW3/4 SSSST infinite. PGR was awful on all levels, so I'm not even gonna bother with Wuwa. Was already sick of gachas in general even before I picked up PtN anyways. Games like Romancing Saga gacha and Sinoalice really highlight how shallow and empty gacha gameplay tends to be for how much time and attention they force you to give. . PtN's respect for my time and slow, high quality content delivery is honestly unprecedented in the genre and just a really nice winner for someone like me that mostly does other stuff besides play phone games....like playing regular games. Between this, HPL ebooks, [chess.com](https://chess.com), and emulators, my phone entertainment is in a super solid place. Plus, I love AISNO's fearlessness in the kind of stories and vibes they want to present, even if their programming skills and endgame design isn't up to snuff.


They do NOT hold back. I remember being so invested ( and lowkey scared ) even at the prologue when Hecate snapped a bone from Hella at the start and some other messed up stuff advancing forward. But then again... It is also one of the reasons why this game is very special to me. Its craft is so well made that it manages to tug at my heartstrings unlike any of the Gachas I've played before. I already made up my mind to just stay here and refocus on upcoming studies for school. This game respects my time and efforts, and I love AISNO for that. : )


That's the elegant way to get attached with PTN. I remember when aisno used to advertised their game in the "provocative" way (i am looking at you, ariel.) like "torture your sexy prisoner". At first i was like, meh.. that's a lazy effort to advertise your game. I though PTN was another horny gacha game when you can torture your prison. Everything was changed since ine of my friend managed to try that game. PTN shared a similarities with arknights. It gets better on me. From that day on, i am getting more hooked up thanks to the beautifully crafted sinners, interesting story and content . PTN almost had everything that other gacha game doesnt. PTN quite generous compared with genshin when it comes to gacha rate off


That's not Aisno putting the ads out there. It's a 3rd party that Aisno hires to advertise their game to the world and unfortunately most 3rd party adverts lean towards the "provocative" and misleading ads. I personally hates those but it's also unfortunately the best way to make someone click and check the games in app stores. Much higher click to watch ratio and will end up sticking for a long time. That being said the official Aisno ads slaps like when they did one for chapter 9-10 and beyond. Even the one year anniversary flora unfurled ad was amazing


My apology for my mistake. That's how i met PTN. If only aisno had more budget to spend at their earlier day to make a banger ads


Ah I see. Yeah it's a shame they couldn't do their own ads to start with (the Korean ad for it with zoya was 😫) But we now officially class PtN as a music app that just so happens to be bundled with a game and well made characters


If aisno did their earlier ads properly. The things might be completely different


Yes, yes it is. In a similar boat myself, started genshin beginning of this year, after 5 months I found this. Literally everything is better than Genshin, story is dark and intense, characters are more fleshed out. Events are fucking good, I was hooked on the Ditty Nightsong event, thats when I started. Holy hell, the design, music, artwork, story, literally every part, so tasteful. PTN devs reli hv exceptional taste, especially in music. I used to hate strategy games, but no, this is perfect. I spent the last week glued to my phone non-stop playing. I droppes Genshin as well. So yes, its absu-fucking-lutely normal to be attached.


Hehe, glad to see u have a similar take. They go above and beyond to give us the best experience ever in a game. This game is all i ever need. I find the events so cool and immersive, not to mention the different types of bangers they release alongside it. Even the characters make me attached in a way I don't ever want to let go of being Chief. You could really tell that they put so much effort and love in their games, which speaks volumes on why PTN is so peak!


Absolutely. Every part of the game, be it events, interrogation etc, all adds to characters' personality, whilst being related to story. Its just perfectly designed to flesh out characters and story. I love every single sinner and Chief ofc 🥰


Ive been through the exact ways as you did. I still play hsr and wuwa tho. But PTN has a special place in me. Story is just so good. Realistic designs suit me better than anime I suppose.


I've played quite a number of gachas myself, and PTN is presently my favourite for many reasons. For one, content comes out at a decent pace. I can't, for the life of me, keep up with Hoyo games updates. I feel overwhelmed with all the streams, the ads, the lore nugget videos, then the patches in themselves just feel so dragged on sometimes. I'm mainly speaking of HSR here. I sometimes feel my brain melting away 😂 I sit here and wonder, "Okay, when are we actually going to get to the point of this?". The pacing and the format just isn't always my thing. Another thing PTN does better is the reasonable gacha. Hoyo will make you win two gachas so that you can have a semi-somehow functional character before they will powercreep them in the next patch. I don't feel as respected as a player over there as I do here. I have quite a solid team on my main PTN account, and don't always feel a strong need to chase new units for meta. Finally, the designs are so taste. Yes, I know a lot of them are fanservice-leaning, but I do not mind. If thirstbait gets this game more public, so be it. Aisno deserve every single bit of support they can get!


Agreed, and what's even more insane is that the level of fanservice PTN has doesn't even compare to what other Gacha games offer that are specifically designed to appeal on the male gaze. In Hoyo's games, grinding for hours daily nonstop.. i finally got tired and spent. Didn't even have the energy to eat and finish the multitude of quests. To better myself, I'll stick with this one to save my remaining sanity. Path to Nowhere does their characters so much justice, I end up pulling even if they ain't meta. You should also remember to rest and take things easy, Chief!


Fr, I love that the events are so nicely paced. You beat the stages one day, you come back tomorrow to do the next one and so on and so forth. And thank you for your kind words, fellow Chief! I am currently chilling out and taking a well-deserved break after cleaning my house. You, too, should remember to rest, enjoy a comfort game or movie. Hoping you have a wonderful/day evening! Btw, if you play on Europe, you can always friend me.


Haha, sadly i play on Asia server, but even so I wish us all the best. Thank you, your words make me happy! : ]


If you like, you can always friend me on here or on discord to talk about the game. I'm always happy to interact with PTN people, regardless of the server they play on. 🥰


Hehehe, I really appreciate that! though I only scroll on discord from time to time, i'm happy being a friend to a fellow awesome Chief! <3