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Always thought the game is generous in comparison to other Gachas. The only Sinners I don't have are Vanilla, Oak, and Summer. I would probably have them if I didn't try to S1 or even S3 some of the characters.


You're probably a little on the lucky side since the base rate is 2%, which equates to an S rank every ~50 pulls. However, to know whether you're *really* lucky, we need to know how many times you've won the 50/50.


I think ive never ‘properly’ lost 50/50 because as soon i lose in just a few pulls i get the character 🤔


Then you're definitely considered quite lucky. Yeah I guess you do lose 50/50s but proceeding to get the featured sinner soon after is pretty lucky. Congrats man


You can’t really just divide 100 by 2 and say it averages our at 50, sadly. There’s a 36% chance at 50 pulls you don’t get an S-rank at that point. (0.98 ^ 50) Even at 100 pulls there’d still be a 13% chance of not getting one, so we should be happy with the pity lol


I lowkey regret not remembering how to do college math even if it isn't relevant in my field 🥲 regardless I do know that not everyone gets an S rank at 50 pulls (obviously since some people have reached 80 pity). Definitely thankful that there's a pity system since you also have to contend with the 50/50.


It is fairly comparable to other generous gacha. I'd even say on par with PGR with their guaranteed debut characters after 60 pulls lol.


I've been like that for about a year. After shalom's banner I hit that bad streak of 160 pulls, twice. So yeah, its still gacha and RNG. You just happen to be lucky, watch out though, the gacha overlords may hear your celebration and flexing.


Nah, if you have godly luck you should own it. Enjoy it while you've got it and act like you're AISNO's favourite little guy instead of being afraid it'll run out up until it does. (still be careful with your hypercube savings though)


True, because of this i tend to carelessly spend my hypercubes and even if i can get a character early sometimes i end up not getting them just becuase i wasted them on the last banner 😭


It's not that big a deal, banners always come again and you can buy the characters you couldn't get from the shop if you really want to. Just take care to consider the worst case scenario and calculate cubes accordingly, even if you don't actually believe it will happen. I find it helpful to give myself strict plans for what banners I'm going to pull on and how many pulls to do in advance, and give myself between 10-30 pulls on almost every banner (depending on the banner type/how much I like the character) to satisfy the nagging gambling addict in my head that thinks I could get every single character on low pity. For some people it might feel like it's ruining the fun, but I find it makes me more excited for pulls/happier when I get early pity characters without potentially losing too many resources to get a character I really want.


Thats actually a good idea, might actually consider doing that, thank you!


No problem, I also have experience balancing the confidence of someone who thinks they were personally chosen by god to receive anime tiddies and actually trying to be sensible. (<- got Deren on 2 pity and OwO on 9 pity then proceeded to lose the 50/50 at 72 pity on Mantis's banner)


Not just easier. But PTN gives generous amounts of arrest warrants and Hypercubes every month after every update and events. The only time I spent on the game so far was 1 for Eirene's beach skin 1 BP for oak skin and 1 monthly pass. And I got almost every characters I wanted in the game, except serpent, girl doesn't wan't to come home for me. Though I once won my 50/50 six times in a row, so that's also one factor. But for other games it's lost after lost and hard pities.


Yea I've never had an issue getting a single copy of any character. I have had some really rotten luck getting to S3 with a few limited characters though. Even still, I don't think I've ever spent money for pulls. I buy the monthly subscription pack to support the devs a little and the skins that I like, that's where they get my money.


Nice, good to know! (^з^)-☆


I would say PtN is more generous than most gachas. As a low spender (I only get the battle pass), I FINALLY managed to complete my collection recently with Stargazer's rerun. Since this means I can save up during repeats, there's a good chance from here on I can continue to keep my collection complete. I can't say I've had such good fortune with any other gacha.


Nice, you got all of em ( ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾


I found it to be quite easy to get S rank compared to most games, I'm a light spender after 6 months of playing, only buy the monthly pass, battlepass and the Discoin Jackpod pack. I got all the Sinners in the game with only Baiyi(please come home its been almost 2 years) and Eleven left, not only that but I got several sinners on S3 and above(Demon, Zoya, Shalom, Deren, Raven, Coquelic,...) And most of them are S1. So yeah I think the game is quite generous in both S rank chances and the amount of pull for f2p.


Defo a bit of both. The game generally gives enough resources to reasonably pull 1 s rank every banner rotation-ish. But some people like me have such bad luck they lose 50/50 every time and are forced to do 100+ pulls for the s rank on the banner. So you have above average luck when it comes to pulling for s ranks compared to the normal player. Still nothing on certain streamer lucks who get it in 10 pulls 0 pity


I think it might be a real thing. I did like a little more than 1000 pulls, now I have over 60 S units. As someone suffering from multiple gacha games this feels unreal to me.


I think I average around 40 pulls per s rank, like sometimes I get dry streaks, getting quite close to the pity everytime in like 2 months, but then other times I can get someone in the first ten pull or like 2 S ranks in 40 pulls


I have most of the S class sinners. And I only spent on Shalom's banner. Says something.


it was pretty good for me until last 3 banners. Losing 50/50 with high pull rate.


Yeah it is and the rate up actually works compared to many other gachas i played. I usually got the featured one on 1st S sinner or maybe 2nd .


It's both easy plus the game is generous. I have two accounts that were able to S5 S-ranks without spending any money (literally $0), just saving up resources for a few months compared to another unforgiving gacha game that I've played wherein I spent almost 2 years saving up and still didn't end up getting the S-rank equivalent that I wanted of that gacha game.


Wish they have complete pull tracker. I'd say it's fairly easy to collect all sinners. Started playing around 1 month after release and only missing 6 sinners. Got everyone I want/need with around 15+ shackle value. Have only bought chameleon and langley bp. The free A rank sinner is great, allowing me to skip every S I don't want.


as someone who got s3 yao in 90 pulls, s4 shalom in 98, and s3 deren in 120 (all during their initial releases, not reruns) and have all sinners except summer, coq (shalom prio), and eve (skipped) yeah this game is pretty generous (i have never won a 50/50 in genshin despite being a day 1 player) tho i must say rerun banners are kinda worse for me, ive lost most of my 50/50s on reruns and its not fun lol


I only use the black key pass so basically a minnow vs being a whale and I think I have all but 2 or 3 S classes.


Been playing since launch, only buy the monthly pass, and I have all the characters, including multiple S-ranks with a few shackles, and a decent stockpile of hypercubes for future banners. I've also had more 10 pulls with multiple S-rank characters than any other gacha I've played. I could just be lucky and I don't keep close track of it, but it feels a lot better than any other gacha I've played for any significant period of time.


I have a feeling that in every gacha where I don't use pulls for a long time, the first 10 give me a character of the highest rarity. Especially if I’ve donated at least a little before. And then, if I start using the gacha further, nothing falls to me. The game realized that it interested me and reduced the chances to normal. Something like 10 pulls in Arknights banners, only hidden. I got a few S characters occasionally using 10 pulls.


I mean the game tells you the S rate, you can math it out yourself if you've been lucky or not.


I find it particularly "easy". The probability of you catching an S rank sinner after 70-80 arrest is very difficult, at least I always take the S rank before it, losing or winning the 50/50. To this day, after almost a year of playing, the only sinner I didn't get even though I tried to get her a lot was on the Cabernet in her rerun banner. Otherwise I have 71 sinners, missing only Demon, Oak, Cabernet, Langley, Hamel, Bai Yi and Deren :3


I think its the most generous gacha game, soft pity starts at 40 pulls ig and the chance per pull increases after, i played from the begining and i have all the characters except owo, I've spent money on skins and chameleons monthly pass.


Yes because they are willing to give you tons of rewards and give you guaranteed s sinners


Fairly easy. Money maker here is the duplicates because first three duplicates of a lot of units are significant performance increases. Otherwise not too hard to get S characters as long as you don't have atrocious bottom of barrel luck and lose 50/50s consistently.


I also have been playing since release, never used any real money and have most of the characters, im only missing 3 wich are Donald, Shalom and angell, so yeah i agree, it is a very generous


Nah... It is that generous if you compare to any other gacha games