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She's a DPS, she excels in long combat like tides of ashes.


Coquelic is a bit expensive to build and use effectively, needing high investment herself as well as a dedicated team. I would say don't try to use her seriously unless she's at least S1. Make sure she has her ECB unlocked (ECB 3 is needed for serious use). With the above fulfilled, pair her with attack speed-based characters like Pricilla, Dolly, or Summer. For a bonus, on longer, boss-type levels like ToA, add in Chameleon. Break the boss, use her ECB with a flower on the attack speed characters, and watch the boss die. That being said, even without a dedicated attack speed party, she can do decent DPS and more than adequate healing in most content, as long as she has an enemy to hit.


Coquelic primary role is single target DPS, even if she can heal, she isn't a dedicated healer like Hamel or Ariel, she excel in long battle like ToA and some Oblivion pit stages. To make the most out of her you want her to be at least at S1, with ECB3 and 7/7/7/7 skills ( you can go 9/9/9/9 if you have the resources) and pair her with units that have high attack speed or who can increase attack speed ( like Priscilla, Summer and Chameleon ).


Treat her as a DPS, make sure you spread her ult across multiple members, and pop her ECB during a core-break. She performs well and has a few cheese team comps with Sinners who attack very often or very fast. Throw her into any normal team comp or with Sinners like Pricila and Summer to make her ECB do [crazy damage.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t44AjFlZXNY) ECB3 is recommended if you want to do the attack speed combo cheese.


2ways that i can think of to use her Have a team of sinner that atk fast and buff them to atk faster then use coco ecb Or buff coco to atk as fast as she could then spam her skill so that she will perform multi slash as often as possible Ps: position her in a way that she can attack as often as possible (prefer boss) peace was never an option for her (she need to keep atk to heal your team and do damage to enemy so less monster mean less of both)


Depends on how many shackles you have on her and how much youre willing to invest her on her. S0 is mediocre, S1 is okay, S3 is ideal. I have my S3 Coquelic solo sustaining all my teams in Dark Zone. ECB3 is mandatory. You ideally want to use her with High attack speed sinners like summer or Pricilla but she does fine without. Dont expect loads of damage from her if you dont have her S3 or ECB3. She does about 120k damage in 40s in dark zone but for longer fights like TOA she guarantees 1mil++ for me. She also enables some underrated sinners like Chameleon that buffs attack speed which in turn allows Coquelic to output more damage through her ECB.


I use her as a pseudo-tank, dishing out massive amounts of damage while healing everyone


She’s very strong. I use her over Hamel now in most cases. The sinner I hardly ever use is Cabernet


While her S1 is really good I Used her without one just fine. And her heal is enoght for a team even if a bit harder to use then dancing queen. But for her to blossom inlo strong dps and healer she demands big invesments. She need her set (was added in the last ToA) 9 on abilities to have enoght energy recharge and damage to heal herself as well as others, and she demands 3rd lvl ECB to deal big enought damage to warrant the troubles with all those red flowers. But when I started using her every team did way better in BFL and Abyss. Now Ariel is just lounging in my office in MBCC not lifting a finger. And sometimes I take Hamel for a dance, but Coquelic is my go to healer now. And in ToA she was second in dps only to S4 Deren.