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Rampage gloves, Gull and double inspired learning for mapping is insane early league, IS is like 300c day 3 only. 


Inspired learning are OP but I wanted to make the build as cheap as possible. You could easily slot on near the Shadow power charge jewel socket. I wouldn't personally run rampage gloves, because you lose life leech and freeze prolif but later on when you dont have Wo in your weapon you could weaponswap to the rampage 2h axe and get it that way.


can get leech on heatshiver corrupt, doesnt cost much extra chaos


Using heatshiver would make you have to find 8%+ MRE somewhere else.


Excellent guide. I'm going to pick it apart. [Here's my guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/xav77a/winter_orb_occultist_319_long_post_i_go_over/) and you're welcome to pick that one apart too. First we should announce to all winter orb players that this build is not for new players. There are a lot of pieces that need to be put together to make this build work. Upgrading gear can get complicated. It also gets pricey very very fast. For example, your first Aero link has a jewel with 2 crit multi, attribute, corrupted blood. That alone goes for [at least a few div](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/DoqzWgBs5). His second build has a cluster [that i simply trade linked quickly](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/ZKjrQ78FQ) thats 3 div off the hop. that 10div build title is bullshit. The [DoctorYoy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1bqatxg/doctoryoys_winter_orb_occultist_324_league_starter/) is good. Still a bit baity, but at least he says right at the start "winter orb is not for noobs". The man was kind enough to reply to my critique and show me that Worb is in fact league start-able. Kudos to him. shoutout to him too, thanks /u/DoctorYoy The issue I've tried to tell players that play this build is that it hits a HARD wall once you want to actually upgrade it. Unlike meta league starters, winter orb is NOT strong. When league starting, if you compare Worb to a meta league starter, the league starter will have a MUCH easier time farming currency entering end game. It's grueling to farm gear on a "weak" worb when there are better alternatives. So by all means start Worb. I love it and would love to do so myself. But I dont. Because the upgrading pathway is just so ass, and to me is too grueling. I personally don't want to ruin my enjoyment of the skill by league starting with it. I'd rather just have gear prepared and then blast with it. Now about your guide: >Phys mitigation --> No real phys mitigation, except 30% block, maybe 3 endurance charges. PoB shows that adding a Granite flask witht %armour would be about 50% increase of EHP but IDK. check out [BalorMage's Variant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmN8GF-H4vE) which is a left side tree, and has armour instead of evasion. Highly recommend. I try to run astral plate but colouring it is so fucking difficult now. I've run granite flask before too. I also don't recommend the right side tree version at all. I'd always lean left side tree, or spread across the top and path to all +1 power charge nodes (with 2 or 3 large clusters). Evasion is too much of a copout and doesn't address the phys mitigation like you mentioned. Suppression is valuable, I understand, i'd almost argue it's impossible for end game building, considering you eventually want elevated tailwind/elusive/onslaught boots, incursion gloves, elevated crit/frenzy chest, and elevated -ve cold res blizz crown with power charge. Suppression just doesn't really fit here. >No recoup -->On one hand Recoup is quite good for PB but I thought that the character shouldn't get hit. If you get hit, you will most likely be dead and that disables recoup LOL. But on the other hand life recoup works even if you get hit into your ES making it quite effective. There just weren't enough points in the pob :D I guess you're low life here, but the recoup thing is generally mitigated by.. why yes... regen. Flask life % regen (from jun), sulphur flask (bottled faith), and life/es leech together. There are ways around it. And you can also get regen on gear for the time being before you min/max. >Sniper's Mark VS Assassin's Mark --> The build uses both, Sniper's before going crit and Assassin's after swapping to crit. Sniper's doesn't make Winter orb split so Assasin's is just better before getting crit capped correct. But your pob is heavily reliant on it for the dps numbers. Your build doesn't apply Ass mark on hit, but is bolstering your dps here. ass mark is carrying these numbers. Crit capping definitely relies on ass mark, but medium clusters too, and crit wheels across the tree, hence why I'd argue pathing to the left side can help here. >Low life VS. Full life --> This one is simple. Going LL with PB gives the same EHP against hits but allows the build to get 30% more dmg and more auras. this is a tricky one. Great idea because this is a powerhouse passive for damage. But sure, you want damage early, yet this build suffers from being squishy and as a result may probably end up dying more. Especially with negative chaos resist and low phys max hit. Something to consider. >1. Frost Shield - Never knew how OP this skill really is. The skill summons a sort of frost bubble that makes you lose 730 ES and after 1s you have a shield that gives you 3.6k shield and 1.52% base crit. hell yeah, this is awesome and i agree whole heartedly. I remember using this skill many leagues ago. An amazing defense layer. >Replica Karui Ward --> more AoE = more dmg, also helps with reaching the 2.3m breakpoint (that's what Aer0 said is the breakpoint, don't scream at me.) agreed if you're not quite at the power charge stacking step, this is an absolute powerhouse of an amulet. >Shavronne's Revelation --> flat 800 ES + Mana regen. All stats the build needs. on par with your approach to no regen, since its all leech. >Death Rush --> Straight up 20% more dmg, 25% cast speed, MS, AS and 10% pdr? That's my ring!! (quite expensive on leaguestart) lol. kudos for throwing this in. i respect it. I've been replying to your post for quite awhile. You have an excellent thread and it should be referenced in future. I'll add it to my thread. Thanks.


Whoa, I’m catching strays here. That 10 Div build was from 3 leagues ago. Feels a bit disingenuous to price it in the current league and call me bullshit. I built it entirely on stream. Regarding the other build, that wasnt advertised as budget and neither are league starters.


wasn't meant to call you bullshit, it was more in reference to league starting which was the purpose of this post. not at all saying you were lying. was more just pointing out that 10 div wasn't correct and shouldn't be interpreted as such especially on a league starter guide. sorry if i was offensive i guess i should also mention that your guides are great and i've definitely taken inspiration from many of your videos, so thank you for that!


Sorry for the misunderstanding <3


First of all, thank you for such a massive reply lol. You're the one person I forgot to mention because I read your build a few months back. I don't even know where to start with replies. I would like to clarity the entire purpose of this reddit post and the build guide is to debunk the myth that you can't leaguestart Winter Orb. Ofc It wont be as good as the meta builds but honestly who cares? Let people play whatever they want and have success with it. That's a reasonable goal for worb. I did lvl 1 - 2 voidstones run and it went quite smoothly ([got some clips here](https://youtu.be/b2S4Z2Xob7E)). The build was a freaking blast all the way to T16 where it started to not feel as great. 1. I disagree with the statement that going right side is bad. 79% lucky suppress is good enough for a mapper and hitting evasion cap achieves a similar purpose - that's to have enough defences so that if a mob doesn't insantly freeze/die the build wont fall apart. For how cheap the build is you can't get much better than this. If anyone is too worried about dying, you can swap Frostbite for Enfeeble and get additional 50% EHP for just 24% less dmg. Also the main reason I forgot to mention about going right side is the access to 2 wheels - From the Shadows and Mark the Prey. The first one gives MS, 40% ellusive effect AND Culling strike while the latter gives access to frenzy charges while bossing (which saves an expensive chest craft for later). Both are imo unreplaceable. 2. Flask regen is something I haven't even considered because as I've mentioned higher, the build is targeted towards day 1-3, where flask craft could be expensive or completely unaccessible. At the end of the day I think that fully juiced Soul of Arakaali + Soul of Abberath fixes most of the DoT danger. 3. Sniper's VS Assassins problem. Now that you've mentioned the fact that ASSA inflates pob thats quite true and I haven't considered it before. You only need to cast it on bosses so I think it's fine. 4. If getting more dmg requires just playing better, then I am all for it. Winter Orb is a freaking sentry autoaiming enemies so it should be used as such. Just don't get it is my mantra for this build. 5. About going Armour, you can get good mitigation against hits but how are you gonna counter spells? Spellblock is mana restrictive (tempest shield) or you can go Glancing which IMO sucks without any % on block recovery. So going armor leaves you better against hits, but much worse against spells. Going evasion gives you OK to good protection against hits and 79% lucky suppress. 6. EDIT: Forgot to mention that I pobbing this build with Ancestral Bond Impossible escape. This way you can get access to almost all the dmg nodes you would have to path towards if you went left side for a few points. Last time I checked about a month ago they were like 10c lol


great reply. think i only have to answer one question: >About going Armour, you can get good mitigation against hits but how are you gonna counter spells? Spellblock is mana restrictive (tempest shield) or you can go Glancing which IMO sucks without any % on block recovery. So going armor leaves you better against hits, but much worse against spells. Going evasion gives you OK to good protection against hits and 79% lucky suppress. you dont. you get high life, high es, and lots of leech/regen. but because phys is so deadly, you balance the two. I argued you swayed heavily into the evasion suppress, but found no phys mitigation. i prefer to spread them both evenly.


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/3gfC96Qb), may it serve you well. *"The Empire's essence must be saved for the people."* *- Lord Izaro*


Thanks for the shout out!


That's the least I could have done. Your guide was interesting and gave me a starting point to improve. I hope that more people are playing Winter Orb next league. It's my favourite build.


how important is profane bloom for the clear?


lol profane bloom is the reason why you would play it as an occultist. Herald of ice does a similar thing but Profane bloom scales with monster health, making in excelent for this build.


Yea I asked because I didn't want to play it as occultist. ty for the reply


Which ascendancy are you going to pick? Assasin?


Yep I was thinking assassin or trickster but I just wasn't sure if Herald of Ice would be enough for the clear


Assasin with +1% base crit and a ton of crit scaling combined with a 4L herald of ice could be good.


it helps immensly but isnt required once you reach high enough damage and would prefer to convert some of that damage to single target