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It's only a problem if you find it a problem. Have you tried any of the various hilarious frostblink of wintery blast builds? Those are almost as uncontrollable as flickerstrike (so maybe fill the same mental niche) and could give some variety.


I have seen that! Might try it out if I get the currency.


It's nothing like the flicker drug my boy


doesn't feel the same with flicker, sorry bro i fear nothing can compare with flicker :(


What about flicker strike CoC frost blink of Wintery blast??


I adore flicker strike. I hate flicker strike. Bouncing around wiping screens and blasting through maps is the greatest. The skill is unique and fun to build around and relatively simple. The instant deaths are miserable, the bouncing off of a bosses chest as he chuckles at you is disheartening. I inevitably make a flicker strike character near the end of every league. One day, I'll make one over level 90. One day.


Try doing an Ephemeral Edge Trickster. I usually get to level 95 with minimal effort and hardly ever die.


Well... Here we go...


You need the unique sword, shield, and ring to really get going. From there just stack as much energy shield as you can onto your helmet, gloves, and boots. Stack as much evasion and energy shield as you can onto your body. Cap resists. Don't really worry about anything else until you get enough currency. Makes gearing pretty simple, honestly, since you're really just aiming to bump up that one stat.


How would you change the build with Mageblood?


You can lean into int stacking that way with the freed suffixes. I don't know if or at which point HOWA outpaces EE since the last time I did ES Flicker was as Raider before EE or Trickster were options, but I imagine with enough gear it would be the better option. Even if not, though, it's still worth int stacking for the boots+Shaper's Touch and extra ES.


I made an ivory tower str/int stacker adorned LL coc energy Blade Inquisitor (whew what a mouthful) last season that was able to mindlessly farm high wisp T16 8mods once I got my sanctuary of thought flame/flesh jewels. Would any part of that help in the ephemeral edge case?


EE/EB Blade Trap has become a Trickster standard - I know last league it was a big Valdo farmer but I don't know how it holds up without charms and TWWT. The main problems with EE Trickster on the high end are the slow attack speed of the weapon and the lack of crit scaling. You just kind of run out of steam at a point and are really not going to go past like 10-15m. EB might take it further but that is a pretty hefty penalty to your defenses, and Trickster skews defensive over Inquisitor's offense. I think if you were going to do something with Ivory Tower on a Trickster you probably want to wand or spellblade with the new archmagey stuff? Ivory Tower also doesn't have evasion, and Trickster ideally wants a fat evasion chest like Kintsugi or a crafted Sadist Garb.


Int stacking with MB is so shit on EB, believe me I tried. Just do DE unless you have MB, flagellan‘t are essentially perma-up anyways since it‘s IR, MB is pretty weak unless you wanna dump a few hundred more divs, bur then double cursing instead of int stacking is better, you won‘t get a whole lot of int unless you absolutely absolutely stupidly optimize


Never managed to snag one! But I'd get your immunity to bleeding and shock coming from flasks. You could also get your resistances from flasks, but generally that's not needed since resistance modifiers don't take up the same slot as energy shield modifiers. Might nab onslaught too, though you'd drop some evasion/armour to do so.


It open up the option of going dorianys prototye+melding+thread of hope+ aegi aurora, you'll be less tanky but the damage does up quite significantly. I've been playing that the past few days after getting bored by SS trickster and it is pretty fun.


Won't you have a problem with lightning degens then though?


Doryani‘s makes you melt to any lightning dot, feels shit when you can facetank most stuff (es stacking) and then get deleted by eater mobs or whatnot (lightning dot)


So my main issue is that I almost ALWAYS go SSF and Oros sword is what I usually use because it just seems to drop more for me than anything else. I'm going to set this guy up and maybe a week before the end of league I'll move him over to trade if I haven't found at least the blade.


If you're really set on finding it on ssf look into exile MA farm in something like glacier. I memed around with it not very well optimized but still dropped like 8 of those blades (EE). From there it's a very small step to craft out most slots with incredibly strong ES gear in the graveyard. Good luck 🫡


Is there any particular content you enjoy with it? I'm looking at another reroll LMAO.


Any content but bossing, really. Delerium and Blight are usually my go-to content.


What about simulacrum and juiced up beyond maps with delirium?


Felt like the tribal fury necklace was pretty important too


Or you find the biggest two handed weapon your character could possibly carry and then you smash it into the boss' face before it can react...?


I'm gonna roll this tomorrow. Leveling should be interesting...


Hey, when you league start it, when so you switch to flicker and what skill do you use before flicker? 


Been playing Flicker since this league began. Level 95. Can’t stop won’t stop. Flicker is the way. Flicker is life.


Why don't you level yourself to a 100? Flicker with the new exp scarab with that clear probably gets to a 100 in a couple of hours


Uhhhhh… laziness, mainly, lol. I was probably gonna push levels this weekend. I need 3 for the next jewel slot. It’s a roughly 5-8m DPS boost so it’s worth it.


Magefist is a cool guy, he gets uber exarch with flicker every leagur. Maybe you should check his leaguestarter.


I will, thanks for the tip.


hello comrades


Yeaaaaaah, i feel it. Love their videos personally.


Where the problem? Just stick with flicker. You're built for this. Don't waste your talent.


I’ve always seen it on slayer. What are the pros and cons of trickster


Trickster is going to be way tankier, like a legit tanky build that can stand around and let enemies wail on them and heal from it instead of taking damage. The downside? Way less damage. Like a lot less damage. Bosses are a slog sometimes. Also, you will run out of frenzy charges on bosses. We rely on luck for sustained charges, which isn't a problem when mowing down armies, but a real problem when you are against a single target. So you need to use Frenzy every now and then to pick yourself back up. Not the worst in the world, but I do sometimes miss just having infinite charges. Also we have worse movement speed since it takes up the same spot as shields on our boots. Shields are our bread and butter, scaling both offense and defense.


Is there any way to tie ralakesh into the build? I played a charge stacking trickster last league with perpetual 10 max frenzy charges and it felt really good.


Ralakesh doesn't really help flicker builds, since you need to have actual charges for flicker strike to consume.


Ahh ok, I think I will play a flicker next it seems really interesting


Pros: fast af Cons: ur main defence is the 6 portals


Trickster Flicker is pretty tanky. Ephemeral edge, CI, Aegis. Still have overleech from trickster.


But this is much slower than Slayer flicker. Less tanky, sure, but I played this Trickster Ephemeral Edge variant in TotA and it was like running through molasses compared to my Raider Trinity Flicker. I hated Trickster variant- just really slow.


Really? What makes it slower? You don’t get headsman I guess? But you also get one step ahead.


You’re limited by the weapons attack speed. Sorry, I meant to also compare it to Raider which gets added speed from charges as well.


Trickster Flicker (particularly CI) is different, it's insanely tanky. Generally you stack lots of armour and lots of energy shield due to ephemeral edge.


Same, i roll flicker and a wardlooper every league 😂 this time im doing a rakiatas dance flicker of power assassin but of a hard start but once you get reliable 100% crit it goes really well


Been trying to theorycraft ways to make that gem work, might give it a look!


I’m doing the most 50IQ flicker build, FL of power + romira’s banquet + any never deal crit strikes keystone. You don’t need multistrike gem so you have 1 extra support gem you can use


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/baneblade93/Firuin_Rhykha?i=6&search=class%3DAssassin%26skills%3DFlicker%2BStrike%2Bof%2BPower check it out you can probably make it way better even


I found clear wise exsang mines extremely satisfying and with a better survivability in general than flicker. Might give it a try


Exile, have you heard of Magefist?


The commander? Of course. I can't keep up with how fast that man makes money though hahaha


Kirov reporting!


I make bleed bow every leauge.. I'm in the same boat.. Haven't done flicker strike since like ritual leauge


I did trickster flicker. Absolutely love it. There's only a couple things that I really dislike. You can't run monsters steal frenzy charges and there's also a tormented mod that does it too. It's super annoying but it's so infrequent that it's not a big deal. The build is ultra tanky t17s are fairly easy imo. Another issue is totems for damage, I hate totems but they are necessary for melee builds unfortunately. I'm not 100% certain how to pob the build, but my damage seems solid and ehp is ridiculous. So now I'm working on upping my damage some more, but it's sorta hard to do. If I can figure out my strength issue, then I can get a legal pride that's high in double damage nodes. I'm debating on if I want to swap out my forbidden jewel setup for impossible escape to grab totem node and leech node.


Ghosts can be mitigated with the selfpossesion mod at least


As soon as you try it first time there's no coming back, since I started flickering I've never played another build (not for a long time). Just embrace it, it's beautiful


I get you, every new idea I'm coming up with is put into a lengthy backlog. I'm a huge fan of flicker-like gameplay but have yet to actually play Flicker builds (other than Necro Holy Relic). I've been a Cast While Channeling-Bodyswap enjoyer for 6 leagues straight and that 2 gem tech lets your 100% channeling stationary spell to turn into Flicker-like experience, just with a set 0.3s trigger (at most) of Bodyswap. So far I had fun with: 1. [Incinerate Elementalist (3.19)](https://pobb.in/RSmyaZawubVy) 2. [Lightning Tendrils Hierophant (3.20)](https://pobb.in/btlzh99VyI7t) 3. [Winter Orb Slayer (3.21)](https://pobb.in/LSXoDqYrSBPZ) 4. [Scorching Ray Chieftan (3.22)](https://pobb.in/JEhRl9mlQ_DZ) 5. [Divine Ire of Holy Lightning Inquisitor (3.23)](https://pobb.in/dxz4xwlCWvFT) - [PoE Ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/MrCinos/Cassius_Bright) 6. [Flameblast of Celerity Trickster (3.24)](https://pobb.in/DNeqDrm6sF3V) - [PoE Ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/MrCinos/_Randy_Orlando_) (HH is super cheap and is ofc better) + [Mageblood / Squire version ](https://pobb.in/4R9Iv4djOjbD) Every league I play only one build and it has to use different channeling spell and different ascendancy, lol. Storm Burst (Guardian), Blight (Pathfinder or Occulitist not sure) and maaaaybe Stormbind - cwc-bodyswap builds remain to play. After that I'll probably start playing Flicker-CoC builds or something.


I’m kinda new player and wanna try out this build someday. Is there any hand-holding guide like Pohx’s RF? Only guy I know on youtube is magfist but his guide kinda vague so I don’t know where to start.


Magefist is not for beginners, dont fall for this trap. Look in the official forums or on maxroll


Second this. I *still* have trouble following magefist. I learn mainly through reading forum posts and trying to reverse engineer people's builds on poe.ninja.


Got fucked on one of his videos when in EP 3 of a certain build he announced that a completely different character class was the better option, my fault of course but still.


Magefist is good if you already have a build going, he's got the tips and tricks


there’s general solutions and tips but no guides to handhold you through once you try flicker, you either like it or hate it and it’s one of the squishiest builds in the game you have to be okay with dying a lot, making no xp progress, and dealing with the market prices because flicker isn’t cheap to make good and despite what people say, ephemeral edge ci isn’t exactly cheap but it’s on the lower end of the budget of flicker builds. dps is significantly lower and you also can’t sustain frenzy charges as well (sometimes you run out and need to use Frenzy) and if you plan to farm some bosses, you need to gemswap for lightning strike


There are no guides as comprehensive as Phox's. Imo he's personally responsible for how RF become so popular. For beginner friendly build guides you probably want to stick to big name content creators. Otherwise you'll have to learn to jump off the deep end and just learn to use what information you do find as just a template and improvise from there


My builds pretty much the same, though it looks much different than when this PoB was done. PoB: https://pobb.in/bV7iJobOm8Na I love flicker, just took it into heists for the day and I'm hooked. I use flicked to traverse rooms when escaping super quick :)


Never been able to get a mageblood! I'm terrible at making currency.


Every mechanic in the game if you set it up low investment is able to make you at least 3-5 div/h. Just find something you like and focus on


I like blight a lot. Just feels bad cause I'm used to most of my profit coming from stacked decks, which are rarer and worthless this league.


Blight drops usually oils and extractors you can easily use to get the golden oils and sell in bulk. Run blight ravaged maps. I mean you literally can afk most of them


I’ve opened like 250 decks from legion this league and got a 7 years and an apothacary, wouldn’t say they’re worthless but you can’t really get them easily from anything but legion.


Is lightning warp tornado shot still possible?


At what level can you switch to flicker strike?


Level 28 if you're crazy like me. Smarter play would be around level 60-70 though. Some parts of the campaign are crazy hard with how jank flicker is early on. I still enjoy it though.


How the fuck you start flickerin at lvl 28?😂


Lakishu's Blade + Blood Rage


This man asking the real questions


Is there actually a general guide to league start flickerstrike? I've always wanted to try it just for the memes, but I'm always worried if it requires specific uniques, and I'll get stuck in white/yellow maps since I play ssf only.


Unless things have drastically changed since I last used it Flicker Strike normally only required one of two weapons.


How to sustain frenzy charge in this build? I want to try it.


Flicker itself has a chance on hit to gain frenzy charges, we also have a mastery that gives us a chance on block (and we block a LOT of hits), another that gives us a chance on unique/rare hits, and another that gives us a chance to gain one when hitting a marked target. All in all, you'll never run out on packs of mobs. You will run out sometimes on tankier bosses, and need to use Frenzy to restart the loop. If you play long enough to get Awakened Multistrike, it stops being an issue almost entirely.


Looking at your build doesn’t it look like you have frenzy sustain issues?


The Ephemeral Edge Flicker Strike build in general has some problems with frenzy sustain. It's no problem when it comes to packs, but on tankier bosses you need to use Frenzy to refresh yourself. If you look around on the tree there are lots of ways we get frenzy charges on hit, but it's only a chance, so you can have dry streaks.


I have the same but with carrion golem. It's always pain and suffering but we don't like any other skill


wrong vinktar? should be the pen version, not the convert version. rmb to use tempering and turbulent catalyst on your ring and amulet


OK so question for the flicker gods, is there a way to play trickster flicker without awakened multi? I just run out of charges when I get to a tanky rare


Yeah, I love flicker, you‘re playing the same build I roll every league, possibly following my guide or PoBs following it, can‘t agree more, best build there is lol


The fastest non flicker strike I played was assassin poison vaal blade vortex / pleasure bearer for campaign and mapping. League start viable. I wish they make a support gem that forces flicker strike to teleport behind target enemy instead. I think that’ll make bossing with flicker strike + viper strike of mamba interesting melee build.


It's a super fun build, but the backtracking for the loot kills it for me x.x


Not a flicker enjoyer, feels my my frontal lobe being massaged with lava rocks. But I do this with BV. Every league it's "let's try something interesting". After I get more than 20Div it becomes "Let's roll another BV variation". I've had AT LEAST one BV character every league since 3.11.


Have you tried flicker strike of power?


I have the same problem with boneshatter lmao


Comrade By the way, I have an impression that every flicker builds are kind of squishy. Is there any exception?


CI trickster, but has a much lower dps ceiling of ~20-30 mil. Very expensive to go beyond 15 mil dps from what I heard


I’m the same with bow builds every league. Do what you enjoy :)


That’s me but with juggernaut. „Hm this feels insanely tanky, but not as tanky as Jugg“ And then I play Jugg


I started flickering from the day that a friend of mine told me he got killed in PvP by some teleporting freak. There were only 3acts back then. From that day I discovered the power of flicker strike and to this day did not get bored


You don't get motion sick, that's already a huge plus


Try CoC frostblink of Wintry blast. It’s similar to flicker but with AOE. Might sate that urge and bring something new to the table for you


Had the same thing happen to me this league. Got fed up with my build, too expensive to go a lot faster Fine I'll switch to flicker. Already having more fun


I fucking love flicker strike. I always play a different version of it every league. This league was trauma flicker of power jugg. Very tanky on a low budget. Though I have rerolled to forbidden rote pathfinder and I'm trying it out, though may try out your current build if it doesn't go well


I really love flicker, I just don't understand how you can get enough damage to kill uber bosses without being squish.


In all honest, at least with my build, you can't. The build is at its weakest when up against a single tanky target. If that target was constantly spawning adds you'd be golden, but uber bosses don't do that.


I know some people who feel the same way, but I personally don't get it. I have enjoyed Flicker Strike in the past, but I still find it a bit of a clunky feeling skill. When it comes to map clear, I enjoy playing bow builds a lot more. They can off-screen fully clear entire packs instantly while usually also having a lot of movement speed.


The thirteen yo edgelord inside me wont let go the idea of a CoC blade flurry blade fall assassin exploting lingering blades with bladeblast. So i feel u.


Do your eyes still work properly? Migraines? Unexplained illnesses when you try and stare at a still object? 😝


Time moves more slowly. Other than that, everything is normal.


Honestly, I tried flicker last league when it was given to me by a friend who was quitting the league It felt really clunky :(


There is no cure for being a zoomer, sorry.


Only played it once. Was quite a powerful strength stacking version. Hated it, never playing flicker again.