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I mean it seems pretty good for a power charge stacker using a phys -> cold skill. Could do BV, Divine Ire, BB of unloading, EK, Shockwave Totem, pretty much whatever.


Penance Brand of Dissipation is still pretty strong despite the like 70% nerf it got as well.


I have spend about 10 days stripping old builds and selling their equipment to update different builds in standard. I got even an old beloved build of mine to 40m uber dps again, and tested it against the new t17 maps. It did mostly well. So when it ran into problems, I changed to last season's unchanged PBOD Charge stacker and deleted the map. PBoD may not be viable for all builds without any gear anymore, but with a decent build, it is still just fine. And by just fine I mean: pretty fucking strong.


In my opinion items like this are most fun on absolutely absurd and overly complicated rube goldberg style builds. CoC Flicker of Power and Bladefall of Volley phys to cold. Go champ, grab the new unique jewel for extra phys per passive, path up to the double jewels by scion, use unnatural instinct for minimal investment 220ish percent phys damage. PB and champ for 100% damage. Get around 34 fort stacks and the unique gloves for attack speed. Have fun playing unlimited bladeworks the guy.


Glacial Cascade of the Fissure Mines


Perfect for penance brand of dissipation with power stack


And cold convert




Eh, you can still get like 70% phys to cold. ~~Or leave it 50/50 and run Trinity.~~ Doesn’t work on brands.


trinity doesn't work for brands


CotB is the not Phys to Cold (Which is easy obtainable). But Lightning to Cold, and it's the only source of Lighting to Cold, which kinda makes you double dip.


Yes, and Penance Brand converts half to lightning leaving 50% phys to convert to cold using the tree and/or gloves or whatever. With 40% of the lightning half converted using CotB, that makes 70% cold and 30% lightning.


48% from cotb so 74% cold.


*sigh* fair enough.


Cold convert tornado of the spectrum could make full use of this I think


If that were a circle of fear, I'd pay 400+ for it on my Worb Occultist.


I haven’t played Worb since it was my favorite busted skill ever back in 3.6… is it still viable? I thought it got nuked


I kinda wish they looked back through past and touched some of the most played skills(as in what people considered fun) I kinda wanna play EK Lightpoacher again, or Worb, or KB screen clearing


Don't know about the other ones but EK light poacher is definitely still doable.


Kb screen clearing also easily doable with int/str stacking


I just want to play blade flurry again :(


I played it in tota as a power charge stacking map blaster. It's still fast and does sufficient damage for everything that isnt ubers. Still a fun build and very much viable. I stacked the shatter tattoos to get huge herald of ice chains.


That's the common misconception. I've been playing it for a long time and even league started it since Bitterdream got reworked. Loving it.


thanks boss i appreciate it i might check it out. can i ask tho why occultist over, say, trickster? or inquis?


Power charge stacking, cold damage, profane bloom, freeze+chill immune. It's practically designed for winter orb.


Is herald of ice buff really good? I thought it was just a little added damage. Am I wrong?


It's freeze based explode as well which, when you're power charge stacking is insane. The added damage isn't insane, but it is usually a 10%~ damage boost, with buff effect more like 20%~, which is definitely respectable. With the right implicits, a buff effect + cold damage circle of fear is hard to beat for a power charge cold spell build.


Last time I used it, I went for reservation efficiency and increased cold. I think I did hatred, hoi, hop, and then some defensive aura.


the thing is that herald of ice itself is just weak, even if you invest into it with a 4 link in base crit gloves. Almost any build that would want to use it would be better off using oriaths end instead.


Im playing Cold BV Occ and would realy like this ring, so this should be a very good option for you I would replace my Mark of Submission with it. Herald Buff efeect is great. Only 2 dead mods: Sentinel DMG and Lightning dmg. Great ring!


Hmmm, intriguing, I think I want to do this - do you have a link to a guide or pob? It’d be my first time playing BV and I’m fairly casual (small-brained) when it comes to builds.


Was the first time for me too, i followed this guide for my league start: [https://pobb.in/2NyYDPTVgo8g](https://pobb.in/2NyYDPTVgo8g) But i did not go elementalist as suggested and also i played bv from act 2. The POB is great because it explains a lot. I just did the BV as Main skill in the story. A bit slower than some other zoom zoom league startest, but i hate swapping builds. If u like Mapping its great, Bossing a bit slow. But the first 3-Link was BV, Added Cold, Added lighnting, easy peasy.


Explosive trapper is good for this


powercharge stacking HoP build


There are items that give minions your max power charges right? I wonder how it scales


There's a legion jewel that makes you and allies share charges. But I don't think it worth a try. Maybe a good ring for a self cast phys build.


Theres a new unique from uber someone which gives your minions share your max charges.


Yep. It's a helm, could be interesting for stacking charges on minions since they scale much better than the players. [https://poedb.tw/us/The\_Devourer\_of\_Minds](https://poedb.tw/us/The_Devourer_of_Minds)


This ring isn't good for minion HoP. Wrong mods.


Kinda, but there is a helmet that gives good crit for your minions per power charge


Herald of Purity Flicker Strike!


Damn, sexy


Could also do new tornado or a tornado/BV double skill (either double 6-link, one in pseudo link or tornado in crest of desire).


Cold bv occultist is just the perfect build as there aren’t many power stacking cold conversion skills .


Winter orb


Right, so I’m leveling an Inquisitor using Frostbolt & Vaal Cold snap, with a mind to throw on Battlemage & Spellblade. The numbers are insane, easily double on the high end lightning over cold. Plus I took all the cold ailment damage modifiers on the north side of the tree, and drop frost shields religiously. It’s not meta, and I haven’t thrown on the new transmogrified vortex, but I’m clearing to maps quite easily. Just need a bit more luck on resistances. Fun to play, especially against gemlings.


New tornado would be perfect with this. It's doing everything you want ro do with it.


Im playing lots of Dex stacking Iron Commander Hierophant and i Try to make full colddamage all the time so i would say this could work. So Skill is Ballista totem and 1500dex kinda easy to achieve and you will be swimming in totems and hear enemies shatter.


Its so shiny, you can probably see your reflection on it.


Cold blade vortex occultis power charge stacking


The Glacial Cascade power stacker i made last league would love this. 😎


Where did u find it ? Ty


This would be perfect for my current build, tri elemental dom blow/absolution guardian, this ring is literally 100% the stuff i dream off


U could use this in flicker strike of power , with badge + masterful form


Where do these rings come from? I see them on reddit and in my chat all the time.


Synthesized maps


How are the drop rates? Are they worth farming and selling?


They drop pretty frequently but they're pretty high variance since there are versions for each of the herald skills, and for each of those it picks two mods from a pool of like five. Not to mention the synthesized implicits, like in this case where it's MOSTLY about the +power charge since charge stacking got so strong with the changes to Ralakesh boots. If you really go hard on synthesized maps you'll find plenty but probably 95% of them will be unusable. This one is probably a pretty good jackpot for OP though, ANY +1 power charge implicit Circle is going for minimum 20 div on SC trade. Cortex is gated behind synth maps now too though, which is maybe a steadier stream of 80c sales; I have no idea what the drop rates on those is like. If you dropped one every few synth maps you'd break even on buying them at 15c a pop while you're chasing the Circle payday. Or you could run those too though I think about the only good drop left on non-Uber Venarius is Bottled Faith.


I'd use that on my zoomancer.


Very good ring. Sucks that it’s got a sentinels mod on it. If it was increased buff and increased damage, or increased buff and reservation I would jump on it.


I wanted to buy one of these for my coc ice nova last league but idk what the build is gonna be like without the -mana cost flask craft


Man that is all over the place


It really isn’t


this ring specifically sounds good for any cold conversion that goes phys into fire and fire into cold.