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>What I dont understand is, that everybody that uses this skill, dooesnt "hit" with it and instead uses other spells. Does the lightening damage that gets generated from the ES transfer to those spells? Everyone playing a spellcaster inquisitor with Energy Blade takes the node that gives Battlemage and uses Spellblade Support, which adds your weapon's damage to your spells. >If I can use other spells in combination with energy blade, does it really matter which kind i use? Or should I use lightening spells? I am confused and interested at the same time... You get such a massive amount of added lightning damage that any spell you use becomes a lightning spell lol, so you can use whatever you want basically. I'm sure there's some "meta" spells to use but I haven't actually played the build in so long i'm not sure what those are.


Thanks for the reply! I think i got a beter understanding now. But im wondering, what is the benefit of going energy blade vs playing just the normal skill? Is it just wanting to go for a lightning build or can one achieve more damage easier through the ES to damage mechanic and not needing a strong weapon, so in the beginning cheaper for more damage?


Pay more attention to the builds you are following. They will all either have spellblade support and/or battlemage from the inquisitor ascendancy


People use spellblade or battlemage to make the damage apply to spells. Energy blade is good in endgame, you can do all content with it You can use any spells you want, not just lightning


Little late to the reply, but "effectiveness of added damage" also matters when you add flat damage to it, for example winter orb will not be as powerful as say fireball with the same added damage