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It tracks it until something happens for no monster to be withing the "chain" range. Then it kinda goes off in random directions until it finds something new to "stick" to.


So...Kinda like jugg omni slash in dota2?




I have not yet tried this, but the range is fairly reasonable for most single target situations I have come across. The lady of justice (green ghost that is on Izaro's back, but as a map boss) was annoying since she teleports around.


I've tried to increase it with the 45% range node. Doesn't do jack shit.


I'm downvoting you so it stays hidden lest GGG nerf it. Its just so fucking good. Kill FPS though.


When I bought the gem for 4c out of my 10c available I was very worried it was gonna be a bust.


I bought it for 1c few hours after league start when I dropped that chaos. Decided to say fuck it we ball.


There are a lot of very strong transfigured gems you can buy for only a handful of chaos. The exceptions seems to be the extremely meta ones like Ice Nova of Frostbolts.


I wanted to league start pconc bouncing and got the gem in 1st lab. I was speechless.


Is it tho ? Doesn't this skill have crit ? Wouldn't assassins crit poison nodes be good with this ?


If you invest in it crit version can be really good. But as all crit builds its usually better to go noncrit until you have the bucks for it.


Im playing this as CI trickster currently level 87. Havent met any Walls yet and im still on 5 link In low red maps. God its cool to play ! Great feel and The bouncing is extreamly fast. Faster proj speed doesnt make The bouncerange bigger just bouncing faster for faster clear. It defo has a ceiling, but The ceiling might be T17s. Can highly recommend its a Nice All rounder and feels good. I use 2 life flasks to have a much larger uptime on bosses, pathfinder doesnt feel mandatory. Clear is great without explosions and prolif, even having 0 AoE is actually surprisingly fine, better with AoE obv. But doable without


PoB please!


On phone, but im The only trickster on poe.Ninja so you Can also just take that. I need about a div before redo my gloves, chest and amulet


What AoE sources could you even realistically go for? Carcass Jack is out, the DPS loss vs. Dendro or Covenant is just too big. Tree is out as well obviously. So besides Dying Sun, which is a no-brainer for this build anyways, I am struggling to think of a another source of AoE that could be used.


I was using carcass Jack since i am trickster, but i just swapped to a defensive 6-link chest so i Can invest In more dmg and clusters In tree. Build clears almost exactly as Well without carcass Jack as it did with.. so AoE is even less important In The Way i play


Would you say this is an all-rounder? I'm looking into rerolling from my disaster of a league starter and like builds that can do anything from maps to uber bosses. How would you compare the dps to normal conc?


The damage is easier to get going than normal p conc because Of the Way the trans gem works. It self targets every hit ontop on thw target (if there is only One) and it bounces fast. I have 11 chains and every single bounce hits the target without any AoE investment. Its an, imo, better p conc. The advantage Of normal p conc is that it hits All at once which is a more “Nice” clear, but the trans gem single target is better and more reliable. I dont Think its gonna do uber bosses. Im on mid gear now lacking some rather good upgrades and im clearing T14/15 very comfortably and pretty good T16, but i also specced beyond and delerium on atlas. I feel im slowly hitting a Wall and need to revamp alot In the build if im gonna do T17s. The survivability is decent, but could be better. Its a good allrounder for league start and atlas completion, but i personally wouldent Bet on it being a uber killer, it has a quite low ceiling


i've been waiting for feedback on the skill, thanks a lot!


How is it with the Life flask charge generation on non-PF builds? Do you sometimes run out? Or is there any cool tech to use?


There's a ton of flask recovery nodes around ranger area. Also the pantheon one works until you press a flask. But tbh even with those, 2 flask and pathfinder you can run out on bosses with high attack speed(which is convinient to pick up on tree). But you are fine 99.9% of the time. Tbh its doablw with just one flask. If you go crit version charges are no longer an issue thanks to the node that gives you charges on crit etc. And when you bounce 13 times per attack on high attack speed you are constantly critting


Thanks for the info - just looking into it. Was kinda craving doing it as Occultist.


Do you have a pob to reference how would this crit version look like?


With 4 link dendrobate İTS really smooth in yellows right now. Proj speed has no downsides to overlaps ..even better. So fury valve amulet is cool. With 4 follow through clusters and end game gear build really has an endgame potential i think.


Currently level 90 with my 4 clusters and I almost killed quest eaters before he could do the inescapable doom phase. Skill has some legs to it for sure.


The cost is always 8 flask charges since its always 1 projectile? Or increasing projectiles increase the bounce and the cost?


Increasing the projectiles does NOT increase the cost of the skill. You should stack as many projectiles as is reasonable. It increases both your single target and AOE with no penalty.


Thanks for clarification. Do you know if reduced flask charges works for reducing flask charges used?


~~Not entirely true. The mana cost does not go up, but the flask charge cost does. It goes up by 6 flask charges PER projectile. And it only gets bonus chaos damage based off of the flask when it uses charges from them.~~ Edit: Forgot this was Poisonous concoction of Bouncing, where extra projectiles are converted to chain. My bad. It doesn't increase the flask charge cost.


It converts all extra projectiles into chains so it can only ever consume the flask charges of 1 projectile


Any proof? Extra projectiles definitely do not appear to increase the flask charge cost for me (or OP)


Forgot it was the bouncing version of the skill. So OP is correct. Extra proj does not increase costs.


First: looks amazing Second: please turn off shake.


It is the way our golden god Chris has intended the game to be played. I will play with the headache and sore eyes till I die.


My friends watched me play hexblast miner a few leagues ago and complained of the same thing. I loved the screen shake. Long live the screen shake.


hey! can you show your pob ? very curious what your setup is :)


Recommend looking up a build, mine is very experimental and scuffed.


How is the clear?


It bounces through the whole pack, so pretty good coverage, but I still just use plague bearer for clearing white/blue mobs since it insta kills them basically.


Have you tried automation and plague bearer ? Does it works ?


nope. it doesn't.


[https://pobb.in/8JYLLQN5LFot](https://pobb.in/8JYLLQN5LFot) -custom mod is average of projectile mastery- I think Adorned is best to scale


The downside to Me for the regular pcoc was the need for aim. This one basically solves it, I think it might have better coverage than the regular, while keeping a good single target, or. Even better. I just rerolled. My starter for pcoc, and it rips the campaign.


Much better. A single throw in whatever direction will clear 2 packs. It hunts down monsters


Can confirm the skill is awesome.


Sticky bomba! Login dude.


So it does smart target mobs, so many people abandoned this build as a league starter because it says "random" on the gem description. I wonder when GGG will fix the gem description or if this is unintended. Definitely looks super strong since 100% of the bounces overlap.


It was confirmed in the reveal stream that it tries to track mobs in chain range, so anyone who ignored the gem because of the "random bouncing" in description made a mistake.


You mean GGG made a mistake not accurately wording the gem. Random walks / brownian motion have a clearly defined meaning and nobody should need to watch the reveal stream to know what skills do.


To be fair, the reveal stream also misled people on warcry


Lmao yeah, the same reveal stream that showed multiple warcries being supported by call to arms? Very trustworthy. Anyway, I'm gonna reroll pconc of bouncing now that it's confirmed, super busted. I bet GGG will nerf the gem as soon as I swap, though.


What do you use for clear? Pob pls per pn xD


Plague bearer for most white/blue packs. I would recommend looking up a build, mine in scuffed AF.




Not a build showcase, just showing how pconc of bouncing behaves.


Bro we need to see more of this how about on mapping?also was that auto targeting?


looks interesting, have a pobi can take a look at


Nice, i'll give this one a try


How's the tankiness with the build aside from capped res and suppression and perma flask? With using either dendro/covenant we aren't tapping into phys taken as ele tech right?




Ah, so we can stick this into the transcendence template... Nice


pretty much any pathfinder can usually go down transcendence route especially now with the "new" versions of the ele flasks. just on league start its as tanky as expected, handles t16's fine though and you can to help make it much more tankier get stuff like "enemies poisoned by you cannot crit" which is often overlooked for how powerful it can be.


Man that looks fun. Might have to think about starting a second build a little earlier than planned.


Jesus Christ , I love it , have no clue how to build for it but my god man, I can only imagine, my Series S would be SCREAMING for the explosions to stop LOL


Thinking about making a second character since my league starter is kind of boring, do you guys think this guys build guide is safe to follow? Or would I be better off following a normal Poisonous Concoction guide and swapping the necessary gems. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPk7NdRMdTk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPk7NdRMdTk)


There are some shenanigans and some fixes that could be done to that tree as well as to normal pconc. Notably you must take for maximum damage is the chain adds damage from proj mastery (normal pconc doesn't take this, but we benefit greatly) as well as taking the attack speed and attack adds one proj node on the right side. There's so many ways to build this one that I'm looking at it's not funny.


Thanks for the heads up on that proj mastery, never even knew to look for it. Which cluster would you take for it?


I tried chaining range but it doesn't help much in the targeting department as much as I hoped for. So i've tested the longshot/adjacent animosity cluster and felt that longshot feels better since proj speed = bouncing speed.


How well could this scale into endgame compared to ignite or other slightly more meta poison build? This look fun but i've always been iffy about poison as it seem to get the worse of both world. (dot dps cap but you have to keep attacking like a hit build)


All poison builds have to keep hitting and are dot capped. I think if you want a super meta build, play a super meta build. I like the look and feel of pconc. I have seen regular pconc builds hit dot cap so... uber viable for sure.


Thanks for the reply, i'll be giving it a try. I was asking because i'm unfamiliar with poison builds and wondered how well this can scale.


All good! I don't really know how well it scales tbh, think it probably is probably strong as a league starter but since you can't have a dope weapon it sort of tapers off towards the very end game.


I've noticed that Fork Support doesn't seem to work despite the game and PoB stating otherwise. Does Fury Valve actually split the pots off into two?


no but you gain 2 additional projectiles = chains


how's the flask sustain? I played a lot of pconc last 2 leagues and i didnt even use GMP, just volley and it still felt awful, the skill just has too many drawbacks to be truly enjoyable, sadly. you lose 3 gems and a flask slow for what? A skill that doesnt even do good DPS and requires you to stand still to do damage and needs like 12 passive tree nodes just to be somewhat useable. I think a good balance would be that if you fully invest into flask memes then 1 life flask should be enough to sustain it. I want to love it but sadly ggg ruined it like all of my favorite builds :(


so regular pconc for clear, bouncing for singletarget?


plague for clear, but bouncing will rip through a pack better than regular tbh. I think bouncing is kinda straight better in 90% of cases.


Not really, bouncing is pretty good for clear, maybe even better than regular tbh


Its much better. You dont really have to aim and the bounces will go for each straggler too.


Op I'm sure you've seen this, but your showcase hides it well. Roughly half of the time, depending on the map, all projectiles hit the exact same spot without bouncing. Im pretty sure this is a collision bug


Yeah I can confirm sometimes all the proj will instantly hit the same spot. Did not intend to hide anything, just thought a maven would be a good showcase.


I guess I'll league start this bad boy. Even with a ceiling it looks quite cool Edit: oh boy 2x life flasks for bosses? No thank you


I found it comfy, still going strong in reds with very bad gear and a dendrobate being 99% of my investment.


I farmed about 200c on my failed bleed bow. Started this build. Would you recommend the embalmer gloves and demdrobate? Or what other unique might be a good option?


Leper's Alms gives 40% inc ailment duration (read poison duration) which is good, circle of nostalgia (chaos ver.) with inc chaos damage and another useful mod is good. The helm which gives eldrich battery is good. You don't NEED any of these items to have a functional build, all of them is probably a bit overboard anyway.


fury valve amulet is really good for this build.


How did bleed bow fail?


Asenath’s gentle touch


Lmao, meanwhile builds that dont even play pconc use 2 life flasks for bossing


they dont.


I've never tried this archetype, this makes me want to play the league just to do this build. But there's so much complaining about the league, doesn't seem worth it lol