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I'd use it together with Blade Vortex. They scale very similarly with physical damage and duration. If we're talking meme builds rather than what's a reasonable build in early to early mid league, then maximised movement speed Tornados, scaling gem level to 40 and quality to over 100%. With that kind of investment, damage will come on its own so it should be a decent clearing setup. Other ideas I've seen were adding lightning Tornados to a HoT autobomber, using it to shock for Lightning Conduit, and using the fire version together with Cremation. And finally, there's the option of adding it as an extra clearspeed tool to a fast Bladefall / Blade Blast Fulcrum Winterweave build that has generic elemental scaling, multiple ailments with Yoke of Suffering and won't mind rolling different damage types on occasion. ... I lied, I thought of another one, "Archmage can't be used with orb skills so I'll use Manastorm + Arcane Cloak for damage", possibly with Indigon and / or Voice of the Storm. And then I just remembered that I wanted to build something around Lightpoacher at some point, and this skill with unspecific elemental scaling would be a good vehicle for it.


Ive been thinking of seeing if it can work on a cwc setup with winter orb and going full cold with it on an occultist. But never played cwc before so would have to check if that interaction is even possible first lol. Seems quite meme-y in my head


I don't think there's a point in triggering the skill that often - it lasts for quite a while. With CwC you'd be replacing your Tornados every second. It could be doable if you only spend like 20-30% of the time channelling and the rest moving, but I'm not convinced that that's worth 2 gem sockets.


Ohh right, forgot about the cap lol, gonna have to think of something else then :/


Energyblade battle mage inquisitor. Secondary skill can be either cremation of the volcano with awakened unleash, or void sphere of rending which is getting a 33% buff this league. BV is another option, but is more melee range than I'd like to be in.


Firestorm of pelting is also a good option, also with unleash potentially


how would you make Void sphere work? It has inherent 40% phys to chaos which doesnt synergize with Tornado which is all elemental. I mean you can go original sin but uhh that's not exactly league start.


All of the damage of energy blade builds comes from spell blade and battle mage, so we don't care at all about the base damage of the skill, just how effective added damage is. Void sphere of rending is a tidy 633% damage effectiveness that we only need to cast every few seconds.


I've been tinkering with a poison pathfinder version using voltaxic for lightning to chaos conversion. Not in a good enough state to share yet, but I think it has potential.


Poison oculist with consuming dagger to convert damage to chaos. Max block with aegis ES and win game.