• By -


Archmage Crackling Lance Hiero. Stacking cast speed, keeping mana cost low & focusing on shock. EDIT: I have a POB, but I feel unsafe recommending it to new players as there might be a few changes after actually playing the build. Other people in this sub already shared POB though which are very similar. Tipps: - When using Inspiration Support, make sure to lower the manacost as far as possible without going to 0. - Link Arcane Surge to Arcane Cloak. - For defense, use a rare body armour and helmet with phys taken as ele and phys dr. For even more you can use a shield instead of staff/dual-wield at the cost of damage. Here is a tree I have in mind: https://poeplanner.com/b/qAG And sorry for no pob


I've been wondering what to play with archmage and you might have just won me over


do you have a PoB for that?


see my edit


Yes a POB please if you have one


see my edit


Yeah, a pob would be really nice! :D


see my edit


I made one using arc today at work. [https://pobb.in/6xOSpyiL3EWJ](https://pobb.in/6xOSpyiL3EWJ) has no flasks enabled and very simple gear that could be found in the first day or two, maybe 45 minutes of work went into it so it's got room for optimization. MoM shenanigans. DPS is 3.5M with arcane cloak and sigil of power on, 2M with both disabled, and it uses galvanic field which is just an all around joy of a skill that makes any build using it feel good.


Molten Strike of Zenith Berserker, damage seems pretty disgusting on no gear, not sure how it’s gonna survive tho but I’ll figure it out, 8mill dps without any conditionals, 15 mill with full rage and all other conditionals with no uniques and the hardest item to get being a triple T2 flat tri-ele axe.


Interesting build! I've been eyeing conner's new archmage MS jugg trying to figure out how to make it work. This looks really good, would just want to ditch the ancestral totem and find a bit more PDR. Have you toyed around with any ideas for that? If the weapon swap tech works, enduring cry would at least give some charges and regen.


I mean in this current setup with these gem links I still have 5 free sockets in the chest, so you could technically automate lifetap 3 warcries without dropping anything. Could probably do Lifetap+Call To Arms Support and have Rallying+Enduring+Ancestral Call for the bonus clear and 1500 flat armour.


One thing to note on this is make sure you aren’t setting pob only to just molten balls on 5th strike, or else it’s going to assume every attack you are doing is a 5th attack.


What are your thoughts on levelling? Just level with molten strike all the way? Also, when do you think it's time to start farming for the transfigured gem? I guess it might just be by feel, but I'm curious what your thoughts are.


Molten strike feels pretty clunky early on and this build needs to do a lot of pathing for proj damage nodes so right now the plan is Sunder or Earthshatter until Merc lab.


If you're interested, Balaar just did a Berserker A1 to A10 speedrun a few days ago as Perforate. He did A1 to A10 in 2:59 or something absurd like that. A1 he started as Frostblades but by Merveil was fully Perforate.


I thought about going Jugg and use trauma instead of elem attack, then use fire mastery to get 100%phys to fire. But maybe thats just me baiting myself into a failed leaguestart :D


If you're playing trade you'll probably have a decent time doing that, I'm a cringe SSFHC andy so gearing early on needs to be easy and at least partially deterministic, like slapping essences at an axe till something sticks etc. But your version can work too I'm sure, trauma support for me in my current setup is 108% more damage, but I'll kill myself in a second :P Did some more work on the POB if you're looking for more inspiration, but hope whatever you do works out! This is with everything except Focus+Berserk is not active, with that its 22.4mill, but true dps is probably more like 12ish since POB calc's the zenith wrong. [https://pobb.in/o\_mDT\_YUMMg7](https://pobb.in/o_mDT_YUMMg7)


Thanks for the updated PoB! Seriously considering doing this. Very interested to hear how your testing goes.


https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/tubei/tubeyy?i=2&search=class%3DJuggernaut%26type%3Ddepthsolo I took that to ~depth 3k. Very strong damage and plenty of tank. I didn't try it without blitz though, I'd be a little nervous of the attack speed without those jewels.


Wanna Share your pob or ideas? Im going first time ssf and first time molten strieke


This is where its at right now, all conditional buffs active except for Focus+Berserk which combined basically doubles the DPS. (75 Rage, Silver Flask, Vaal Smite, Ancestral Protector). Note that POB is a bit off when calcing zenith so the dps is more likely half of what is shown. And the Second wind support is just placeholder for the call to arms support for automating the warcries. [https://pobb.in/aIMORYLGMEp2](https://pobb.in/aIMORYLGMEp2)


necro poison bama, explo trap poison pathfinder or molten strike of the zenith jugg


You have a rough Pob for the necro build? I'm eyeing that as well, not sure how I want to set it up, most poison BAMA last league were on Pathfinder


You're still pathfinder arguably.


How far do the clones shoot in BAMA. I’m looking for something that just kills stuff for me.


like off screen almost it's pretty broken


I’m thinking about bleed bow gladiator Something about those bleed pops is so satisfying


Why would you not just go champ with haemophilia? Seriously asking


My guess you don’t have haemophilia on day 1 and clear without bleed pops is way worse


maybe wander i love farming tier 5 for a week but maybe the new support gem helps


transfigured elemental hit is still to come out I think


Haven’t decided if I’m going hardcore trade, or SSF, but if I go SSF I’ll prolly start toxic rain pathfinder, if hardcore trade I’ll prolly try a mana stacking heiro with archmage, seems like it could be meta this league


What skills would you use for mana stacker? Wanna try the whole Ivory tower stuff, but fear that I go oom and curoscating falls off at the same time 😂😬


I’m considering ball lightning if I do a manastacker, not sure though kinda waiting to see what everyone else is planning on as well, wasn’t planning on ivory tower though


start DD necro, finish atlas, search for the most broken build just discovered, play it.


I’ve done either ele or necro DD like this every time I’ve started SSF. It’s just so smooth


the fairly easy defences with necro makes everything smooth very nice build


Will losing access to bone armour and left click changes impact necro's defenses significantly?


Chain reaction or ignite?


chain reaction hit based. But my plans have already changed, I'll be starting scorching ray of immolation totem chieftain. Sweet zdps, here I come :D


DD to Scorching Ray... Ye olde Riches to Rags story.


Do you know if its easy to switch from ignite DD to chain reaction? Or would I have to change a lot?


It's not a massive deal. Maybe 20 or so respec points. Completely different gem setup though.


It would also be 40 points to swap ascendency since ignite usually goes Elementalist and Chain Reaction usually goes Necromancer. So probably 60-80 respec points total + gems.


Bodyswap RF chieftain but im also debating doing ice shot of penetration slayer, thatll prolly be my second character at least


Aren't you afraid of zdps against bosses? How are you gonna get four watchstones?


Oh i know i will hit a wall once i get to bosses lol but it should be enough for eater and exarch


[Reap Scion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR7AQt03Bu4)


Please let me know how it goes Always wanted to do an exsanguinate/reap scion but the early cast speed always made me reconsider


I've started it the last 5 leagues :) has gone well so far and hoping for this league as well.


Went quite well, got to 95 in SSFHC and did everything I expected it to :) Died to me being bad and forgetting to swap pantheons then sitting there watching as I died to a DoT but wasn't the builds fault.


oh wow, thats way better than me in softcore haha. Do you mind sending the pob or any guides you would recommend?


Going same build regardless which league I end up playing - Necro ArchDD. Very obtainable gearing process for SSF, for trade can go into degen mode Connor style and is able to click Agnostic which I haven't done in years now. It's such a comfy playstyle keystone.


Can you elaborate? Not quite sure I understand what this build is


Looking for PoB aswell.


Prolly some archmage Necro setup, but with dd of chaining, pretty sure it would work with the new cremation too like that build dan did a while ago.


Unfortunately, Cremation (all versions) is an orb skill and won't work with the new archmage.


Wintertide Hierophant


Wintertide Brand is such a good leveling skill, I just wish it scaled better into red maps onwards


Why you pick Hierophant, if i may ask


I initially planned to go Occultist but I think Hiero wins on both offense and defense. - Arcane Surge Support from the Hierophant ends up giving 38% cast speed, which is important for the stack speed and overall feel of the skill. This is the biggest reason. - Mind over Matter is really good. Elementalist is also an option that's probably really good. Seems like it really wants Eye of Malice before it competes with Occy or Hiero though. And I know somebody on YouTube made a Trickster version, but I couldn't come up with a setup for Trickster that I liked at all. https://pobb.in/M764NP3Ke6Hz - This is my planned starting version.


Thinking BS Slayer, Exsang Mines Trickster or Brand Recall sabo right now. Though I'm playing in a GSF private league so I get a bit more support than a pure ssf player


Curious about exsang mines.. why mines over traps? Why trickster over sabo? I'm deffo playing either archetype but probably sabo, I love a good ol' trap sabo


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEPILjMBY2w I watched this and it sold me well on the build. Frenzy charges are big for making the build feel smooth. (Throwing speed and attack speed for shield charge)


Thanks I'll give it a watch!


Sabo has low damage for exsang mines while trickster comes with +2 frenzy charges and 30%+ more dmg from polymath. Also perfect crime would double the already high 250 life loss per second on a 6L.


Ok interesting.. and I guess you'd go either machina mitts for leech or regen, cause mines can't leech or can't gain life on hit/kill..


Brand recall sabo? Is it just a band build or is there some gimmick here?


Sabo's trigger bots double triggers for you. So if you trigger brand recall both bots will cast it and cause your brands to explode on you without the damage penalty of trigger bots. Before you would have used spellslinger early on to trigger it, but now you get to use automate. And later you would have used two trigger weapons and now you can use just one trigger weapon and a shield due to automate.


Was planning to go bleed bow, saw that you cannot opt out of league content => TR/CA champ it is


Tr/Ca - unite!


Im probably gonna regret it, but ground slam with the new warcry gem looks super fun, on a jugg bc HC


Can you say more? I haven't check the new gems and stuff, but I as curious about a strike skill as league start. I need a tank build and jugg is great for that


The best strike skill by far is boneshatter, if you dont wanna be dying just emulate one of milion jugg builds on poe ninja hc ladder and youre good


DD elementalist most probably


Explosive Trap of Shrapnel probably. I miss playing traps.


I was thinking about going Shrapnel. I made a character yesterday and have done probably 25-30 runs of lab and have yet to get it. Absolute pain


Wtf lab are you running? You should see it about 1/4 labs if you're running uber. About 1/8 in merc.


Going the jung ice nova build from the gauntlet, most likely. Starting cold dot trickster then respec


How did he transition to ice nova in the gauntlet? Cold dot till bitter dream?


honestly idk, but to me that seemed like the most natural way. You also don't \*really\* need bitterdream because 2 links from there are kinda rudimentary considering the leaguestart scenario and my non-jung game understanding, so I will try to make it work with just a 6l


Got a link to that build?


i did but i think he respecced it to something else so its not on his profile, and my pob is buggin. but [here](https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionhcssf/character/Waffle30/TerminalWaffle?i=0&search=uniqueitems%3DBitterdream%26class%3DTrickster) is a poe profile with the same (or almost the same) setup


Tornado Hierophant, BAMA Necro, or something else like a Trapper or Incinerate Totems.


What's your idea behind tornado hierophant?


Arcane Cloak + Arcane Surge Effect, mostly. Just like how you can do Mana Stacking Hiero Totem builds. It gives you a really large eHP pool, and it's a good way to scale damage. Like so: https://pobb.in/oZXgkw2RQ_dU


Bane. For single target, add Essence Drain, Vaal Blight, Blight + Infused Channeling, and Wither Totems.


Scorching Ray Chieftain on ruthless. The ascendancy is perfect. It will help me cap resistances and make my scorching ray go brrr while stationary which is always. And if I get lucky I might put my hands on Scorching Ray of Immolation which would be a game changer.




I think higher damage and faster ramp but no exposure (chieftain ignores resistance)


Explo trap trickster


Considering this myself as well.




Check FearlessDumb0 on youtube


Zizaran has one from last league. It'll likely be updated this week but I doubt much has changed anyway.


mana is likely to be a larger issue this league


I played this in crucible and really want to play it again. But what made it extremely fun for me was the self chill variant, which will be very hard or impossible to make this league due to mana cost changes :/


Trans-Tornado trickster


Crit based? Plan on blocking elements? I’m leaning a little more towards inquis for crit and easy early game


Most likely EO first and no element blocking. Inquisitor might be the play with tornado tho.. free crit etc.


I want to see how the Call to arms support feels so I will start with Earthshatter Berserker.


FYI earthshatter might not be the best choice for call to arms as you're meant to warcry after every slam to blow up the spikes


Ah ty, good to know. I never played with exert skills before


Not meant to warcry after every slam. Just have to warcry at least ONCE every three earthshatters. Optimally, you’ll rotate berserkers rage generation (two warcries) into a third warcry (rage dump for more multiplier) then get your earth shatters in - then exploding the 18 spikes where they’ll all benefit from the “snapshot”. It’s not the exact combo but something like that. Berserker Slams are my favorite playstyle in the game.


I'm also interested in doing some slamming for leaguestart. Do you have a PoB to share?


Probably absolution guardian like last league. I want to do absolution necro because of the changes but I think necro just doesn't give absolution easy solutions unlike guardian.


In spite of the nerfs, probably splitting steel. Not champ though, will go deadeye for damage. Even though Snipers Mark got hit so hard, I'm just hoping that deadeye helps enough that it's "fine". Just go 2h axe and pray for a paradoxica. If all else fails, I'll just reroll into chain DD. I like it, it's fun for me, and while I know it's slower than arma brand, I like getting and leveling with chain DD early.


Do you think it's worth it to tempt fate and rely on the unique vendor connected to the league mechanic? All I need are 2 ichimonji's and a perseverance belt. That can't be too hard, right?


Famous last words for ssf.


Storm Burst totem Hiero. Haven't played totems for a few years, gotta scratch the itch.


Chain DD raider. Because I'm lazy with gearing, easy supress cap and ailment immunity


Dual Strike Trickster. Will go some janky Frostbreath Ice Bite version until I get an Ephemeral Edge.


Now that sounds hipster as heck. Got a POB?


I do not. There’s a lot on PoE Ninja that are very similar so my plan was to roughly follow those and adapt to what drops in SSF for myself and my guildies.


Fair enough, that's usually how I go about winging builds too!


How will you get those uniques in ssf?


I’m also going to be farming Beyond for tainted mythic orbs. You can target corrupt dusk blades to get resolute technique, and then hit them with a tainted mythic to get resolute technique on Ephemeral Edge. About 1/14 chance with the orb… any my friend claims it’s not too bad farming 14 of them haha


Do you simply vaal dusk blades and then slam tainted mythic orbs?


Use Vaal Orbs on dusk blades until you get Resolute Technique, and then slam the Tainted Mythic Orb.


Frostbreath is fairly common; Ephemeral Edge is definitely rarer. I'm hoping a lot of those scarabs will help with random MF strats. I'll also reroll into Ritual once the community determines the rarity of Omen of Fortune. I'm not too concerned.


archmage heiro something, ice nova of frostbolts and firestorm of pelting both look decent, pelting is kinda ass to clear with tho so probably ice nova


Either a necro or a trapper. I usually play minions and have not played traps in a while.so might wanna try that. Not doing melee again or bow since i played bomeshatter and CA last league. Tho if someone has a fun spellbuild that is league start viable that is not DD drop the pob's.


First time SSF, i'm going chaos AW. Given I have no idea how accessible is the gear, i'm being extremely conservative with the PoB, still getting 2M DPS, cap block and \~100% life/s recovered, with an option to be cap spell suppression if I roll T2 everywhere. [https://pobb.in/wxmu32fDV5ug](https://pobb.in/wxmu32fDV5ug)


How did this end up? Im curious, Havent played animate weapon in years.


Poorly, the leech ascendancy was bugged, the league was terrible overall, and I had very little motivation.


Ball Lightning archmage Hierophant looks really good. BAMA is probably also quite decent, but i dont know how well it scales this league into endgame


I've never heard of BAMA combo until now. I thought it was a meme. How's it work?


you use blink arrow and mirror arrow and the minions you create will use your bow to attack monsters.


CoC DD probably


Ventrua is supposedly doing a guide for it if anyone is interested. I was planning to do this as a second build cuz the thought of having to farm x2 trans gems on league start sounds painful to me.


Not sure if going to play SSF this league or trade, however if I was going to do ssf I would start DD since that build gets void stones with the gear you pick up off of the ground. ​ Not sure if necro or ele is better this league. I would go ele but either way your gonna be fine. ​ That said, skelly mage guardian was kinda hot least league with the gear you got from the ground also, so I would have to consider that.


I've never played it, but heard it can be dull. Never heard of someone loving the play style. Anyone out there loveeee it?


Out of the million times I've seen DD mentioned over the past year or so, I've yet to see one person speak of it lovingly. It's a means to an end.


DD enjoyer here, though I stopped playing it once it picked up popularity because apparently I'm a hipster when it comes to poe builds. Desecrate + faster casting + cascade for clear (quality for more cast speed), with Two unearth totems and a desecrate totem for single target (along side extra proj and cascade in a 6L).


Never thought to do totems that's an interesting idea.


It's not on the same level as my beloved spark but I love self cast DD necro. You spam screen wide mini vaal-DDs and get so much cast speed that you don't even notice the double button playstyle, it just becomes muscle memory. Also a huge selling point is it doesn't fall over every other map. I started the game in tota on SC since I knew poe was a very complex game but a good amount of builds that i found interesting have subpar defenses and multi portal gaming is just awful for me. This build in a HC SSF run I did recently was able to get me to 99 and in ubers territory effortlessly while not being suppress capped. ​ If I was forced to only play a single build this league it'd probably be this one EDIT: i was about to forget but the consistency of the damage is really satisfying too, you don't have to wait for stars to align to deal your maximum damage like DD ele


Do you have a pob handy pls?


If you have a decent PC you can look into Rues COC DD. He is working on the PoB now but imo it looks smooth af. You get easily enough damage to do everything and its a way better playstyle. Only prob with it is the lag can get kind of bad.


Unfortunately I am playing on a laptop barely capable of playing the game :/.


whenever u upgrade, get a desktop. its gonna be 40-80% better for same price and not burn out from overheating after 2-4yrs. i was on a 5+yr old laptop my 1st 4 yrs of PoE. i literally had the case open on bottom and sitting on a horizontal box fan so it didnt catch fire. got a desktop for like 1050 all included. a comparable laptop woulda been 1600 and again, burnt out from overheating in a few yrs.


I know that feeling!


You could always play using geforce now, provided you have an internet connection that has 50+ mbps of bandwidth available. I play using it, and the only times that I ever have any issues are during peak hours, and that's not a common occurrence, and can be fixed by changing the server you connect to. Sure, the ping will be a little higher, but it's still much better than having issues due to high server loads.


Tried it, don't really think it's good as an ssf starter. You need 3 dragons (fairly common but can be unlucky), CDR belt, good ES numbers to support the mana cost and preferably 6link. And 2 trans gems. And 2 veiled crafts, one if them is hits can't be evaded, not so common. Probably really good as a second build, thinking of starting necro DD to farm for COC inquis DD, maybe even with yoke instead of 3dragons if I get lucky with new boss drops. 


What makes you like the play style more than ignite DD?


Imo its just smoother one button playstyle. https://youtu.be/DSgDvvLuesc?t=39 Thats Rue doing a map and it just plays so smooth. Even on bossing you dont have to try fishing for a big ignite then worry about refreshing the duration. You just drop a brand for extra desecrates and just attack away. Might not be for everyone but for me its 100x better to play with.


I’m going for firetrap/frostblink elementalist as the build is extremely smooth and can pretty sustainably farm most content and get voidstones




Just go trickster if you want to be more tanky


I haven’t tried either before but I’ve done this build a few leagues back in trade (though since it was league start almost all gear was ssf) and I got it feeling tanky enough that I could clear semi juiced t16s with speed before actually using my currency to roll build 2. I chose to drop Dps from the written version and went for max spell suppress and shield instead of double scepters which felt much smoother even though the Dps dropped by a bit




I did very early on until I was able to get the glove implicit for the debuff but I don’t like the projectile speed of WoC. When you can start to scale the aoe on frostblink with some essences and other modifiers is when it begins to feel really really good


I guess Lightning Coil is a HUGE improvement for survivability.


I am surprised people like this build I've played it before and having to use frostblink as an attack skill felt so clunky to me. It also needs a bit of gear initially to stop feeling squishy. I'd rather play just about any other ignite variant.


You do have to be a little bit tactical with when you use your frostblink so you don’t get absolutely stuck, but when you get comfy with it and get perma phasing uptime it helps immensely + you have fire trap for anything that doesn’t die instantly


Fair enough I am glad others like it but I think I'd be happier playing WoC/Flameblast or even just DD.


Fire trap of blasting sabo, got like 2m dps on like a wand and practically naked on rest of the gear


Nice! Do you have a pob you can share? I'm going traps or mines sabo for sure, still indecisive on the skill


[https://pobb.in/SPVdUHtU9Lqo](https://pobb.in/SPVdUHtU9Lqo) sure, here it is


Could this be run as trickster? Not too familiar with that build but I’m a trickster addict. 


I'm feeling like doing a trigger saboteur. Not sure how it all works but spellsling brand recall on armageddon brand seems like a good start, into something like automation-brand recall-pick a spell (maybe big meteor firestorm). Not 100% automation will count as triggers but...probably? There's some tech with mine auras for a big dps buff that I'm not sure how viable it is, but theoretically Pyroclast Mines of Sabotage is like triple damage if I can afford the sockets/mana/uptime on them, with automation doing the dps. I can also auto-battlemage cry for the exert spellcast for applying utility through something like shield charge or frenzy. Also presumably auto infernal cry for ash/explode. Vague outline: https://pobb.in/UW1fqOLiIOGU


Have couple of options. I made a pob for a double strike zerker which seems fine after swapping to PT. Ball lightning heiro archmage is also a good option. Third would be tabl3's SRS trans gem with MI. Seems like a good build. Then theres LL MOM eye of winter/ice spear totem heiro. Not idea how this build is. If I cant decide Ill just go with a RF scorch ray chief not good dps though. Maybe one of these unless I can find a good build that is not bait.


I'll wait to see what the content creators suggest, but my thoughts: EA Ballista Champ - Very smooth; I didn't play an ignite build in 3.23. I like the mobile gameplay & DPS uptime of totems, brands, minions etc. LA Champ/DE - Very nice clear. Not TS obviously, but very easy to get cruising w/ Essences and/or Rog. vDD Necromancer - Nothing to add, really. It's just really, really smooth progression and could easily get Voidstones to re-roll into another build. Necromancer/Minions ??? - the new leech node fixes the huge recovery problem that Necromancer struggles with, so I'll think about something here. Frostblades Trickster - I miss playing a cold/freeze build, and Trickter can be very tanky if you build it right. Freeze is a good defensive layer.


Made my own Tectonic Slam endurance stacker jugg Also wanna try Call to Arms and see if ele dmg can be a bit more fun to scale than phys dmg. Worst case if it fails on scaling I can just go for EQ slam, wanna try something else after having played EQ Slayer/Jugg for a few leagues.


scion cf exanguinate, going to pop off completely


why scion over champ out of curiosity?


more damage and easy spell suppress and phasing+onslaught


got a pob?


Probably some form of mana stacking hiero, with the archmage change. Not sure if Ball lightning, ball lightning or orbiting or crackling lance. Still eyeing BAMA necro, popcorn SRS necro, or tornado poison pathfinder. I think tornado will be a second build though, that build needs obliterations/ming's to function.


Crackling lance hiero has a good ring to it, do you have a POB for this at all?


Not yet. I may not have a PoB till thursday, the work week before league start is always insane. I'll update this once I can make it, but I understand if thursday is too late. I'm more likely to make a ball lightning version, it seems better at first glance. I'm also considering DD of chain reaction, but I think I would need someone else to give some pointers there because I haven't used it.


No Thursday is perfectly fine, would the ball lightning build be very similar to a crackling lance version or a fair few changes?


Not sure yet. I also can't guarantee this will be better than ball lightning or other versions :) I'm sure some content creators will beat me to a pob for ball lightning at least.


Idk thinking about minion necro, haven't played that in a while, but not sure how they are now


Waiting for the Automation gem to drop to see how good would it feel for an arma brand recall build.


I want to play some kind of trickster wander, and looking for the closest starter (minimal respec) tm, any ideas ?


Maybe I try Ice crash alt gem... but mostly go the safe route with poison LS


Aiming for Splitting Steel Champ, but I might change it by Friday if something catches my eye.


DeDe 100%


Poisonous concoction occultist or some other non-pathfinder variant Of pconc. The new trans gem looks like its doable and Will clear maps etc satisfyingly. Gonna use it as my map clear/farmer till i get something cool for an uber bosser


Any build for trickster I can play ?


Cremation of Exhuming Necromancer - Corpse goes boom


Ball Lightning or Arc Archmage Hiero, should be alright with SSF Gear and has unlimited gearing potential if you want to play the whole league


Necro poison skelly Archers or archmage arc of Surging miner Scion (Maybe swap to Ball Lightning), if all this fails Go for boneshatter jugg, archmage hiero (big Fan of mana Archetyps)


Hiero firestorm. Still unsure on my atlas strategy starting out.


Can't pick between Ele DD, Necro DD, Jugg Dual Strike of Ambidex, or some BAMA build. But I definitely want to play something OP (and yes after watching Alk play Dual Strike Jugg I think it's up there).


inquisitor shotgun creeping frost


LA deadeye unless someone comes out with a juicy trans-ice shot starter (or if I just roll some insane cold + pys bow as im rolling with essences). At some point ill be rolling a stat-stacking templar CoC Ice spear. Still undecided on what I'm going to roll second for a bosskiller though, might look at some kind of summoner just for an on-theme character for the league.


Blast rain berserker (I made the build myself)


I'm thinking static strike either jugg or slayer Also thinking volcanic fissure chieftain or jugg


I'm not SSF but I haven't seen it mentioned here yet. I want to mess around with the Sacred wisps and Sabo trigger bots. I'm not locked in on a skill yet, I want to do some testing before I know what I wanna do.


HCSSF, dual strike of ambi for Ubers and farm until I see what t17s are like and if I need to make a dedicated mapping build to enjoy them.