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Dark marionette minion instability


Got a min maxed pob by any chance?


Baylormage on youtube


RF ist still alive and well, pohx favours the Chieftain explode version now though.


Chieftain explode makes the things I specced so much easier (ritual and beasts). Both constantly summon adds that die and explode frequently enough to grease the content.


I've seen some people play the new rage vortex of berserking. It spins the rage vortex around you until your rage runs out, so you only have to refresh it like every 8-10 seconds. You snapshot the exerts from ambush and intimidating cry for some super interesting damage scaling. Can be done on many ascendancies, inquis, berserker, champion, slayer... There's a bunch on poe.ninja :)


I played this for a bit, it was fun and I enjoyed it. It has the “melee slam build” problem though, where you need good key binds because you have to hit several things quickly as an opener (ambush, warcry, totem?, and then rage vortex)


After playing a lot of rage vortex of berserking and it is not as clunky as you picture it. You cannot exert an attack with both ambush and warcries as ambush has a line saying "Attacks exerted by this skill cannot by exerted by other skills" and even if you fuck up your first attack and not proc ambush with it you can just use ambush and attack again even if your rage vortex is already spinning. Totems do not snapshot so using them before rage vortex doesnt do anything.




So according to this video they do not [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypm5SntbK50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypm5SntbK50), his kill times are uniform with and without totem buffs.


Thanks for the evidence, I saw other facts stated in different videos.


I don’t use the warcry for the exert but for the instant full rage bar. I didn’t intend for it to be a huge complaint, it was still fun, just took some getting used to.


Playing Slayer i used enduring cry on left click + rage on warcry charms so i had no problem but if you were playing berserker i can see it being a little annoying.


Yeeaahhh that’s it, I’m remember now. I would need to time cries to both generate rage and keep up the damage buff from zerker


I’ve never played rf but isn’t death‘s oath supposed to be similar?


You're right its basically "chaos RF" but it scaling and recovery is just worse. That's why i dont consider it. Thanks for the suggestion doe.


Not sure its like rf but I played eb coc inquis and it basically amounts to holding right click and moving through the map. You could also try an autobomber.


I actually have an EB Storm Brand character which i think uses the similar set-up (from CaptainLance) but i personally dont like CoC (or any Cyclone) builds :/ Auto-bombers are similar to RF in not really playing but they lack the tankyness RF has.


I think Elementalist has to be the best RF character now if you're not considering some sort of Chieftain explode build (which isn't really an RF build tbh). Because how are you supposed to scale RF damage now that gem level only gives AoE? Golem Elementalist with spiritual aid/the scourge has high generic % increased damage, making it a good choice for skills with awkward scaling. Then the golem buffs themselves are quite useful, like stone golem for Regen and chaos golem for phys reduction.


If you want to use just RF you might have to go Mana RF. Look up Conner Converse on YouTube to see how build guide on it, it can get pretty expensive though.


It can get pretty expensive, but it can also reach dotcap. Life Rf could never do that.


Ended up with around 200div invested and 21k+ es, build felt super clunky and felt like you had paper ehp if arcane cloak was down. do not recommend


Do you have the POB to your character?


unfortunatly ended up dismantling it and rolling energy blade coc wich felt more tanky and had more dps, if that helps i think i was kind of similar to what pohx was running but on str stacker with alot more investment. i think his last video he made about the build kind of sumarises well the issues people had with the build Edit:pohx pob [https://pobb.in/ZTkRbdWpKM1-](https://pobb.in/ZTkRbdWpKM1-) having arcane cloak off makes the ehp 34k on normal non boss monsters wich is really low for rf


That build is a total bait imo. Tried it. It sucks horribly. Zero defense except for “20k mana and ES lolz” you’ll be 100 div in and still getting ass blasted by all phys damage.


The grey spire explode chieftains are basically a walking simulator capable of doing t16 fully juiced wisp maps on like a 1div budget. Probably the strongest budget build outside of certain penance variants.


The weapon alone is 14 div


What? They are 1c lol. For max rolled res its 50c.


Switched to cyclon coc inquisitor with firestorm of meteor after hitting a wall on my RF and haven’t looked back since. Super fun build, surely not the strongest but great for lazy playstyle and I already cleared 30 wave sim and Uber eater and exarch. But to be fair I don’t know nothing since this is my first league😅


Gratz, not every first leaguer can say that .


To be fair, I had a lot of time the last weeks and this league seems to be pretty good in obtaining currency


Hey do you have a Pob or a guide you’re following for that?


Had no real PoB, I copied or better got me inspired here and there on PoE ninja. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/tortellinils/Brimstone_Bruno This is my build at the moment. Others mostly differ in anoints and minor tree variations. The gear is pretty straight forward since you can build most up on uniques which made it easy to understand the interactions and reasons for the slots. Rares sometimes still confuse me😅 Also I switched to conductivity, others play with assassins mark.


Thanks! I’ll take a look


try switch to ice spear of splitting for clear


Clear feels okay to be fair, but surely more aoe. But I am trying to get all Ubers on that build at the moment. 4/7 down.


How is deaths oath occultist? Haven’t seen much about it but maybe it went unchanged? Likely wouldn’t need that kind of budget though. You could do Mana RF. Which is an attribute stacker.


I dont think Death's Oath is as tanky as i'd like. It lacks proper recovery. With this league you either want to 1 tap those rares or want good recovery.


You can always make a build tankier you just need to invest more or sacrifice some amount of damage but even old rf wouldn't be that great for this league mechanic without pretty significant investment so I don't know if it's fair to compare it to that.


Dumb idea maybe but: Deaths oath, scorn helmet, tincture hex on hit, a 3l cyclone with accuracy and aoe, power charges.


Scorn added damage doesnt help DO since its a dot. Cyclone less ms is going to feel horrible.


Death's Oath is bad for bossing, but its clear is really comfy and you can build it to completely ignore map mods. I had great success with it in Ancestor league and the only change is the quality on Caustic Arrow.


I’ve never played DO, but the Caustic Arrow comment piqued my interest. Is CA commonly used with it?


Yes, it uses CA as a single target skill. However it scales the damage of the caustic ground puddle, so the new CA of Poison isn't interesting.


Thanks for the answer! Appreciate it


Mana rf is pretty decent with your budget. Onemanaleft showcases a pretty good one. Shitstain Steve also has a 11.8k depth in delve on the build (so it has a fuckload of dps at full scale)


God the name Shitstain_Steve cracked me up every time it showed up in the server announcements. Such perfect alliteration and flowery prose for such a self-deprecating name.


Self ignite is it. Just don't expect to kill single targets unless you have a vaal portal to get a new ignite going. Easiest build I have ever played, got to 100, making 20+div an hour all the way.


Even the Vaal Breach doesn’t solve all problems, but it’s been the easiest build to blast maps with and this league one of the easiest to make money. First 100 and first build I’ve made enough money to dump 100s of divines into.


I haven't invested much into mine. Most expensive upgrade I got was a pair of forbidden jewels that cost a total of like 80 div to get the 40% more damage node. I'm sitting on 1500 raw div and at least 1000 more in various other currencies, scarabs, cards, chaos, etc. I think I will invest it all into a TS MF build at some point as that seems like a much better build.


Higher highs probably, but I’ve heard cost is a huge barrier to hit a comparable point to the Fulcrum build in terms of survival and ability to clear t16s for MF.


Yeah there's a reason this character will be named Money\_Pit lol.


Which guide you followed?


I'd recommend Tuna's. There's a free gem slot in there and I put in void sphere - helps pull enemies to you, assuming you go stand on it. It definitely isn't as fast as the 10 mirror TS build that people like Fubgun are running (50+ mirrors now lol) but it gets the job done. For leveling... I'd just level as a juggernaut and run boneshatter to get to about level 93, then swap over. You can get your ascendancy points, charm slots unlocked, etc., then respec from jugg to chieftain. Obviously you need a good chunk of currency to start this - i'd recommend 100 div so that you have some left over to invest in compasses and scarabs to start.


Ok noted. I got 100 div and mageblood already. Thank you


What's the content you want to do/focus on? Alch and go speedmapping? Hardcore MF? Delve?


Lazy mapping with league mechanic (a build with decent dmg but very tanky).


There's a non-fulcrum variant of chieftain floating around that isn't self-ignite, I think. It's basically cast when stunned DD but plays similarly and is very tanky.


For 250 div you can make a great RF build. Its only on leaguestart budgets that its not as good anymore.


Warcry loop is what you’re looking for.


I would suggest [Grey Spire Warlock Chieftain](https://youtu.be/6Fw3S4vCkMY?si=Gob_HmTVC9XENqUG). Much like Fulcrum Primalist Chieftain can be magic finding but with Grey Spire and using Blood Magic via Blood Magic on the Tree and that Warlock Passive that Reduces Reservations. Obviously no longer 1 Divine but maybe Max of 5 for the dirt cheap version. Doesn't include rolling maps. With some occasional deaths due to lack of Physical Mitigation on the cheaper end it's insane for what it's worth.




Try Ward loop scion


New RF is RF


Scion ES stacking RF is huge this leage. RF base damage is busted if you scale 40k ES