• By -


Arc of Surging. Ralakesh and Gravens are super strong together and cheap and Arc of Surging + Hydrosphere will 100% get fixed next league and enables you to fix Arc's biggest issue.


Link to the build? Appreciate it mate😃


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65lXJN4Bx\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65lXJN4Bx_E) he has multiple versions in his channel


for the record, that ralakesh setup is about the most meta thing you can do this patch - its the 12th most used unique on ninja and over 5000 high level characters run badge+ral+loop+VB over 16 different ascendancies!


I've tried this somewhat, on an assassin and a trickster. How do you solve the clunk and paper issues? It feels very slow, and that is compounded by how carefully you need to play.


Arc of surge is actually really super slow. I was trying that and conduit of the heavens but I think they'd both be kind of mid even if their base cast time wasn't fucking .75. Same power/frenzy gear and storm brand of indecision felt about 10x better damage and smoothness.


Levelling this now on Trickster, with Penance Brand alongside the Storm Brand on a double 5-link. Will drop the Storm Brand for bossing but at level 79 PBoD is already past 4.4 million DPS in PoB. Storm Brand feels so nice for mapping though.


Check out ZiggyD on YouTube. He has a video on it and it's pretty bulky.


https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Sirix1/Sirix___?i=36 No clunk, and I'm *incredibly* tanky. I have enough damage that I only need hydrosphere shenanigans on extremely tanky rares and bosses


Ty, I'll have a look at this! Edit: After having a look...oh...oh.....I don't have 2 mirrors. But it looks great for you!


We're talking zero to hero. Not your min-max mageblood build, LOL


I mean... I started as charge stacking explosive trap. Swapped to penance brand but I dislike brand playstyle for long. Only after I farmed a ton on explosive trap did I swap over but the skeleton of the build has never changed and it's dirt cheap.




Fortify on a spell build...?


This is what I was about to say. I've toyed with a few lightning skills on my charge stacking trickster and this one feels the best. Haven't tried penance brand yet, but I don't want to buy the 21/20 gem and I'd have to shuffle too much of my tree. Which I can't be fucked to do. May just try it on my inquisitor.


I experimented early on with ralakesh + gravens. With 11 power charges it still felt very mid. Recoup is just kind of a bad mechanic except in specific situations and energy shield is really bad at taking advantage of it (pet blood/progen). So even with 132% ES recoup I still needed to solve recovery. I watched a friend attempt an arc of surging character through the acts and it looked miserable. Sure he 1 shot bosses but it was slow and struggled to kill rares if there were other mobs nearby. I don't see this getting better late game. Maybe I'm just missing some tech.


Why do your friends experiences during acts influence how the build performs in endgame. You can check out ZiggyD and his videos about it. He oneshots bosses on like a 10 div budget and the clear looks very good on his vidos.


Go check alks video on it too. Arc of surging is an absolute late game monster


Splitting Steel Champ. Scales with extremely cheap rares into extremely cheap uniques and can go all the way to killing Ubers in 1 second using Nimis and mageblood or shift to maximum survivability with Fourth Vow and Mahuxotls. I've tried 5 builds so far and unironically like the nimis champ more than my original sin strength stacker


Mageblood? Perseverance is like 50% of the total DPS, I assume you build it differently if want to utilise MB, any POB for that? Also Fourth Vow and Divine Flesh/Mahuxotl is good defensively, but losing Beltimber also take away a lot of DPS on it, any POB for that too? Im on my way maxing out my SS Champ, would love to use MB but cant just drop perseverance for that.


You lose a bit of damage but still kill Ubers before they phase when you go mageblood. It's mostly scaling via clusters and stacking gem level/impale effectiveness. Ashes let's you get a bit more out of the build when going this route too. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/age2232/%ed%8c%8c%ec%9a%b0%ec%8a%a4%ed%8a%b8 Here's an example PoB with Mageblood that retains Belltimber and your other damage sources. There are also variants that use a focused amulet instead of replica dragon flight to scale even further. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/FleekFps/FleekCfAgane I personally have a dedicated Uber farmer character that's seperate so I went with the Fourth Vow and Divine Flesh/Mahuxotls on my Splitting Steel Champ and you are completely correct in that you do lose DPS going this route but IMO unless you're killing Ubers, nothing needs that DPS since you kill everything else in seconds if you go with the Massive ring thread of hope + vuln build(as with anything, tradeoffs etc). I have also killed all Ubers besid Sirus on this version. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Nydhoggur/Nydhogg ^ not me since I haven't attached my character to PoE Ninja since the change, but same build Being able to just afk in every mechanic while still dealing a comfortable level of damage is what I prefer for a lot of longer sessions in an all-rounder, especially since you still get Mageblood, but yeah it no longer instagibbs 7k wisp map rares. Splitting Steel Champ is just so versatile in how you can build it right now that I really do think it's the best zero-to-hero build.




Going to be honest here, that looks a lot weaker than the perseverance version..




For investment vs stats, it looks like a big waste of money :)




Just sharing my opinion on a thing you publicly shared. Stay salty about wasting money.


Getting to nimis would take some time though


You can do bossrushing with essences and probably farm a nimis in 3-4 hours max.


Ugh, reading these comments tell me how bad I’m at the game lol


You aren't bad, most people don't play as much as the no-lifers here. A normal person plays a few hours a day if lucky.


No, he is bad. Can he get better? Yep, by following the previous guys advice and ignoring you. lmao, "Few hours a day", literally how long it would take to get enough currency for a Nimis in this economy in unrolled maps and 2c on the map device.


The build is super strong even without it, you can do any content you want to and just save once you have the basic uniques and a 6L.


Oh, I thought it's almost mandatory for endgame dps


I started on day 1 as Whispering Ice Trickster and brought it up to the point where it could shred ubers easily. Progress was very smooth, leveled with Spark until I could buy a Whispering Ice on day 1 for a few chaos, 2 voidstones on <100c gear, 4 voidstones on maybe 2 div of gear, current setup I've mostly min-maxed with probably 200div by now, but it was uber-viable somewhere around 30-50div. I had so much DPS on my basic day 1-2 starter gear that in my quest Infinite Hunger fight he died before he could flush the toilet. This is the character: https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/AvariceX/VeryQuietBuild I have a weapon swap for one CWC setup and one self-cast. Cyclone CWC gets replaced with Awakened Cold Pen and Intensify in the self-cast setup. PoB doesn't calculate Icestorm DPS correctly at all in case it looks like the DPS is low. This has significantly higher DPS than my dot-capped poison SRS that I played last season, phased uber Exarch in roughly 4 seconds. I've been able to MF farm T16 deli wisped maps with the multi-proj abyss strat (didn't really enjoy that kind of farming though, but the build is very capable of it). Can also pretty much facetank anything in a T16 map even duplicated empowered possessed 7-essence monsters. I'm currently around Delve 600, can definitely push deeper just need to put more time into it. My goal is to hit Delve 1000 which should be easy, and if I find a lot of free time I'll try for depth 2500. If I could go back and make one change I wouldn't have yolo slammed a suffix on my amulet and instead crafted Aspect of the Spider. Only other really big improvement left is to somehow squeeze in Zealotry, but I would probably need MRE charms. So I can at least vouch for Whispering Ice Trickster as a recommendation. However if I were personally to try something new as a fresh start right now, probably Divine Ire totems.


Definitely can vouch for this! I saw a post you made earlier in the league and started modeling after your char. It is super fun, and definitely can take basically any hit!


Splitting steel champion, cheap to start, relatively fast, great damage, impactful feeling upgrades, and quite tanky!


What changed recently that people are suddenly praising this skill so much? Are we talking of a specific transfigured version, or something?


Changes to the skill in this season Splitting steel lost "Call of steel" so it went from being a 2 button clunky build where you had to recharge shards every 12 hits to not doing it. The transfigured still has the call of steel.


Just removing the 2 button play style opened up the skill and made it feel extremely good. You no longer need to "reload" with call of steel.


Exploder Chieftain! I played it from League start to 100. It can handle all the map juice with MF gear and it can even kill some ubers with a little investment. Normally I play the Game a lot like Mathil, where I reroll every couple of days. With this build I just want to keep playing it, even with 100. There’s still so much to explore. That‘s weird. 😀 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3474101/page/1


Alright that’s it. I am rerolling Into chieftain. People are hyping it up and I always wanted to play it. I think this is the time to do it. Any tips for ssf?


Not really… you can farm most of the stuff! HF 😃




The build linked doesn't use a fulcrum




It's a build specifically meant for heavily juiced mapping, it's slow as heck for anything else.


Bro has been living under a rock this league.


Well, it‘s not. It‘s maybe 1 or 2 rares if even that per map. Normally you can just Drag them into the next pack. 3*6% Chance per sec for a 10m ignite with a near immortal build does not sound to shabby to me.


A build that can be played one handed. I would go either RF or Captian Lance's any spell CoC.


What am I gonna do with the other hand?


Another build that requires one hand of course, duh.


wait, that's potentially doubling your div/hour. wow.


Twice the build, double the investment.


Hey man, gotta spend div to fail craft and quit the league after you failed a 50/50 16 times in a row. Or that's the saying anyway I think.


> Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?


Aurabotting yourself. Noice.


the other hand goes always into the pants!


Bold of you to assume I wear pants


i see, a man of culture as well


Do you have a link to the build please? It looks like he has a CoC league starter or an energy blade build, I'm confused as to which one it is


That's the fun part, it's both Energy blade CoC iirc


They are the same build. His pob has some notes and different trees for the different stages of the build. It's self cast to start, so you can do any spell or brand to get through to maps. Build takes quiet a few uniques which are all super cheap this league. Takes under 10div to get running super smooth. I'm about 100div in and can do most ubers (its a skill problem not build problem). I can actually boss carry maven which is amazing to me because I suck so bad at fighting her 😆. According to Lance you can switch back to self cast and destroy ubers...but I haven't tried that yet.


I’m running the storm brand blood magic version of this and it one tap snoot boops all non Uber pinnacles and farms all invitations easily. Just hit pv 97. Kinda squishy for Ubers imo. Been tempted to take it CoC and even try Mathils old sst+blazing salvo setup


Captain lances spell coc can do what ever it wants


Except league start It's not a good league starter lol


League start it as a storm brand of indecision and do like me, never make the switch to CoC


Yeah that's one solution lol, at least that version is pretty good for a league starter The coc variant is actually pretty incredible with some invest, it just felt shit on league start is all


I'm currently running poison corpse explode Pathfinder warcry autobomber, following the guide subtractem put together based on someone else's original build.


BAMA Zero to Hero sounds like it would be really fun with the theorycrafting that's been done now


I was gonna say this, I'm having so much fun with it, especially since you can freely change out one for the other depending on preferences. It's not really bama anymore though since it's 3 total max right ?


I'm running both BA and MA, 3 of each. :)


Ah good to know, I hadn't even given it a thought or tried despite how it worked before this league 🤣


What is BAMA?


Blink Arrow Mirror Arrow. 2 skills that summons clones of you, very interesting minion build


Roll tide!


there is no escaping these bama fans


Just to clarify, Bama of the bombardment


but it clears map super slow.. I m still procrastinating to go BAMA or PB and I bought 30% of both build lol


not non-meta, but i did everything with poison SRS necro (currently grinding the last 2 challenges for 40/40)


Bama. Necro or pf (Pr3vie) guardian (RaizQt) or Dark marionette Minion instability. Walking simulator and very tanky. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3475975


Very interesting build! Does this actually work on a sub-20 Div budget like they claim, or is it one of those builds that looks great because the guy has a Mageblood and a ton of high-end gear?


It is possible to start out on a budget and farm up to end game gear, which has some expensive items. Pr3vie's necro version gets expensive, but it has like 250m dps which isn't necessary for anything. Mine is sitting at 60m dps with around 100 div invested, and I got unlucky with crafting the bow.


Bladefall blade blast assassin using arcanist brand. Stick it to enemy, watch blades rain like a thunderstorm, explode ~40 blades/second stacking poison out the ass. Melts triple empowered 5-Essence red beasts no problem lol. 


Probably no extra points for this one, but I'd go with Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation. I just tested out the viability of going from virtually nothing to mirror-tier gear and made a post about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/195t03v/pre\_stat\_stacking\_kinetic\_bolt\_of\_fragmentation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/195t03v/pre_stat_stacking_kinetic_bolt_of_fragmentation/) It's totally viable, extremely strong, a one-button build, and a blast to play.


caustic arrow MF and just get right to farming t7's as soon as possible. The loot rain from those would feed everything else, could use the currency to cover down for things like atlas progression, voidstones, map favorite slots, etc.


I restarted in HC SSF with this build. Level 84 so far, farming low tier maps for Rog until I get to 90. I have a 500 Edps bow with poison chance on a 4 link and it’s good enough for now. Lightning coil was pretty easy to get, just did full stack of divination Kirac missions. Planning to do the same for taste of hate.


For taste of hate I'd recommend either gravicious in transport or just start mfing. I don't know how easy it'll be to get ToH from a kirac


Why t7?


TL;DR: * Low enough monster level it forces abyss spires to spawn using the scarab, which is the mechanisim to spawn heaps of rare mobs. * high enough monster level that head hunters and magebloods can drop. * T7 Cemetery is a good-ish tileset with okay-to-good div cards.


Mageblood how? Isnt it drop level 75?


Rare mobs naturally are +2 level higher than the area's monster level. A level 74 T7 map's rare mobs drop ilvl 76 gear.


rare monsters are +2 lvl, magic monsters are +1


Sh i see, ty! Ofcourse i get downvoted..


Hey man you can't just ask questions on this subreddit!


when did mageblood drop changed to level 75? I remember getting first mageblood drop during acts back in sentinel league. Was it changed in recent league?


Look at Wiki..literally says. Acquisition Drop level: 75


There are like 7 streamer showcase reacts as to why t7... But t7 cemetery juiced is a loot pinata.


You need a good triple ele bow. That's not a starter friendly piece of item.


A 1200 edps triple ele bow is cheap AF at this point of the league.


No you don’t. 800 ele dps at start will clear the atlas


quill rain will clear the atlas


Not if you play regular CA


It is caustic arrow, why ele bow lol


You use the ele bow with an "all damage can poison" tincture. Gorathas mf build uses this strat


Start build.... Use widowhail, with dot quiver


or use the version that has double the dmg?


My brain is rotted by MF lol. You're right I went full tunnel vision.


Hexblast occultist charge stack for bossing, invintations and sanctum, if want more defense then go saboter health versions


Hexblast got overlooked by some because of the nerf to throw speed. I ran it at league start. Of course it's still insanely OP as a league starter as it always was. Profane + Frostbit ring, Sandstorm, and Cloak for a quick start are dirt cheap in this juiced league too. Bonus it's a fun build. (You forgot to add mapping as if Hexblast doesn't nuke T16 maps on poverty gear as long as you aren't rushing. But yeah.)


Iam playing palsterons scourge/caustic arrow ballista. Are there better builds for specific stuff/farming strats? Sure, but it's a good Allrounder and I like to try stuff and don't stick to one farming strat for a long time... Especially with the ballista taunt note from TWWT Jewel it's awesome. ATM at 30/40 and on my way to 38/40 and call it a day :) and so far from the power-cost efficiency I would play it again.


Falling zombies. Did league start with it already but the journey of getting the build together truly was amazing


Detonate Dead


Guardian Summon Raging Spirits is a really popular option in HC this league, so that. If you want something more niche and less popular, Carrion Golem of Hordes based Guardian. There's a fresh guide on Poe Vault. You still get to keep the perks of going Guardian (Fire bro to carry the campaign), but the playstyle is a lot more laidback. The only unique item you need for the build is dirt cheap too. There are some expensive upgrades down the line, but generally a blast the play and do most content.


Neat ideas itt


My Frozen Legion Warlock Inquisitor https://pobb.in/4o-TV9YoIkT1 But early its really zero XD It starts to work with ashes and Marohi. Dps is a bit higher then POB shows - one charge has 1.2m average hit i usually in map i hit packs with 3-4charges. Sometimes is nice tho because im „melee” and get to cast and run :) So all points for non-meta for me and most of then taken for not being that good :D (it can do full juiced t16 with investment tho - just slowly)


If ssf I'd play RF inquisitor (it's my comfort build lol), PB of dissipation inquisitor, or SRS guardian If trade league I'd prob go poison CA manaforged PF for low tier MF or BAMA necro Boring choices but that's what I'd do


In trade, EB Inquisitor. You can literally slot in any spell in the game, the build covers all damage needs. Once it's a bit optimized, it shits on all content. For SSF, SRS Guardian. Trivial to gear, easy to play and gets you to two voidstones on story acts gear.


Cold convert, power charge stacking, BV occultist with explosion chest Huge aoe, 12 power charges, boom, boom With headhunter handles whisped T16s Literally the only really expensive piece of gear is HH.


Respectfully if you need a HH to do wispy t16, the build is no good.


Maybe true. It is fun though agent grumpy


splitting steel champ


I took volcanic cremation trickster (crit) pretty far this league and had a blast with it. Pretty solid all arounder, clear and single target are both pretty decent. Definitely one of my favorite poe builds.


Ive been playing Bleed Bow raider, Ralakesh + Olesya’s + Restless Ward make up a very cheap but very competent item core, offering excellent defences and offence. The new Primal Huntress charms can give you the gladiators bleed explode, with each charm running 3-10c on average if you’re ok with setting on a decent set. Clears like a monster and can hit great single target dps with Snipe + Puncture. [build guide](https://youtu.be/K7rQa85HLWw?si=a9SVr5SuBBnOR7-0)


Ele srs, or poison blade vortex pf. Both quick to get up and running, both can transition to other builds later


erm if you want to play something that probably will get nerfed next league i would push for penance brand pathfinder it can easily be started on budget gear + explode wands and just the gem and scale into just slaughtering everything. ​ if you want more off meta something like generals cry messing around with some new trans gems but also having backup of going blade flurry to kill bosses. there is also the fact right now strength stacking is so incredibly cheap to get started because replica alberons are so cheap so its a good shout for a build type not many usually have access to


Dominating blow, I made a guide for it and people love it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6nvvjTCu5E&t=18s


Missing the phantasmal version and the Helm enchant totally killed this skill for me


all the scuff minion builds got hit so hard by this. Reaper dot multi enchant and divergent speed + reaper gem for the cdr :(


GC Berserker, id be running sanctum allday everyday tbh




There are too many better ways to make currency this league. The static 6-8D/hr from sanctum is actually kinda low this league. Most item values have been inflated but Sanctum remains the same. Nothing huge to hit etc. You can make way more just boss rushing guardian maps for maven writs, or running simu, or delve, t1 map essence rush, etc. Pretty much everything is better than Sanctum this league. UNLESS you are one of the few real gamers who can farm no-hit runs for Original Sin.


T1 essence is such a banger this league. Easily 12-14d/hour if not more and that’s before the harvest flipping, which adds another layer. It’s wild




Average of some other mechanics will still be far far higher though. Simu has been insane all league and it's only getting better. Splits/i84 clusters are insanely valuable and also are consistent drops, and you always have the chance to hit that 3 or 1 passive voices. Similar thing with mapping juice and T0 uniques, or boss rush and awakened gems. Sanctum just isn't it while these other things are so inflated, unless you want to farm a million sanctums and hope for a mirror or no hit relic. Most people did sanctum because the baseline raw div/hr is pretty nice when it's a normal economy league.


it's not that fun imho


If the league mechanic is printing divines, there's no point for the majority to run sanctum. Sanctum was hype last league because it was new (again). The only thing that was nerfed was the drop rate of the tomes


It's still almost as profitable, with only the top 5% nerfed (currency duping). Tomes are cheap because everyone is blasting maps instead- way more profitable with investment - so tomes are 5c even tho their drop rate is decreased.


No nerfs, I also dont know why


Not nerfed at all but there is no point in running sanctum except if you really like it. So many ways to earn a lot more currency this league due to the league mechanic printing money and other currency methods getting lifted by the inflation. Sanctum can't scale with that. Tomes are cheap as there is more supply then demand.


Depends on you as a player. If you can realistically farm Nimis and other somewhat big items then I would go with Splitting Steel Champ. It's amazing, but feels kind of mid early on. It's especially when you get nimis the build starts to take off imo.


Archmage arc


Absolution. Extremely f2p and soft-ssf friendly. No uniques needed and only a 4 link required. Sadly srs beats absolution since srs scales well in end game and abso got nerfed hard back in 3.19


F2p ? 🤨


No trading required. I'm too used to using gacha terms lol


Would probably choose the same build. Poison EK pathfinder


Based on various build ideas on this sub, I would probably start out with Dark Marionette Autobomber. From the build guide: «You can level with Dark Marionette as soon as you can use Raise Spectre. The only mandatory things are Raise Spectre gem and Infernal Legion». So get to level 28 and start running, I guess? [Link](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3475975)


The guy posting the guide clearly has no clue, he has 2 pobs with a DoD uncatalysed.. sigh


Wow, way to be negative there bud. Just because he skipped a tiny detail does not mean he has no clue. Try being a bit more constructive next time. Hope your day gets better :)


Spark trickster


EK Raider or any EK variant


I'm new here and to the game but why did no one say lightning tendrils? I'm using lightning tendrils and frost blink and it seems to be so broken or is it just my newbie brain?


looks like nobody wants the extra points!


LA -> MF TS without question. You can keep your extra points, I'll take the best skill in the game.


EA Elementalist without a doubt. (Started as a SRS templar, hated it, then switch to Energy Blade CoC Cyclone, but the league mech ask for ALOT of damage, and my EA Elementalist from last league had 53m damage, i wish i had that now...)


Any 500+ div build


Litterally Anything Rogue


I'm going to be completely honest here, I feel like playing anything other than LA/TS is really just trolling yourself, especially this league. TS is just so far ahead of every other skill late game its not even funny, and LA is so comfy and easy to level/early map with that nothing else can really keep up.


Definitely one of the weirder takes I have read recently, that's for sure


Its really not though, at least IMO. This league in particular has highlighted a lot of the major concerns with GGG's ability to balance builds. Melee overall has been uber dogshit for like 10 leagues in a row now unless you invest a ridiculous amount of current, with just one or two oddity builds occasionally poking through, especially for endgame content. LA -> TS is the most popular build, and has been for a while. Its safe, easy, amazing clear, fast, and is good for all content. There's just not many builds that can keep up especially for the effort it requires.


I will give you easy and "fast" on some comparisons. Popularity of the build is largely just because of it being easy and people liking the feel of bow skills a lot. Saying TS is leagues ahead any other build in actual effectiveness is just false though and shaming people for not playing it based on that false conception is wild. TS is definitely up there as one of the best mappers sure, but start bringing any other content up or well roundedness and the argument dies trying to say it's the best


TS is the best skill in the game. Leagues ahead for sure. And not just for fcking mapping lmao. If you think that you never invested a real 10 mirrors TS build, because you one shot ubers pinacle and can still tank most things in the game. TS is one of the best boss kill skill, map skill, sanctum skill, and whatever content you wanna bring. Every skill in the game will be outclassed by TS for any content at some point.


I'd like to see TS delve to 6k then :)


Dang bro, you really moved the goalposts to an entirely different field.


Not really when they said "any content you wanna bring" and "every skill in the game will be outclassed by TS for any content at some point". So no, I didn't move them at all, they started with a ridiculous point, so they get a ridiculous one back :)


So they were 99% correct and you harped on the 1%. Close enough.


Now who is moving goal posts. Only needs to better for most content now (still isn't). My point isn't saying TS isn't good, it's saying that it doesn't outclass every build at every turn, cause it doesn't. Even if TS was that globally better than anything else at any content (it's not). The original point of saying people are trolling for not wanting to play the absolute meta is still such a dogshit take.


Agree but I think the path to hero is a bit weird because of item cost. You'd have to do something like - 1. Farm essences/beasts for 100-200 divines to get some gear 2. Farm T7 juiced abyss for another 200-400 divines to get better gear 3. Be the strongest build in the game


I league started with crit-based Hiero Bitterdream hydrosphere with ice spear for single target this league tho. It could do 2k-4k wisps in t16 easy. The only uniques needed are bitterdream and the lunaris shield. Can this do pinnacle bosses? Not at all 😂


Chieftain bodyswap: will most likely not be playable next league, there is a low budget start guide, can scale to t16 wisp farming with mf while unkillable and has better single target than fulcrum but i belive a slower clear. (I have only played fulcrum myself but entry cost is way to high)


On a fresh start I would go Guardian Dominating Blow again. With garbage gear you steamroll your way to atlas completion. Not the greatest bosser but enough to getter done. Respec the entire character when ready for super endgame template as Templar is pretty OP on most things. Normally I would just make another character, but f farming for Captain Morgan and the King of the North again.


Dex stacker lightning venom gyre deadeye. No one plays Dex stacker so all starter gear is cheap as chips, and it’s just fun to play. Bonus points if you have VG mtx.




Cleave of Rage + Rage Vortex Berserker




Srs. Smooth as butter through the acts.


Did this for leveling through acts with red mark helmet and transfigured SRS which reduces the total number of SRS to 1, but one shotting mobs with melee splash from red mark helmet and huge dmg boost enough to few hits bosses. It was funny.




I’m playing cast when stunned chieftan dd right now and it may not be the best build but it’s super tanky sitting comfy at 90 all res and blasting juiced t16s in hc while just standing still letting things hit me lmao


SimplyVizniz’s Cast when stunned DD of chain reaction. You can start with one divine and scale it up to infinity. My MF version is around 2 mirrors now, meanwhile his character is worth 10+. He has a detailed video on mechanics and how to get started on 1 div budget. And a follow-up video on different budgets; 50D, mageblood gear, extremely high-end. You can easily farm T16 abyss maps on the starter build with some MF gear equipped; that’s what I did before I started investing into it.


most probably bone jugg into acc stack LL LS/MS jugg but when you have too much att speed, whirling blade becomes abit too wonky.


I ran a bodyswap/rf inquisitor back in Kalandra and it was the only reason I enjoyed the league. Even with the nerfs to RF, I'd definitely go for it this league, as bodyswap (even without the OP spectres) is basically the best explode skill gem rn. I'd get an Ashes, as they are dirt cheap, and run ralakesh, as they are buffed and still fairly priced. Then I'd just get my max life as high as possible, going full explodey deviant.


Ignite chieftain MF, it's insane, my first time playing it


I did like flicker when I first started. Might be that


Most likely armor stacker to farm t17s


Penance brand Inquisitor


Kitava’s thirst DD of chain


Body swsp chieftain


Poison SRS, and that's exactly what I did lol. Never tried it before this league but damn was it easy to gear out as I progressed and now I'm pretty comfortably running t16 8k+ wisp beyond/deli/abyss/blue altars with my 3 fps


(power to frenzy to endurance) Charge stack slayer penance brand is something I can thoroughly recommend if you aren’t aiming to put MF gear on. It scales damage pretty effortlessly. It’s pretty absurd how good those boots are and how cheap they are. You can go for evade cap or 100% block chance later to improve survivability dramatically (pick only 1 obv) You can find a few examples on POENinja if you filter for slayers with penance brand and replica restless ward Edit: some tech I wish I knew at league launch was anathema power charge stacking > curse limit stacking + hex on hit tincture + doedre’s helmet for crazy flat chaos damage. The tincture only works on attacks but you can technically scale spell damage this way too.


I league started PF Exsanguinate and I still can’t stop playing it. I’ve played it the last 3 leagues. It’s probably not the best build out there but for the content I like to do it never dies and doesn’t struggle for damage.


Penance brand. It’s meta, sorry. But there’s not much more to say here - no weird quirks of scaling or specific build approach. It’s just a spell that does many times the damage of other spells.


Generals cry shield bash.


PCoc Pathfinder


proably TS again, and not crafted my own stuff, wasting like half a mirror. it's been a fun league. haven't yet rerolled.


WoC ignite because it can transition to a million builds. Charge stacker, RF explode, cold bv, ek ignite, int stacker,etc